作 者 :刘兴元,梁天刚,龙瑞军,郭正刚
期 刊 :生态学报 2009年 29卷 11期 页码:5851~5859
Keywords:northern pastoral area, grassland function, classification management, sustainable development,
摘 要 :草地是畜牧业生产和生态保护的重要资源\.在短期经济利益的驱动下造成北方牧区草地大面积退化和荒漠化、生产力下降、自我恢复能力降低、水土流失加剧和涵养功能减弱,对牧区经济发展、社会稳定和生态安全构成了威胁,严重影响着草地畜牧业的可持续发展。以新疆阿勒泰为例,依据草地资源的生产经济性能、生态服务价值重要性和季节放牧利用特征,构建了基于GIS 技术的草地生产力指数、草地生态服务价值指数和草地资源分类经营的功能分区模型,建立以主导功能和时空格局为主的草地资源分类经营调控机制,将阿勒泰牧区的草地从空间上划分为经济功能区、混合功能区和生态功能区。结果表明:(1)经济功能区,以获取最大的经济效益为目的,面积约648.69万hm2,占总可利用草地面积的65.8%,主要分布在平原荒漠;(2)生态功能区,以生态保护和社会效益为目的,面积约136.4万hm2,占总可利用草地面积的13.9%,主要分布在平原荒漠草原、山地草原、高寒草甸;(3)混合功能区,在适度利用条件下,生态效益与经济效益并重,面积约200.1万hm2,占总可利用草地面积的20.3%,主要分布在山地草原化荒漠、山地草甸草原、平地草甸、山地荒漠草原、山地草甸和高寒草原。通过对草地资源的分类经营,将畜牧业生产重心转向经济功能区,转移生态功能区的放牧家畜,减轻混合功能区的放牧压力,形成草地资源在功能、系统、时序和空间的耦合结构,实现牧区草地资源利用的可持续发展。
Abstract:Grasslands are an important resource for animal production and ecological conservation. However,farmers tend to focus on short-term economic returns and neglect the ecological benefits of grasslands. Overgrazing and depredating management practices have contributed to grassland degeneration, reduction of water resources, productivity decline, soil and serious desertification problems. Grassland degradation not only affects economic sustainability development, but also threatens the social stabilization and ecological security in northern pasture areas. The GIS-based models of grassland productivity, ecological services value and functional classification were designed using an analysis of grassland production and economic performance, ecological service value significance, and season grazing using features of the Aletai pastoral area in Xinjiang as a case study area. Control and optimization mechanisms of grassland resource were established for this model of space and time structures of grasslands. Grasslands were divided into conservative function sectors, mixed function sectors and economic function sectors based on dominant functions derived from spatial distributions in the Aletai region. Results showed that the main function is productive grassland, that is focused on maximum economic effect. It covers 6.49 million ha accounts for 65.8% of the grassland area, and is mainly distributed in plain desert areas. The second function is conservation grassland, which is mainly devoted to ecological and social values. It occupies 1.36 million ha accounting for 13.9% of the grassland area and is mainly distributed in plain desert steppes, mountain steppes and alpine meadows. The third is the moderately productive and protected grassland, dedicated to multiple benefits by rational use. It covers 20 million hm2, accounts for 20.3% of the grassland area, and covers in mountain steppe deserts, mountain meadow steppes, mountain desert steppes, mountain meadows, flat meadows and alpine steppes. The method of grassland classification management was carried out according to established mechanism guidelines. The stress of production in grasslands should be transferred from ecologically frail regions to oasis regions by building economic function areas and, alleviating grazing pressure in ecologically protected areas. Consequently, a coupling construction was developed from function, system, time order and space to produced, result that can promote sustainable development of grasslands resource utilization in northern pastoral areas.
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