全 文 :热带 热带植物学报 2006,14(1):78—80
Journal Tropical and SubtropicalBotany
夏念和 , 韦发南2, 邓云飞
(1.巾国科学院华南植物园经济植物研究所,广州 510650;2.广西jf_族f1治 植物研究所
, 广西桂林 641006)
中 闰 科 学 院
摘要:报道樟科琼楠属 ‘新种,即腺叶琼楠 Beilschmiedia glandulosaN.H.Xia,F.N.Wei&Y.F.Deng。腺叶琼楠与美
脉琼楠B.delicata S.Lee&Y.T.Wei和网脉琼楠B.tsangi Men.近似,但叶而具腺状小突起,化序短和果实表而光滑,
中图分类号:Q949.747.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005—3395(2006)01—0078—03
Beilschmiedia glandulosa(Lauraceae),A New Species from Hong Kong
xiA Nian.he , WEI Fa—nan , DENG Yun.fei
(1.Institute ofEconomic Botany,South China Botanical Garden,the Chinese Academy ofSciences。Guangzhou 510650,China;
2 Guangxi Institute ofBotany,Guangxi Zhuangzu 4utonomous Re,on㈨r2 the Chinese Academy ofSciences,Guilin 641006,China)
Abstract:A new species of Beilschmiedia of Lauraceae,B.glandulosa N.H.Xia,F.N.Wei& Y.F.Deng,is
described and ilustrated.The new species is similar to B.delicata S.Lee& Y.T.W ei and B.tsangii Merr,.but
difers in its short inflorescences,glandular spotted on upper surface of leaves and smooth fruits.
Key words:Lauraceae;Beilschmiedia;Beilschmiedia glandulosa;New species;Hong Kong
Beilschmiedia Nees is a large genus containing
about 200 species, distributed mainly in tropical
regions of the worldI”.There are two species,B.fordi
Dunn and B. tsangii Merr., recorded from Hong
Kong[2】.In the course of preparing the manuscript of
Lauraceae for Flora of Hong Kong,we have the
opportunity to re—examine the materials kept in Hong
Kong Herbarium. W e realized that Hong Kong
specimens identified as B.tsangii are diferent from
materials of B. tsangii Merr. collected from Hainan,
Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan, and represent an
undescribed species.Beilschmiedia glandulosa N.H.
Xia,F.N.W ei& Y.F.Deng,is described herein.The
species is similar to B.delicata S.Lee& Y.T.W ei
and B.tsangii Merr.in habit.but differs in its short
inflorescences,glandular leaves and smooth fruitsI 】
Beilschmiedia glandulosa N.H.Xia,F.N.W ei
& Y.F.Deng.sp.nov. Fig.1
Species afinis B.delicata S.Lee& Y.T.W ei et
B. tsangii Merr., a quibus foliis supra dense
glanduloso-punctatis, infloreseentiis 1.5-3 cm longis,
fructibus laevibus differt.
Trees; branchlets grayish brown, pubescent,
glabrescent, terminal buds pubescent. Leaves
subopposite, leathery, eliptic, narrowly elliptic to
oblanceolate, 4.5— 8.5 cm × 1.5— 3,5 cm, base
aaenuate, apex obtuse, margin entire, glabrous,
brownish abaxially when dry, densely glandular
spotted adaxially; main veins elevated on both
Reeieved:2005 I 1-04 Accepted:2005-12-02
Foundation item: SuppoSed by Agriculture, Fishery and Conservation Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(AFD/SQ/83/02),and Soutl1 China Botanical Garden,the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
第 1期 夏念和等:香港樟科一新种一腺叶琼楠 79
1 3 m
0 3
Fig.1 Beilschmiedia glandulosa N
. H.Xia F.N.Wei& Y F.Deng
1·Flowering branch;2.Fruiting branch;3
. Flower;4_Stamen ofthe first and second whorls;5
. Stamen
ofthe third whorl;6
. Staminode;7.Ovary;8.Part ofadaxial surface ofleafblade(enlarged).(Drawn by Y.X.Liu)
surfaces,lateral veins 5-7 pairs,together with tertiary
veins prominent on both surfaces. Petioles 5—8 mm
long Inflorescences axillary
, racemose or thyrsoid,1—
3 clustered, 1.5-3 cm long
, shortly pedunculate.
Bracteoles ovate,ca 1 mm ×0.6 mm,pilose
. Pedicels
2—4 mm. Flowers ca. 4 mm ×4 mm . perianth.tube
short.Perianth-lobes 6,rarely 7-8,ovate
, ca.2.5 mm
long, pilose inside, sparsely villose outside
. Fertile
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80 热带业热带植物学报 第 l4卷
stamens 9 in 3 whorls, 6 of outer two whorls opposite
to perianth—lobes,filaments 1 mm long,densely pilose,
anthers ca.0.8 mm long,2-celed,cells introrse,each
of the third whorl stamens with a pair of short—stalked
orbicular—renifotin glands near the base of filaments,
filaments ca.0.5 mm long,densely villose,anthers ca.
0.5 mm long.2.celled.cells extrorse.Staminodes 3 of
the innermost whorl,ca.0.8 mm long,ovoid.Ovary
cylindrical,ca.2.5 mlTl long,sparsely villose,style ca.
1 mm long,stigma capitate.Fruits ellipsoid,apiculate,
bluish black when maturing, 1.5—2.2 cm long, 1—
1.5 cm across,smooth,wrinkled when dry.Seeds 1.3—
2 cm long,0.8—1.2 cm across.
CHINA.Hong Kong"Tai Tam,8/1 982,Yip&
Fai s.n.(HK,herb.No.34327,typus,HK);same
locality,1 7/2/1 98 1,Yip&Fai s.n.(HK,herb.No.
34238);Ng Tung Chai,F.W.Xing 7756;Bowen Rd.,
K.L.Yip 4197;Aberdeen New Rd..S.Y.Lau 442;
Sevem Rd.,S.Y.Lau 1 165;Deep W ater Bay Rd.,S.
Y.Lau 1651;Fung Mun Kau,Yip&Fai s.n.(HK
herb.No.34208);W.J.Tutcher s.n.(HK herb.No.
4756);W.J.Tutcher s.n.,Jan.25,191 1(ex Herb.
Hongk.No.9 1 1 8);Mt.Parker,W.J.Tutcher s.n.(ex
Etymology. The new species is named for its
leaves with glandular spots adaxially.
The comparison characters among Beilschmiedia
glandulosa, B. delicata and B. tsangii are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1 A comparison of Beilschmiedia glandulosa B.dilicata and B.tsangii
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Profi Hu
Chiming (IBSC) for his comments and helps in
preparation of the man uscript, and Dr. Kwok—Leung
YIP(HK)for his helps to loan the specimens.
【1] Lee S K,Wei Y T,Beilschmiedia[AI.In:Li H W.Florae
Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae Tomus 3 1[M】.Beijing:Science
Press,1 982.1 23 1 52.(in Chinese)
[2】Wei F N.Lauraceae[A].In:Wn T L.Checklist of Hong Kong
Plants[M】.Hong Kong:Agriculture,Fisheries and Conservation
Department, the Government ofthe Hong Kong Special Adminis—
trative Region,2002.4 1—47.
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