Abstract:The species ivnestigated are Pyrenaria garrettiana Craib, Tutcheria champion! Nakai, T. hirta (H. -M.) Li and T. pingpienensis H. T. Chang. Apart from the number of ovules in each locule, the mega-microsporogenesis and mega-microgatogenesis in all four species are high simi-lar. Embrylogical features shared by these species include: anther tetrasporangiate; anther wall formation of the Basic type; endothecium fibrous; middle layers ephemeral; tapetum glandular; cytokinesis in the microspore mother cell simultaneous; mature pollen grains two-celled; ovules anatropous, bitegmic and tenuinucellate; archesporium one-celled and functioning directly as the megaspore mother cell; embryo sac formation of the Polygonum type; egg cell differentiating dis-tinctly from synergids; integument tapetum and hypostase formed. Of these features, the embryo sac formation of the Polygnoum type forms a main difference from the related genus Camellia whose embryo sac formation conforms to the Allium type.