Analysis of DTA/TG Curve of Wood with Phosphoric Acid and Zinc Chloride Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Response of the Activated Oxygen Scarenging System in Leaves of Wheat MAP Kinase Cascades Responding to Environmental Stress in Plants Construction of OsRUS 2.1 yeast two hybrid prey vectors and detection of their toxicity and self activated activity Characteristics of flag leaf senescence and activated oxygen metabolism for cold type wheat Effects of magnesium, manganese, activated carbon and lime and their interactions on cadmium uptake by wheat Preparation and Characterization of Carbon/Pottery Composite with Physical Method Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Eupatorium adenophorum Property of Highly Activated Wood Charcoal Prepared by Different Carbonization Method Preparation of Bamboo Activated Carbon by Different Parts of Bamboo and Their Adsorption on Phenol Experimental studies on in vivo anticoagulant activity of recombinant hirudin in rabbits Effect of Activated Carbon on the Roots Growth and Leaves Physiological Characteristics of Tartary Buckwheat Seedling Experiment study of total anthraquinone in Cassiae Semen on lipid peroxidation and PPAR-γ expression in liver tissues of rats with alcoholic fatty liver The Progress on Rice Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Family Inhibition on inflammatory cytokine expressions in heart and lung from brain death rats pretreated with Buyang Huanwu Decoction Study on application of activated carbon in paclitaxel injection The role of activated carbon in protecting the roots of wheat seedlings under cadmium stress Generation of activated oxygen and change of cell defense enzyme activity in leaves of maize seedling under the stress of low temperature Effects of NaCl Stress on Growth and Its Physiological-biochemical Characteristics of Split-root Leymus chinensis Seedlings Influence of dietary copper and vitamin A on immune function of broilers Determinants of timing and amplitude in the plant general stress response Effect of Tetradrine on Electrophysilogic Changes Caused by Ri sing of Left Ventricular Preload in Guinea Pigs ACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES GENERATING IN PLANT DEFENSE AGAINST PATHOGENS Study on effect of fushenkeli on expression of TAK1 in human renal tubular epithelial cells and its possible mechanism Preparation and Characterization of Gold Extracting Activated Carbon from Bamboo Knot Population dynamics and community structure of bacteria in an industrial phenol-degrading process analyzed with Temperature Gradient Gel Elec trophoresis (TGGE) A cellular automata model of a biological wastewater treating system Progress of New Biomass-Based Carbon Materials Advances in Single-Cell Technology and Their Application in Plant Research Bifurcate Regulation of MAPK and ACS1 Gene Expression by γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Nicotiana tabacum Generation of Activated Oxygen and Change of Cell Defense Enzyme Activity in Leaves of Korean Pine Seedling Under Low Temperature Effects of continuous cropping tomato for processing on soil enzyme activities and microbial flora Regulative mechanism of renal inflammatory-related p38MAPK signaling pathway in diabetic nephropathy and interventional effects of Chinese herbal medicine Effects of ginkgo diterpene lactones meglumine injection‘s activated carbon adsorption technology on officinal components Anti-proliferation of berberine on human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 and its relationship to PPARγ Research Progress of Mitogen activated Protein Kinase Signal Transduction Pathway EFFECT OF KINETIN ON TUBER ONION LEAF SENESCENCE AND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EFFECT AND ACTIVATED OXYGEN METERBOLIZM EFFECT OF Cd,Pb STRESS ON SCARENGING SYSTEM OF ACTIVATED OXYGEN IN LEAVES OF TOBACCO Culture of Mature Pinus bangeana Embryo Study on Activated Oxygen Metabolism in the Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line and Its Maintainer of Polima Rape Research progress on natural products on new targets of type 2 diabetes Virtual and experimental screening of protease activated receptor 1 antagonist in plant ingredients Mechanism of Shenqi compound recipe anti-earlier diabetic artherosclerosis in GK rats Influence of Naomai Ⅱ capsule on dynamic expression of protease-activated receptors-1 after acute intracerebral hemorrhage Study on adsorptive properties of spherical activated carbon on several kinds of active ingredient from Chinese materia medica Decolourization Technique of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Enzymatic Hydrolysate and Its Influence on the Fishy Odour and Metallic Elements Study on Technology of Activated Carbon of Bamboo by Microwave Method Study on the Preparation of Activated Carbon from Cotton Stalks with Phosphoric Acid Research Progress on Regeneration of Active Carbon Establishment of In vitro Bulb Bud Induction and Regeneration System of Amaryllis vittata Cloning and Expression of MAPK Gene in Festuca arundinacea Effect of triadimefon on membrane system in detached cucumber cotyledons Application of polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electro-(phoresis) (PCR-DGGE) to the analysis of changes of microbial ecological communities in activated sludge systems
Studies on Postlmrvest Senescence Physiology of Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino. Study on enzymolysis process for Whitmania pigra Effects of 3’-hydroxy puerarin on improving insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and their mechanisms Rapid propagation of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis Research Advances in Plant RACK1 Proteins BWMK1 Responds to Multiple Environmental Stresses and Plant Hormones
Studies on Postlmrvest Senescence Physiology of Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino. Response of activated oxygen metabolism to water stress in different drought-tolerant maize hybrids and their parents Effect of ABA on transcriptionally active Ty1-copia retrotransposons in Dendrobium officinale Enhancement of proliferaton and tumoricidal activities of T-AK cells by plant polysaccharides Research Progress of Pore Control and Structure Characterization of Biomass-Based Activated Carbon Fiber RESEARCH ON THE COATING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE SURFACE OF GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON Application of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes in the analysis of microbial communities in activated sludge Influence of earthworm activities on phosphorus availability of red soil and activated mechanism induced by earthworm DNA Extraction from Activated Sludge for Molecular Community Analysis Study on inhibitory effect of calycosin on hepatic stellate cell activation in rats by up-regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ Mechanism of sophocarpine in treating experimental colitis in mice Effect of catalpol,berberine, and their combination on insulin resistant 3T3-L1 adipoeytes Molecular mechanism of Rehmannia glutinosa oligosaccharides on improvement of insulin resistance of HepG2 cell in vitro The Relationship Between Temperature Stress Resistance and Changes of the Endogenous Scavengers of Activated Oxygen in Hybrid Rice Energy and Activated Oxygen Metabolisms in Anthers of Hubei Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Inhibiting Self-Pollen: Self-Incompatibility in Papaver Involves Integration of Several Signaling Events Cloning and Expression Analysis of SlMAPK9-2 in Solanum lycopersicum L. Preparation of Activated Carbon from Bagasse with ZnCl2 by Mechanochemical Process Study on drug release of gastrodin ion-activated nasal in situ gel in vitro Effect of germination-activated Ganoderma spores on axonal regeneration of injured motor neurons in rat spinal cord Rice Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Gene Family and Its Role in Biotic and Abiotic Stress Response

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