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Lepiota jacobi (Agaricaceae) , a Species New to East Asia


全 文 :环柄菇属东亚一新记录种———锥鳞环柄菇?
梁俊峰1 ,2
(1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室 , 云南 昆明 650204;
2 中国科学院研究生院 , 北京 100049 )
摘要 : 报道东亚环柄菇属的一个新记录种———锥鳞环柄菇 Lepiota jacobi Vellinga & Knudsen, 标本采自中国云南。
该种的鉴别特征是菌盖密被灰色至暗褐色的锥状鳞片 ; 担孢子椭圆形 , 腹部近平直 , 极小 ; 囊状体缺如。
关键词 : 锥鳞环柄菇 ; 新记录种 ; 东亚
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2007) 06 - 617 - 02
Lepiota jacobi (Agaricaceae) , a Species New to East Asia
LIANG Jun-Feng
1 , 2 **
( 1 Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Instituteof Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Kunming 650204 , China; 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 , China)
Abstract: Lepiota jacobi Vellinga& Knudsen, a species newto East Asia, is reported and illustrated . It is characterizedby its
small spores, theabsenceof cystidium, andthemore or less acute spines on pileusmade up of inflated cells in short chains .
Key words: Lepiota jacobi ; New record; East Asia
Lepiota (Pers .: Fr .) S . F . Gray is one of themost com-
mongenera in Agaricaceae, Agaricales, basidiomycetes . Update,
nearly 70 species have been reported in East Asia ( Bi et al .
1990 , 1994; Chiu, 1948; Hongo, 1986; Imai , 1938 , 1939; Ito,
1959; Li et al . 1993; Mao, 1998; Teng, 1936 , 1939 , 1996;
Wang, 2004; Wang and Yang, 2005a, b; Yang, 1990; Yang et
al . 2005; Yuan, 1995) . L. jacobi Vellinga& Knudsen is report-
ed and illustrated fromEast Asia for the first time herein . In the
description, macro-morphology is basedonthefield notes and col-
or slides of thematerial; micro-morphology is basedon observation
of the material under microscope . For microscopic studies, 5%
KOH was used as mounting medium to rehydrate the tissue . For
the size of the basidiospore, the apiculus is not included . The
abbreviation n?m?p means n basidiospores measured from m ba-
sidiomata of p collections . The notationof theformb-cstands for
the dimensions of the basidiospores . Q is used to mean“length?
width ratio”of a basidiospore in side view; Q means average Q
of all basidiospores±sample standard deviation .
Lepiota jacobi Vellinga& Knudsen, in Persoonia 14: 407 .1992 .
Lepiota langei Knudsen inBot . Tidsskr . 75 : 130 . 1980 , non
Lepiota langei Locq ., in Bull . Soc . Linn . Lyon14: 95 . 1945 .
Lepiota eriophora auto . non Peck in Bull . Torr . Bot . Club
30: 95 , 1903 .
Cystolepiota eriophora auto . non Knudsen in Bot . Tidsskr .
73 : 127 , 1978 .
Echinoderma eriophorum auto . non M . Bon in Doc . My-
col . 21 (82) : 63 . 1991 .
Basidioma (Fig . 1 : 1 ) small-sized . Pileus 55 mm in di-
am . , plano-convex with low, broad umbo, pale sordid brown,
beige to whitish, covered with small discrete, grey to dark
brown, acute spines up to 1 mm high and less 1 mmwide at the
base, towards margin spines more or less concentrically arranged
and slightly bigger and more adnateand fibrillose; marginof pile-
us undulating, with remnants of annulus . Lamellaefree, crowded,
whitish . Stipe 55×9 mm, cylindrical, slightly broadened towards
base, hollow, with superior annular zone, pale pinkish abovean-
nular zone, sometimes with orange-ting, fibrillose-flocculose,
below annular zone with girdles andzonesof woolly, brown squa-
mules on paler background . Context whitish to white .
Basidiospores (Fig . 1 : 2) [30?1?1 ] 3.0 - 4 .5×2 .0 - 2 .5
μm, Q= 1 .2 - 2 .0 , Q = 1 .50± 0 .20 , ellipsoid, mostly with
parallel sides in side-view, the same or slightly ovoid in frontal
云 南 植 物 研 究 2007 , 29 (6) : 617~618
Acta Botanica Yunnanica

?? ?现工作单位 : 中国林业科学院热带林业研究所
Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 30525002 , 30270017 and 30499340) .
Received date: 2007 - 02 - 05 , Accepted date: 2007 - 04 - 13
Fig . 1 Lepiota jacobi (HKAS 48802)
1 . Basidioma; 2 . Basidiospores; 3 . Structure of spines on pileus
view, dextrinoid, not metachromatic inCresyl Blue, often in tet-
rads . Basidia 13 - 18×4 - 5.5μm, narrowly clavate, sometimes
cylindrical, 4-spored . Lamellae edge fertile . Cheilocystidium
and Pleurocystidiumabsent . Spines on pileus (Fig . 1 : 3) made
upof more or less regular chains of inflated elements: terminal
elements subglobose, pyriform, ellipsoid or subclavate, 21 - 81
×11 - 31μm, with brownish and thickened walls; intermediate
elementssomewhat inflated to cylindrical, 8 - 18μm wide, with
brown walls; basal elements cylindrical toslightly inflated, 4 - 10
μmwide, with brown, non-encrusted walls . Clamp connections
present in all tissues .
Habitat & Distribution: Solitaryon lawn . Rather rare, only
found in southwestern China .
Specimen examined: China: Yunnan Province, Lijiang
City, Yulong SnowMountain, alt . 3 100 m, 4 VIII 2005 , J . F .
Liang 186 (HKAS 48802) .
Remarks: Lepiota jacobi is characterized by its umbonate
pileus coveredwithgrey todark brownacute spines, small basidios-
pores andthe absenceof cystidium (Knudsen, 1978 , 1980; Enderle
and Kriegelsteiner, 1989; Vellinga, 2001) . Thenameof the species
was originallydescribedas Lepiota langei by Knudsen (1980) , but
heoverlooked Lepiota langei validly published by Locquin (1945) .
Thus, the new name, Lepiota jacobi Vellinga& Knudsen in honour
of JacobE . Lange, was proposed by Vellinga (1992) .
Acknowledgements: The author thanks Dr . Zhu L . Yang,
Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences for
reading and correcting the manuscript .
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816 云 南 植 物 研 究 29 卷