摘 要 :描述了产自江西的兰科(Orchidaceae)虾脊兰属(Calanthe R. Br.)植物一新变型——异钩距虾脊兰 (Calanthe graciliflora f. jiangxiensis B. Li, L. J. Kong et B. Y. Yang),并绘制了线条图。该新变型与原变型钩距虾脊兰(C. graciliflora Hayata)的主要区别为距末端分裂为2个不等的短尖。
Abstract:Calanthe graciliflora f. jiangxiensis B. Li, L. J. Kong et B. Y. Yang, a new form of C. graciliflora Hayata (Orchidaceae) from Jiangxi Province, China, was described and illustrated. The new form could be easily distinguished from the autonym form by its bilobate calcaria.