全 文 :Study on Shoot Tip Culture of Illciaceae
Ornamental Plants
Xiangming FANG, Houbin ZHAO, Wenqian LIU, Biping ZHENG, Jianzhong TAN*
Department of Horticulture,School of Architecture and Urban Environment,Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China
Supported by Suzhou Agricultural Scientific and Technological Project (SNY201001).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: szutjz@hotmail.com
Received: January 17, 2012 Accepted: March 4, 2012A
Abstract [Objective] This study aimed to establish a technology system for tissue
culture and rapid propagation of Illciaceae ornamental plants. [Method] Effects of
medium components and anti-browning agents on the survival and growth of shoot
tips were investigated by using apical buds of Illciaceae plant Haierlian as experi-
ment material and MS as basic medium. [Result] The results showed that apical
buds at the early germination period in spring were the most suitable explants for
tissue culture of Illciaceae plant Haierlian. Sterilization with 0.1% HgCl2 for 6 min
achieved the best effect, while conventional surface-sterilization with ethanol would af-
fect the survival of explants. The optimal medium for primary culture was MS -D
(with modifications in major elements and organic components) + anti-browning agents
(equal volume) + 2.0 mg/L of 6-BA + 0.5 mg/L of NAA. The optimal subculture medi-
um was MS-F (with modifications in inorganic and organic components) + anti-brown-
ing agents (equal volume) + 2.0 mg/L of 6-BA + 0.1 mg/L of NAA. [Conclusion] This
study laid the foundation for establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation
technology system for Haierlian.
Key words Illciaceae plant; Haierlian; Shoot tip culture; Sterile system; Tissue browning
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(4): 735-738, 759
Copyright訫 2012, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agricultural Biotechnology
P lants of the single-genus familyIlliciaceae are evergreen treesor shrubs, which have fragrant
branches and leaves and generate red
flowers in spring, showing a high orna-
mental value[1-3]. However, most Illci-
aceae plants bare toxic fruit, for in-
stance, fruit of shikimic, red fennel and
maple bark have certain toxicity [4], so
that they are barely used in landscap-
ing currently. Previous researches re-
ported some fruitless types of Illci-
aceae plants which are distributed in
Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. For
example, Haierlian is distributed in
Suzhou area which shows no phe-
nomenon of fruiting[5], thus avoiding the
adverse effects of poisoning if hu-
mans and animals eat the fruit [ 6 ] .
Therefore, Illciaceae plant Haierlian
can be used as a new species of or-
namental plants, showing a high appli-
cation value in the urban greening and
garden decorating.
Illciaceae plants grow naturally in
sheltered and wet places and are
mostly distributed in the forest near
streams of water, which mainly rely on
seed propagation. However, the above
types of Illciaceae plants can not be
sown for breeding because they are
fruitless and lack of seeds, resulting in
scarce resources and difficulty in ex-
pansion of cultivation scale. Moreover,
few researches were reported on
asexual reproduction methods for Illci-
aceae plants such as grafting, cut-
tings, tissue culture and rapid propa-
gation, etc. In this study, apical buds of
Illciaceae plant Haierlian were used as
experiment material for exploring the
effects of explants types, medium
types and additional components on
shoot tip culture, to establish a tech-
nology system of tissue culture and
rapid propagation for Illciaceae orna-
mental plants.
Materials and Methods
Experimental materials Adult plants
of Haierlian were collected from the
experimental base of Soochow Uni-
versity (SuzhouSanshandao). Emerged
and unemerged buds were collected
separately as explants. To be specific,
unemerged buds refer to the buds at
February -March in spring, which are
complete and plump; emerged buds
refer to the buds begin to generate in
spring, which are slender, the young
leaves and tips are stretched out from
the bud scales, but the leaves are not
expanded yet (Fig.1).
Primary culture medium MS was
used as basic medium, with addition of
different concentrations of anti-brown-
ing agent, 6-BA and NAA. MS-A: MS +
equal volume of anti-browning agent +
2.0 mg / L of 6-BA + 0.5 mg / L of NAA;
MS-B: modified MS (with modified
content of macro elements) + equal
volume of anti-browning a gent + 2.0
mg / L of 6-BA + 0.5 mg / L of NAA; MS-
C: modified MS (with modified content
of inorganic ingredients) + equalvolume
of anti-browning agent + 2.0 mg / L of
6-BA + 0.5 mg / L of NAA; MS-D:
modified MS (with modified content of
inorganic and organic ingredients) +
equal volume of anti-browning agent +
2.0 mg / L of 6-BA + 0.5 mg / L of NAA.
Each type of medium was added with
3% of sucrose and 0.6% of agar and
adjusted to pH 5.6-5.8.
Subculture medium At the subcul-
ture stage, with reference to the basic
components of MS-C and MS-D medi-
um, different concentrations of 6-BA
and NAA were added to the subculture
medium. Specifically, MS-E: modified
MS (with modified content of inorganic
ingredients) + equal volume of anti-
browning agent + 2.0 mg / L of 6-BA
+ 0.1 mg / L of NAA; MS-F: modified
MS (with modified content of inorganic
and organic ingredients) + equal vol-
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.4, 2012
Table 1 Relationship between sterilization method and primary culture of unemerged buds
Number of
time with
Sterilization time
with mercuric
Ⅰ 36 5 10 75.0 22.2 2.8
Ⅱ 32 10 13 46.9 46.9 6.2
Ⅲ 34 15 15 41.2 55.9 2.9
The survey was conducted after 4 weeks of primary culture.
ume of anti-browning agent + 2.0 mg /
L of 6-BA + 0.1 mg / L of NAA. Each
type of medium was added with 3% of
sucrose and 0.6% of agar and adjust-
ed to pH 5.6-5.8.
Additional components of the
medium Anti-browning agent was
added to the medium, with addition of
0 (control), equal and double volume.
Browning results during the culture
process of explants in different treat-
ments were observed
Explants sterilization and inocula-
Sterilization of unemerged buds
Before the germination of apical buds,
the branches with buds (including api-
cal buds and axillary buds) were cut
into about 3-4 cm segments, washed
with washing liquid for 20 min, rinsed
with running water for about 2 h, and
transferred into the clean bench. The
experimental materials were sterilized
in accordance with three methods
(Table 1), washed with sterile water 5-
6 times, and placed on filter paper to
absorb the excess water. Bud section
1-3 mm below the buds was cut off as
the explants and inoculated in the ap-
propriate medium.
Sterilization of emerged buds
Branches with emerged buds were cut
into 3 -4 cm segments with the re-
moval of old leaves, and then washed
with washing liquid for 5 min, rinsed
with running water for about 5 min,
and transferred into the clean bench.
Emerged buds were cut off, then steril-
ized with 0.1% HgCl2 solution for 3, 6
and 9 min, respectively, and placed on
filter paper to absorb the excess water.
Bud scales in the outer layer were
stripped from the buds. Bud section 1-
3 mm below the buds was cut off as
the explants and inoculated in the ap-
propriate medium.
Culture conditions After inocula-
tion, the explants were cultured in the
light incubator at (25 ± 1)℃ under light
intensity of 2 000 lx for 12 h/d.
Survey indicators After cultured for
a certain period of time, contamination
rate, browning rate, survival rate, cal-
lus induction rate and growth condition
of the explants in different treatments
were detected. Specifically, Contami-
nation rate =Number of contaminated
explants /Total number of inoculated
explants×100%; Browning rate=Num-
ber of browned explants /Total number
of inoculated explants×100%; Survival
rate=Number of survived explants /To-
tal number of inoculated explants ×
100% ; Callus induction rate =Number
of explants that generate callus in low-
er incision/Total number of inoculated
explants×100%. The growth condition
was divided into good, moderate and
poor levels.
Results and Analysis
Effect of explants types and steril-
ization methods on primary culture
Annual branches of Haierlian can
be divided into three different growth
periods, and a new branch section is
generated in each period. Haierlian be-
gins to germinate in the first twenty
days of March and grows the first
branch section; in late May, after the
mature of several leaves on top of the
first branch section, apical buds of the
new branches generate again, and the
second branch section begins to grow;
the next branch section starts growing
after the mature of top leaves each
time. Growth period of the second
branch section is from the first twenty
days of June to the late July, while
growth period of the third branch sec-
tion is from the first twenty days of Au-
gust to mid-October. During the growth
process, the leaves are more seriously
leathery with the gradual mature,
which are not conducive to the ab-
sorption of nutrients and production of
callus when used as explants materi-
als. Therefore, the apical buds were
selected as explants materials for tis-
sue culture in this study (Fig.1).
During the process of plant tissue
culture, sterilization of explants is the
most critical step. It is generally be-
lieved that under incomplete steriliza-
tion conditions, contamination caused
by surface bacteria mainly occurs in
2-3 d of primary culture; however, no
contamination was observed in the ini-
tial 3-5 d, but contamination with vari-
ous characteristics continued to occur
subsequently, which was mostly cau-
sed by endogenous bacteria [7]. Experi-
mental results showed that the con-
tamination of explants in treatment Ⅰ
occurred since the 5th d after inocula-
tion, while contamination of explants in
treatmentⅡ andⅢ occurred since the
6th d after inoculation; in addition, the
contamination rate significantly in-
creased in the subsequent 2 -3 d,
which indicated that contamination oc-
curred during the primary culture of
unemerged buds was basically en-
dogenous contamination.
As can be seen from Table 1, the
explants contamination rate decreased
significantly with the extension of steril-
ization time, but the browning rates sig-
nificantly increased, which achieved
22.2%, 46.9% and 55.9%, respective-
ly, and the survival rates were 2.8% ,
6.2% and 2.9%, respectively, which in-
dicated that it was difficult to establish
an aseptic technology system to use
unemerged buds as experimental ma-
Fig.1 Unemerged buds (A) and emerged buds (B) of Illciaceae plant Haierlian
Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.4, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
Table 2 Relationship between sterilization method and primary culture of emerged buds
Number of
Sterilization time
with mercuric
Ⅰ 12 3 100 0 0
Ⅱ 12 6 8.3 0 91.7
Ⅲ 12 9 0 50 16.7
The survey was conducted after 4 weeks of primary culture.
Table 3 Relationship between medium type and primary culture of emerged buds
Number of
Growth status and survival rate of explants∥%
Good Moderate Poor
MS-A 28 100 0 57.1 42.9
MS-B 26 100 0 84.6 15.4
MS-C 21 100 85.7 14.3 0
MS-D 22 0 90.9 9.1 0
The survey was conducted after 4 weeks of primary culture. Poor growth condition, more
leaf browning of explants; moderate growth condition, some browning spots on the leaves
of explants; good growth condition, leaves of explants are green without browning spots.
terials for shoot tip culture due to the
serious endogenous contamination
and extremely low survival rate. There-
fore, it can be concluded that une-
merged buds of Haierlian are not suit-
able for tissue culture and rapid prop-
agation as explants.
Based on the above experiments,
emerged buds were used as the ex-
plants to explore the effect of different
sterilization time on in vitro culture.
The results were shown in Table 2 and
Some bud scales of the emerged
buds would be washed off during the
washing process and exposed the
young leaves. Therefore, chloroplast
of young leaves was easily damaged
in surface-sterilization with 75%
ethanol, which directly led to the quick
browning of explants within a few
hours after inoculation. The browning
rate decreased when directly sterilized
with 0.1% HgCl2 instead of ethanol
treatment. Specifically, contamination
rate of explants was 100% after steril-
ized with HgCl2 for 3 min; however, no
contamination was observed after
sterilized with HgCl2 for 9 min, while
showing growing point browning or
leaf browning of the explants during
the culture process (Fig.2). Therefore,
from the perspective for reducing con-
tamination rate and browning rate and
increasing survival rate, sterilization
with 0.1% HgCl2 solution for 6 min is
relatively suitable for the establish-
ment of aseptic technology system
for emerged buds of Haierlian.
Effect of medium components on
primary culture result
Effect of medium components on
primary culture was shown in Table 3
and Fig.3, which indicated that the
growth conditions of explants in MS-A
and MS-B medium were very poor,
with browning rates above 90%; how-
ever, the growth conditions of explants
in MS-C and MS-D medium were
good, with survival rates above 80%
and very low browning rates, which
were significantly better than medium
MS-A and MS-B. Meanwhile, all the
explants generated callus from the
lower incisions in MS-A, MS-B and
MS-C medium, while only explants in
MS-D medium did not generate callus.
It can be concluded that the MS-D
medium components are more suit-
able for primary culture of emerged
buds, which might be due to that the
reducing concentration of inorganic
salt decreases the spillover of phenolic
substances, thereby declining the bro-
wning phenomenon[8].
Effect of subculture medium com-
ponents on plantlet culture result
After primary culture, the explants
were transferred to MS-E and MS-F
medium for subculture. Results show-
ed that the bud generation rate of ex-
plants in MS-F medium was relatively
high, which was about 10 times of that
in MS-E medium (Table 4). The growth
and development of apical buds were
observed, and the leaves of explants
began to grow in elongation, ultimately
showing the characteristics of mature
leaves (Fig.4); in addition, base callus
continued to enlarge, which showed
significantly better culture effect than
A, browning of a growing point; B, leaf browning.
Fig.2 Effect of sterilization time with mercuric chloride on survival and growth of explants
A, B, C and D indicate medium MS-A , MS-B, MS-C and MS-D, respectively.
Fig.3 Effect of different medium components on survival and growth of explants in primary culture
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.4, 2012
A and B indicate medium MS-E and MS-F, respectively.
Fig.4 Effect of different medium components on subculture culture of plantlets
Table 4 Relationship between medium type and subculture of plantlets
Number of
Growth status of
leaves Growth status of callus
MS-E 12 8.30 Light green leaves,
basically not grow
No enlargement was
observed in the base callus
MS-F 12 83.30 Green leaves, grow
to mature
Continuous enlargement in
the base callus, volume
increased by 1.5-2 times
The survey was conducted after 4 weeks of subculture.
Table 5 Relationship between addition amount of anti-browning agent and primary culture
of explants
Number of
inoculated explants
Browning rate∥%
Growth status
Lower incision Stem and leaf
Equal volume 15 0 13.3 Good
Double volume 15 46.7 20 Poor
CK 15 100 100 Moderate
MS-E medium.
Effect of anti-browning agent on
browning and growth condition of
Explants of Haierlian are prone to
be browned during the process of in
vitro culture. Therefore, a comparative
an-alysis was conducted on the effect
of anti-browning agent, and results in-
dicated that the explants showed
varying degrees of browning without or
with excessive addition amount of anti-
browning agent (Table 5). Lower inci-
sions of explants were almost browned
without addition of anti -browning
agent, which subsequently spread to
the entire explants; browning rate of
explants decreased significantly with
addition of double volume of anti-
browning agent, but nearly half of the
lower incisions of explants were
browned, which seriously affected the
growth and development; lower inci-
sions and explants showed very little
browning with addition of equal volume
of anti-browning agent. There-fore,
equal volume of anti-browning agent is
more appropriate to reduce the
browning of explants.
In this study, unemerged buds
and emerged buds of Illciaceae orna-
mental plant Haierlian were used as
experimental materials to compare the
effects of explants types, sterilization
methods, medium compositions and
addition amount of anti-browning ag-
ent on shoot tip culture. Compared
with unemerged buds, sterilization
method for emerged buds is relatively
simple, with low contamination rate, so
the emerged buds are ideal explants
materials to establish a sterile culture
system for Haierlian. However, young
buds are very tender, so the washing
time should be controlled within 3 -5
min during the process of sterilization
operation, otherwise, the leaves will be
damaged, and the edges of leaves
start browning after inoculation, which
will gradually spread to the entire leaf;
in addition, sterilization with 75%
ethanol can be skipped over to avoid
the damages to leaf epidermal cells
and chlorophyll; the sterilization time
with 0.1% HgCl2 solution should be
controlled strictly, and sterilization over
7-8 min will hurt the growing point of
emerged buds.
In early primary culture of Haier-
lian emerged buds (10 d after inocula-
tion), the leaves of explants in MS-A,
MS-B, MS-C and MS-D medium all
showed good growth conditions; how-
ever, great differences were observed
among the culture effects of different
medium in 10-20 d after inoculation, to
be specific, leaf browning in MS-A
medium was the most serious, fol-
lowed by MS-B medium, while hardly
any browning was observed in MS-C
and MS-D medium, with light green
and expanded young leaves. Further
comparative experiment was conduct-
ed to select suitable subculture medi-
um which can not only reduce the
browning of explants leaves, but also
maintain the good growth status.
During the process of tissue cul-
ture, incisions of Haierlian explants
produce brown substances under the
action of polyphenol oxidase, which
penetrate into the medium, affect the
growth of explants, and even spread to
the entire explants. In this study, the
occurrence of browning was effectively
inhibited by selecting the appropriate
type of explants, adopting the appro-
priate sterilization method, reducing
the concentration of inorganic salts in
the medium and adding the appropri-
ate amount of anti-browning agent,
which laid the experimental basis for
the establishment of in vitro rapid
propagation system for Illciaceae or-
namental plants.
[1] ZHANG BN(张本能 ). Book of China’s
tree: Vol. 1, Illiciaceae(中国树木志: 第 1
卷 , 八角科 )[M]. Beijing: China Forestry
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(Continued on page 759)
Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.4, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
方向明,赵后斌,刘文倩,郑必平,谈建中 * (苏州大学建筑与城市环境学院园艺系,江苏苏州 215123)
摘 要 [目的]探讨八角科观赏植物组织培养及快繁技术体系。[方法]以八角科植物“孩儿莲”的顶芽为研究对象,以 MS培养基为基本培养基,调
灭菌条件以 0.1%HgCl2溶液处理 6 min为宜,而常规酒精表面消毒会影响外植体存活;适宜的初代培养基为改良 MS(改良大量元素与有机成分)+1
倍量抗褐化剂+2.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L NAA,继代培养基为改良 MS(改良无机成分与有机成分)+1倍量抗褐化剂+2.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.1 mg/L
关键词 八角科植物;“孩儿莲”;茎尖培养;无菌体系;组织褐化
基金项目 苏州市农业科技攻关项目(SNY201001)。
作者简介 方向明(1982-),男,山东临沂人,硕士,研究方向:国林植物资源与生物技术,E-mail: woshiwoneng@163.com。*通讯作者,教授,博士,
博士生导师,从事园林植物生物技术研究,E-mail: szutjz@hotmail.com。
收稿日期 2012-01-17 修回日期 2012-03-04
Responsible editor: Xiaohui FAN Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
Chemical constituent and pharmaco-
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(Continued from page 738)
张远福 *,幸新妹,郭承芸,刘春平,刘春红 (江西省甘蔗研究所,江西南康 341413)
摘 要 为了筛选适合我国主产蔗区的优良品种,为推广提供依据,特对全国 9个甘蔗新品种进行研究,以 Roc22号作对照。研究结果表明:萌芽
率较高的品种是粤糖 55、福农 15、桂糖 02-901、粤糖 00-236,分蘖率高的有粤糖 55、粤糖 00-236,蔗茎产量高于对照的有粤糖 55、桂糖 97-69、粤糖
00-236和福农 15等 4个品种,蔗糖分较高的是桂糖 02-901和云蔗 99-91,耐寒性较强的是云蔗 99-91、云蔗 03-422、粤糖 55、粤糖 00-236等 4个
品种,公顷含糖量较高的是粤糖 55、福农 15、粤糖 00-236、桂糖 97-69。综合性状表现较好的是粤糖 00-236和福农 15号,可作为优良品种在主产
关键词 甘蔗;品种;产量;蔗糖分
基金项目 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金。
作者简介 张远福(1964-),男,江西南康人,高级农艺师,从事甘蔗品种选育与栽培研究,E-mail:liwenwhpu@163.com。*通讯作者。
收稿日期 2011-09-06 修回日期 2011-10-25
Responsible editor: Ze LIU Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
YT00-236 and GT97-69 was lower
than the control. With respect to the
sugar production potential per unit
area, YT55, Funong15, YT00-236 and
GT97-69 were the varieties worthwhile
recommendation. GT97-69 was high
in sugar content which was already
been recorded by Tang et al. (2010)[4].
This advantage might be due to its
specific performance and its ability to
absorb various nutrients.
Comprehensively, YT00236 and
Funong15 were the two varieties with
the best performance. Such conclu-
sion is consistent with the results from
other 14 Comprehensive Experimental
Stations. Those two varieties had been
recommended to the National Sugar-
cane Industrial Technology Frame-
work of Modern Agriculture as the
quality sugarcane new varieties and
were suitable to be widely cultivated
among the main sugarcane producing
regions in China.
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