Abstract:The experimental results have shown that all six kinds of glue have a common protein zone, but only the pipefish glue has a band on the negative electrode side. They are all rich in amino acids. Oxhide glue has the highest content of amino acids, total Ajiao has the highest content of essential amino acids, but Ajiao and pipefish glues do not have cystine. Pharmacological. study has shown that deerhorn glue, turtle shell glue and oxhide glue can enrich blood; the number of white blood cells can be elevated by tortoise plastron glue and pipefish glue, deerhorn glue possesses an anti-fatigue effect; deerhorn glue and pipefish glue help to increase the weight of thymus in mice when the solution of glue (10%) is administered into the stomach at a dose of 0.5/mouse per day for 11 days.