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Property of Highly Activated Wood Charcoal Prepared by Different Carbonization Method


利用工业下脚料杉木屑为原料,通过一步炭化法和二步炭化法制备高活性木炭。研究认为,一步炭化法和二步炭化法均能制得微孔和中孔结构发达的活性木炭。通过对900 ℃下炭化样品N2吸附等温线的分析得知,一步炭化法和二步炭化法均有利于提高木炭的比表面积,得孔隙结构发达的活性木炭,总孔容积分别为0.561和0.784 mL·g-1,且孔半径主要集中在0.6~2.0 nm之间。但总体上来说,二步炭化法制备的样品性能比一步炭化法更优,二步炭化法样品的比表面积、总孔容积、碘吸附值分别为1 288.4 m2·g-10.784 mL·g-1,1 038.2 mg·g-1。根据X射线衍射图谱和拉曼光谱的分析可知,二步炭化法比一步炭化法更有利于活性木炭石墨状微晶的形成与生长。

Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) wood powder from agriculture and forest waste was pyrolyzed in onestep carbonization process and two step heating carbonization process at 900 ℃.The study indicated that onestep heating and two step heating carbonization process could enhance the micropore and mesopore of wood charcoal.With the analysis of the N2 adsorption isotherm,both one step process and two step process were good for improving the specific surface area of wood charcoal, and the two techniques were good for developing the total pore volume,the value was 0.561 and 0.784 mL·g-1 respectively, both the pore radius were concentrated on 0.6~2.0 nm.As a whole,the two step process was better than one step process.With the optimized techniques process,the specific surface area,the total pore volume,the iodine value of two step process was 1 288.4 m2·g-1,0.784 mL·g-1,1 038.2 mg·g-1,respectively. As the result of XRD and Raman,two step heating carbonization process was more benefitcial than onestep heating carbonization process.

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