摘 要 :通过对标本和文献的研究,指出《中国植物志》中黑叶冬青的果枝图版和检索表存在的问题,澄清了《中国植物志》和《Flora of China》中将黑叶冬青(Ilex melanophylla H.T.Chang)被描述为粗枝冬青(Ilex robusta C.J.Tseng)的错误,并对黑叶冬青进行了分类学修订,在仅有的新种原文和模式产地植物志2种文献的基础上,补充和完善雄花枝、果序、果实、分核、分布等内容,将1~2果聚伞果序订正为1~3果聚伞果序,并重新编制了包括黑叶冬青在内的8个近缘种的检索表。
Abstract:Through the research of the specimens and the taxonomic literatures,it was pointed out that the illustration of the fruiting branch and the identification key of Ilex melanophylla H.T.Chang were incorrect.It was clarified that I.melanophylla H.T.Chang of Aquifoliaceae was wrongly described as I.robusta C.J.Tseng in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae and Flora of China.A taxonomic revision of I.melanophylla H.T.Chang was made.The morphological characters such as male flowering branch,infructescences,fruit,pyrenes and geographical distribution,etc.of I.melanophylla H.T.Chang were perfected,cymes of order 1 with 1 2 fruit in the literatures was corrected as cymes of order 1 with 1 3 fruit,and the identification key of 8 relative species including I.melanophylla H.T.Chang was rewritten.