Maïté DELMAS"> Saving Our Planet′s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural History Museum to the Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation-文献传递-植物通论文库
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Saving Our Planet′s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural History Museum to the Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

Saving Our Planet′s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural History Museum to t

全 文 :Saving Our Planet忆s Flora, the Contribution of the French National
Natural History Museum to the Implementation of the
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
Ma觙t佴 DELMAS1*, Jean鄄Patrick LE DUC2
(1 International Relations, Department of Botanical and Zoological Gardens, Mus佴um National d忆Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France;
2 International Affairs Officer, Mus佴um National d忆Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France)
Abstract: The National Natural History Museum plays a key role in the implementation of the GSPC through its bo鄄
tanical gardens, the Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin Parisien, the Herbarium, and also by providing ex鄄
pertise on all areas of the Strategy (botany, conservation, ethonobotany, article 8j, substainable use), etc. For 2 of
the goals of GSPC (conserving plant diversity, Understanding and Documenting Plant Diversity), the Mus佴um has
developed activities all over the world, including compilation of various flora and description of new species, as well
as establishment of plant conservation schemes and habitat protection policies. It also conserves endangered species
in the botanical garden.
Key words: Global Strategy for Plant Conservation; Conservation; Botanical expertise
CLC number: Q 949. 9摇 摇 摇 摇 Document Code: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 Article ID: 2095-0845(2011)01-046-07
1摇 Introduction
Created in 1626 as “The King忆s Garden for me鄄
dicinal plants冶 and taking its current name in 1793,
the National Natural History Museum (the Mus佴um)
has, over 350 years of existence, developed many
facilities in the fields of natural and human sciences.
With 1800 staff members (including 500 researchers
in a wide variety of disciplines) it is today a major
research and education institution ( 400 MSc and
PhD students), a centre of expertise, a renown pub鄄
lic museum with its galleries, botanical and zoologi鄄
cal gardens and the Museum of Mankind, receiving
over 2 million paying visitors per year.
With its 70 millions specimens or artifacts in鄄
cluding 800 000 type specimens, it is one of the
world忆s major databank on the Earth忆s natural and
cultural diversity, helping to build sustainable nature
management policies as well as a museum aiming at
mobilizing the citizens on environmental issues
through its outreach programmes.
摇 摇 Today the institution is supported by the Minis鄄
try of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry
of Ecology, Sustainable Developement, Transport
and Housing. Its mission is “ to discover, under鄄
stand, highlight and help preserve the Earth忆s natu鄄
ral and cultural diversity冶 .
Contributing to the global strategy for plant con鄄
The Global Plant Conservation Strategy (GSPC)
was adopted by the Conference of Parties to the Con鄄
vention on Biological Diversity in April 2002 with an
ultimate and long term objective to halt the current
and continuing decline in plant diversity. It included
outcome鄄oriented global targets for 2010 which pro鄄
vided a framework for the scientific institutions. At
the Mus佴um, the Strategy is implemented through its
botanical gardens, the Conservatoire Botanique Na鄄
tional du Bassin Parisien, the Herbarium and the
different Departments by providing expertise on all
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2011, 33 (1): 46 ~ 52
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1143. 2011. 10248
* Author for correspondence; 1. E鄄mail: delmas@ mnhn. fr; 2. E鄄mail: leduc@ mnhn. fr
Received date: 2010-12-27, Accepted date: 2011-01-05
areas including botany, plant conservation, ethonob鄄
otany, Article 8j, and the substainable use of biodi鄄
versity. This contribution is done in partnership with
other scientific institutions, French authorities, con鄄
servation organizations and foreign local communities
in diversity鄄rich countries.
Out of the ten Departments of the Mus佴um, five
of them are directly contributing to the sixteen targets
of the GSPC.
摇 —The Department of Botanical and Zoological Gardens
摇 —The Department of Systematics and Evolution
摇 —The Department of Mankind, Nature, Societies
摇 —The Natural Heritage Service
摇 —The Department of Ecology and Biodiversity
The Department of Botanical and Zoological
Gardens (DJBZ) manages, in its five botanical gar鄄
dens and four zoological parks, all the living collec鄄
tions of the Mus佴um. These collections are used for
dissemination of knowledge, the conservation of rare
and endangered species and are used in research
The maintainance and development of the plant
collections are based on the global strategies for the
curation of living species. Recent achievements and
current projects demonstrate a commitment to plant
conservation and education with the display of rare
and endangered floras (opening of a New Caledonian
glasshouse, development of the Malagasy collec鄄
tions, and of the flora of arid zones, c), the ecosys鄄
temic presentations ( forests of the Ile de France re鄄
gion) and the global fauna / flora projects (planning
of Madagascar and Guyana ecosystems at the Paris
Zoological Park ). All these projects involve the
Mus佴um researchers and are connected to programs
of dissemination of scientific knowledge and aim at
raising awareness of the importance of conserve plant
diversity. For this, the DJBZ uses all types of medi鄄
ation, the richness and the diversity of its botanical
collections and the knowledge of its staff. Through
its rich diversity, it manages this imposing heritage
in a spirit of sustainability.
The Department of Systematics and Evolution
is concerned with the flora of the planet in several
(1) Firstly, its members are in charge of the
curation of the National Herbarium. This Herbari鄄
um, one of the largest in the world with more than
10 million specimens, represents a true historical re鄄
cord of plant diversity on the surface of our planet.
It includes historical herbaria, such as those of La鄄
marck or Jussieu, which were among the first of such
importance. It also includes herbaria resulting from
the great explorations of the world which started in
the 18 th century. The complete digitization of the
National Herbarium is in process.
(2) Secondly, the Department of Systematics
and Evolution, in relation with the Herbarium, the
Conservatoire Botanique du Bassin Parisien and the
Department of Botanical and Zoological Gardens,
conducts active research on biodiversity, and the
systematics and evolution of plants, algae and fungi.
These studies include explorations of areas where a
large part of the diversity remains undescribed
( Madagascar, New Caledonia, South鄄East Asia,
China, …), participation in large expeditions (San鄄
to / Vanuatu, Mozambique, …), research in taxono鄄
my and systematics, as well as an investigation of
the evolutionary forces that have led to today忆s diver鄄
sity, thus allowing an understanding of the present
situation and the development of possible scenarios
for the future.
The Department Mankind, Nature, Societies
includes researchers in the human sciences ( social
and cultural anthropology, ethnobiology, human ge鄄
ography, ethnomusicology…) and the life sciences
( biological anthropology, population genetics, pri鄄
mate ethology…). Research projects concern mod鄄
ern man and his relationship with his environment,
in all ecosystems鄄tropical as well as temperate 鄄 in鄄
cluding those in France. Research involving plants
follows two lines: the uses of wild or cultivated
plants; and classification systems and knowledge a鄄
bout plants in different societies.
741 期摇 摇 摇 DELMAS and LE DUC: Saving Our Plant忆s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural … 摇 摇 摇 摇
Among the Department忆 s research programs,
several deserve mention: non鄄timber forest products
in French Guyana, palm trees in Amazonia, wild
yams in Madagascar and West Africa, and therapeu鄄
tic plants consumed by chimpanzees in Uganda, a鄄
mong others. Regarding cultivated plants, our ap鄄
proach associates inventories of local agro鄄diversity
with its management, and raising awareness of local
products through the use of labels (coffees in Ethio鄄
pia, roiboos in South Africa, fruit varieties in
France…), in relation with the protection of ecosys鄄
The Natural Heritage Service (Service du Pat鄄
rimoine Naturel) is a national structure and is sup鄄
ported by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable De鄄
velopement, Transport and Housing. It coordinates,
within the Mus佴um and for the French government,
the scientific inventories of the natural heritage by
providing taxonomic referentials, referentials on ha鄄
bitat types and methodologies for the study of biodi鄄
It co鄄operates with all types of partners, in both
the academic and the associative sectors (scientists,
naturalists, managers of natural habitats) . Within
the national Syst侉me d忆 Information sur la Nature et
les Paysages ( SINP, Information facility on nature
and landscapes) initiated by the Ministry of Ecolo鄄
gy, Sustainable Developement, Transport and Hous鄄
ing, it is responsible for the scientific administration
of the coordination. This information facility aims at
providing the public with information on biodiversity
which is scientifically validated using the best availa鄄
ble criteria.
In addition, the Natural Heritage Service pro鄄
vides its expertise to the different ministries and as鄄
sists them in the implementation of EU directives, in
particular those relating to the Natura 2000 sites net鄄
work and to the conservation status of species and
habitats (Directive 92 / 43). It also provides the sci鄄
entific coordination of the French conservation pro鄄
gramme on ZNIEFF ( Zones naturelles d忆 int佴r俸t
佴cologique, faunistique et floristique 鄄 Natural Areas
of Animal and Plant Ecological Interest) . In colla鄄
boration with the French IUCN National Committee,
the Natural Heritage Service is responsible for upda鄄
ting the Red Lists of threatened species. Finally, the
Natural Heritage Service develops and manages the
National Inventory of Natural Heritage which aims at
establishing a synthetic source of information on the
natural heritage in France: distribution of fauna, flo鄄
ra and habitats in metropolitan France and overseas
(http: / / inpn. mnhn. fr / ) .
The Department of Ecology and Biodiversity
Management combines both the study of nature and
its management. It contributes to its inventory, ana鄄
lyses its history within different scales of space and
time, it studies its determinism and the mechanisms
behind its functioning and its role in ecosystems. It
puts forward scenarios of its evolution and imple鄄
ments management protocols.
The Conservatoire Botanique National du Bas鄄
sin parisien (CBNBP), created in 1994 within the
Mus佴um, fulfills four missions with the Paris Basin
as territorial responsibility (Bourgogne, Champagne鄄
Ardennes, Centre, Ile鄄de鄄France regions and Sarthe
It performig scientific studies and monitor the
native flora and natural habitats of the Paris Basin
(1) identifying endangered native species and
natural habitats in this geographical area and ensu鄄
ring their conservation
(2) providing expertise to the French govern鄄
ment and local authorities
(3) raising public awareness of the importance
of plant biodiversity and its protection
Data on plant distribution in the Paris Basin
(approximately 4. 5 million entries) are computerized
in the FLORA襆 database and are linked to the Glob鄄
al Biodiversity Information Facility ( GBIF). The
CBNBP is currently the sixth largest provider of data
to GBIF.
In the Paris Basin, the CBNBP evaluates the
conservative status of all species, establishes regio鄄
nal Red Lists of threatened species, diffuses know鄄
84摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
ledge to the public, and serves as the scientific ad鄄
viser of the French government and local authorities.
The CBNBP also conducts specialised research pro鄄
jects on subjects such as urban biodiversity and the
role of ecological corridors in maintaining plant diver鄄
sity. Plant conservation activities involve both in situ
actions ( population reinforcement, reintroductions
and transplantation) and ex situ activities in the labo鄄
ratory (including a seed bank) as well as in cultiva鄄
tion. The CBNBP忆s activities have an international
dimension through scientific partnerships developed
with foreign institutions. www. mnhn. fr / cbnbp
2摇 Achieving the targets of the GSPC
2. 1摇 Understanding and Documenting Plant Diversity
2. 1. 1摇 A widely accessible working list of known
plant species, as a step towards a complete
world flora
The National Herbarium, founded in the 18 th
century, houses more than 10 million specimens, in鄄
cluding more than 400 000 type specimens. It par鄄
ticipates in the compilation of various floras ( New
Caledonia, Madagascar, Gabon, Cambodia, Laos,
etc. ), including the description of new species. It
participates in the African Plants Initiative and Latin
American Plants Initiative Projects and in the Mil鄄
lennium Seed Bank, contributes to periodical publi鄄
cations on plant systematics (Adansonia) and to in鄄
ternational databases of plant species: GBIF (more
than four million data entries), BGCI, SONNERAT
(http: / / www. mnhn. fr / base / sonnerat. html ) and
BRYOMYCO (more than 700 000 entries in these
two databases).
The CBNBP carries out an inventory of the Par鄄
is Basin flora and monitoring of the list of protected
plant species and sets up national methodologies for
the inventories of French natural heritage. It cooper鄄
ates with the Soci佴t佴 fran觭aise d忆Orchidophilie for the
publication of a national atlas of orchids and partici鄄
pates in the creation of a website to access national
The inventory and computerization of the collec鄄
tions of the Mus佴um ( National herbarium, seed
banks, carpological collections, reference seed col鄄
lections, living plants from the botanical gardens)
and of the six regional herbaria as well as the refe鄄
rence documentation and archives of the Mus佴um bo鄄
tanical gardens are in process.
Finally, the Mus佴um is the French coordinator
for the European network of excellence EDIT
(http: / / www. e鄄taxonomy. eu / )
2. 1. 2摇 A preliminary assessment of the conser鄄
vation status of all known plant species, at na鄄
tional, regional and international levels
The Museum carries out several plant invento鄄
ries at the national and regional levels. It contributes
to the establishment and facilitation of regional con鄄
tact networks and of contracts with public and private
institutions for the surveillance of plant populations,
to the monitoring of common vascular plants on the
French (metropolitan) territory through the Vigie鄄
Flora program and to the national coordination and e鄄
valuation of the conservative status for plants species
included in the appendices of the European directive
92 / 43. It participates in the national and regional red
data books on plants and to the follow鄄up program on
the distribution of habitats and to the identification of
priorities for the protection of habitats.
At the regional level, the CBNBP has initiated
a detailed analysis of endangered plant species and
of the threats to their populations and habitats and
developed reliable rarity indices for the Parisian Ba鄄
sin flora, carried out bibliographic analysis of plant
distribution. Local and regional plant watchdog
groups are also contributing to the plant inventories
for the Paris Basin region.
2. 1. 3 摇 Development of models with protocols
for plant conservation and sustainable use, based
on research and practical experience
Three programms contribute to this objective:
(1) The determination of harvesting and con鄄
servation protocols for wild plants ( in situ and ex si鄄
tu) and a follow鄄up of the operations for improving
the methods to conserve the Paris Basin wild flora.
941 期摇 摇 摇 DELMAS and LE DUC: Saving Our Plant忆s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural … 摇 摇 摇 摇
(2) A research program on the causes of the
disappearance of plant species ( Allee effect, in鄄
breeding depression, etc. ) and the implementation
of on鄄site experiments to test the theoretical approa鄄
ches for the region.
(3) A programme on the in vivo and in vitro
multiplication of the botanical Fuchsias reference
collection which was launched by the DJBZ in 2006.
3摇 Conserving plant diversity
3. 1摇 At least 10% of each of the world忆s ecolog鄄
ical regions effectively conserved
The Paris Basin region possesses rare habitats
of European interest and the CBNBP establishes
plant conservation schemes such as the conservation
scheme of Luronium natans a threatened species in
Europe, listed in the European Directive on the con鄄
servation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and
It participates in other national conservation
schemes (Liparis loeselii, companion plants to crops
…), to public open鄄space habitat conservation pro鄄
grams in the Ile de France region, is being consulted
on sensitive local natural areas and establishes site
habitat protection policies.
3. 2 摇 Protection of 50% of the most important
areas for plant diversity assured
The Mus佴um participates in the National Park
of French Guyana pilot program committee and in
scientific committees and boards of National Parks,
in the study of natural reserve and other protected
areas projects.
It develops tools to prioritize ecological zones of
high interest and takes part in the advisory commit鄄
tees of protected areas in the Bourgogne, Centre,
Ile鄄de鄄France, Champagne鄄Ardennes regions and in
the Sarthe D佴partement.
The DJBZ presents in the Ecological garden and
in the New Caledonian glasshouse, the natural habi鄄
tats diversity to the general public and a reconstitu鄄
tion of Malagasy habitats is planned for the renova鄄
tion project of the Paris Zoo.
3. 3摇 At least 30% of production lands managed
consistent with the conservation of plant diversity
The companion plants to crops species are par鄄
ticularly threatened with extinction in the grain
plains of the Paris Basin and harvest of seeds and
cultivation programs are undertaken by the CBNBP
along with the recognition and management programs
for the heritage ecosystems in agricultural lands
(Mouill侉res of G覾tinais) .
3. 4摇 60% of the world忆s threatened species con鄄
served in situ
The Mus佴um contributes to in situ plant conser鄄
vation initiatives in Africa and South America and
regionally to the development of partnerships with
relevant public authorities as well as with the public
and private land owners to implement on鄄site conser鄄
vation schemes for threatened species.
3. 5摇 60% of threatened plant species in accessi鄄
ble ex situ collections, preferably in the country
of origin, and 10% of them included in recovery
and restoration programmes
Two Mus佴um Departments (DJBZ and CBNBP)
maintain ex situ living plant collections in cultivation
or in seed banks. The four botanical gardens of the
DJBZ conserve and propagate rare and threatened
plants in particular Cycadales, orchids, succulent
plants including aloes, cacti, Euphorbiaceae
The Ch侉vreloup Arboretum maintains 2 654 tree
and shrubs taxa including, for the conifers, 266 spe鄄
cies, 507 cultivars and 33 hybrids and, for the
broad鄄leaved trees, 1 065 species, 671 cultivars and
135 hybrids. Among those, 110 species are red鄄lis鄄
ted by the IUCN. The other botanical gardens of the
Mus佴um have a collection of 17 520 taxa of plants,
including 411 taxa which are red鄄listed by the IUCN
(http: / / www. iucnredlist. org / )
With its seed bank collections, the DJBZ has
been, from 2004-2009, the French partner of EN鄄
SCONET (European Native Seed Conservation Net鄄
work) a European programme coordinating native
seed plant conservation within Europe (http: / / www.
ensconet. eu / ). The seed bank of the CBNBP con鄄
05摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
serves 7 million seeds of more than 450 species of
protected heritage plant species of the Paris Basin.
3. 6 摇 70% of the genetic diversity of crops and
other major socio鄄economically valuable plant
species conserved, and associated indigenous and
local knowledge maintained
The Department of Mankind, Nature, Societies
establishes conservation programs of Ethiopian gar鄄
den biodiversity through raising awareness of local
products cultivated in these gardens (coffee, spices,
seasoning…. ), studies the biological and morpho鄄
logical diversity of manioc in Amazonia and the im鄄
pact of slash and burn cultivation in southern French
Guyana and carries out research on traditional varie鄄
ties of cultivated plants and fruit trees in rural areas
of France.
The DJBZ encourages the conservation and pro鄄
motion of useful tropical plants in its glasshouses and
uses thematic collections of food plants to raise
awareness on the importance of conserving the gene鄄
tic diversity of useful plants. It takes part in the crea鄄
tion of a centre for the conservation of the regional
plant genetic resources at Savigny le Temple.
3.7摇 Management plans in place for at least 100 ma鄄
jor alien species that threaten plants, plant commu鄄
nities and associated habitats and ecosystems
The Mus佴um contributes to the establishment of
lists of invasive alien plant species in France for re鄄
gional environmental management committees and
the CBNBP collaborates in the programs to fight
against invasive species of Ludwigia and to the sur鄄
veillance, monitoring and survey of invasive plants
in the Paris Basin.
4摇 Using plant diversity sustainably
4. 1摇 No species of wild flora endangered by in鄄
ternational trade
The Mus佴um is the French Scientific authority
for the Convention on International Trade in Endan鄄
gered Species of wild flora and fauna (CITES, also
knows as the Washington Convention) and partici鄄
pates actively in the Convention忆s plant Committee.
It assists French customs in plant identification and
reception of confiscated plant specimens from customs
authorities. During specific exhibitions, the visitors
are informed on the risks resulting from illegal plant
trade, in particular in cacti, orchids and cycas.
4. 2摇 30% of plant鄄based products derived from
sources that are sustainably managed
The Department of Mankind, Nature, Societies
develops a database on useful plants, participates to
forest certification procedures and organises confer鄄
ences on the sustainable utilisation of forest products
in French Guyana and in the evaluation of the social
and environmental impacts of labelled and eco鄄certi鄄
fied products (organic agriculture, fair trade…) in
six southern countries.
The CBNBP provide its expertise to companies
on sustainable plant exploitation for the production of
medications and cosmetics, for example the sustai鄄
nable utilisation of Arnica montana.
4. 3摇 The decline of plant resources, and associ鄄
ated indigenous and local knowledge, innovations
and practices that support sustainable livelihoods,
local food security and health care, halted
The Department of Mankind, Nature, Societies
has set up an information centre on horticultural know鄄
how: The House of Local Products used in Ethiopia.
In French Guyana, it implements the results of
a research programme on non鄄timber forest products
and associated knowledge and has created an associ鄄
ation to promote and develop the utilisation of plants
traditionally used (GADEPAM) and a cooperative
for trade in natural and traditional goods taking into
account economic, cultural and environmental as鄄
pects to promote sustainable and fair development.
5摇 Promoting education and awareness a鄄
bout plant diversity
5. 1摇 The importance of plant diversity and the
need for its conservation incorporated into com鄄
munication, educational and public awareness
Post鄄graduate training on plants, their taxono鄄
151 期摇 摇 摇 DELMAS and LE DUC: Saving Our Plant忆s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural … 摇 摇 摇 摇
my, ecology, conservation, management, and in鄄
dustrial, artisanal and traditional utilization is one of
the Institution statutory missions performed within
the Mus佴um (MSc and PhD programmes) and is also
in some other French and foreign universities.
Pedagogical activities for pupils (each year the
Mus佴um welcomes 350 000 pupils) and training for
primary and secondary school teachers are on perma鄄
nent offer for the general public. Professional trai鄄
ning for civil servants (state and local) and for the
private sector is done on a yearly basis.
Permanent and temporary exhibitions are orga鄄
nised for the general public and for specific audi鄄
ences together with workshops and conferences, in鄄
stallation of “ biodiversity paths冶, guided tours of
the botanical gardens and of the arboretum, publica鄄
tion of brochures, leaflets and books are some of the
means used to present the local, regional, national
and global biodiversity to the general public and for
targeted audiences and raise awareness on the impor鄄
tance of its preservation.
6摇 Building capacity for the conservation
of plant diversity
6. 1摇 The number of trained people working with
appropriate facilities in plant conservation in鄄
creased, according to national needs, to achieve
the targets of this Strategy
Training in botany, plant conservation and hor鄄
ticulture and continuing education of botanical gar鄄
den staff and teachers (each year the Mus佴um trains
around 3 000 teachers) is being organised.
Supported by the Ministry of Foreign affairs,
the Sud Expert Plantes Program (in cooperation with
three other French institutions) develops scientific
expertise and training in plant biology in Western
and Central Africa, Indian Ocean and South鄄East
Asian countries.
6. 2 摇 Networks for plant conservation activities
established or strengthened at national, regional
and international levels
摇 摇 The different Departments of the Mus佴um par鄄
ticipate in national, European and global networks of
botanical gardens, conservatories and herbaria:
摇 摇 Jardins botaniques de France et des pays franco鄄
phones (http: / / www. bgci. org / jbf鄄fr / )
F佴d佴ration des Conservatoires botaniques nation鄄
aux (http: / / www. conservatoiresbotaniquesnationaux.
com / )
European Botanic Gardens Consortium (http: / /
www. bgci. org / global / 2245 / )
Botanic Gardens Conservation International
(http: / / www. bgci. org / )
National Network of Arboreta
摇 摇 Network of biodiversity observatories in the Ile鄄
de鄄France Region
The International Agenda plaque acknowledges
the commitment of the Mus佴um忆 s botanical gardens
to plant conservation.
7摇 Conclusions
The Mus佴um, through its botanical gardens,
CBNBP, the herbarium and other departments clear鄄
ly plays a major role in the implementation of the
GSPC. Its activities contribute to the achievement of
all 16 targets and support plant conservation both in
France and in a number of countries around the
world. The GSPC has provided a useful framework to
bring together activities carried out by a number of
different Departments of the Mus佴um around a com鄄
mon theme-plant conservation.
For more information on the Mus佴um activities,
visit our website: www. mnhn. fr
25摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷