Abstract:In order to find out the fast and efficient detection method for Erwinia amylovora, three methods including the conventional PCR, nested PCR and real-time PCR were evaluated to detect E.amylovora in cherry fruits imported from USA. The results of detection with 326 samples of cherry fruits showed that the primers Ams3/Ams4c, P29A/P29B and PEANT1/PEANT2 in the conventional PCR achieved 35.28%,24.85% and 16.87% of positive samples, respectively. The percent of positive samples for the nested PCR in single closed tube was 23.01% and 50.61% for conventional nested PCR. The prob PA, prob Ams, prob ITS and SYBR GreenⅠin real-time PCR detected 17.48%, 32.21%, 29.14% and 23.93% of positive percent, respectively. The nested PCR combined with primers P29A/P29B and PEANT1/PEANT2 showed the highest positive samples numbers with 50.61%. The results of detection and sequence analysis approved the existence of E.amylovora DNA in cherry fruits imported from USA. The nested PCR and the primers Ams3/4c in the conventional PCR are proposed for routine use in quarantine detection of E.amylovora in cherry fruits.