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Cloning and functional analysis of a flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferas gene from Indosasa hispida


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia Apr. 2015,35(2):282 - 284 http:/ / journal. gxzw. gxib. cn
王发松,温铁龙,牛苗,等. 中国隔距兰属(兰科)一新记录[J]. 广西植物,2015,35(2):282 -284
Wang FS,Wen TL,Niu M,et al. A new record of Cleisostoma(Orchidaceae)from China[J]. Guihaia,2015,35(2):282 -284
A new record of Cleisostoma (Orchidaceae)from China
WANG Fa-Song1,2,WEN Tie-Long3,NIU Miao3,4,LI Lin3*
(1. Key Laboratory of Biologic Resources Protection and Utilization of Hubei Province,Enshi 445000,China;2. College
of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering,Hubei University for Nationalities,Enshi 445000,China;
3. South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510650,China;
4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
Abstract:Cleisostoma Bl. is an orchid genus with approximately 100 accepted species widely distributed in tropical and
subtropical areas. There are about 16 species in China (4 endemic)before. Cleisostoma aspersum (Rchb. f.)Garay,
so far known only from Yunnan,is reported from China. A detailed description and photos are provided. This species is
easily distinguished from its relatives by bilobulate leaves,fat and obtuse midlobe of the lip,conical rostellum with an
oblique apex,and beaked operculum. It is similar to Cleisostoma discolor Lindl. in floral morphology,but the latter dif-
fers by having a lip with thin spathulate truncate midlobe,with erose front edge.
Key words:Cleisostoma;Cleisostoma aspersum;Orchidaceae;new record;China
CLC number:Q949. 71 Document code:A Article ID:1000-3142(2015)02-0282-03
王发松1,2,温铁龙3,牛 苗3,4,李 琳3*
(1. 生物资源保护与利用湖北省重点实验室,湖北 恩施 445000;2. 湖北民族学院 化学与环境工程学院,
湖北 恩施 445000;3. 中国科学院华南植物园,广州 510650;4. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049 )
摘 要:隔距兰属(Cleisostoma Bl.)是兰科植物中较大的一个属,约有 100种,广泛分布于热带、亚热带地区。中
国约有 16种,其中 4种为特有。该文报道了该属一中国新记录———二齿叶隔距兰[Cleisostoma aspersum (Rchb.
唇瓣中裂片肥厚,前缘钝;蕊喙圆锥状,先端歪斜;药帽喙状等。在花部形态上,该种与 Cleisostoma discolor Lindl.
Cleisostoma Bl. was established by Blume
(1825). This is a large genus with about 100 species
and also a highly variable and heterogeneous group af-
ter clarification of much synonymy and after moving
many species to some new and old genera,where fur-
ther separations may be expected (Seidenfaden,1992;
Seidenfaden et al.,1992). It is widespread from Sri
Lanka,India,SE Asia,Malaysia,Indonesia,Philip-
pines,New Guinea,and Pacific Islands to Australia
(Pearce et al.,2002). There were about 16 species in
收稿日期:2014-04-25 修回日期:2014-07-18
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (31100149)
作者简介:王发松(1969-),男,湖北巴东人,博士,主要研究方向为药用植物资源与化学,(E-mail)zsuwangfasong@ aliyun. com。
* 通讯作者:李琳,博士,副研究员,主要从事植物分类学、园林植物与观赏园艺方向的研究,(E-mail)lilin@ scib. ac. cn。
Fig. 1 Cleisostoma aspersum (Rchb. f.)Garay A. Habitat;B. Inflorescence;C. Front view of a single flower;D. Operculum;
E. Pollinarium;F. Lateral view of column and lip;G. Lateral view of lip;H. Front view of column with anther in situ;
I. Lateral view of column with anther ex situ. (D-E. Bar =1 mm;F-I. Bar =2 mm).
China (4 endemic)and 12 in Yunnan,China (Su,
2000;Chen et al.,2009)before.
During a field tour in Yunnan Province in 2012,
an orchid species was collected and introduced in the
nursery of South China Botanical Garden,Chinese A-
cademy of Sciences. In August,2013,the species
bloomed. After extensive morphological comparison,it
was identified as Cleisostoma aspersum (Rchb. f.)Ga-
ray. Subsequently,the identity was confirmed in con-
sultation with relevant literatures (Reichenbach,1865;
Hooker,1890;King et al.,1898;Garay,1972;Seiden-
faden,1975;Seidenfaden,1992;Pearce et al.,2002;
Lucksom,2007)and type materials. A thorough scruti-
ny of literature revealed that this species was a new re-
cord to the Chinese orchid flora (Chen et al.,1998;
Su,2000;Chen et al.,2009)and here reported.
Cleisostoma aspersum (Rchb. f.)Garay in Bot.
Mus. Leafl. 23(4):164. 1972.———Sarcanthus aspersus
Rchb. f.,Hamburger Garten-Blumenzeitung 21:297.
1865. Type:Myanmar,Moulmein,Veitch 39 (W,pho-
———Cleisostoma bicuspidatum Hook. f.,Fl. Brit.
India 6(1):75. 1890.———Stereochillus bicuspidatum
(Hook. f.)King & Pantl. in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
3822期 王发松等:中国隔距兰属(兰科)一新记录
Calcutta 8:236. t. 314. 1898. Type:India,Khasia
Hills,Mann 56 (K,photo!).
Cleisostoma aspersum (Rchb. f) Garay
(Fig. 1)
A miniature to small sized epiphytic plant,10 - 20
cm tall. Stem short,1 - 5 cm long,branched with nu-
merous roots at base,covered by leaf sheaths;sheaths
overlapping. Leaves 7 - 9,coriaceous,linear-oblong,
sharply and obliquely bi-lobed at apex,6 - 15 cm long,
0. 8 - 1. 5 cm wide,the lobules often erose,pale-green
to dark green,sheathing at base. Inflorescence 2 - 3,
axillary,from base of leaf sheaths,10 - 20 cm long,
shortly branched,peduncle slender,glabrous,dark-pur-
ple,5 - 12 cm long;floral bracts ovate-lanceolate,suba-
cute,1 - 1. 5 mm long,distantly placed;rachis 3 - 10
cm long;pedicel and ovary glabrous,ribbed,3. 5 - 5
mm long. Flowers 6. 5 - 8 mm across,spreading or re-
flexed;Sepals and petals brownish,with rose markings
along midribs;dorsal sepal ovate,3. 5 - 4 mm long,2 -
2. 5 mm wide,obtuse;lateral sepals broadly elliptic,3.
8 - 4 mm long,2 - 2. 5 mm wide,recurved. Petals ob-
long-obovate,oblique,3. 8 - 3. 9 mm long,1. 6 - 1. 8
mm wide,obtuse. Lip adnate to the column,3-lobed,
ca. 3 mm long,produced to a prominent spur at base,
infundibulate,fleshy,white,speckled or flushed with
rose and yellow;spur ca. 4 mm long,cylindric,parallel
to the ovary;lateral lobes truncate,erose at edges;mid-
lobe broadly ovate,concave,curving upwards,acute,
base with 2 cushion-like calli occluding the entrance to
the spur. Column short,ca. 1. 5 mm long,white;rostel-
lum large,decurved and slightly hooked at apex. Oper-
culum cordate,depressed and beaked at apex,1. 5 - 1.
8 mm long. Pollinia 4,orbicular,compressed attached
by pairs;stipes ca. 1. 5 mm long,thickened at the mid-
dle and tapered at apex and also at base;gland small,
oval. Flowering in July - August.
Distribution:Sikkim Himalayas,NE India,Bhu-
tan,Nepal,Myanmar,Thailand and Vietnam. New re-
cord to China.
China:Yunnan),Wenshan,Zhuang and Miao Au-
tonomous Prefecture,Epiphytic on the trunk in humid
sparse woods,tropical rain forest,alt. 1 020 m. 12 Feb.
2012,L. Li 158 (IBSC).
It is similar to Cleisostoma discolor Lindl.,but dif-
fers by having a lip with fat midlobe directed upwards,
without erose front edge.
Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Cao Ming
(Guangxi Institute of Botany,CAS)for his help in the
review of the manuscript.
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