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Syndiclis hongkongensis(Lauraceae),A New Species from China


全 文 :热带亚热带植物学报 2006,14(1):75—77
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
夏念和 1, 邓云飞 , 叶国梁2
(1.中国科学院华南植物同经济植物研究所,』 州 510650~2.香港渔农自然护理署香港植物标本室,香港九龙长沙湾道 303号)
摘要:报道樟科油果樟属一新种,香港油果樟 Syndiclis hongkongensis N.H.Xia,Y.F.Deng&K.L.Yip。它以小枝红褐
色,花被片 6,能育雄蕊 6,无腺体,而明显区别于近缘种油果樟 S chinensis Allen。
关键词 :樟科;油果樟属;香港油果樟:香港:中国:新种
中图分类号:Q949.747.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005—3395(2006)01—0075—03
Syndiclis h,gkong "(Lauraceae)。A New Species from China3 att ong ensls [ I I ·
XIA Nian-he , DENG Yun·fei , YIP Kwok.Leung
(1.Institute ofE( OB~OlZic Botany,South China BotanicⅡf Gardenp the Chinese Academy ofSciences,Guangzhou 510650,China;
2.Hong Kong Herbarium,Agriculture,Fisheries and Conservation Depart~nt,303 Cheung Sha Wan Road,Kowloon,Hong Kong,China)
Abstract:A new species of Syndiclis in Lauraceae,S.
described and ilustrated.The new species is similar to S
7)eglandular fertile stamens,
hongkongensis N.H.Xia,Y.F.Deng& K.L。Yip,is
chinensis Alen,but difers in 6 perianth—lobes,6(rarely
Key words:Lauraceae;Syndiclis;Syndiclis hongkongensis;Hong Kong;China;New species
Syndiclis Hook. £ is a genus of Lauraceae
comprising about ten species, of which one species is
endemic to Bhutan and the rest are endemic to
China[ .A species,S. 咖r en H.W.Li,has been
reported from Hong Kong which was only recorded
from Yunnan Province before.The unique distribution
pattem of the species drew our attention.In the course
of preparing the manuscript of the family Lauraceae
for Flora ofHong Kong,we have the opportunity to
re—examine the Hong Kong specimens. After careful
examination of the specimens of the genus, we
realized that Hong Kong specimens are quite diferent
from specimens of Yunnan, and represent an
undescribed species. The new species is easily
distinguished from S. e口H. W
. Li by its
glabrescent leaves, and smooth fruits. In fact, it is
related to Syndiclis chinensis Allen in habitat and fruit
characters,but difers in 6 perianth—lobes,6(rarely 7)
eglandular fertile stamens[ .
Syndiclis hongkongens~N.H。Xia.Y.F.Deng
& K.L.Yip.sp.nov. Fig.1
Syndiclis furfuracea auct.non H.W.Li:F.N.
W ei in T.L.W u,Checklist of Hong Kong Plants 39.
Species nova a s. 咖 en H.W.Li difert
ramis rufo—brunneis, foliis glabris, 6-1 0 cm longis,
2.5-4 cm latis, fructibus globosis in sicco laevis non
rugosis.Species affinis S.chinensis Allen,sed ramulis
rufo—bmnneis, foliis glabris, lobis perianthiorum 6,
staminibus 6 lobis perianthiorum opposites,
Recieved:2005一l 1-04 Accepted:2005—12—02
Foundation item: Supported by Agriculture, Fishm2~and Conservation Department of Hong Kong Special Administration Region
(AFD/SQ/83/02)and South China Botanical Garden,the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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76 热带业热带植物学报 第 14卷
Fig.1 Syndiclis hongkongensi.~N.H.Xia,Y.F.Deng& K.L Yip
1.Flowering and fruiting branch;2.Flower(1ateral view);3 Flower(apical view);4,5.Tepals;
6 7.Stamens of 1 st and 2nd whorls;8,9.Stamens of 3rd and 4th whorls;1 0.Ovary.(Drawn by H P.Yu)
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第 1期 夏念和等:国产樟科一新种一香港油果樟 77
eglandulosis,staminodiis 6,fructibus globosis differt.
Trees. up to 16 m tall and up to 90 cm in
diameter at base; bark reddish brown, peeling off in
small pieces.Branchlets reddish brown,lenticellate,at
apex somewhat angular,glabrescent;leaf buds small,
hardly hairy. Leaves alternate; leaf blade leathery,
elliptic,6—1 0 cm x 2.5-4 cm,base cuneate but always
asymmetrical,apex acuminate,with sharp tip,margin
entire,glabrescent,dark green above,pale green and
glaucous below, midvein and lateral veins brownish,
flat above,prominent below,lateral veins 3-4 pairs,
veinlets densely reticulate.Petioles slender,1—2 1TUTI
long,flat above.Inflorescence a panicle,axillary,1—
3.5 cm long,slender,tomentose,short pedunculate.
Bracteoles linear—triangular, rusty tomentose, ca.
3 1TUTI X 1 mm.Flowers globose, greenish yellow,
1.5 1TUTI long;pedicels 2-4 mm long;perianth—lobes 6,
ovate, densely tomentose. Fertile stamens 6 in 2
whorls, slightly exserted, subsessile, villose,
eglandular; the anthers 2一celled. cells introrse;
staminodes 6,opposite to the fertile stamens,villose.
Ovary ellipsoid,sparsely tomentose,styles tomentose
at base.Fruit globose,rough,yellowish brown,ca.
4 cm diam., glabrous; fruiting pedicel 8 mm long,
cylindrical,thickened under the fruit;pericarp woody,
ca.2 IYLrl thick.
China. Hong Kong: Tai Mo Shan, south—east
slope,lat.829.1 3。N,long.832.04。E,alt.443 m,
October 20,2005,N.H.Xia,Y.W .Lam & K.Y.Tam
s.n.(Holotypus,IBSC;iso一,HK);same locality,L.T.
Lo 737(HK,IBSC).
Etymology: The species is named after its type
locality,Hong Kong of China.
Comparison of Syndiclis hongkongensis.&furfuracea and chinens~
Acknowledgements W e are grateful to Prof. Hu
Chiming (IBSC) for his commentsand helps in
preparation of the manuscript, and Dr. Yang Yong
(PE) for providing images of type specimens of
Syndiclis spp.
References 【4]
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Popularis Sinicae Tomus 3 1[M】.Beijing:Science Press,1 982.
152-160.(in Chinese)
Li H W .Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of the genus
Syndiclis Hook.£ofLauraceae and to discuss the characteristics of
itsarea-type【J】.ActaBotYunnan,1979,l(2):1I I6.(inChinese)
Wei F N.Lauraceae[A】.In:Wu T L.Checklist of Hong Kong
Plants【M】.Hong Kong:Agriculture,Fisheries and Conservation
Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region,2002
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species of Beilschmiedia and related genera 【J】I J Arnold Arb,
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