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全 文 :浙 江 林 学 院 学 报 2010, 27(2): 277
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
Cercis chingii f. albiflora: a new forma of Cercis chingii
MA Dan-dan, JIN Shui-hu
(School of Forestry and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Forestry College, Lin’an 311300, Zhejiang China)
Abstract: A new forma of Cercis chingii Chun: C. chingii Chun f. albiflora S. H. Jin et D. D. Ma was de-
scribed. The new forma differs from previous forma Cercis chingii Chun f. chingii mainly in its white corolla.
[En, 2 ref.]
Key words: botany; Cercis L.; C. chingii f. albiflora; new forma; Lin’an of Zhejiang Province
CLC number: S718.3; Q959.7 Document code: A Article ID: 1000-5692(2010)02-0277-01
马丹丹, 金水虎
(浙江林学院 林业与生物技术学院, 浙江 临安 311300)
摘要: 描述了黄山紫荆的 1 个新变型——白花黄山紫荆 Cercis chingii Chun f. albiflora S. H. Jin et D. D. Ma)。 该变型与
原变型 Cercis chingii Chun f. chingii 的主要区别在于花冠为白色。 参 2
关键词: 植物学; 紫荆属; 白花黄山紫荆; 新变型; 浙江临安
When gathering the plant specimens in Zhejiang Forestry College in 2009, we found out an unknown
plant. The unknown plant is similar to Cercis chingii Chun f. chingii except the white corolla by reviewing
the literature[1-2]. So, it was described as a new forma.
Cercis chingii Chun f. albiflora S. H. Jin et D. D. Ma f. nov.
A type differt sepalis pallide viridis, petalis albis, interdum carnosulis; pedicellis carnosis.
China Zhejiang (中国浙江): Lin’an(临安), Jincheng Sub-district(锦城街道 ), cultivating, it
was introduced as Cercis chingii Mar. 23, 2009, JIN Shui-hu, MA Dan-dan, et al.(金水虎, 马丹丹等)
JM0001, digital photo No. 258 (Holotypus, ZJFC).
The calyx of this forma is light-green, the petals are white, occasionally light-pink and the pedicel is
pale red, which characteristics are different from Cercis chingii Chun f. chingii.
It has high ornamental value, and can be used to garden greening.
[1] 陈德昭. 中国植物志: 第 39 卷 豆科(一)[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 1988: 141 - 145.
[2] 韦直, 何业祺. 浙江植物志: 第 3 卷[M]. 杭州: 浙江科学技术出版社, 1993: 277 - 279.
收稿日期: 2009-04-15; 修回日期: 2009-08-26
基金项目: 国家基础条件平台建设专项(2005DKA21403)
作者简介: 马丹丹, 硕士, 从事野生花卉的引种与应用研究。 E-mail: adan1178@126.com。 通信作者: 金水虎,
副教授, 从事植物资源研究与开发。 E-mail: jsh501@163.com

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