AMPLIFICATION OF PHYTOPLASMA 16S rDNA FROM 20 INFECTED PLANTS IN CHINA AND THEIR RFLP ANALYSIS Establishment of a nested PCR detection system of Uromyces setariae-italicae Development and application of nested PCR assay for detection of phytoplasma of sugarcane white leaf Effects of exotic plant Ageratina adenophora invasion on mycorrhizal fungal community Detection of the bearing rate of Liberobacter asiaticum, in Citrus psylla and its host plant Murraya panciculata by Nested PCR Molecular detection and identification of a phytoplasma associated with Clover phyllody Application of nested PCR and direct sequencing to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms in cDNA sequence of dammaranediol synthase gene of Panax ginseng Comparison of detection sensitivity of different primer pairs for citrus huanglongbing pathogen Using PCR for studying seasonal distribution of toxic microcystis from scenie sites in Guangzhou Detection of Erwinia amylovora in cherry fruits imported from USA by PCR Identification by measuring internal transcribed spacer regions of rRNA gene in Radix Angelicae Sinensis