Abstract:This paper presented the theory of the measuring mean effective radiiand numbers of capillary in wood. A study on the effective capillary structure of wood was discussed. Linear plots of axial gas permeability vs. Reciprocal mean pressure were obtained for spruce (Picea jezoensis var. komarovii)and pine (Pinus koraensis) in agreement with Klinkenberg equation, whichindicate nearly all of the resistance to flow is due to the pit membrane pore.Mean effective pit membrane pore radius(γ2) was 0.61 and 0.95μm for spruceand pine. The number of conductive pit membrane pore per cm2 of cross section(n(pc)) was calculated, yeilding valus of 1218/cm2 for spruce and 605/cm2 forpine. The plot of axial permeability vs. reciprocal mean pressure of thebirch (Betula platyphylla) was curvilinear, indicating presence of the conductances in series, which were assumed to be vessel and scalariform perforation plates. The calculated vessel radius (γ1) and vessel concentration (n(tc)) were59,8 μm and 645/cm2. The radius of the opening(γ2) in the scalariform perforation plates was 2.01μm.