摘 要 :为了进一步研究金缕梅科的系统与进化,作者详细介绍了该科的分类历史及各个分类系统;根据现代植物系统学研究的原理和方法,着重对金缕梅科的5个现代主要分类系统,Harms (193),张宏达(1973,1979),Bogle et al.(1980),Endress(1989)和李建华(Li,1997)进行了详细的分析、比较和评述,在此基础上提出自己的观点,认为李建华的分类系统有一定合理性,但他对个别属的处理和族的划分仍有不妥之处。
Abstract:ln order to furtner study the systematics and evolution of the family Hamamelidaceae,the five modern different classification systems of this family published by Harms (1930),chang Hung - ta (1937,1979),Bogle et al .(1980),Endress (1989) and Li Jianhua (Li,1997) are compared and discussed by the author based on the principie and method of stuody plant systematics. The taxonomic history and compar-isons of the classification systems of this family are also given in the present paper.As a result, the author considered that ahe classification system of Li Jianhua is more reasonable than the others,however, the au-thor still has different opinions in the classification trearment of some genera and tribes in this family.