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Tremacron hongheense, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Southeastern Yunnan, China


全 文 :云南东南部苦苣苔科一新种———红河短檐苣苔∗
蔡  磊1ꎬ3ꎬ 陈润征1ꎬ3ꎬ4∗∗ꎬ 尹志坚2ꎬ3ꎬ 张国学2ꎬ3ꎬ 陈文红1ꎬ3ꎬ 税玉民1ꎬ3∗∗∗
(1 中国科学院东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室ꎬ 昆明  650201ꎻ 2 国家林业局昆明勘察设计院ꎬ 昆明  650216ꎻ
3 云南省喀斯特地区生物多样性保护研究会ꎬ 昆明  650201ꎻ 4 中国科学院大学ꎬ 北京  100049)
摘要: 描述了采自中国云南东南部红河县的苦苣苔科一新种———红河短檐苣苔 (Tremacron hongheense)ꎬ
新种与该属模式种短檐苣苔 (Tremacron forrestii Craib) 最为相似ꎬ 区别在于该新种叶片正面疏被长刚毛ꎬ
而非较密的白色贴伏短柔毛和稀疏锈色长柔毛ꎻ 花冠筒外面具白色短腺毛ꎬ 而非近无毛ꎻ 花冠檐部裂片顶
端呈红色ꎬ 且质地加厚 (特别是上唇裂片)ꎬ 而非黄色且同质地ꎻ 雄蕊长约 1􀆰 6~ 1􀆰 8 cmꎬ 而非 0􀆰 4~ 1􀆰 2 cm
长ꎻ 退化雄蕊长 0􀆰 5~1􀆰 4 cmꎬ 而非 0􀆰 2~0􀆰 4 cm长ꎮ
关键词: 苦苣苔科ꎻ 新种ꎻ 红河短檐苣苔ꎻ 云南
中图分类号: Q 949            文献标志码: A                文章编号: 2095-0845(2015)06-733-04
Tremacron hongheenseꎬ a New Species of Gesneriaceae
from Southeastern Yunnanꎬ China∗
CAI Lei1ꎬ3ꎬ CHEN Run ̄zheng1ꎬ3ꎬ4∗∗ꎬ YIN Zhi ̄jian2ꎬ3ꎬ ZHANG Guo ̄xue2ꎬ3ꎬ
CHEN Wen ̄hong1ꎬ3ꎬ SHUI Yu ̄min1ꎬ3∗∗∗
(1 Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ
2 Kunming Survey & Design Institute of State Forestry Administrationꎬ Kunming 650216ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3 Karst
Conservation Initiative of Yunnanꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4 University of Chinese
Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100049ꎬ China)
Abstract: A new species of Gesneriaceae from Honghe Countyꎬ Southeastern Yunnanꎬ Chinaꎬ Tremacron hongheense
W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M. Shuiꎬ is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to Tremacron forrestii Craibꎬ but
differs by its leaf blade adaxially sparsely long setose ( vs. densely white appressed pubescent and sparsely rusty ̄
brown villous)ꎬ corolla tube outside short white glandular (vs. nearly glabrous)ꎬ corolla lobes red and thickening at
apexꎬ especially adaxial lip (vs. yellow and not thickening)ꎬ stamens 1􀆰 6-1􀆰 8 cm long ( vs. 0􀆰 4-1􀆰 2 cm long)ꎬ
staminode 0􀆰 5-1􀆰 4 cm long (vs. 0􀆰 2-0􀆰 4 cm long).
Key words: Gesneriaceaeꎻ New speciesꎻ Tremacron hongheenseꎻ Yunnan
  On July 2012ꎬ during surveys in Honghe Countyꎬ
Southeastern Yunnanꎬ Chinaꎬ we collected a speci ̄
men of Gesneriaceae that is similar to Tremacron for ̄
restii Craibꎬ but morphologically did not actually
match any of the known species in Tremacron Craib.
Tremacron is an endemic genus to Chinaꎬ and there
are only 7 speciesꎬ distributed in Yunnanꎬ Sichuan
and Guizhou provincesꎬ Southwestern China (He et
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2015ꎬ 37 (6): 733~736
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201515041

Funding: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31000258ꎬ 31470306)ꎻ The second survey of key protected wild plants in
Honghe Stateꎻ The Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ Kunming Institute of Botany (KLBB201304)
The author contributed equally to this work
Author for correspondenceꎻ E ̄mail: ymshui@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
Received date: 2015-03-09ꎬ Accepted date: 2015-09-02
作者简介: 蔡磊 (1986-) 男ꎬ 硕士ꎬ 研究实习员ꎬ 从事植物分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: cailei@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
陈润征 (1989-) 男ꎬ 在读硕士研究生ꎬ 从事植物分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: chenrunzheng@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
al.ꎬ 2010ꎻ Li and Wangꎬ 2004ꎻ Wang et al.ꎬ
1990ꎬ 1998). According to the references and ex ̄
amination of the type specimen of Tremacron for ̄
restiiꎬ and comparison with the new specimens of the
new species collected again in 2013 and those of
Tremacron forrestii collected in 2014 in Yongshengꎬ
Yunnanꎬ we confirmed that it was a new species of
Tremacron. The new species is described and illus ̄
trated as below.
The genus Tremacron has been merged in the
enlarged Oreocharis Benth. which circumscribed ten
genera: Ancylostemon Craibꎬ Bournea Oliv.ꎬ Dayaos ̄
hania W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ Deinocheilos W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ Isome ̄
trum Craibꎬ Opithandra B􀆰 L. Burttꎬ Paraisometrum
W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ Thamnocharis W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ and Trem ̄
acron W􀆰 T. Wang and some species of Briggsia Craib
(Chen et al.ꎬ 2014aꎻ Möller et al.ꎬ 2014ꎻ Möller et
al.ꎬ 2011a)ꎬ based on molecular phylogenetic stud ̄
ies by the gene sequences ITS and trnLF (Chen et
al.ꎬ 2014bꎻ Möller et al.ꎬ 2011aꎬb). Because of
the above limited gene sequencesꎬ we still regard
Tremacron as an independent genus for the purpose
of easy identification (Wang et al.ꎬ 1998).
Tremacron hongheense W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M.
Shuiꎬ sp. nov. (Fig􀆰 1).
The new species is most similar to T􀆰 forrestii
Craibꎬ and differs by its leaf blade adaxially sparsely
long setose (vs. densely white appressed pubescent and
sparsely rusty ̄brown villous )ꎬ corolla tube outside
short white glandular (vs. subglabrous)ꎬ corolla lobes
red and thickening at apex (vs. yellow and not thicken ̄
ing)ꎬ stamens are 1􀆰 6-1􀆰 8 cm long (vs. 0􀆰 4-1􀆰 2 cm)ꎬ
staminode are 0􀆰 5-1􀆰 4 cm long (vs. 0􀆰 2-0􀆰 4 cm).
Type: China. Yunnan Provinceꎬ Honghe Countyꎬ
Amushan Nature Reserveꎬ alt. ca. 2 080 mꎬ on damp
rocks in mossy forestsꎬ in flowering and fruitingꎬ 15
September 2013ꎬ Y􀆰 M. Shui et al. B2013 ̄590 (hol ̄
otypeꎬ KUNꎻ isotypeꎬ KUN).
Perennial herbsꎬ stemless. Leaves basalꎬ with
long petiolesꎻ petiole 2 - 5 cm longꎬ densely long
brown pubescentꎻ leaf blade elliptic or oblongꎬ 5-
15 × 3􀆰 5 - 6􀆰 5 cmꎬ adaxially sparsely long setoseꎬ
abaxially short pubescent and densely long pubes ̄
cent along veinsꎬ lateral veins 5-7 pairsꎬ inconspic ̄
uous adaxially and prominent abaxiallyꎬ base broad ̄
ly cuneateꎬ apex acuteꎬ margin irregularly crenate or
double serrateꎻ cymes axillaryꎬ inflorescence 1-18 ̄
floweredꎻ peduncle up to 20 cmꎬ densely long brown
pubescent and glandular pubescentꎻ bracts 2ꎬ oppo ̄
siteꎬ ca. 2 × 0􀆰 5 mmꎬ glandular pubescentꎻ pedicel
2-4􀆰 5 cmꎬ white glandular. Calyx 5 ̄parted near to
baseꎬ lobes equalꎬ oblong ̄lanceolateꎬ ca. 2􀆰 5 × 1􀆰 2mmꎬ
apex obtuseꎬ outside long brown pubescent and glan ̄
dular pubescentꎬ inside glabrous. Corolla yellowꎬ
ca. 1􀆰 5 cm longꎬ outside short white glandular and
inside glabrousꎻ corolla tube urceolateꎬ ca. 1􀆰 3 cm
longꎬ 3-4 mm in diam.ꎻ limb 5 ̄lobedꎬ red ( espe ̄
cially adaxial lip) and thickening at apexꎬ adaxial
lip 2 ̄lobedꎬ lobes triangularꎬ ca. 0􀆰 7 mm longꎬ red
and thickening at apexꎬ abaxial lip 3 ̄lobedꎬ lobes
rounded ̄triangularꎬ central lobe ca. 2􀆰 5 mm longꎬ
lateral ones ca. 2 mm long. Stamens 4ꎬ separated
and exserted out of corolla after days in bloomingꎬ
adaxial stamens ca. 1􀆰 6 cm longꎬ adnate to corolla
ca. 3 mm from baseꎬ abaxial stamens ca. 1􀆰 8 cm longꎬ
adnate to corolla ca. 4 mm from baseꎻ filaments line ̄
arꎬ white pubescentꎻ anthers ellipticaꎬ ca. 1 mm longꎬ
thecae 2ꎬ parallelꎬ confluent at apex and dehiscing
longitudinallyꎻ staminode 1ꎬ 0􀆰 5-1􀆰 4 cm longꎬ ad ̄
nate to corolla ca. 2 mm from base. Disc yellowꎬ ca.
1􀆰 2 mm highꎬ margin sinuolate. Pistil glabrousꎬ ca.
2􀆰 2 cm longꎻ ovary linear ̄oblongꎬ ca. 1􀆰 5 cm longꎻ
style ca. 0􀆰 7 cm longꎻ stigma 1ꎬ plate. Capsule line ̄
arꎬ 3-4 cm longꎬ 1-2 mm in diam.ꎬ style persistent
ca. 0􀆰 7 cm long. Seeds unknown.
Distribution and Ecology: Tremacron hong ̄
heense is only known in Amushan Nature Reserveꎬ
Honghe Countyꎬ Yunnan Provinceꎬ China. The new
species grows on damp rocks in mossy forests on
Amushan Mt. at alt. 2 000-2 100 m.
Phenology: Flowering from July to Augustꎬ fruit ̄
ing from August to September.
437                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
Fig􀆰 1  Tremacron hongheense A. plant with flowers and young fruitsꎻ B. Flower with stamens and styleꎻ C. opened corolla
with stamens and staminodeꎬ D. Calyx and pistil with disc. Drawn by Mrs Wang Ling
    Similar species: Tremacron hongheense is most ̄
ly similar to Tremacron forrestii which is distributed
in central and northwestern Yunnan and southwest ̄
ern Sichuan. They both are perennial herbsꎬ stem ̄
lessꎬ leaves all basalꎬ with long petiolesꎬ leaves up
to 15 cm longꎬ lateral veins 5-7 pairsꎬ peduncle up
to 20 cm longꎬ densely rusty villous and glandular
pubescent. T􀆰 hongheense can be distinguished from
T􀆰 forrestii by its pedicel 2-4􀆰 5 cm longꎬ sepals are
oblong ̄lanceolateꎬ ca. 2􀆰 5 × 1􀆰 2 mmꎬ apex obtuseꎬ
lip lobes redꎬ thickening and reflexed. The contras ̄
ting characters between T􀆰 hongheense and T􀆰 forrestii
are listed in Table 1.
Additional specimens examined (paratypes):
China. Yunnan Provinceꎬ Honghe Countyꎬ Amushan
Nature Reserveꎬ alt. 2 000-2 100 mꎬ on damp rocks
in mossy forestsꎬ in floweringꎬ 3 July 2012ꎬ Z􀆰 J.
Yin et al. AMS 1169 (KUN).
5376期      CAI Lei et al.: Tremacron hongheenseꎬ a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Southeastern Yunnanꎬ China     
Table 1  Morphological comparison between T􀆰 hongheense and T􀆰 forrestii
Characters T􀆰 hongheense T􀆰 forrestii
leaf bladeꎬ elliptic or oblongꎬ adaxially sparsely long se ̄
toseꎬ abaxially short pubescent and densely long pubescent
along veinsꎬ lateral veins 5-7 pairsꎬ inconspicuous adaxial ̄
ly and prominent abaxiallyꎬ base broadly cuneateꎬ apex a ̄
cuteꎬ margin irregular crenate or double serrateꎻ petioleꎬ 2
-5 cmꎬ densely long brown pubescent
leaf bladeꎬ elliptic to obovateꎬ adaxially densely white ap ̄
pressed pubescent and sparsely rust ̄brown villousꎬ abaxially
white rust ̄brown pubescent and rust ̄brown villous along
veinsꎬ base cuneateꎬ apex obtuse to acuteꎬ margin serrate or
double serrate to deeply crenate ̄serrateꎻ petioleꎬ 3 (-6) cmꎬ
densely rust ̄brown villous
Peduncle densely long brown pubescent and glandular pubescentꎻbract 2ꎬ ca. 2 × 0􀆰 5 mmꎬ glandular pubescent
sparsely brownish villous and glandular puberulent or pubes ̄
centꎻ bract 2ꎬ 5-6 mm × 1-1􀆰 7 mmꎬ pubescent
Calyx lobe oblong ̄lanceolateꎬ apex obtuseꎬ outside long brown pubes ̄cent and glandular pubescent
triangular or lanceolateꎬ apex acuteꎬ outside sparsely pubes ̄
cent and villous
yellowꎬ ca. 1􀆰 5 cm longꎻ corolla tube urceolateꎬ ca. 1􀆰 3 cm
longꎬ 3-4 mm in diam.ꎬ outside short white glandular and
inside glabrous
pale yellow to greenish yellowꎬ 0􀆰 5 - 1􀆰 1 cm longꎻ corolla
tube subcampanulateꎬ sometimes urceolateꎬ 6-9 mm longꎬ 4
-6 mm in diam.ꎬ outside subglabrous
Lips red (especially adaxial lip) and thickening at apex yellow and not thickening
1􀆰 6-1􀆰 8 cm longꎬ adnate to corolla ca. 3-4 mm from baseꎻ
staminode 0􀆰 5- 1􀆰 4 cm longꎬ adnate to corolla ca. 2 mm
from base
0􀆰 4- 1􀆰 2 cm longꎬ adnate to corolla ca. 1 - 1􀆰 5 mm from
baseꎻ staminode 0􀆰 2-0􀆰 4 cm longꎬ adnate to corolla 1􀆰 5 mm
from base
Pistil ca. 2􀆰 2 cm longꎻ ovaryꎬ ca. 1􀆰 5 cm longꎬ style ca. 0􀆰 7 cmlongꎻ stigma 1ꎬ plate
1-1􀆰 7 cm longꎻ ovaryꎬ 0􀆰 35-0􀆰 8 cm longꎬ style ca. 0􀆰 15 cm
longꎻ stigma 2
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to Mrs Wang Ling for the il ̄
lustrationꎬ and we thank Mr Bai Pi ̄Fu (Department of Forest Minis ̄
tryꎬ Honghe)ꎬ Mr Zhang Hong ̄Liang and Mr Gao Zheng ̄Lin (Amus ̄
han Nature Reserve) for their help during the fieldwork.
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