摘 要 :描述了中国杏属一新种, 华仁杏(Armeniaca cathayana D. L. Fu, B. R. Li et J. H. Li, sp. nov.)。该新种与杏(Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.)和山杏(A.sibirica(L.) Lam.)相似,但又有其独特特征,主要区别如下:叶两面疏被短柔毛,边缘具单锯齿和重锯齿,基部全缘;叶柄无腺体;单花或2~3朵花簇生;子房密被白色长柔毛;果核三角状卵球形,腹缝线具5~7条锐纵棱,背缝线具1条浅纵沟;种子大,两侧压扁,种仁质脆,无苦味。该新种由傅大立于2008年7月11日在河北省涿鹿县发现并采集,模式标本存于中国林业科学研究院(CAF),标本号:No.2008071101。
Abstract:A new species of the genus Armeniaca Scop. of Rosaceae, A.cathayana D. L. Fu, B. R. Li et J. H. Li, sp. nov., was described in this paper. The species appears to be similar to A.vulgaris Lam. and A.sibirica (L.) Lam., but it has some particular characteristics which can be distinguished from A.vulgaris Lam., A.sibirica(L.) Lam. and other species of the genus. The main distinguishing features are that the leaf blade pubescent sparsely on both surfaces, the margin serrate and biserrate, and entire at base; the petiole not glandular; the inflorescence 1-3-flowered; the ovary with white villous densely; the endocarp triangle ovoid with 5~7 longitudinal sharp ridges on ventral suture and 1 longitudinal shallow groove on dorsal suture; the seed large and compressed, and the kernel friable and not bitter. The species was found and collected on July 11, 2008 in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province of China by Da-li Fu. The holotype is kept at Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), No.2008071101.