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A Taxonomic Review of ‘Xueshandanggui’, a Traditional Naxi Herbal Medicine Plant of Lijiang Prefecture

纳西族传统药用植物 “雪山当归” 的名实考证

全 文 :纳西族传统药用植物 “雪山当归” 的名实考证∗
黄  华1ꎬ 李  静2ꎬ 和献文3ꎬ 刘德团1ꎬ 陈智发1ꎬ
高  富1ꎬ 许  琨1ꎬ 吴之坤1∗∗
(1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所丽江森林生态系统定位研究站ꎬ 昆明  650201ꎻ 2 丽江市烟草公司玉龙县分公司ꎬ
云南 丽江  674100ꎻ 3 云南省玉龙县巨甸镇农科站ꎬ 云南 丽江  674100)
摘要: “雪山当归” 在云南丽江地区是纳西族传统药用植物ꎬ 但长期以来其与伞形科其它植物在名称上混
淆在一起ꎮ 作者通过查考文献、 野外调查及查阅相关标本ꎬ 对 “雪山当归” 原植物来源进行考证ꎮ 结果表
明纳西族传统药用植物 “雪山当归” 是芳香棱子芹 (Pleurospermum aromaticum W􀆰 W. Sm.)ꎬ 而不是 «中国
植物志» 里的雪山当归 (Angelica forrestii Diels)ꎮ 相关研究结果表明 A􀆰 forrestii已被并入归叶棱子芹 (Pleu ̄
rospermum angelicoides (Wall.) Benth. ex C􀆰 B. Clarke) 中ꎮ
关键词: 雪山当归ꎻ 纳西传统药用植物ꎻ 名实考证
中图分类号: Q 949              文献标志码: A              文章编号: 2095-0845(2015)04-396-05
A Taxonomic Review of ‘Xueshandanggui’ꎬ a Traditional
Naxi Herbal Medicine Plant of Lijiang Prefecture
HUANG Hua1ꎬ LI Jing2ꎬ HE Xian ̄wen3ꎬ LIU De ̄tuan1ꎬ CHEN Zhi ̄fa1ꎬ
GAO Fu1ꎬ XU Kun1ꎬ WU Zhi ̄kun1∗∗
(1 Lijiang Forest Ecosystem Research Stationꎬ Kunming Instituted of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Kunming
650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2 Yulong County Branchꎬ Lijiang Tobacco Companiesꎬ Lijiangꎬ Yunnan 674100ꎬ Chinaꎻ
3 Agricultural Station of Judian Townꎬ Yulongꎬ Yunnan 674100ꎬ China)
Abstract: ‘Xueshandanggui’ is a traditional medicinal plant of the Naxi minority people of Lijiang prefectureꎬ
northwestern Yunnan. Howeverꎬ this Chinese name has often been confused with other Apiaceae species. In this
studyꎬ the descriptions of ‘Xueshandanggui’ are clarified and the taxonomic confusion of related species is dis ̄
cussed. The results showed that the traditional Naxi medicinal plant ‘Xueshandanggui’ was Pleurospermum aromati ̄
cum W􀆰 W. Sm.ꎬ but the plant described as ‘Xueshandanggui’ in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae is actually An ̄
gelica forrestii Diels. The latter was not the plant that the Naxi refer to as ‘Xueshandanggui’ . Other related studies
have shown that A􀆰 forrestii was a mistreatmentꎬ and this has now been combined with Pleurospermum angelicoides
(Wall.) Benth. ex C􀆰 B. Clarke.
Key words: ‘Xueshandanggui’ꎻ Naxi traditional herbal medicine plantꎻ Taxonomic review
  Lijiang prefecture is located in the northwest of
Yunnanꎬ on the southeastern edge of the Tibetan
plateau. This area is a biodiversity hotspot of East A ̄
sia (Myers et al.ꎬ 2000). Many plants found around
Lijiang city are used by the local minority people
such as the Naxi for traditional herbal medicines.
More than 500 herbal medicine plants have been re ̄
corded in the Checklist of Seed Plants of Lijiang Al ̄
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2015ꎬ 37 (4): 396~400
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201514122

Funding: West Light Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (292012312D11009)
Author for correspondenceꎻ E ̄mail: yunlong@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
Received date: 2014-09-02ꎬ Accepted date: 2014-11-27
作者简介: 黄华 (1983-) 男ꎬ 助理工程师ꎬ 主要从事动植物协同进化研究ꎮ
pine Botanic Garden (Wang et al.ꎬ 2007)ꎬ and o ̄
ver 200 traditional Naxi herbal medicine plants were
recorded in the Photograph of Specimens of Yulong
Materia Medica (Zengꎬ 1959).
‘Xueshandanggui’ is a traditional medicinal plant
of the Naxi peopleꎬ they use its roots to treat a varie ̄
ty of problems such as pain relieve in the lumbar re ̄
gion of the back and legs. It is also used to treat alti ̄
tude sickness and enriching of the blood. In the Flo ̄
ra Reipublicae Popularis Sinicaeꎬ Angelica forrestii
Diels is described as ‘Xueshandanggui’ and is re ̄
corded from Jade Dragon Snow Mountainꎬ Lijiang
(Yuanꎬ 1992)ꎬ but A􀆰 forrestii is not the plant that
the local people use for medicine. After checking
both living and herbarium material of the two plantsꎬ
they have significant morphological differences even
though they share the same Chinese name and both
belong to the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Thereforeꎬ
it is necessary to have the plant name corrected for
‘Xueshandanggui’ to clarify this nomenclatural con ̄
fusion of the two species.
1  Methods
The records and drawings of ‘Xueshandanggui’
have been studiedꎬ as well as living plant material of
‘Xueshandanggui’ in the fieldꎬ herbarium specimens
(Herbaria Eꎬ Gꎬ BMꎬ NASꎬ CIBꎬ KUN and PE)
of related species from the same locality were also
checked and compared.
2  Results and discussion
According to the referencesꎬ A􀆰 forrestii was first
published by Diels (1912) based on the specimen
G. Forrest 2580 (Fig􀆰 1) collected from eastern flank
of Jade Dragon Snow Mountainꎬ near Lijiangꎬ Yun ̄
nanꎬ China. The holotype had no fruitsꎬ and the
leaves and its habit characters resembled those of
Angelicaꎬ so Diels determined it to be a Angelica.
When Yuan ( 1992) edited the genus Angelica in
Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicaeꎬ the species was
cited without a pictureꎬ and it was not in the key ei ̄
therꎬ i􀆰 e. it was regarded as ‘ little ̄known’ (Pim ̄
enov and Kljuykovꎬ 1999). He followed Diels’ s
treatmentꎬ and retained the species in the genus An ̄
gelicaꎬ as well as giving it the Chinese name ‘Xues ̄
handanggui’ (he cited wrongly that the type was G.
Forrest 1580ꎬ it should actually have been G. For ̄
rest 2580ꎻ and also so wrongly cited the first publi ̄
cation date as 1929ꎬ when it should been 1912).
But after comparing the type materials of A􀆰 forrestii
with other sympatric Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)ꎬ es ̄
pecially by studying the fruit structureꎬ its fruit is
distinct from that of Angelica (deep groove in the en ̄
dosperm on the commissural sideꎬ subequal thin
marginal and dorsal ribsꎬ exocarp composed of rather
enlarged cells)ꎬ and it was considered a member of
the genus Pterocyclus Klotzsch (Pimenov and Kljuyk ̄
ovꎬ 1999). Actually the name of A􀆰 forrestii was cor ̄
rected in 1928 by H. Wolff as Pterocyclus angeli ̄
coides (Wall. ex DC.) C􀆰 B. Clarke. on the type
sheet (Pterocyclus has not gained widespread accept ̄
anceꎬ and in current taxonomic literature is often in ̄
cluded within a broadly conceived Plrurospermum)
(Pan and Watsonꎬ 2005). By investigating the type
specimens and other collections of Pleurospermum
angelicoides from the same area ( Fig􀆰 2 )ꎬ many
scholars suggested that A􀆰 forrestii was a wrong iden ̄
tificationꎬ and that it should be a synonym of P􀆰 ang ̄
elicoides ( information from the type sheets) . Here
we also agree such treatmentꎬ A􀆰 forrestii show its i ̄
dentity with P􀆰 angelicoidesꎬ the combination is com ̄
monly accepted now (Pan and Watsonꎬ 2005).
Based on the field observationꎬ we concluded
that the herb that Naxi use as ‘Xueshandanggui’ is
not a member of the genus Angelica (Fig􀆰 3). The
fruit of the plant is oblong and ribs all broadly thick ̄
wingedꎬ vittae 2-3 in each furrowꎬ 6-7 on commis ̄
sure. All of these characters indicate that it should
be a member of the genus Pleurospermum (Fu and
Hoꎬ 1979). After carefully examining living plants in
the field and comparing the herbarium types (G. For ̄
rest 6188) (Fig􀆰 4)ꎬ we found that this plant showed
high identity with the description and the type speci ̄
men of Pleurospermum aromaticum W􀆰 W. Sm.ꎬ it can
7934期      HUANG Hua et al.: A Taxonomic Review of ‘Xueshandanggui’ꎬ a Traditional Naxi Herbal Medicine 􀆺     
be concluded that this plant was P􀆰 aromaticum. The
type specimens of P􀆰 aromaticum were also collected
from western flank of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in
1910 by G. Forrest (Fig􀆰 4ꎬ G. Forrest 6188).
Thereforeꎬ we conclude that the traditional Naxi
medicinal plant ‘Xueshandanggui’ is P􀆰 aromaticum.
The treatment of ‘Xueshandanggui’ in Flora Reipu ̄
blicae Popularis Sinicae as ‘A􀆰 forrestii’ is a misi ̄
dentificationꎬ and A􀆰 forrestii has been combined into
P􀆰 angelicoidesꎬ which is not the plant that the Naxi
used as ‘Xueshandanggui’ for medicine.
Pleurospermum aromaticum W􀆰 W. Smith in
Notes Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 341. 1915ꎻ Hand. ̄Mazz.
Symb. Sin. 7: 710. 1933ꎻ Shan Ren Hwa & Sheh
Men Lan in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 55 (3): 231. 1992ꎻ
Pan Zehui & Mark F. Watson in Z􀆰 Y. Wu & P􀆰 H.
Ravenꎬ Fl. China 14: 45. 2005.
Distribution: SW Sichuanꎬ Xizangꎬ NW Yun ̄
nanꎬ the type was collected from Lijiangꎬ Yunnan. It
grows near ditches in forestsꎬ open dwarf scrubꎬ al ̄
pine meadowsꎻ 3 800-4 100 m.
Specimens examined: Chinaꎬ Yunnan: G. For ̄
rest 6188 (Holotypeꎬ Eꎬ Isotypeꎬ PE)ꎻ Yang Jing
sheng 63-2373 (KUN)ꎻ Zhao Zhiguang 30418 (PE).
Chinaꎬ Sichuan: Hengduan Mountain team 4022ꎬ
4044 (PE). Chinaꎬ Xizhang: Xizhang medicinal plant
team 4511ꎬ 2042 (PE).
Pleurospermum angelicoides (DC.) Benth. ex
C􀆰 B. Clarkeꎬ in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 703 (1879)ꎻ
C. Norman J. Bot. (London) 67: 246 (1929)ꎻ Can ̄
nonꎬ in Hara & Williamsꎬ Enum. Flow. Pl. Nepal
2: 188 (1979)ꎻ Fu Kuntsun & Ho Yehchiꎬ in Fl.
Reip. Pop. Sin. 55 (1): 152ꎬ tab. 76ꎬ figs. 1 - 4
(1979)ꎻ Wu Zhengyi ( ed.) Index Fl. Yunnan.:
922 (1984)ꎻ Farille et al. Candollea 40 (2) 523
(1985)ꎻ Pan Zehuiꎬ in Fl. Xizang. 3: 426ꎬ fig. 165
Fig􀆰 1  Holotype of Angelica forrestii (G. Forrest no. 2580ꎬ E) Fig􀆰 2  Holotype of Pleurospermum angelicoides (N. Wallich 548ꎬ E)
893                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
Fig􀆰 3  The plant that the Naxi people used as ‘Xueshandanggui’ for medicine
A: whole plantꎻ B: fruitsꎻ C: positive of leavesꎻ D: opposite of leaves
(1986)ꎻ P􀆰 K. Mukh. & Constance Umbell. India:
188 ( 1993 ). ———Hymenolaena angelicoides DC.
Prodr. 4: 245 (1830). ———Pterocylus angelicoides
(DC.) Klotzsch in Klotzsch & Garckeꎬ Bot. Ergebn.
Reise Prinz Waldemar v. Preussen: 150ꎬ tab. 47
(1862). ———Ligusticum angelicoides Wall. Cat. 548.
1828. ———Angelica forrestii Diels in Not. Bot. Gard.
Edin. 5: 289. 1929ꎻ Yuan CC in Fl. Reip. Pop.
Sin. 55 (3): 59. 1992.
Distribution: SW Sichuanꎬ SE Xizangꎬ NW Yun ̄
nan [Bhutanꎬ Indiaꎬ Kashmirꎬ Myanmarꎬ Nepalꎬ Sik ̄
kim]ꎬ the type of Pleurospermum angelicoides was col ̄
lected from Indiaꎬ and the type of Angelica forrestii was
collected from Lijiangꎬ Yunnan. It grows on the Stream
banks in forestsꎬ alpine meadowsꎻ 3 000-4 000 m.
Specimens examined: Chinaꎬ Yunnan: G. For ̄
rest 2580 (Holotypeꎬ E)ꎻ Zhongdian team 1349ꎬ
3190 (PE)ꎻ Feng Guomei 23569 (KUN)ꎻ Zhang
Aoluo 100189ꎻ Qinghai ̄Tibet team 2944 (CIB)ꎻ H.
Haraꎬ S. Kurosawa & H. Ohashiꎬ 6846 (PE)ꎻ Pan
Zehui et al. 84 - 203ꎻ Hengduan Mountain teamꎬ
01043 ( PE). Chinaꎬ Sichuan: Pan Zehui et al.ꎬ
986 (NAS)ꎻ Pu Fading & Yao Gan 287 (NAS).
Chinaꎬ Xizhang: Li Bosheng et al. 13669ꎬ 13484
(PE). India: N. Wallichꎬ 548 (Isosyntype of Hym ̄
enolaena angelicoidesꎬ Gꎬ BMꎬ E).
9934期      HUANG Hua et al.: A Taxonomic Review of ‘Xueshandanggui’ꎬ a Traditional Naxi Herbal Medicine 􀆺     
Fig􀆰 4  Holotype of Pleurospermum aromaticum (G. Forrest no. 6188ꎬ E)
Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Martyn Dickson from The
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Dr. Zong ̄Xin Ren from
Kunming Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciences
helped with the suggestions of grammar and We are grateful to
the directors of herbaria Eꎬ Gꎬ BMꎬ NASꎬ CIBꎬ KUN and
PE for allowing to access specimens for our studies.
Diels Lꎬ 1912. Umbelliferae [J] . Notes of the royal botanic Gardenꎬ
Edinburghꎬ 5: 289
Fu KT (傅坤俊)ꎬ Ho YC (何业祺)ꎬ 1979. Pleurospermum (A)
[A] / / Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志) [M].
Beijing: Science Pressꎬ 55 (1): 152
Myers Nꎬ Mittermeier RAꎬ Mittermeier CG et al.ꎬ 2000. Biodiversity
hotspots for conservation priorities [J] . Natureꎬ 403: 853—858
Pan ZH (潘泽惠)ꎬ Watson MFꎬ 2005. Pleurospermum (A) [A] / /
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jing: Science Pressꎻ St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Pressꎬ
14: 40—51
Pimenov MGꎬ Kljuykov EVꎬ 1999. New nomenclatural combinations
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den (丽江高山植物园种子植物名录) [M]. Kunming: Yun ̄
nan Science and Technology Press
Yuan CC (袁昌齐)ꎬ 1992. Archangelica Hoffm.ꎬ Coelopleurum Ledeb.ꎬ
Czernaevia Turcz.ꎬ Angelica L.ꎬ Ostericum Hoffm. (A) [A] / /
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People′s Publishing House
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