Screening probiotic endophytic bacteria from medicinal plant Ilex cornuta and the phytopathogeninhibiting effect. Chemical constituents from leaves of Ilex cornuta Inhibitory effect of ilexpernoside C from Ilex pernyi on aggregated LDL-induced foam cells formation Two new triterpenoid glycosides from leaves of Ilex latifolia A New Species of Ilex Linn. (Aquifoliaceae) from Anhui The Infuential Factors of RAPD in Ilex kudingcha and the Optimization of the Experimental Conditions The Constituents of Volatile Oil from Ilex Kudincha In vitro anti-inflammatory and free radical scavenging activities of flavans from Ilex centrochinensis Chemical constituents from leaves of Ilex latifolia Studies on Chemical Constituents in Leafs of Ilex kudingcha Chemical constituents of Ilex kudingcha leaves Antithrombotic activity of ilexsaponin B3 from roots of Ilex pubescens A new species of the genus Ilex from Anhui, China Studies on chemical constituents of llex pernyi A New Species of Ilex from Hunan Province Chemical constituents in roots of Ilex Cornuta Triterpenoids from barks of Ilex rotunda (I) Triterpenoids from leaves of Ilex cornuta Distinguishing Magnolia officinalis from its imitation Ilex rotunda by UV spectrophotometry Antifertility Effects of Ilex cornura Lindl. A New Species of Ilex from Fujian Province Chemical constituents in bark of Ilex rotunda (I) Chemical constituents from roots of Ilex asprella Studies on Chemical Constituents of Ilex hainanensis Merr. Cultivation Techniques for Seedlings of Ilex fargesii Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes of Three Ilex Species Under Different Light Circumstances Advances in research of chemistry and pharmacology of Ilex L. NEW TAXA OF ILEX FROM THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Chemical constituents and their antitumor cytotoxic activity in leaves of Ilex centrochinensis A NEW VARIETY OF ILEX A Taxonomic Revision of Ilex melanophylla H.T.Chang of Aquifoliaceae Studies on triterpenoid constituents in leaf of Ilex pernyi TRITERPENOID SAPONINS AND TRITERPENES FROM ILEX KWANGTUNGENSIS A NEW SPECIES OF AQUIFOLIACEAE FROM GUANGDONG, CHINA NEW TAXA OF GUANGDONG PLANTS A New Series of Ilex L. Biodiversity Studies on Quercus ilex Woods in Veneto, Italy Techniques of Tissue Culture and in vitro Clonal Propagation of Ilex latifolia A new triterpenoid glycoside from roots of Ilex pubescens A new triterpenoid glycoside from roots of Ilex pubescens Chemical constituents in leaves of Ilex pubescens Chemical constituents in roots of Ilex asprella Micro-morphological Characteristics of Leaf Epdermis for Ilex kudingcha and Its Relative Species and Their Taxonomical Significance Preparation of triterpenoid ilexoside O from Ilex pubescens and study on its antithrombotic activity Simultaneous determination of seven triterpenoid saponins in Ilex kudingcha with HPLC Effects of Light Spectral Energy Distribution on Growth of Ilex chinensis Sims Plantlets in Vitro Structural Identification of Kudinchagenin I Addition to the Ilex qianlingshanensis C.J.Tseng of Aquifoliaceae Chemical constituents in leaves of Ilex ficoidea Siudies on Constituents of Ilex chinensis Sims MICROMORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF FRUIT COATS IN ILEX KUDINGCHA C.J.TSENG AND RELATIVE SPECIES AND THEIR TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE Determination of tortoside A in Ilicis pubescentis by RP-HPLC Chemical constituents from leaves of Ilex chinensis Validation of some Chinese species of Ilex L. (Aquifoliaceae) On the Identity of Kudingcha in Chinese Holly (Ilex L.) Effects of Light Spectral Energy Distribution on Growth of Ilex chinensis Sims Plantlets in Vitro Quantitative analysis of lupeol in leaves of Ilex cornuta by RP-HPLC Studies on lignin glycosides in root from Ilex pubescens CALLUS INDUCTION AND BROWNING INHIBITION IN ILEX KUDINGCHA C. J. TSENG Chemical constituents in stems of Ilex cornuta Diphenyl Ether Glycoside from the Stems of Ilex litseaefolia Hu et Tang The Comparison of Frozen Resistance of Several Tree Species of Ilex L. The Comparison of Frozen Resistance of Several Tree Species of Ilex L. Chemical constituents in bark of Ilex rotunda (I) Esteras isoenzymes analysis of different germplasm materials of Ilex kudingcha Chemical constituents of Ilex kudingcha leaves Chemical constituents in leaves of Ilex pubescens Chemical constituents in roots of Ilex asprella Chemical constituents from leaves of Ilex cornuta Determination of ilexsideⅡ in leaves of Ilex cornuta by HPLC-ELSD Antithrombotic activity of ilexsaponin B3 from roots of Ilex pubescens Chemical constituents in roots of Ilex kudingcha