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Rediscovery of Primula mallophylla (Primulaceae), An Endangered Species Endemic to Dabashan Mountain, China

中国特有濒危种川东灯台报春( 报春花科) 的重新发现

全 文 :中国特有濒危种川东灯台报春 (报春花科 ) 的重新发现 ?
吴之坤1 , 2 , 张长芹1
, 乔 琴1 , 2 , 申 敏1 , 2
( 1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 , 云南 昆明 650204; 2 中国科学院研究生院 , 北京 100049 )
摘要 : 2006 年 6 月份和 9 月份 , 作者在对重庆市城口县大巴山地区进行考察时 , 采集到了中国特有种川东
灯台报春 ( Primula mallophylla) 的标本 , 这是近百年来对该种除模式标本外的再度发现。根据在大巴山观
察及采集到的材料 , 作者对过去该种的特征描述中存在的一些疑问进行了澄清 , 更正和补充了其形态描
述 ; 对历史上混淆的几个种列出了检索表 ; 报道了该种的染色体数目及核型 ; 根据国际通用的“红色名录
关键词 : 报春花属 ; 川东灯台报春 ; 再发现
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2009) 03 - 265 - 04
Rediscovery of Primula mallophylla (Primulaceae) ,
An Endangered Species Endemic to
Dabashan Mountain , China
WU Zhi-Kun
1 , 2
, ZHANG Chang-Qin
1 **
, QIAO Qin
1 , 2
, SHEN Min
1 , 2
(1 Kunming Instituteof Botany, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Kunming 650204 , China;
2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 10049 , China)
Abstract : Duringour expeditions toDabashan Mountain in Juneand September 2006 , Primula mallophylla, a species en-
demic to Dabashan Mountain, Northern Chongqing, China, was rediscovered . Based on observations and collections from
Dabashan Mountain, the description of P . mallophylla is revised and emended . A key to P . mallophylla and its related
species is provided, and the chromosome numbers and karyotypeof this plant are reported . In addition, thecurrent status
of P . mallophylla is assessed accordingto the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria .
Key words: Primula; Primula mallophylla; Rediscovery
Primula mallophylla Balf . f . was originally de-
scribed by I . B . Balfour based on a collection of P .
G . Farges (Farges 1181 , Fig. 1 ) , which was made in
Eastern Sichuan (Szechuan) Province in the district of
Chengkou ( Tchen-Keou-tin) , which now belongs to
Chongqing . Part of Farges 1181 was sent to Edinburgh
and to Kew from the Paris Herbarium under the name
of P . japonica A . Gray . Some additional material of
Farges 1181 in Kew was named P . angustidens Pax
( Balfour, 1916) . Since then, no onehas rediscovered
theplant, and, thus, this species was assessed as an
extinct species ( EX ) in the China Species Red List
(Wang and Xie, 2004 ) .
In June and September 2006 , during our expedi-
tions to Dabashan Mountain ( Chengkou County) , we
discovered a purple plant of Primula sect . Proliferae
云 南 植 物 研 究 2009 , 31 (3) : 265~268
Acta Botanica Yunnanica DOI : 10 .3724?SP. J . 1143 .2009.09003
?? ?Author for correspondence; E-mail : zhangchangqin@ mail . kib. ac. cn; Tel . & Fax: 86 - 871 - 5223630
Received date: 2009 - 01 - 06 , Accepted date: 2009 - 03 - 25
作者简介 : 吴之坤 (1980 - ) 男 , 助理研究员 , 主要从事报春花的保护生物学及系统学研究。 ?
Foun ?dation items: The National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 30571137 ) , Forest Science and Technology Support Plan, China
(2006BAD01A1806 )
Fig . 1 Photograph of P . mallophylla (type, Farges 1181 , E )
Pax ( Fig. 2) . After checking theoriginal descriptionof
P . mallophylla, comparing with others in the section,
and identifying the materials we collected from Dabas-
han Mountain, we believe that the plant is P . mal-
lophylla .
Although all authors suggested that P . mal-
lophylla is adistinct species, parts of thedescriptionof
the plant, especially the color of the flower and the
distribution of the species, were incorrect due to the
scarcity of specimens and the briefness of information
about the plant in Farges’specimens . Balfour (1916)
indicated that the corollaof flower is purple, but Smith
et al . (1977 ) and Richards ( 1993 , 2002) described
it as orangeor deep yellow . According to our field ob-
servations in Dabashan Mountain, the description by
Balfour of the flower color is early accurate . Smith et
al . (1977) recorded that C . Schneider collected some
Primula fromsouthern Sichuan Province in 1914 under
the name of P . bulleyana Forrest and considered that
the collections of Schneider were undoubtedly P . mal-
lophylla . However, the calyx of Schneider′s specimens
is shorter ( 6 .5 - 9 mm) and not divided to below the
middle, and, thus, they are distinctly different from
P . mallophylla but similar to P . bulleyana or P . bee-
siana Forrest ( Chen and Hu, 1990) . The distribution
of P . mallophylla therefore does not extend to southern
Sichuan .
Here we re-describe the plant according to our
collections and our observations in the field . We also
report its chromosome number and karyology, discuss
its taxonomic affinities in Primula sect . Proliferae,
and assess its current conservation status .
Fig . 2 Photograph of P . mallophylla in the field
1 Material and methods
Fieldcollections of P . mallophylla were undertaken by the
authors in Juneand September of 2006 . Vouchers are deposited
at the herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany (KUN, Wu
200610 ) . Related herbariummaterials at the Herbariumof Royal
Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh ( E) were studied . Measurements,
colors and other detailsgiven in thedescriptions arebased on liv-
ing material , herbariumspecimens, and data derived from field
notes .
Cytological study was carried out using plants cultivated in
pots . Actively growing root tips were pretreated in 0 .002 mol?L
8-hydroyquinoline at approximately 20℃ for 4 h before fixation in
Carnoy I ( 1 glacial acetic acid: 3 absoluteethanol ) at 4℃ for 30
min . Then they were macerated in a 1∶1 mixture of mol?L HCl
and 45% acetic acid at 60℃ for 50 s, stained and squashed in
Carbol fuchsin . Karyotype formulae were based onmeasurements
of metaphase chromosomes taken from photographs . The symbols
used to describe the karyotypes followed Levan et al. (1964 ) .
Theconservation status was based on the World Conserva-
tion Union (IUCN) Red List Category criteria ( IUCN, 2001) .
662 云 南 植 物 研 究 31 卷
2 Results
Primula mallophylla Balf . f . in Notes Roy . Bot .
Gard . Edin ., 9 : 181 . 1916 , et in J . Roy . Hort .
Soc . Lond ., 39: 134 , 166 , 167 . 1931; W . W .
Smith et Forrest in Notes Roy . Bot . Gard . Edin ., 16 :
17 . 1928 , et in J . Roy . Hort . Soc . Lond ., 54 : 43 .
1929; Hand . -Mzt ., ibid ., 54 : 52 . 1929; W . W .
Smith et Fletcher in Trans . Bot . Soc . Edinb . 33 :
158 . 1941; Chen F . H . et Hu C . M ., Primulaceae,
in Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae, 59 ( 2 ) : 117 .
1990; J . Richards, Primula 1st ed ., 196 . 1993 et
Primula 2nd ed ., 227 . 2002; Hu C . M . et S . Kelso,
Primulaceae, in Fl . of China, 15 : 143 . 1996 .
A perennial herb, completely farinose and gla-
brous . Leaves in a basal rosette; petiole 2 - 3 .5 cm
long, broadlywinged; leaf bladeoblong to oblong-obo-
vate, 12 - 18×4 - 6 .5 cm, enlarged to 15 - 25×5 - 10
cmin fruit, apex rounded to obtuse, base attenuate,
margin irregularly denticulateto erose . Scapes up to 30
cm, slightly puberulous at the apex or not; umbels2 -
4 whorls, superimposed, 8 - 15-flowered in the umbel;
bracts 2 - 3 cm, the outermost ones narrowly elliptic,
foliaceous, the inner ones linear to linear-lanceolate .
Flower heterostylous . Pedicel 1 .2 - 1 .6 cm; calyx cup-
shaped to tubular, 1 - 1 .4 cm, clearly divided to far
below the middle, lobes narrowly lanceolate, 7 - 10
mm . Corolla rose-purple, markedly annulate, limb 1 .5
- 2 cmin diam .; lobes obovate, emarginated . Pin flow-
ers: corolla tube 1 .3 - 1 .5 cm long, slight longer than
calyx, style exserted, stamens at middleof corolla tube .
Thrumflowers: corollatube c . 2 times as long as calyx,
stamens near annulus; style almost as long as the calyx .
Capsuleglobose, c . 5 mmin diam ., shorter than calyx .
Flowering June to July, fruit-bearing September .
Habitat: Streamsides, wet meadows or shaded
wet areas in forests; alt . 2100 - 2450 m; growing in as-
sociation with Prunella sp ., Actaea sp ., Ainsliaea
sp ., Swertia sp ., Anaphalissp ., Nothosmyrniumsp .,
and Anemone sp .
Distribution: Restricted to Dabashan Mountain
areas, Chengkou County, northern Chongqing, China .
Chromosome numbers and karyotype: The
chromosomeswere counted as 2 n= 2 x= 22 (Fig. 3 ) ,
and, thus, the basic chromosome number is x = 11;
the karyotype was formulated as 2 n = 18 m + 4 sm
(Fig.3 , 4) , and the chromosomes showhigh conformi-
ty in size, shape and main arrangement of the constric-
tions . The basic chromosomenumber and thekaryotype
are consistent with other members in the sect . Prolif-
erae ( Brunn, 1932; Zhu et al. , 2001 ) .
Conservation assessment: The appearance of the
plant in the wild seems to indicate that it is a desirable
species for gardens, but thecurrent situationof P . mal-
lophylla in Dabashan Mountain is serious . During our
expeditions to Dabashan Mountain, we just discovered
two populations of P . mallophylla in this region . One
population is in a meadow, with 200 - 300 individuals,
all plants concentrated in a small area of about 0 .1
hectare . Although this site is in the Dabashan National
NatureReserve, it is also beingdeveloped as for tourism
Fig . 3 Metaphase chromosomes in P . mallophylla (2 n= 22 )
Fig . 4 Karyogram of P . mallophylla ( 2 n= 18 m+ 4 sm) .
7623 期 WU Zhi-Kun et al. : Rediscovery of Primula mallophylla (Primulaceae) , An Endangered Species . . .
by the local government . The meadow where P . mal-
lophylla is growing is in the heartland of the tourist
site, and many tourism projects are being built there
now . If action is not taken to protect this meadow, it
will be damaged in the next few years, and P . mal-
lophylla will also lose its habitat . At the same time,
reproductive barriers appear to be strong for P . mal-
lophylla in fertilization and?or embryo development pro-
cesses in this population . When we visited this site in
June 2006 , the flowers were bloomingvery well . How-
ever, when wereturned in September of the sameyear,
we only found a few mature fruits, most of infructes-
cences hadwithered before thefruits reachingmaturity .
The other population is in an Abies and bamboo forest;
there are just a few individuals, and the growth of
P . mallophylla is not very good there .
Considering these factors, according to theassess-
ment of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria
(version 3 .1 ) ( IUCN, 2001 ) , we assign P . mal-
lophylla a provisional status of Endangered ( EN A1d+
3cd+ 4cd; B1b ( ii , iii , iv, v) c ( iii , iv) ; D; E) .
Therefore, an integrating conservation strategy should
urgently be carried out to protect this endangered and
little-known species effectively . For example, by en-
forcing scientific researcheson ecology, molecular biol-
ogy, population genetics, reproductive biology, in situ
and ex situ conservation and sustainable development .
Taxonomic affinities: In morphology, the plant
is similar to other members of the sect . Proliferaewith
venulose leaves, superimposed umbels, etc . In the
past, it was confused with P . japonica, P . bulleyana
and P . stenodonta Balf . f . ex W . W . Smith et
Fletcher . Perhaps its closest ally is P . stenodonta
( Balfour, 1916; Smith et al. , 1977) , but in fact it is
a distinct and easily recognized species . The broader
leaves, the long and deeply divided calyx, the long
and leaf-like bracts are the main characteristics sepa-
rating it from other members of the sect . Proliferae .
The following key may be used to distinguish P . mal-
lophylla and its related species .
1 . Corolla roseto purple .
2 . Calyx 10 - 14 mm; leaf blade oblong to obovate-oblong, erose-denticulate P . mallophylla⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
2 . Calyx 5 - 6 mm; leaf blade oblanceolate to obovate-elliptic, ±regularly denticulate P . stenodonta⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
1 . Corolla yellow or orange .
3 . Scapes and inflorescences efarinose, calyx parted at least to middle P . aurantiaca⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
3 . Scapes and inflorescences farinose or at least insideof calyx farinose, calyx parted scarcely to middle .
4 . Flowers heterostylous, scapes and inflorescences farinose P . bulleyana⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
4 . Flowers homostylous, only inside of calyx farinose P . japonica⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Prof . David Rankin
(Universityof Edinburgh, UK ) for his assistance in language of
themanuscript . We also thank Prof . Hu Chi-ming (South China
Botanic Garden, China) for his help on identification of image
materials and helpful suggestions on themanuscript .
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