Estimating Genetic Diversity of Rice Landraces from Yunnan by SSR Assay and Its Implication for Conservation Distribution and Conservation of an Endangered Wild Rice Oryza granulata in China STUDY ON SPECIES DIVERSITY AND PRIORITY AREA OF WILD OROHIDS IN HAINAN ISLAND SAMPLING STRATEGY FOR PRESERVATION OF GERM PLASM FROM DAVIDIA INVOLUCRATASONG CONSERVATION BIOLOGY BASED ON THE SPATIAL ANALYSIS Recent Advance of Research on Fungi in Forest Ecosystem NESTEDNESS: METHODS, MECHANISMS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION GAP ANALYSIS OF VEGETATION IN LONGMENHE REGION, SHENNONGJIA, CHINA Assessment on the changing conditions of ecosystems in key ecological function zones in China. Effects of different straw recycling and tillage methods on soil respiration and microbial activity. Effects of tillage methods on soil physicochemical properties and biological characteristics in farmland: A review. Identification and conservation assessment of suitable habitats for Tibetan antelope in the alpine desert, QinghaiTibet Plateau. Assessing the ecosystem conservation status and priority:a case study from Jiangxi Province, China Effect of long-term conservation tillage on soil water regimes and leaf water potential of crops in rainfed areas of the Loess Plateau Changes in land use and soil and water conservation of the upper and middle reaches of Heihe river basin during 2000-2010 Study on the bionomics and habitat of Luehdorfia taibai (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) RS/GIS-based integrated evaluation of the ecosystem services of the Three Gorges Reservoir area (Chongqing section) Spatial characteristics of soil conservation service and its impact factors in Hainan Island Concepts, processes and quantification methods of the forest water conservation at the multiple scales COMPREHENSIVE EFFECTS OF CONSERVATION TILLAGE ON WHEAT-SOIL SYSTEM FALLOUT RADIONUCLIDE BASED TECHNIQUES FOR ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOIL CONSERVATION MEASURES IN DIFFERENT ERODED REGIONS OF CHINA Study on the Relationship between Water Conservation Function and Stand Factors in Dawujia Watershed, Inner Mongolia The Na tura l D istr ibution Investiga tion and Cultiva tionTr ia l of Paph iopedilum a rm en iacum Econom ic Va lue Assessment of Forest Spec ies D iversity Conserva tionin China Ba sed on the Shannon-W iener Index Acid hydrolysis organic N content and the distribution in different sizes of soil complexes in Loess Plateau dryland under long-term no-tillage and straw mulching MECHANISM ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION OF FOREST VEGETATION ON THE LOESS PLATEAU QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF CONSERVATION GRADING OF RARE AND ENDANGERED DESERT PLANTS IN CHINA ACQUISITION, CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES IN CHINESE FIR STUDIES ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT SITE PREPARATION OF PINUS MASSONIANA ENGINEERING YOUNG PLANTATION PRINCIPLES OF FOREST BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE WATER CONSERVATION FOREST ECOSYSTEMS IN QILIAN MOUNTAINS CONSERVATION OF Bacillus thuringiensis CULTURE Analysis of AFLP Variation of the Endemic and Rare Species Psilopeganum sinense in Central China Orchid Diversity and Conservation in Xiaoheishan Nature Reserve,Yunnan Province Discovery of an Originally Wild Tree of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver by AFLP Fingerprinting Geographic Distribution and Current Status and Conservation Strategy of the Genus Myricaria in China Community Structure of Manglietia patungensis in Xiaoxi Natural Reserve,Hunan Province LANDSCAPE ECOLOGICAL SECURITY PATTERNS IN BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION ISSR Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Species Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) Ying from Western Sichuan Province, China Conservation status of Paphiopedilum helenae Aver., a newly recorded orchid in China High Genetic Diversity in a Rare, Narrowly Endemic Primrose Species: Primula interjacens by ISSR Analysis Characteristics and Conservation Priority of Rare and Endangered Plants in the Yangtse River Valley Loss of Genetic Diversity of Domesticated Panax notoginseng F H Chen as Evidenced by ITS Sequence and AFLP Polymorphism: A Comparative Study with P. stipuleanatus H T Tsai et K M Feng Optimization of conservation network system for inter-basin wetland ecosystem in Huang-Huai-Hai Region. Priority areas for biodiversity conservation in Hainan Island: Evaluation and systematic conservation planning. Butterfly species diversity and its conservation in Wuyunjie National Nature Reserve, Hunan Province of China. Ecological effects of utilizing non-timber forest products. Minimum amounts of suitable habitat for wheat aphid, parasitoid, and hyperparasitoid in facility-based agricultural landscapes. Effects of conservation tillage on the composition of soil exchangeable base. Numerical evaluation of soil quality under different conservation tillage patterns. Intercropping enhances the farmland ecosystem services The genetic structure of endemic plant Pteroceltis tatarinowii by ISSR markers Advances in effects of conservation tillage on soil organic carbon and nitrogen Effects of different tillage and straw systems on soil water-stable aggregate distribution and stability in the North China Plain Biological characteristics and habitat requirements of Parnassius imperator (Lepidoptera: Parnassidae) Prioritizing biodiversity in conservation planning based on C-Plan:a case study from northeast China Effects of long-term increased soil N on leaf traits of several species in typical Inner Mongolian grassland Chemical Constituents from Geotrichum candidum Plant Biodiversity in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River and Conservation Strategies THE COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS AND CONSERVATION STRATEGIES OF ENDANGERED SPECIES MANGLIETIA PACHYPHYLLA CAUSES OF THREAT TO SPECIES MONIMOPETALUM CHINENSE REHD EX SITU CONSERVATION OF MAGNOLIACEAE INCLUDING ITS RARE AND ENDANGERED SPECIES A STUDY ON THE EROSION OF SURFACE SOIL IN THREE ECOSYSTEMS OF XIAOLIANG EXPERIMENTAL STATION Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers in the Elaeagnus mollis Diels Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure Analysis on Natural Populations of Endangered Rhododendron molle G.Don Genetic Diversity and Implications for Conservation of Dipteronia Olive. Species Biodiversity and Water Conservation Capacity of 4 Types of Forests in Qingyanghu State-owned Forest Farm Effects of Vetiveria zizanioides roots on soil properties in the Purple Soil Area of China and the role of different root diameter classes Root system distribution characteristics of three herbs and their effects on soil composition and nutrients in the ‘Purple Soil’ region Decay and nutrient release in Vulpia myuros grasses, a species suitable for soil conservation in temperate zone orchards THE VEGETATIONAL FEATURES AND WATER-HOLDING EFFECTS OF THE LITTER IN THE ZIWU RIDGE A STUDY ON THE CONSERVATION OF THE RARE AND THREATENED PLANTS IN HUBEI AND ITS SURROUNDINGS CONSERVATION GENETICS AND STRATEGY FOR PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES Floristic Composition and Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Dabie Mt. in Henan Current status on the study of wild bee-pollinators and conservation strategies in China Current Status and Site Conditions of Mangrove Forest Community in Hanjiang River Delta of Guangdong Province Effects of Three Soil Moisture Conservation Measures on Dynamics of Mineral Nutrition Elements in Ziziphus jujuba ‘Linyilizao’ Leaves and Its Yield Analyses on Leakage Issues of Forestry Sequestration Project Fifty Years of Botanical Gardens in China Effect of conservation tillage on wheat and soil nutrient distribution and absorption