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Orchids Newly Recorded to China


全 文 :中国兰科植物新资料∗
李剑武1ꎬ 叶德平2ꎬ 刘景欣3ꎬ 谭运洪1ꎬ 殷建涛1
(1 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆ꎬ 云南 勐仑  666303ꎻ 2 普洱市林业局ꎬ 云南 普洱  665000ꎻ
3 德国霍恩海姆大学热带亚热带植物生产与农业生态研究所农业生态组ꎬ 德国 斯图加特  70599)
摘要: 报道了中国兰科 2个新记录属及 5个新记录种: 固唇兰属 (Plocoglottis)、 栖林兰属 (Drymoda)、 滇
南固唇兰 (Plocoglottis bokorensis)、 栖林兰 (Drymoda siamensis)、 泰国牛角兰 (Ceratostylis siamensis)、 景洪
白蝶兰 (Pecteilis hawkesiana)、 三脉贝母兰 (Coelogyne trinervis)、 浮萍毛兰 (Eria spirodela)ꎮ 对 2个属及 5
个种进行了特征描述ꎬ 并对比了近似种ꎮ
关键词: 新记录ꎻ 属ꎻ 种ꎻ 兰科ꎻ 中国
中图分类号: Q 949              文献标志码: A              文章编号: 2095-0845(2015)03-246-07
Orchids Newly Recorded to China
LI Jian ̄wu1ꎬ YE De ̄ping2ꎬ LIU Jing ̄xing3ꎬ TAN Yun ̄hong1ꎬ YIN Jian ̄tao1
(1 Herbarium of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gardenꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Menglunꎬ Yunnan 666303ꎬ Chinaꎻ
2 Department of Forest Ministryꎬ Pu’erꎬ Yunnan 665000ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3 Institute of Plant Production and Agroecology in the
Tropics and Subtropics (380)ꎬ Agroecology Sectionꎬ University of Hohenheimꎬ 70599 Stuttgartꎬ Germany)
Abstract: Two genera and five species of Orchidaceae: Plocoglottisꎬ Drymodaꎬ Plocoglottis bokorensisꎬ Drymoda
siamensisꎬ Ceratostylis siamensisꎬ Pecteilis hawkesianaꎬ Coelogyne trinervisꎬ Eria spirodelaꎬ are described as new re ̄
cords of flora to China. Every genus and species gives the character described and compare with similar species.
Key words: New recordꎻ Genusꎻ Speciesꎻ Orchidaceaeꎻ China
  During our botanical trip to Xishuangbanna in
southern Yunnanꎬ Chinaꎬ between 2011-2014ꎬ sev ̄
eral plants were investigated as new records to Chi ̄
na. We reported the results here.
1. Plocoglottis Blumeꎬ Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 8: 380.
(1825). Type: Plocoglottis javanica Blume.
Terrestrial plantsꎬ sympodialꎬ without or with
pseudobulbs arising from short creeping rhizomes.
Leaves one or more. Inflorescence lateralꎬ densely
with many flowered. Flowers open gradually. Sepals
lanceolateꎬ petals linearꎬ nearly equal in lengthꎻ lip
3 ̄lobedꎻ column fleshꎻ anther cap cordateꎻ pollinia 4.
Plocoglottis Blume is a terrestrial orchid genus of
40-45 species and is mainly distributed in Malesiaꎬ
ranging from the Andaman Islandsꎬ southern Myanmarꎬ
Thailandꎬ Cambodiaꎬ Vietnamꎬ China and eastwards
as far as New Guineaꎬ Bismarck Archipelago and the
Solomon Island. Plants of this genus are found in low ̄
landꎬ hill and lower montane forest up to 1 200 m.
Kurzweil (2009) suggested that this genus was placed
in tribe Collabieae of subfamily Epidendroideae.
2. Plocoglottis bokorensis (Gagnepain) Seidenf.ꎬ Dan ̄
sk Bot. Ark. 33 (3): 219. 1979. ———Bulbophyllum
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2015ꎬ 37 (3): 246~252
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201514116
∗ Funding: Special Grant for Herbarium Running Fees from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (08ZK111B02)
Received date: 2014-08-24ꎬ Accepted date: 2014-09-15
作者简介: 李剑武 (1983-) 男ꎬ 学士ꎬ 实验师ꎬ 主要从事植物分类工作ꎮ E ̄mail: ljw@xtbg􀆰 org􀆰 cn
bokorensis Gagnep.ꎬ Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. II:
22. 399. 1950ꎻ Plocoglottis mirabilis Seidenf.ꎬ Bot.
Tidsskr. 65. 336. 1970.
滇南固唇兰 (Fig􀆰 1: A-C)
Terrestrial herbsꎬ evergreen. Rhizome severalꎬ
creeping on base of pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs bot ̄
tle ̄shaped to conicalꎬ 10-13×2􀆰 5-4 cmꎬ internodes
3-7 cmꎬ dark green and becoming purplish brown
when old. Stems reed ̄likeꎬ arising from distinct
pseudobulbsꎬ 40-70 cm tallꎬ with several leaves in
its upper halfꎬ lower half with sheathꎬ Leaves 5-10ꎬ
ovate lanceolateꎬ acuminateꎬ petioles not prominentꎬ
blades 10-21×2- 4 cmꎬ glabrousꎬ basally sheath ̄
ingꎬ blades wavy. Inflorescence arising from the base
of pseudobulbsꎬ 40 - 80 cm longꎬ equal or longer
than the leafy stemꎬ pubescentꎻ bracts 5-7ꎬ scat ̄
tered along the flowering stem and a few clustered at
its baseꎬ lanceolateꎬ tubularꎬ acuteꎬ 2􀆰 5-5 cm longꎬ
glabrousꎻ raceme laxꎬ 5-24 floweredꎻ rachis 14-31
cm longꎻ floral bracts ovate ̄lanceolateꎬ acuminateꎬ
glabrousꎬ 2 - 2􀆰 5 × 0􀆰 3 - 0􀆰 7 cm. Flowers whitish ̄
green with purple markingsꎬ lip whitish with purple
markings at baseꎬ and whitish ̄yellow when oldꎻ
pedicel and ovary 2-2􀆰 5 cmꎬ pubescentꎻ sepals pu ̄
bescent on the outsideꎬ glabrous on the insideꎻ dor ̄
sal sepal lanceolateꎬ cymbiformꎬ acuminateꎬ 7 ̄veinedꎬ
20×7 mmꎻ lateral sepals similar but slightly narro ̄
werꎻ petals narrowly oblongꎬ obtuseꎬ glabrousꎬ 5 ̄
veinedꎬ 19×5 mm. Lip ovateꎬ apex revolute (which
makes lip looks like trapeziform )ꎬ shallowly 3 ̄
lobedꎬ glabrousꎬ 1 × 1􀆰 7 cmꎬ base with a distinct
cavity formed by the flangesꎬ stretch (with can be
makes the lip 90-180 degree change to the gynoste ̄
mium)ꎬ mid ̄lobe triangularꎬ ca. 1×1􀆰 5 mmꎻ lateral
lobes triangularꎬ obtuse ca. 3×2􀆰 5 mmꎬ gynostemi ̄
um fleshyꎬ with 2 purple blotsꎬ 7×4 mmꎻ anther cap
heart ̄shapedꎻ pollinia 4ꎬ 2 with a stipeꎻ rostellum
porrectꎬ ca. 1 mm. Flowering from the beginning of
June to the end of July.
China. Yunnan (云南): Xishuangbanna (西
双版纳)ꎬ Jinghong (景洪)ꎬ alt. 900 mꎬ 18 Juneꎬ
2013ꎬ beside riverꎬ under tropical rain forests. LI
Jian ̄wu (李剑武) 3329 (HITBC!).
Distribution: China (Yunnan)ꎬ Thailandꎬ Cam ̄
bodiaꎬ Laos and Vietnam.
Plocoglottis bokorensis is similar to P􀆰 giganteaꎬ
but differs from the latter by having bottle ̄shaped
basal pseudobulbs to 13 cm tall (pseudobulbs absent
in P􀆰 gigantea)ꎬ sides of lip not much recurved
(sides of lip much recurved in P􀆰 gigantea)ꎬ lip
broadest near the apex (lip broadest near the middle
in P􀆰 gigantea) (Kurzweilꎬ 2009).
3. Drymoda Lindleyꎬ Sert. Orch. t. 8 C (1838). Type:
Drymoda picta Lindley.
Epiphytic. Rhizome several. Pseudobulbs con ̄
gestedꎬ suborbicularꎬ compressedꎬ apex with 1 - 2
leavesꎬ leaf deciduous when flowering. Inflorescence
shortꎬ 1 ̄floweredꎬ arising from the base of pseudob ̄
ulbsꎬ pedicel and ovary longꎻ dorsal sepal erectꎬ a ̄
cuminateꎬ lateral sepals attached to distal end of the
column ̄footꎬ acuminateꎻ petals linearꎬ acuminateꎻ
lip slightly 3 ̄lobedꎬ mid ̄lobe recurvedꎬ acuteꎬ lat ̄
eral ̄lobes erectꎻ column shortꎬ column ̄foot longꎻ
anther cap cordate ̄cucullateꎬ pollinia 4.
Drymoda Lindley is a small genus with 5 spe ̄
ciesꎬ but 2 of them were moved into Bulbuphyllum.
4. Drymoda siamensis Schlechterꎬ Repert. Spec. Nov.
Regni Veg. 2: 170. 1906
栖林兰 (Fig􀆰 1: D-F)
Epiphytic. Stems shortꎬ rhizome several. Pseu ̄
dobulbs congestedꎬ sub ̄orbicularꎬ compressedꎬ ca.
0􀆰 7-1􀆰 2 cm in diam.ꎬ with a sheathꎻ sheath mem ̄
branousꎬ ovateꎬ acuteꎬ deciduousꎬ ca. 7×5 mmꎻ a ̄
pex with 2 leaves. Leaves with a sheathꎻ sheath
ovateꎬ acuteꎬ ca. 8×6 mmꎻ leaf sessileꎬ leaf blade
ovate ̄oblongꎬ ca. 2􀆰 1-2􀆰 3×0􀆰 6- 0􀆰 8 cmꎬ slightly
purple on the dorsalꎬ apex acuteꎬ leaf deciduous
when flowering. Inflorescence arising from base of
pseudobulbsꎬ ca. 6 mm longꎬ flora bracts membra ̄
nousꎬ ovate ̄lanceolateꎬ acuminateꎬ ca. 2-2􀆰 5×1􀆰 5
- 2 mm. Inflorescence 1 ̄floweredꎬ flower slightly
7423期                        LI Jian ̄wu et al.: Orchids Newly Recorded to China                             
white ̄yellowꎬ slightly violet. Pedicel and ovary ca. 2
-2􀆰 3 cm longꎬ dorsal sepal ovate ̄oblongꎬ ca. 7􀆰 5-8
×3-3􀆰 5 mmꎬ fleshyꎬ acuminateꎬ base acuteꎬ slight ̄
ly white ̄yellowꎬ middle violetꎬ 3 ̄veinedꎬ vein deep
violetꎻ lateral sepals ovate ̄falcateꎬ attached to distal
end of naked columnfootꎬ ca. 10􀆰 5-11×3􀆰 5-4 mmꎬ
fleshyꎬ acuminateꎬ slightly white ̄yellowꎬ middle vi ̄
oletꎬ 5 ̄veinedꎬ vein deep violetꎻ petals slightly lan ̄
ceolateꎬ ca. 6-6􀆰 5×1-1􀆰 1 mmꎬ fleshyꎬ acuminateꎬ
1 ̄veinedꎬ vein violetꎻ lip articulateꎬ ca. 1􀆰 5 mm
longꎬ lip ovate ̄oblongꎬ ca. 11 - 12 × 5􀆰 5 - 6 mmꎬ
fleshyꎬ acuteꎬ 7 ̄veinedꎬ vein deep violetꎬ middle
with a carinateꎻ slightly 3 ̄lobedꎬ lateral lobes erectꎬ
semi ̄ellipticꎬ mid ̄lobe ovateꎬ acuteꎬ recurvedꎻ column
Fig􀆰 1  A-C: Plocogllotis bokorensis. A. plantꎻ B. flower face viewꎻ C. inflorescenceꎻ D-F: Drymoda siamensis. D. plantꎻ
E. flower side viewꎻ F. flower (a. dorsal sepalꎻ b. petalsꎻ c. lateral sepalsꎻ d. lipꎻ e. pedicel and
ovary with column ̄foot.)ꎻ G-H: Ceratostylis siamensis. G. plantꎻ H. flower
842                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
shortꎬ ca. 1􀆰 5 mmꎬ with 2 wingsꎬ wing semi ̄rotundꎬ
ca. 2×2 mmꎻ column ̄foot longꎬ ca. 8 mmꎻ columnꎬ
wings and column ̄foot slightly yellowꎬ with violet
spotꎻ anther cap cordate ̄cucullateꎬ ca. 0􀆰 8×1 mmꎬ
pollinia 4ꎬ falcate ̄pyriform. Flowering from March to
China. Yunnan (云南): Xishuangbanna (西
双版纳)ꎬ Menghai (勐海)ꎬ alt. 1 100 mꎬ 20 Marchꎬ
2014ꎬ on broadleaved treeꎬ mixed broadleaf ̄conifer
forest. LI Jian ̄wu (李剑武) 3976 (HITBC!).
Distribution: China (Yunnan)ꎬ Thailandꎬ Laos.
Drymoda siamensis is similar to D􀆰 picta Lind ̄
leyꎬ but differs from the latter by pedicel and ovary
shorterꎬ wings of column smallerꎬ sepals ovate acute
not twice as long as broad (sepals linear lanceolateꎬ
4-5 times as long as broad in D􀆰 picta)ꎬ petals line ̄
ar (petals ovate in D􀆰 picta)ꎬ and a common lip (lip
flesht in D􀆰 picta). (Seidenfadenꎬ 1981).
5. Ceratostylis siamensis Rolfe ex Downie.ꎬ Bull. Misc.
Inform. Kew 1925ꎬ 379. ———Ceratostylis pygmaea
Evrard ex Gagnep. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 79: 33.
1932ꎻ Eria banaensis Gagnep. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist.
Nat. Ser. II. ii. 304. 1930.
泰国牛角兰 (Fig􀆰 1: G-H)
Epiphytic. Rhizome severalꎻ stem 2 mm longꎬ 4
-6 sheathsꎬ sheaths reddish brownꎬ membranousꎬ
ovate ̄lanceolateꎬ acuteꎬ ca. 5-9×4-5 mm. Leaves
linearꎬ leaf blades fleshyꎬ glabrousꎬ apex unequally
2 ̄lobedꎬ 25×3􀆰 5-4 mm. Inflorescence arising from
base of leafꎬ ca. 7 mm longꎬ slightly pubescentꎻ flo ̄
ra bracts reddish ̄brownꎬ ovate ̄lanceolateꎬ membra ̄
nousꎬ acuminateꎬ ca. 4×2 mm. 1 or 2 floweredꎬ not
open at the same timeꎬ smallꎬ white with purple ̄red
spottedꎬ lip whitish ̄yellowꎬ pedicel and ovary 2􀆰 5 mm
longꎬ pubescentꎻ dorsal sepal oblong ̄lanceolateꎬ pub ̄
escent on the outsideꎬ glabrous on the insideꎬ acuteꎬ
3×1􀆰 5 mmꎻ lateral sepals broadly ovateꎬ pubescent
on the outsideꎬ glabrous on the insideꎬ acuteꎬ 2􀆰 2×
3 mmꎻ petals narrowly oblongꎬ glabrousꎬ 2􀆰 5×1 mmꎻ
lip oblongꎬ 2􀆰 5-3 mmꎬ cymbiformꎬ thickenedꎬ base
deeply saccateꎬ margin entireꎬ apex with a cushion ̄
like callusꎻ column very shortꎬ column foot short
with verrucoseꎻ anther cap galeatedꎻ pollinia 8ꎬ ros ̄
tellum short. Capsule subellipsoidꎬ 5-6×3-4 mm.
Flowering from October to November.
China. Yunnan (云南): Xishuangbanna (西
双版纳)ꎬ Menghai (勐海)ꎬ alt. 1 850 mꎬ 25 Octo ̄
berꎬ 2012ꎬ on treeꎬ broadleaved evergreen forest. LI
Jian ̄wu (李剑武) 2739 (HITBC!)ꎻ Puer (普洱)ꎬ
Ximeng (西盟)ꎬ alt. 1 940 mꎬ 18 Novemberꎬ 2011ꎬ
on treeꎬ broadleaved evergreen forests. LI Jian ̄wu
(李剑武) 1238 (HITBC!)ꎻ Puer (普洱)ꎬ Men ̄
glian (孟连)ꎬ alt. 1 540 mꎬ 9 Novemberꎬ 2010ꎬ on
treeꎬ broadleaved evergreen forest. LI Jian ̄wu (李
剑武) 209 (HITBC!).
Distribution: China (Yunnan)ꎬ Thailand.
Ceratostylis siamensis is similar to C􀆰 clathrataꎬ
but differs from the letter by having leaves com ̄
pressed and unequally 2 ̄lobed at apex (the leaves of
are subteret and acute at apex in C􀆰 clathrata)ꎬ sep ̄
als pubescent on outside ( both side of sepals gla ̄
brous in C􀆰 clathrata) (Downieꎬ 1925).
6. Pecteilis hawkesiana (King & Pantl.) C􀆰 S. Kumar.
Nordic J. Bot. 22 (6): 526. 2002. ———Habenaria
hawkesiana King & Pantl. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengalꎬ Pt.
2ꎬ Nat. Hist. 66: 603. 1897ꎻ Pecteilis sagarikii Sei ̄
denf. Bot. Tidsskr. 68 (1): 46. 1973ꎻ Platanthera
hawkesiana (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl. Orch. Gen. et
Sp. i. 634. 1899.
景洪白蝶兰 (Fig􀆰 2: A-C)
Terrestrial herbsꎬ 15-25 cm tall. Tubers ovoid ̄
cylindricꎬ 2-4×1􀆰 5-2􀆰 5 cm. Stem stoutꎬ with sev ̄
eral tubular sheaths at base and 2-3 basal leaves.
Leaves ovate ̄ellipticꎬ acuteꎬ glabrousꎬ amplexicaulꎬ
9-10×6-7 cm. Sterile bracts often foliaceousꎬ inter ̄
grading into amplexicaulꎬ ovate ̄elliptic to lanceolateꎬ
2􀆰 5-4×2-2􀆰 5 cm. Floral bracts foliaceousꎬ lanceo ̄
lateꎬ 2􀆰 2-2􀆰 7 cmꎬ shorterꎬ equal or slightly excee ̄
ding ovaryꎬ apex acuminate. Flowers fragrantꎬ whiteꎬ
lip yellowꎬ medium ̄sizedꎻ pedicel and ovary 2􀆰 2 -
2􀆰 7 cm longꎬ glabrousꎬ shallowly wingedꎻ dorsal
sepal broadly ovate ̄ellipticꎬ erectꎬ glabrousꎬ apex
9423期                        LI Jian ̄wu et al.: Orchids Newly Recorded to China                             
acuteꎬ 2􀆰 2×1􀆰 8 cmꎻ lateral sepals ovate ̄lanceolateꎬ
erectꎬ glabrousꎬ apex acuteꎬ 2􀆰 4×1􀆰 4 cmꎬ slightly
longer than dorsal sepalꎻ petals lanceolateꎬ erectꎬ
glabrousꎬ apex acute to acuminateꎬ 2􀆰 1×1 cmꎻ lip
ovate ̄oblongꎬ shallowly 3 ̄lobedꎬ lateral lobes semi ̄
ellipticꎬ entireꎬ 2×1 cmꎻ mid ̄lobe lanceolateꎬ apex
acuminateꎬ revoluteꎬ with 2 crest at the middleꎬ 3􀆰 5
×1􀆰 5 cmꎻ spur straight to gradually curved forwardꎬ
35-45×3-5 mmꎬ apex acuteꎬ apex 3 / 5 greenishꎻ
column erectꎬ shortꎻ anther erectꎬ 2 ̄locularꎻ locules
widely spaced in a very broad connectiveꎻ pollinia
2ꎬ granularꎬ 2 mm longꎬ caudicles slenderꎬ 4 mm
longꎬ viscidia smallꎬ each hidden in a tubular fold
at end of rostellum armsꎻ lateral appendages 2ꎬ
smallꎬ at base of antherꎻ rostellum 3 ̄lobedꎬ lateral
arms longꎬ taperingꎻ mid ̄lobe bluntꎻ stigma lobes
adnate to base of lipꎬ connateꎬ sessile.
China. Yunnan (云南): Xishuangbanna (西
双版纳)ꎬ Jinghong (景洪)ꎬ alt. 780 mꎬ 9 Septem ̄
berꎬ 2012ꎬ under bamboo forests. LI Jian ̄wu (李剑
武) 1991 (HITBC!).
Distribution: China (Yunnan)ꎬ Thailandꎬ My ̄
Pecteilis hawkesiana is similar to P􀆰 triflora (Sei ̄
denfadenꎬ 1973)ꎬ but differs from it by having basal
leaves ( leaves cauline and alternate in P􀆰 triflora)ꎬ
flowers bright whiteꎬ lip shallowly 3 ̄lobedꎬ lateral
lobes entireꎬ lip with yellow blotch from tip to the
entrance of spur ( flowers whiteꎬ lip obviously 3 ̄
lobedꎬ lateral lobes denticulate in P􀆰 triflora) ( see
Tang and Wangꎬ 1951).
7. Coelogyne trinervis Lindley. Numer. List (Walli ̄
ch). n. 1955. 54. 1829. ———C􀆰 angustifolia Ridl. J.
Linn. Soc. 32: 322. 1896ꎻ C􀆰 cinnamomea Lindley.
Gard. Chron. 37. 1858ꎻ C􀆰 pachybulbon Ridl. J. Linn.
Soc. 32: 324. 1896ꎻ C􀆰 rhodeana Rchb. f. Gard.
Chron. 901. 1867ꎻ C􀆰 rossiana Rchb. f. Gard. Chron.
II: 808. 1884ꎻ C􀆰 stenophylla Ridl. Fl. Malay Penins.
IV: 132. 1924ꎻ C􀆰 wettsteiniana Schltr. Oesterr. Bot.
Z. 69: 124. 1920ꎻ Pleione rossiana (Rchb. f.) Kun ̄
tze. Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 680. 1891ꎻ P􀆰 trinervis (Lind ̄
ley) Kuntze. Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 680. 1891.
三脉贝母兰 (Fig􀆰 2: D-E)
Epiphytic. Rhizomes several. Pseudobulbs 2-4
cm apart from each otherꎬ ovate ̄roundꎬ ca. 4􀆰 5-5×
3-3􀆰 5 cmꎬ sheathing at beginningꎬ sheath decidu ̄
ousꎬ 2 ̄leaves at apex of pseudobulbs. Stems ca. 7-9
mm in diam.ꎬ several sheathsꎬ sheath triangularꎬ ca.
2􀆰 8×1􀆰 4 mmꎬ acute. Petiole 4-5 cm longꎬ sulcateꎬ
leaf blade linearꎬ leatheryꎬ ca. 25-27×3-3􀆰 5 cmꎬ
3 ̄veinedꎬ vein concave on the surfaceꎬ and convex
on the other side. Inflorescence arising from base of
pseudobulbsꎬ peduncle ca. 6 cmꎬ with several equi ̄
tant sheathsꎬ sheath ovateꎬ ca. 1-2×1-1􀆰 2 cmꎬ a ̄
cuteꎻ rachis 8-10 ̄floweredꎻ flowers 2-2􀆰 5 cm apart
from each otherꎬ rachis flexuousꎬ flora bracts ovate ̄
lanceolateꎬ slightly yellow ̄brownꎬ ca. 4-4􀆰 5×0􀆰 8-
1 cmꎬ acute. Pedicel and ovary ca. 2-3􀆰 5 cm longꎬ
at lower rachis longer than topꎻ flower slightly
yellow ̄greenꎬ dorsal sepal ovate ̄lanceolateꎬ ca. 2􀆰 3
×0􀆰 8 cmꎬ acuteꎬ concaveꎻ lateral sepals lanceolateꎬ
ca. 2􀆰 3×0􀆰 7 cmꎬ acuteꎬ concaveꎻ petals linearꎬ ca.
2×0􀆰 4 cmꎬ acuteꎬ concaveꎻ lip ovateꎬ ca. 2 × 1􀆰 5
cmꎬ 3 ̄lobedꎬ lateral lobes erectꎬ deep yellow ̄brownꎬ
ovateꎬ ca. 1􀆰 2×0􀆰 5 cmꎬ apex roundꎻ mid ̄lobe ob ̄
longꎬ apex acuteꎬ margins slightly yellowꎬ middle
whiteꎬ callus with 3 crisped ̄incisedꎬ longitudinal
ridges extending from base of lip to apexꎻ column
slightly archingꎬ ca. 1􀆰 4×0􀆰 5 cmꎬ with 2 wings on
both sideꎻ anther cap roundꎬ ca. 2􀆰 5× 4 mm. Pol ̄
linia 4. Flowering from June to July.
China. Yunnan (云南): Xishuangbanna (西
双版纳)ꎬ Menghai (勐海)ꎬ alt. 1 600 mꎬ 23 Julyꎬ
2013ꎬ on treeꎬ broadleaved evergreen forestꎬ LI
Jian ̄wu (李剑武) 3603 (HITBC!).
Distribution: China (Yunnan)ꎬ Thailandꎬ My ̄
anmarꎬ Malaysiaꎬ Laosꎬ Cambodiaꎬ Vietnamꎬ Javaꎬ
Lesser Sunda Islandsꎬ Mollucas and Sumatra.
This species is similar to C􀆰 graminifolia (C􀆰 vis ̄
cosa)ꎬ but C􀆰 graminifolia is characterized by having
much narrow leafꎬ pseudobulbs smallerꎬ mid ̄lobes
ovateꎬ lamella not extending to apex and mid ̄lamella
052                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
Fig􀆰 2  A-C: Pecteilis hawkesiana. A. plantꎻ B. inflorescenceꎻ C. flower (a. dorsal sepalꎻ b. petalsꎻ c. lateral sepalsꎻ d. lipꎻ
e. pedicel and ovaryꎻ f. floral bract.)ꎻ D-E: Coelogyne trinervis. D. plantꎻ E. flowerꎻ F-H: Eria spirodela.
F. plantꎻ G. flower side viewꎻ H. flower face view
1523期                        LI Jian ̄wu et al.: Orchids Newly Recorded to China                             
8. Eria spirodela Aver. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Len ̄
ingrad) 73 (1): 101. 1988. ———Pinalia dasypus
(Rchb. f.) Kuntzeꎬ Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 679. 1891.
浮萍毛兰 (Fig􀆰 2: F-H)
Epiphytic. Stems shortꎬ almost acaulescent. Rhi ̄
zomes severalꎬ arising from base of pseudobulbs.
Pseudobulbs congestedꎬ lepidoidꎬ flabellate or ro ̄
tundꎬ ca. 0􀆰 4-1×0􀆰 4-1 cm. 1 ̄leaf basalꎬ leaf de ̄
ciduous when floweringꎬ leaf blade ovateꎬ apex a ̄
cuteꎬ ca. 0􀆰 8-1×0􀆰 4-0􀆰 5 cmꎬ petiole shortꎬ ca. 1 mm
long. Inflorescence arising from lateral of pseudob ̄
ulbsꎬ peduncle ca. 5-5􀆰 5 mm longꎬ with 2 sheathsꎬ
sheath triangularꎬ acuteꎬ margins denticulateꎬ ca. 1
×1􀆰 2 mmꎻ rachis with 2 flowersꎻ floral bracts ovateꎬ
ca. 2×2􀆰 2 mmꎬ acuteꎬ margins denticulate. Pedicel
and ovary 2􀆰 2 mm long. Flowers greenishꎻ dorsal
sepal lanceolateꎬ ca. 6􀆰 5-7×1􀆰 5-1􀆰 7 mmꎬ acumi ̄
nateꎬ 3 ̄veinedꎻ lateral sepals triangularꎬ slightly ob ̄
liqueꎬ ca. 6-6􀆰 5×27-3 mmꎬ acuminateꎬ 3 ̄veinedꎬ
mentum ca. 2 mm longꎬ incurvedꎻ petals lanceolateꎬ
ca. 6 - 6􀆰 5 × 1- 1􀆰 1 mmꎬ acuminateꎬ 3 ̄veinedꎻ lip
lanceolateꎬ fleshyꎬ ca. 4-4􀆰 2×1􀆰 1-1􀆰 2 mmꎬ sligh ̄
tly 3 ̄lobedꎬ lateral lobes erectꎬ ca. 2×0􀆰 3 mmꎬ lin ̄
earꎬ apex rotundꎬ mid ̄lobe lanceolateꎬ acuminateꎬ
middle with 2 thick fleshy ridgesꎬ ridge ca. 2 mm
longꎻ column ca. 1 mm longꎬ slightly with wingsꎬ
column dens ca. 0􀆰 5 × 0􀆰 2 mmꎬ column foot ca. 3
mm longꎬ slightly curvedꎻ pollinia 8. Flowering from
June to July.
China. Yunnan (云南): Xishuangbanna (西
双版纳)ꎬ Mengla (勐腊)ꎬ alt. 900 mꎬ May 1ꎬ 2013ꎬ
on tree or rockꎬ karst region forestꎬ LI Jian ̄wu (李
剑武) 3399 (HITBC!).
Distribution: China (Yunnan)ꎬ Thailandꎬ La ̄
osꎬ Vietnam.
Eria spirodela is distinct species in Eria s􀆰 l.ꎬ
characterized by its habit.
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Dr. X􀆰 H. Jin for his
critical review of the manuscriptꎬ to C􀆰 R. Ai for her litera ̄
turesꎬ to K􀆰 P. Zhang for his help in the translationꎬ and to T.
Yuꎬ K􀆰 R. Pu for their help in the field work.
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