Abstract:Some precious reports (Yan, Zang, Zhang etc.) concerning the Ganbajun (干巴菌) in Yunnan have been determined as Sparassis crispa (Wulf.) Fr. The uthor subsequently determincd that it was misidentified and is, in fact, it would be nice to place the correct Ganbajun‘s nomenclature in genus Thelephora and considering it as a new species Thelcphora ganbajun, it might be acceptcd as being more resonable. It appears to be an abundantly characterized the new species, probab1y close to Thelephora robusta Corner, which differs by the hyaline and brownish spores and shorter basidia (25--35 um), however the larger basidia of Thelephora robusta Corner, is often longer than 75-100 um.