Study on the relationship among enzymes activities, microorganism, respiration rate and physico-chemical properties of soil under different forests of Tiantai mountain
Abstract:The Fuzzy mathematic analysis of soil enzyme activities from 8 kinds of forest in Tiantai mountain indicate that the similar sequence of the net level of enzymatic activities from the different soil environments was: Rhododendron fortunei soil>Pinus taiwanensis soil>Tea plantation soil>Bamboo soil>Pseudolarix amabilis soil>Chamaecyparis pisifera soil>Cryptomeria fortunei soil >Heptacodium miconioides soil. There existed different relationships among the enzymes and between enzymes and soil environmental factors. The Factor analysis revealed the important factors governing the synthetic effect of soils. These important factors were 7 kinds of soil enzyme, soil microbial numbers, soil net respiration rate and soil gross organic matter.