作 者 :黄麟,邵全琴,刘纪远*,邵景安,匡文慧
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 19期 页码:5346~5354
Keywords:Mountain-River-Lake Forestry Program, farmer interview, ecological effects,
摘 要 :“山江湖工程”实施的20多年间,以人工造林为主的消灭荒山、治理水土流失等生态建设使江西省的森林覆盖率由36%提升至60.05%。利用江西省中南部典型样带4个县181个村508户农户的入户实证调查资料及相关辅助数据,分析了“山江湖工程”实施以来的具体生态成效,以及目前存在的主要生态问题。结果表明:工程区农户通过直接参与工程的建设、管理而成为山江湖工程的主体,但大部分属于被动参与,参与收益后逐渐开始考虑参与方式和利益获取的均衡性,其主体地位体现在对造林树种、密度、方式、经营管理等方面的选择;农户通过不同经验指标衡量工程实施后的具体生态成效,认识到工程的显著成效表现在植被恢复、保持水土、保护野生动物、涵养水源等方面;对于生态成效无意识的农户,与局部地区只砍不种以及未获收益后农户经营的逆反心理有关;目前存在的主要生态问题是乱砍滥伐、超方砍伐等。
Abstract:To reverse the severe environmental degradation and land deterioration, Jiangxi Province launched its massive “Mountain-River-Lake (MRL) Program” in 1982, including afforesting the bare mountains and harnessing small valleys to control soil erosion and revegetation. Under the leadership and the financial support of the provincial government, the Central Government and international funding agencies in the last more than 20 years, the MRL Program has achieved remarkable success in promoting the integration of environmental protection, vegetation recovery, soil conservation, economic development, and poverty reduction. The effects were obvious and great rejuvenation of the local ecosystem was impressive after painstaking efforts. The forest coverage increased from 36% in 1983 to 60.05% at present. Annual area of forestation increased greatly by more than 10 times, and the forest land area increased 3.713×106 hm2 compared with 1949. The number of forest parks at the state or provincial level has increased to 50. The area of severe soil erosion has decreased obviously, and the area of Poyang Lake has been enlarged from 3500 km2 to 5100 km2. The water quality of Poyang Lake has reached the state standard of drinking water grade II. In this paper, the ecological effects of the MRL Forestry Program were evaluated, and the primary ecological problems were analyzed, based on the interview survey of 508 households in 181 villages of 4 counties and related auxiliary data in the central south district of Jiangxi Province, including Jinggangshan, Taihe, Xingguo and Ningdu. The MRL ecological restoration projects in the study area were implemented in various and comprehensive methods those were composed of integrated development of red soil hilly region, development of small watersheds and eco-forestry in mountain areas, agro-forestry and comprehensive eco-economic development in paddy fields, fodder grass planting in agriculture region, comprehensive development and management of sandy wasteland. The results showed that the primary ecological problems in the past were excessive deforestation and felling, soil loss and degeneration, vegetation degradation, biodiversity decline, water quality deterioration and shortage, etc. The farmers were the principle part of program by directly participates in construction and management of MRL Program. Most of them were involved in program passively and gradually considered the proportionality between participation ways and benefit obtaining. And through the choice of planting tree species, densities, patterns, and management ways, the subject position for farmers were reflected. The farmer measured the ecological effects of program by varies experience indexes, and the obvious positive effects presented as vegetation restoration, soil conservation, wildlife protection, and water rehabilitation, etc. Conversely, for farmers has no conscious to the ecological effects of program, it was primarily due to lack of ecological awareness, cutting without planting in some area, or reverse psychology owing to no gains from forestation. The success of the MRL Program showed us that governmental commitment is essential for undertaking such a wide-ranging program covering such a large area. It is sound integrated management of water resources, land and forest, while applying ecological methods for regional sustainable development. The study would contribute to the rolling conduction of subsequent projects of MRL Program, environment protection and ecological restoration for other regions.
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