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A revision of Clematis sect. Viticella(Ranunculaceae)


全 文 :  Guihaia  Jun. 2016ꎬ 36 (增刊 1): 31-57
http: / / journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com
【原文刊载】 “铁线莲属铁线莲组修订”已发表于«广西植物»ꎬ 2007ꎬ 27(1): 1-28.
A revision of Clematis sect. Viticella(Ranunculaceae)
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of
Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China )
Abstract: (1) Clematis sect. Viticella is revised in this paper. Thirteen speciesꎬone subspeciesꎬand two varietiesꎬinclucling two
new speciesꎬ Clematis inciso ̄denticulata W. T. Wang and C. xiangguiensis W. T. Wangꎬ and one new rankꎬ C. cadmia Buch. ̄
Ham. ex Hook. f. & Thoms. var. leptomera (Hance) W. T. Wangꎬare recognized. They are keyedꎬ describedꎬ and illustratedꎬ
and classified into three subsections and four series. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are giv ̄
en. (2) The relationships among the infrasectional groups are briefly discussed. Subsect. Hancocokianae with 4 ̄sepalled flowersꎬ
undilated spreading sepalsꎬ and glabrous stamens is considered the extant primitive group of sect. Viticella. Subsect. Floridaeꎬ
characterized by having 5-8 ̄sepalled flowersꎬ spreading and strongly dilated sepalsꎬ glabrous stamensꎬ and pantoporate pollenꎬ
and subsect. Viticellaeꎬ characterized by having 4 ̄sepalled flowersꎬ usually ascending more or less dilated sepalsꎬ usually ciliate
stamen filamentsꎬ and tricolpate pollenꎬ might all be derived from subsect. Hancockianae. (3) East Chinaꎬ where are concen ̄
trated eight speciesꎬ one subspeciesꎬ and one varietyꎬ belonging to three subsections and three seriesꎬ is the distribution centre
of the sectionꎬ and is surmized to be the centre of origin of itꎬ too.
Key words: Clematisꎬ sect. Viticellaꎬ taxonomic revision
CLC number: Q949􀆰 7    Document code: A    Article ID: 1000 ̄3142(2016)增刊 1 ̄0031 ̄27
( 中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093 )
摘  要:(1) 对毛莨科铁线莲属(Clematis)的铁线莲组( sect. Viticella)进行了分类学修订ꎬ确定此组包含 13
种ꎬ1亚种和 2变种 (包括 2新种和 1 新变种等级)ꎬ写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布ꎻ将此组划分为 3 亚
插图ꎮ (2) 特产我国东部的单型毛萼铁线莲亚组(subsect. Hancockianae)(花具 4枚平展ꎬ不展宽的萼片ꎬ雄蕊
无毛) 被认为此组的原始群ꎮ 铁线莲亚组(subsect. Floridae)(花具 5~ 8枚平展ꎬ强烈展宽的萼片ꎬ雄蕊无毛ꎬ
花粉具散孔) 和湖州铁线莲亚组(subsect. Viticellae)(花具 4枚渐升ꎬ多少展宽的萼片ꎬ雄蕊花丝常被缘毛ꎬ花
粉具 3沟) 可能均由毛萼铁线莲亚组衍生而出ꎮ (3) 在我国东部集中分布此组的 3亚组ꎬ3系的 8种ꎬ1亚种
和 1变种ꎬ这里是此组的分布中心ꎬ也可能是此组的起源中心ꎮ
关键词: 铁线莲属ꎬ 铁线莲组ꎬ 分类学修订
收稿日期: 2006 ̄04 ̄03    修回日期: 2006 ̄07 ̄16
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(30470126) [Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30470126)]ꎮ
作者简介: 王文采(1926 ̄)ꎬ男ꎬ研究员ꎬ中国科学院院士ꎬ著名植物分类学家ꎬ长期从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
1  Brief taxonomic history
In 1753ꎬ in his “Species plantarum”ꎬ Linnaeus de ̄
scribed nine species of the genus Clematis. Of themꎬ
Clematis viticella L. is the first species of sect. Viticella
known to science.
In 1794ꎬ on the basis of Viticella deltoidea Moench
( =C. viticella L.) Moench established his new monotypic
genus Viticella.
In 1818ꎬ in the first revision of the Clematisꎬ de
Candolle sunk the genus Viticella to sectional rank. In this
sectionꎬ four species were included. Of themꎬ three
speciesꎬ C. viticella L.ꎬ C. campaniflora Brot.ꎬ and
C. florida Thunb.ex Murray are really the members of that
sectionꎬ while the forth oneꎬ C. crispa L.ꎬ should be a
member of sect. Viorna (Reichb.) Prantl (Wang & Liꎬ
In his account of trib.Clematideaeꎬ Spach (1839)
restored Moench’s genus Viticellaꎬ and in it followed de
Candolle to recognize the four species mentioned above.
In a paper dealing with the eastern Asian floraꎬMax ̄
imowicz (1879) described a new speciesꎬClematis han ̄
cockiana Maxim.on the basis of a flowering specimen col ̄
lected from NingboꎬZhejiang ProvinceꎬChina by W.Han ̄
cockꎬand considered that this new species was related to
the North American C. crispa L.ꎬa member of sect. Viorna
as stated above. On account of its primiaive floral
structure C. hancocdiana was regarded as the extant prim ̄
itive species of sect. Viticella by me (Wang & Liꎬ
In his monograph of Clematisꎬ Kuntze (1885) recog ̄
nized three species belonging to sect. Viticella. Of themꎬ
C. viticella L.and C. bracteata Kurz ( =C. cadmia Buch. ̄
Ham.ex Hook. f. & Thoms.) were placed in his sect.
1.Scandentes aperculatae. HereꎬC. viticella was associated
with several Asian and American species of sect. Viornaꎬ
e.g.C. fusca Turca.ꎬC. viorna L.ꎬand C. simsii Sweetꎬandꎬ
at the same timeꎬC. campaniflora Brot.ꎬa close ally of
C. viticellaꎬ with another two speciesꎬ C. crispa L. and
C. walteri Purshꎬof sect. Viornaꎬwas treated as subspecies
under C. viticella. The third species recognized by
KuntzeꎬC. florida Thunb. ex Murrayꎬwas placed in his
sect. 2. Scandentes perulataeꎬand associated with species
of sect. Clematisꎬ such as C. parviloba Gardn. &
Champ. C. puberula Hook. f. & Thoms.ꎬand C. pierotii
Miq. BesidesꎬC. hancockiana was treated as one of the
synonyms under C. floridaꎬand C. lanuginosa Lindl.ꎬan
ally of C. floridaꎬwas treated as its subspecies.
In his comprehensive classification of the Clematisꎬ
Prantl (1888) recognized the sectional status of Viticellaꎬ
and gave it the precise diagnosis: Perigonblätter in der
Knospe eingefaltetꎬ zuletzt ausgebreitet oder abstehendꎬ
vom Grunde an mit breitem Saum. In this sectionꎬ seven
species were recognizedꎬ and classified into two groups
(subsections) according to the number and extending di ̄
rection of sepalsꎬ and C. hancockiana was not
included. In the first groupꎬsubsect. Euviticellaeꎬcharac ̄
terized by having four erect sepals per flowerꎬare accom ̄
modated C. viticellaꎬC. campanifloraꎬand C. scandens Hu ̄
terꎬ and in the second groupꎬ subsect. Floridaeꎬ
characterized by having usually five to eight spreading
sepals per flowerꎬare included C. patens Morr.& Decne.ꎬ
C. lanuginosa Lindl.ꎬC. floridaꎬand C. bracteata. Hereꎬit
can be seen that in sect. Viticella defined by Prantlꎬno
species belonging to sect. Viorna or to sect. Clematis were
mixedꎬand the two subsections exactly represented the
two evolutionary lines within this sectionꎬand the section
Viticella circumscribed by him and the two subsections es ̄
tablished by him all proved to be monophyletic
groups. Howeverꎬ afterwardsꎬ Prantl ’ s excellent
classification of sect. Viticella was adopted only by
Schneider (1906) and by me (Wang & Liꎬ 2005b).
In his revision of the Chinese ClematisꎬHandel ̄Maz ̄
zetti (1939) recognized six species of sect. Viticella:
C. cadmiaꎬC. floridaꎬC. courtoisii Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬC. han ̄
cockianaꎬC. longistyla Hand ̄Mazz.ꎬand C. lanuginosaꎬof
which two species were described as new. Unfortunatelyꎬ
in his revisionꎬ some misidentifications were made: one
specimenꎬMorse 30ꎬcollected from Hunan Provinceꎬand
two specimensꎬFaber s.n.and Hickin s.n.ꎬcollected from
Zhejiang Provinceꎬall belonging to C. huchouensis Tamura
(1968)ꎬwere misidentified as C. cadmiaꎬand one speci ̄
menꎬMesny s. n.ꎬbelonging to C. cadmia and collected
from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regionꎬand two speci ̄
mensꎬHandel ̄Mzzetti 11907 and 11997ꎬ beloning to C.
23 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
xiangguiensis W. T. Wangꎬa new species described in the
present paper and collected from Hunan Provinceꎬwere
all misidentified as C. florida. Thusꎬin Handel ̄Mazzetti’s
revisionꎬ two another new species of sect. Viticella
were overlooked.
In 1955ꎬaccording to flower position Tamura subdi ̄
vided sect. Viticella into subsect. Floridae Prantl snd
subsect. Patentes Tamura. In 1967ꎬ to this section he
added a new subsect. Viticellae Tamuraꎬand raised sub ̄
sect. Patentes to sectional rank. In 1987 and 1995ꎬhe
restored his former subdivision of sect. Viticella proposed
in 1955ꎬand sunk both subsect. Euviticellae Prantl and
his subsect. Viticellae into the synonymy under
subsect. Floridae.
In the account of the Chinese ClematisꎬFang (1980)
recognized eight species of sect. Viticella. Of themꎬC.
hancockiana and C. huchouensis were placed between
C. courtoisii and C. florida. Just as Handel ̄Mazzetti did in
1939ꎬhe also misidentified the specimens belonging to a
new speciesꎬ C. xiangguiensisꎬ as C. florida. Fang ’ s
account of sect. Viticella was adopted by Wang & Barthol ̄
omew (2001).
Keener & Dennis (1982) treated sect. Viticella as a
subgenus in dealing with the classification of the genus
Clematis in North Americaꎬ and their treatment was
adopted by Snoeijer (1992) in his classification of that
genus. Snoeijer subdivided subgen. Viticella into three
sectionsꎬ i. e. sect. Viticella s. str.ꎬ sect. Floridaeꎬ and
sect. Patentesꎬand misplaced a member of sect. Floridaeꎬ
C. cadmiaꎬin sect. Viticella s.str.
In his monograph of the ClematisꎬJohnson (1997)
recognized eleven species of sect. Viticellaꎬand classified
them into four subsections. In subsect. 1. Viticellaꎬhe cor ̄
rectly associated the Chinese C. huchouensis with the Eu ̄
ropean C. campanifloraꎬC. scandensꎬand C. viticella for
the first time. The primitive species C. hancockiana to ̄
gether with another four speciesꎬC. cadmiaꎬC. courtoisiiꎬ
C. floridaꎬ and C. longistylaꎬ was put in subsect. 2.
Floridae. The remaining two subsectionsꎬ subsect. 3.
Lanuginosae and subsect. 4. Patentesꎬare all monotypicꎬ
accommodating C. lanuginosa and C. patens
respectively. Johnson’s classification of sect. Viticella was
adopted by Grey ̄Wilson (2000)ꎬhowever with two chan ̄
gesꎬ i. e. the incorrect transfer of C. cadmia from
subsect. Floridae to subsect. Viticellaꎬand the removal of
subsect. Patentes to before subsect. Lanuginosae.
Wang (Wang & Liꎬ 2005b) adopted Prantl’ s two
subsections of sect. Viticella as mentioned aboveꎬ and
added a new monotypic subsect. Hancockianaeꎬbased on
C. hancockianaꎬas the primitive group of that section on
account of the primitive floral structure of that
species. Subsect. Floridae was subdivided into ser.
Floridae and ser. Patentes according to flower positionꎬ
and subsect. Viticellae into ser. Huchouenses and ser. Viti ̄
cellae according to sepal colourꎬbreadth of dilated sepal
marginꎬ and stamen hair ̄covering. Wang ’ s above
treatment of sect. Viticella is retained in the present pa ̄
2  Relationships among the infrasectional
    Sect. Viticella is characterized by having sepals more
or less strongly dilated after anthesis. This advanced
feature is rare in the genus Clematisꎬoccurring also in
sect. Fruticella Tamura (Wang & Liꎬ 2005a) and a
species of sect. ViornaꎬC. crispa L. ( Ericksonꎬ 1943ꎻ
Wang & Liꎬ 2005b). Howeverꎬin sect. Viticellaꎬthere is
an exception in this connectionꎬi. e. C. hancockianaꎬan
endemic in East Chinaꎬin which the flower is moderate in
size and has four spreading oblong sepals entirely not di ̄
lated after anthesis and glabrous stamens with linear fila ̄
ments and anthers. With such a floral structure
remarkably resembling that of sect. ClematisꎬC. hancocki ̄
ana may be considered the extant primitive species of
sect. Viticellaꎬand sect. Viticella may be surmized to be
derived from sect. Clematis (Wangꎬ 2003ꎻWang & Liꎬ
In addition to possess primitive floral structureꎬ
C. hancockiana still has some advanced featuresꎬsuch as
the purple colour of sepalꎬthe often narrowly linear an ̄
thersꎬ and the pantoporate pollen ( Zhangꎬ 1987ꎻ Xieꎬ
2005). Andꎬthe phenomelon that a species simultaneously
possesses both primitive and advanced features appears to
imply that C. hancockiana is not the primitive species of
sect. Viticellaꎬand the real primitive one of that sectionꎬ
33增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
perhaps having 4 ̄sepalled flowersꎬ white spreading
undilated sepalsꎬglabrous stamens with oblong or narrowly
oblong anthersꎬand tricolpate pollenꎬmight have been ex ̄
tinct long ago (Wang & Liꎬ 2005b).
Subsect. Floridae is similar to subsect. Hancockianae
in also having pantoporate pollen (Zhangꎬ1987ꎻKapoor et
al.ꎬ1989ꎻ Yanoꎬ 1992ꎻ Nowike & Skvarlaꎬ 1995ꎻ Xieꎬ
2005). Within itꎬ the species of ser. Floridae show
particrlar resemblance to C. hancockiana in their once to
twice ternate or pinnate leavesꎬaxillary 1 ̄floweredꎬcon ̄
spicuously 2 ̄bracteate cymesꎬ and spreading sepalsꎬ
differing only in the usually largerꎬ5-6 ̄sepalled flowers
and the strongly dilated sepals. Ser.Patentes is closely re ̄
lated to ser.Floridaeꎬdiffering from the latter only in the
solitaryꎬterminalꎬ6-8 ̄sepalled flowers. These two groups
might all be derived from the group represented by
C. hancockiana.
In ser.FloridaeꎬC. courtoisiiꎬlike C. hancockianaꎬ
C. patensꎬC. lanuginosaꎬand most species of Clematisꎬhas
achenes with strongly elongate plumose persistent styles
up to 4 cm long. Howeverꎬin another three species of this
seriesꎬthe styles are less or much less elongate and not
plumose after anthesis:In C. floridaꎬthe persistent styles
are slightly elongateꎬ tail ̄likeꎬand with appressed hairs
(Schneiderꎬ 1906)ꎻ in C. xiangguiensisꎬ the persistent
styles are also slightly elongateꎬca.8 mm longꎬwith sprea ̄
ding short hairs belowꎬglabrous aboveꎬand on the apex
with a depressed ̄capitate stigma ( in the remaining
species of sect. Viticella and most species of Clematisꎬthe
stigmas are thinly clavate in outline)ꎻand in C. cadmiaꎬ
the persistent styles are much less or even not elongateꎬ
subulate in outlineꎬonly 1-5 mm longꎬcovered with ap ̄
pressed short hairs. The phenomenon of shortening of per ̄
sistent style seems to be connected with the change of
fruit dispersal modesꎬ from wind dispersal to animal dis ̄
Subsect. Viticellae is characterized by having 4 ̄sep ̄
alled flowerꎬascending dilated sepalsꎬoften ciliate stamen
filamentsꎬtricolpate pollen (Yanoꎬ1992ꎻXieꎬ2005)ꎬand
flattenedꎬtumidly rimmed achene with short hard subulate
persistent style (Hereꎬthe short persistent styleꎬlike that
of C. cadmia mentioned aboveꎬmay be resulted from the
adaptation to animal dispersal of fruit)ꎬ and might origi ̄
nate from the extinct primitive species of sect. Viticella
stated above. Within this subsectionꎬ the eastern Asian
speciesꎬC. huchouensisꎬhas white narrowly dilated sepals
and glabrous stamensꎬwhile in its another three European
alliesꎬC. campanifloraꎬC. rigoiꎬand C. viticellaꎬthe sepals
are usually purpleꎬblueꎬor red in colourꎬand more or less
strongly dilated after anthesisꎬand the stamen filaments
are often ciliate near apex. Soꎬthese three European spe ̄
ciesꎬ forming a nature groupꎬ are more advanced than
C. huchouensisꎬand might be derived from the group re ̄
presented by the latter.
Perhaps due to that C. viticella and C. crispa of
sect. Viorna possess similar purpleꎬascending or erectꎬdi ̄
lated sepalsꎬhairy stamen filamentsꎬand similar achenesꎬ
de Candolle (1818)ꎬSpach (1885)ꎬand Erickson (1943)
all associated them together. Besidesꎬ Tamura ( 1967)
posited that the C. florida group seems to have phyletical
relationships to subsect. Crispae of sect. Viorna. Howeverꎬ
according to my understanding about the relationships a ̄
mong C. hancockianaꎬsubsect. Floridaeꎬand subsect. Viti ̄
cellae just mentionedꎬthe resemblance between the C. viti ̄
cella group and C. crispa with its allies of sect. Viorna ap ̄
pears to be resulted from convergence (Wang & Liꎬ
3  Geographical distribution
Sect. Viticella here defined consists of thirteen spe ̄
ciesꎬ one subspeciesꎬ and two varietiesꎬ of which ten
species occur in eastern Asiaꎬand three species in south ̄
western Asia and southern Europe (Fig. 1).
Subsect. Hanockianae is monotypicꎬrestricted in geo ̄
graphical distribution to the subtropical regions of East
Subsect. Floridae with eight species occurs in
eastern Asia. In itꎬser.Floridae consists of six species. Of
themꎬfive species are mainly concentrated to the subtropi ̄
cal regions of central and southeastern Chinaꎬwith one va ̄
riety of an advanced speciesꎬC. cadmia var. cadmiaꎬex ̄
tending from there westwards along the montane regions of
northern Indo ̄China Peninsula and southern Yunnan Plat ̄
eau to northeastern Indiaꎬ and an another varietyꎬ C.
cadmia var. leptomeraꎬendemic to South China. The sixth
43 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
speciesꎬC. floridaꎬconsists of two cultivarsꎬvar. florida
and var. flore ̄plenoꎬbeing all raised in Japan. Howeverꎬof
themꎬvar. flore ̄pleno also occurs in the wild disjunctively
in Yunnan Province of Southwest China and Zhejiang
Province of East China. The second ser. Patentes consists
of two species and one subspecies. Of themꎬC. patens
ssp. tientaiensis and C. lanuginosa are all endemic to Zhe ̄
jiang Province of East Chinaꎬand C. patens ssp. patens
occurs in eastern Shandong and Liaoning Provincesꎬ
ChinaꎬKoreaꎬand Japan.
Fig. 1  Map showing distribution of the infrasectional
groups of sect. Viticella
    Subsect. Hancockianae ▲      Subsect. Viticellae
    Subsect. Floridae              Ser. Huchouenses●
      Ser. Floridae ━ ━          Ser. Viticellae ━􀅰━
      Ser. Patentes􀅰􀅰􀅰􀅰􀅰􀅰             
    Subsect. Viticellae consists of four species. Its
primitive groupꎬthe monotypic ser. Huchouensesꎬsomewhat
like subsect. Hancockianaeꎬis endemic to the subtropical
regions of East snd Central China. The primitive speciesꎬ
C. campanifloranꎬand one of the two advanced speciesꎬ
C. rigoiꎬof ser. Viticellaeꎬare confined in distribution to
Portugal and southern Italy respectively. Another
advanced species of ser. ViticellaeꎬC. viticellaꎬhas a wider
distribution areaꎬ ranging from southwestern Asia
westwards to southern Europe. The disjunctive distribution
between ser. Huchouenses and ser. Viticellae might be
caused by the uplift of the Qinghai ̄Xizang Plateau in the
Tertiary (Hsüꎬ1983ꎻWangꎬ1989).
Judging from what stated aboveꎬI would surmise that
the subtropical regions of East Chinaꎬwhere are concen ̄
trated eight speciesꎬone subspeciesꎬand one variety be ̄
longing to three subsections and three seriesꎬis the distri ̄
bution centre of sect. Viticellaꎬand in these regions this
section might originate from sect. Clematis.
4  Taxonomic treatment
Clematis L. sect. Viticella (Moench) DC. ꎬSyst.1:
160.1818ꎻet Prodr.1:8.1824ꎻPrantl in Bot. Jahrb.9:259.
1888ꎻet in Engler & Prantlꎬ Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3 (2):
63. 1888ꎻ Koehneꎬ Deut. Dendr. 152. 1893ꎻ Schneid.ꎬ Ill.
Handb. Laubh. 1: 285. 1906ꎻ Hand. ̄Mazz. in Acta Hort.
Gotob.13:198. 1939ꎻRehd.ꎬMan. Cult. Trees & Shrubsꎬ
ed.2ꎬ212.1951ꎻTamura in Sci.Rep.Osaka Univ.16(2):
34.1967ꎻ M. Y. Fang in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 28:199. 1980ꎻ
Tamura in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 38: 43. 1987ꎻ et in
Hiepkoꎬ Nat. Pflanzenfam.ꎬ Zwei. Aufl.ꎬ 17a (4):384.
1995ꎻ M. Johnsonꎬ Klematis 665. 1997ꎻ Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ
Clematis 114.2000ꎻ W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.43:
473. 2005.———Viticella Moenchꎬ Method. 296. 1794ꎻ
Spachꎬ Hist. Nat. Veg. Phan. 7:263. 1839ꎻ Smallꎬ Fl. SE
Unit. Stat. 437. 1903.———Clematis subgen. Viticella
(Moench) Keener & Dennis in Taxon 31(1):142.1982ꎻ
Snoeijer in Clematis 1992: 18. 1992. Type: Viticella
deltoidea Moench=Clematis viticella L.
Clematis sect. Tessen Tamura in Sci. Rep. Osaka
Univ. 4: 49. 1955ꎻ et in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 16: 80.
1956. Type:C. florida Thunb.
Woody or perennial herbaceous vines. Seedling
leaves opposite (known from C. patens Morr.& Decne.ꎬ
C. campaniflora Brot.ꎬ and C. viticella L. ̄Essigꎬ
1991). Cauline leaves once or twice ternate or pinnateꎬ
rare simple. Flowers bisexualꎬmedium ̄sized or largeꎬin
axillary cymesꎬor solitaryꎬ terminal. Sepals 4 - 8ꎬwhiteꎬ
blueꎬor purpleꎬspreading or ascendingꎬvalvateꎬusually
after anthesis more or less strongly dilatedꎬrarely not di ̄
lated (C. hancockiana Maxin.). Stamens numerousꎻfila ̄
ments linearꎬrarely oblanceolate ̄linearꎬglabrous or near
apex ciliateꎻanthers linearꎬnarrowly linearꎬor narrowly
oblongꎬ glabrousꎬ apex obtuse or minutely apiculate.
Carpels numerousꎻstyles densely hairyꎬrarely glabrousꎻ
stigmas thinly clavateꎬrarely depressed ̄capitate.Achenes
compressedꎻpersistent styles strongly elongateꎬplumoseꎬor
slightly or not elongateꎬnot plumoseꎬtail ̄like or subulate.
Thirteen species with one subspecies and two
varieties disjunctively distributed in eastern Asia and
53增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
southwestern Asia and southern Europe.
Many Clematis species with beautiful flowers have
came into cultivation as ornamentals. Of them the large ̄
flowered onesꎬC. patensꎬC. lanuginosa et al.ꎬare all con ̄
fined to sect. Viticella. Since 1835 up to dateꎬsome or
more than two hundred large ̄flowered cultivars have been
raised by hybridization of them and certain cultivars they
producedꎬ and enormously enriched the catalogue of
garden plants of the Clematis. Most of these cultivars have
flowers 10-20 cm in diameterꎬand in some of themꎬsuch
as Clematis‘Belle Nantaise’ꎬC. ‘Laura’ꎬC. ‘Lawsoni ̄
ana’ꎬC. ‘Madame van Houtte’ꎬC. ‘Sho ̄un’ꎬC. ‘The
First Lady’ꎬC. ‘Titania’ꎬand C. ‘W.E.Gladstone’ꎬthe
flowers are up to 23-25 cm in diameter(Johnsonꎬ 1997ꎻ
Toomey & Leedsꎬ 2001).
Key to infrasectional taxa
1. Sepals 4ꎬ spreadingꎬ purpleꎬ narrowly oblongꎬ after anthesis not dilatedꎻ stamens glabrousꎻ pollen pantoporateꎻ flowers in axillary 1 ̄flowered
conspicuously 2 ̄bracteate cymes subsect. 1. Hancockianae􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
1. C. hancockiana
1. Sepals narrowly lanceolate or lanceolateꎬafter anthesis more or less strongly dilated.
  2. Sepals 5-8ꎬspreadingꎬwhiteꎬrarely purplishꎬnarrowly lanceolateꎬafter anthesis strongly dilatedꎻstamens glabrousꎻpollen pantoporateꎻachenes 2-4.8
mm broadꎬrarely rimmed(C. cadmia)ꎬwith usually plumose or tail ̄likeꎬrarely subulate(C. cadmia)persistent styles subsect. 2. Floridae􀆺􀆺
    3. Flowers in axillary 1 ̄flowered conspicuously 2 ̄bracteate cymesꎻsepals 5-6ꎬwhite. ser. 1. Floridae􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
      4. Stamens all fertile.
        5. Ovaries globoseꎬca.l mm in diam.ꎻstyles 2.5-7.5 mm longꎬafter anthesis more or less strongly elongateꎬ0.8-5 cm longꎬplumoseꎬwith sprea ̄
ding hairs 0.5-4 mm longꎻachenes not rimmed.
          6. Stigmas thinly clavate.
            7. Leaflet margin entire.
              8. Persistent styles strongly elongateꎬplumoseꎬ1.2-5 cm longꎬwith spreading long hairs up to 3-4 mm long.
                9. Filaments as broad as anthersꎻstyles 5-7.5 mm longꎬbelow densely villousꎬabove glabrous 2. C. longistyla􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
                9. Filaments broader than anthersꎻstyles ca.4 mm longꎬfrom base nearly to apex densely villous 3. C. courtoisii􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
              8. Persistent styles less elongateꎬtail ̄likeꎬwith appressed hairs 5. C. florida var. florida􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
            7. Leaflet margin denticulate or dentate.
              10. Leaflets mostly entireꎬonly those of upper leaves with dentate marginsꎻsepals 2.7-4.8 × 0.8-2.8 cmꎻfilaments as broad as anthersꎻ
styles 5-7.5 mm longꎬbelow densely villousꎬabove glabrous 2. C. longistyla􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
              10. Leaflets of all leaves with incised ̄denticulate or dentate marginsꎻsepals smallerꎬ1.7-2.2 × 0.6-0.9 cmꎻfilaments narrower than an ̄
thersꎻstyles ca.4.6 mm longꎬfrom base to apex densely villous 4. C. inciso ̄denticulata􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
          6. Stigmas depressed ̄capitateꎻstyles 3-3.5 mm longꎬafter anthesis elongate to 8 mm longꎬbelow with spreading short hairsꎬabove glabrous
6. C. xiangguiensis􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
        5. Ovaries narrowly ovoidꎬ1.5-2.5 mm longꎻstyles shorterꎬ1-2 mm longꎬafter anthesis slightly or not elongateꎬsubulateꎬup to 5 mm longꎬwith
shortꎬappressed hairs 0.1-0.5 mm longꎻachenes rimmed 7. C. cadmia􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
          11. Style subulateꎬapex tapering 7a. var. cadmia􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
          11. Style oblongꎬapex truncate ̄rounded 7b. var.leptomera􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
      4. Stamens all sterileꎬmodified into petal ̄like narrowly lanceolate staminodes 5b. C. florida var. flore ̄pleno􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
    3. Flowers solitaryꎬterminalꎻsepals 5-8 Ser. 2. Patentes􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
      12. Leaves abaxially on veins sparsely pubescent 8. C. patens􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
        13. Leaves ternate or 5 ̄foliolately pinnateꎬsometimes simpleꎻpedicels 4.6-10 cm longꎻsepals 7-8ꎬwhiteꎬrarely purplish 8a. ssp. patens􀆺
        13. Leaves ternate or simpleꎻpedicels shorterꎬ3.5-4 cm longꎻsepals 5-6ꎬwhite 8b. ssp. tientaiensis􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
      12. Leaves simple or ternateꎬabaxially velutinousꎻsepals 5-6ꎬpurplish 9. C. lanuginosa􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
  2. Sepals 4ꎬusually ascendingꎬafter anthesis more or less dilatedꎻpollen tricolpateꎻachenes largerꎬ5-7 mm broadꎬtumidly rimmedꎬwith short hard su ̄
bulate persistent styles Subsect. 3.Viticellae􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
    14. Sepals whiteꎬafter anthesis slightly dilatedꎻstamens glabraus Ser. 1. Huchouenses􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
10. C. huchouensis
    14. Sepals purpleꎬblueꎬor redꎬrarely whiteꎬafter anthesis slightly or strongly dilatedꎻstamen filaments often near apex sparsely ciliate 􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
Ser. 2. Viticellae􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
      15. Sepals plus dilated margins obovate ̄oblongꎬ1-2.4 × 0.4-0.9 cm (dilated margins 1.5-4.5 mm broad per side).
        16. Sepals plus dilated margins 1-1.5 × 0.4-0.5 cm(dilated margins 1.5-2.5 mm broad per side)ꎻconnective apicula ca.0􀆰 1 longꎻstyles not
groovedꎬdensely puberulous belowꎻleaflets abaxially subglabrous or sparsely puberulous 11. C. campaniflora􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
        16. Sepals largerꎬplus dilated margins 1.8-2.4 × 0.6-0.9 cm(dilated margins 3-4.5 mm broad per side)ꎻconnective apicula 0.3-0.6 mm longꎻ
styles groovedꎬglabrous or only on base pubescentꎻleaflets abaxially densely puberulous 12. C. rigoi􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
      15. Sepals largerꎬplus dilated margins broadly rhombic ̄obovateꎬ1.7-3 × (1-)1.5-2.2 cm(dilated margins 4-10 mm broad per side )ꎻstyles
groovedꎬglabrousꎻconnective not apiculate or with apicula less than 0.1 mm longꎻleaflets on both surfaces sparsely puberulous or abaxially
densely puberulous 13. C. viticella􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
63 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
    Subsect. 1. Hancockianae W. T. Wang in Acta Phy ̄
totax. Sin.43:474.2005. Type: C. hancockiana Maxim.
Leaves 1-2 ̄pinnate or ternate.Flowers in axillary 1 ̄
floweredꎬ manifestly 2 ̄bracteate cymes. Sepals 4ꎬ
spreadingꎬpurpleꎬnarrowly oblongꎬafter anthesis not dilat ̄
edꎬ lateral basal veins with many veinlets. Stamens
glabrous. Pollen pantoporate. Achenes not rimmedꎬwith
elongate plumose persistent styles.
One speciesꎬendemic to E China.
1. Clematis hancockiana Maxim. in Bull. Soc. Nat.
Mosc. 54: 1. 1879ꎻ Courtois in Mem. Hist. Nat. Emp.
Chin. 6: 26ꎬ pl. 8. 1918ꎻ Hand. ̄Mazz. in Acta Hort.
Gotob. 13:201.1939ꎻM. Y. Fang in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.28:
204ꎬpl. 65.1980ꎻAnonymous in Fl. Jiangsu.2:82.1982ꎻ
X. W. Wang in Fl. Anhui 2:533. 1986ꎻ Z. H. Lin in
Fl. Zhejiang 2: 298. 1992ꎻ Zhu & Yangꎬ Clav. Fam.
Gen. Sp. Sperm. Henan. 105. 1994ꎻ Johnsonꎬ Klematis
679.1997ꎻGrey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 120.2000ꎻW. T. Wang &
Barth. in Fl. China 6:372.2001.———C. florida var. han ̄
cockiana (Maxim.) Courtois in Bull.Soc. Bot. France 72:
434.1925. Type:China. Zhejiang (浙江):Ningbo (宁
波)ꎬalt. 600 feetꎬhill topsꎬflowers deep purpleꎬ1877 ̄05 ̄
13ꎬHancock 67 (holotypeꎬLE!ꎻ isotypeꎬK!).
C. tsengiana Metcalf in Lingnan Sci. J. 20: 129ꎬ
pl. 4. 1941. Type: China. Zhejiang (浙江):Tiantai (天
台)ꎬ1924 ̄05 ̄16ꎬ R. C. Ching(秦仁昌) 1555 (holotypeꎬ
SYSꎬ not seenꎻ isotypesꎬ NAS!ꎬ PE!ꎬ US!).
Fig.2: A ̄E (p.7)
    Perennial herbaceous vine. Stem shallowly 4 - 6 ̄
sulcateꎬ sparsely pubescentꎬ glabrescentꎬ with tumid
nodes.Leaves 1-2 ̄pinnate or ternateꎻleaflets paperyꎬnar ̄
rowly ovate or ovateꎬ 3-6.5 × 1.4-3.5 cmꎬ apex acute
and apiculateꎬbase broadly cunate or roundedꎬmargin en ̄
tireꎬ undivided or 3 ̄lobulateꎬ both surfaces on midrib
sparsely pubescentꎬ basal veins abaxially slightly
promiment or nearly flatꎻpetioles 4-7.5 cm long. Cymes
axillaryꎬ 1 ̄floweredꎻ peduncles 2 - 5 cm longꎻ bracts
sessileꎬbroadly ovateꎬ2.5-4 cm longꎬentireꎬundivided or
3 ̄lobulate.Flower 3-5 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel 4.5-7 cm
longꎬpubescent. Sepals 4ꎬpurpleꎬnarrowly oblongꎬ1. 5 -
2.9 ×0. 5 - 0. 7 cmꎬ inside glabrousꎬ outside densely or
sparsely pubescentꎬon margin velutinousꎬapex slightly a ̄
cute. Stamens 0.9-1.7 cm longꎬglabrousꎻfilaments linearꎬ
3-10 mm longꎻanthers narrowly linearꎬ6-8 mm longꎬ
apex minutely apiculate.Ovaries pubescentꎻstyles 8 -10
mm longꎬdensely villous.Achenes compressedꎬrhombic ̄
obovateꎬca.5 × 3.2 mmꎬpubescentꎻpersistent styles 3.5-5
cm longꎬ yellowish ̄plumose.Fl.May.
China (SE AnhuiꎬS HenanꎬHubeiꎬSE JiangsuꎬE
Jiangxiꎬ N & E Zhejiang). On slopes or in bushesꎻ 100-
500 m.
Additional specimens examined. China. Anhui(安
徽):She Xian(歙县)ꎬJ. N. Dong(董建农) 761 (NAS)ꎮ
Henan(河南):Jigong Shan (鸡公山)ꎬK. C. Kuan &
T. L. Dai (关克俭ꎬ戴天伦) 119(NASꎬPE)ꎻLuoshan
(罗山)ꎬ Pl. Resour. Exped. (植物资源队) D0310
(PE)ꎻXinyang (信阳)ꎬK. C. Kuan & T. L. Dai 368
(NASꎬPE)ꎮ Hubei (湖北):Without precise localityꎬ
Y. H. Zhang (张应汉) 298 (PE). Jiangsu(江苏):
Yixing (宜兴)ꎬR. C. Ching & Tso (秦仁昌等) 424ꎬ505
(NAS)ꎬS. H. Mao (毛少华) 163 (NASꎬPE). Jiangxi
(江西):Nancheng (南城)ꎬMagu Shan (麻姑山)ꎬAnon ̄
ymous 5 (BNU). Zhejiang(浙江):Hangzhou(杭州)ꎬ
S. Y. Zhang (章绍尧) 565ꎬ610(HHBGꎬNASꎬPE)ꎻ
Tiantai(天台)ꎬT. Y. Chou (周太炎) 1137 (NAS)ꎻ
Yuhang (余杭)ꎬ Hangzhou Bot. Gard. Exped. (杭州植
物园队) 79 ̄882 (HHBG).
Subsect. 2. Floridae Prantl in Bot. Jahrb. 9:259.
1888ꎻSchneid.ꎬIll. Handb. Laubh. 1:286. 1906ꎻHand. ̄
Mazz. in Acta Hort. Gotob. 13: 198. 1939ꎻ Tamura in
Sci. Rep. Osaka Univ. 4: 50. 1955ꎻ in Acta Phytotax.
Geobot. 38:43. 1987ꎻ et in HiepkoꎬNat. Pflanzenfam.ꎬ
Zwei. Aufl.ꎬ 17a (4): 385. 1995ꎻ M. Johnsonꎬ Klematis
675. 1997ꎻGrey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 120. 2000ꎻW. T. Wang
in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 43:474. 2005. Lectotype:C. florida
Thunb. ex Murray (Tamuraꎬ1955)ꎮ
Sepals 5 - 8ꎬ spreadingꎬ whiteꎬ rarely purpleꎬ
narrowly lanceolateꎬ 3 ̄veinedꎬ strongly dilated after an ̄
thesisꎻ lateral basal veins with numerousꎬ parallelꎬ 1-3
times dichotomous veinlets.Stamens glabrous. Pollen pan ̄
toporate. Achenes rarely rimmed (C. cadmia).
Eight speciesꎬdistributed in E Asia. Ser. 1. Floridae
W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 43: 475. 2005. Type:
C. florida Thunb. ex Murray.
Subgen. Viticella sect . Floridae Snoeijer in Clematis
73增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
Fig. 2  A ̄E. Clematis hancockiana Maxim.  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. Sepal outsideꎻ C. Stamenꎻ D. Carpel (from S.Y.Zhang 565)ꎻ E. Achene
(from S.H.Mao 163). F ̄K. C. florida Thunb. ex Murray var. florida  F. Flowering branchꎻ G. Flowerꎻ H. Sepal outsideꎻ I. Stamenꎻ J. Carpel
(from Maximowicz s.n.)ꎻ K. Achene (after Schneiderꎬ1906). (Drawn by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
1992: 19.1992ꎬnom.illegit.
Leaves 1 - 2 ̄ternate or 1 - 2 ̄pinnate. Flowers in
axillary 1 ̄flowered manifestly 2 ̄bracteate cymes. Sepals
5-6ꎬwhite. Achenes only in C. cadmia broadly rimmedꎻ
persistent styles either strongly elongateꎬplumoseꎬor less
elongateꎬtail ̄like or subulateꎬwith appressed short hairs.
83 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Six speciesꎬwidespread in BangladeshꎬES & SW
Chinaꎬ NE Indiaꎬ N Myanmarꎬ and N Viet Nam.
2. Clematis longistyla Hand. ̄Mazz. in Acta Hort.
Gotob.13:201. 1939ꎻAnonymousꎬFl. Hupeh. 1:365. 1976ꎻ
M.Y Fang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:303.1980ꎻDing et al.ꎬ
Fl.Henan. 1: 449. 1981ꎻM. Johnsonꎬ Klematis 679. 1997ꎻ
Grey ̄wilsonꎬClematis 121.2000ꎻW. T. Wang & Barth. in
Fl.China 6:372.2001.Type:China. Hubei (湖北):Yichang
(宜昌) Henry 3516A (holotypeꎬ K!)ꎬ 791 (paratypesꎬ
GH!ꎬK!)ꎬ 1398 (paratypesꎬ K!ꎬ P!)ꎬ 3516 (paratypesꎬ
GH!ꎬ K!ꎬ P!ꎬ US!)ꎬ E. H. Wilson 166 ( paratypesꎬ
GH!ꎬ K!ꎬ P!).
C. patens auct. non Morr. & Decne.: Hance in J.
Bot. 18:257. 1880ꎻ Forbes & Hemsl. in J. Linn. Soc.
Bot. 23: 6. 1886.
C. florida auct. non Thunb. ex Murray: Henry in
Gard. Chron.ꎬ ser. 3ꎬ 32: 51ꎬ fig. 20. 1902ꎻ Finet &
Gagnep.in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 50:553.1903ꎬ p.p.quod
pl. Hubei.ꎻRehd. & Wils. in Sarg.ꎬPl. Wils. 1:325.1913.
Fig. 3: A ̄D (p. 9)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 4-6 ̄sul ̄
cateꎬsparsely puberulousꎬglabrescent.Leaves 1-2 ̄ternate
or pinnateꎻleaflets paperyꎬ0.8-6 × 0.5-1.8 (-3.2) cmꎬ
apex acute or acuminateꎬ base roundedꎬcuneateꎬor sub ̄
cordateꎬmargin entire or 1-3 ̄denticulate per sideꎬboth
surfaces sparsely puberulousꎬ slightly reticulateꎬ basal
veins abaxially prominentꎻpetioles 1.8-4 cm long.Cymes
axillaryꎬ 1 ̄floweredꎻ peduncles 2 - 8. 5 cm longꎻ bracts
shortly petiolateꎬ ternate or simpleꎬ 3 ̄parted or
undivided. Flower 3-9 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel 3.5-11 cm
longꎬabove puberulous or subglabrous.Sepals 5-6ꎬwhiteꎬ
plus dilated margins elliptic or narrowly ellipticꎬ2.7-4.8 ×
0.8-2.8 cmꎬinside glabrousꎬoutside along midrib densely
velutinousꎬ on dilated margins glabrousꎬ apex acute.
Stamens 6-18 mm longꎬglabrousꎻfilaments linearꎬ3-7.5
mm longꎻanthers linearꎬ3-6 mm longꎬapex minutely api ̄
culate.Ovaries pubescentꎻstyles 5 -7.5 mm longꎬbelow
densely brownish ̄villousꎬabove glabrous.Fl.May.
China (S HenanꎬHubeiꎬZhejiang). On slopes or by
stremsꎻ 500 m.
Additional specimens examined. Henan (河南):
Jigong Shan (鸡公山)ꎬ Sino ̄Germany Exped. 56 ̄904
(PE). Hubei(湖北):Boakang (保康)ꎬS.Y.Wang (王诗
云) 409 (HIB)ꎻShennongjia (神农架)ꎬZ.D.Jiang 276
(GH)ꎻWuchang (武昌)ꎬC. H.Qian (钱重海) 1245ꎬ
1367 (NAS). Zhejiang (浙江):Jinhua (金华)ꎬVirgil
King 39 (NAS).
3. Clematis courtoisii Hand. ̄Mazz. in Acta Hort.
Gotob. 13: 200. 1939ꎻ M. Y. Fang in Fl. Reip. Pop.
Sin. 28:204ꎬpl. 64.1980ꎻAnonymous in Fl. Jiangsu. 2:
169. 1982ꎻX. W. Wang in Fl. Anhui 2:334ꎬ fig. 640.
1986ꎻZ. H. Lin in Fl. Zhejiang 2:299ꎬfig. 2 ̄399. 1992ꎻ
Zhu & Yangꎬ Clav. Fam. Gen. Sp. Sperm. Henan.
105. 1994ꎻM. JohnsonꎬKlematis 120. 1997ꎻK. M. Liu in
Fl. Hunan 2:399. 2000ꎻGrey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 120. 2000ꎻ
W. T. Wang & Barth. in Fl. China 6:372.2001. Type:
China. Anhui (安徽): without precise localityꎬ1925ꎬ
R. C. Ching (秦 仁 昌 ) 2731 ( holotypeꎬ K!ꎻ
isotypeꎬ GH!).
C. florida auct. non Thunb. ex Murray: Courtois in
Bull. Soc. Bot. France 72:431. 1925ꎻRehd. in J. Arn.
Arb. 8:106. 1927ꎬ p. p. quoad R. C. Ching 2731.
Fig. 3: E ̄I (p. 9)
    Perennial herbaceous vine. Stem shallowly 5 ̄sulcateꎬ
sparsely pubescentꎬ often glabrescentꎬ with tumid
nodes. Leaves 1-2 ̄ternate or pinnateꎻleaflets paperyꎬlong
ellipticꎬnarrowly ovate or ovateꎬ3-6.5 × 1.4-2 cmꎬapex
acuminate or acuteꎬ base broadly cuneateꎬ roundedꎬ or
truncateꎬmargin entireꎬundividedꎬsometimes 2-3 ̄lobedꎬ
both surfaces on veins sparsely pubescentꎬabaxial surface
more or less reticulateꎬbasal veins abaxially prominentꎻ
petioles 3-7 cm longꎬslightly dilated at base. Cymes axil ̄
laryꎬ1 ̄floweredꎻpeduncles 2.5-7 cm longꎻbracts shortly
petiolateꎬ ovate or broadly ovateꎬ 3. 4 - 6. 2 cm longꎬ
undivided or 2 - 3 ̄lobed. Flower 5 - 9. 5 cm in diam.ꎻ
pedicel 3.4-6.8 cm longꎬdensely puberulous. Sepals 6ꎬ
white or tinged with purplishꎬplus dilated margins long
elliptic or ellipticꎬ2.2-5.2 × 1-2.3 cmꎬinside glabrousꎬ
outside along midrib sparsely pubescentꎬ along lateral
basal veins velutinousꎬon dilated margins glabrousꎬapex
acute.Stamens 8-17 mm longꎬglabrousꎻfilaments oblance ̄
olate ̄linearꎬ 5-9 mm longꎬ broader than antherꎻ anthers
linearꎬ 4 - 6. 5 mm longꎬ apex minutely apiculate or
obtuse. Ovaries pubescentꎻ styles ca. 4 mm longꎬ densely
93增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
Fig. 3  A ̄D. Clematis longistyla Hand. ̄Mazz.  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. Sepal outsideꎻ C. Stamenꎻ D. Carpel (from Silvestri 3891). E ̄
I. C. courtoisii Hand. ̄Mazz.  E. Flowering branchꎻ F. Sepal outsideꎻ G. Stamenꎻ H. Carpel (from X. Y. He 21837)ꎻ I. A ̄
chene (from Anhui Exped 60397). (Drawn by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
villous.Achenes compressedꎬobovateꎬ3.5-4.5 × 2-4 mmꎬ
sparsely pubescentꎻpersistent styles 1.2-4 cm longꎬ ful ̄
vous ̄plumose.Fl.May ̄Jun.
China (W & S Anhuiꎬ S Henanꎬ E Hubeiꎬ S
Hunanꎬ SW Jiangsuꎬ Zhejiang). On slopesꎬby streamsꎬ
or in forestsꎻ 50-520 m.
Additional specimens examined. China. Anhui (安
徽):Huang Shan (黄山)ꎬ Z. N. Yan (严增南) 2565
04 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
(NAS)ꎻHuoshan (霍山)ꎬM. B. Deng & G. Yao (邓懋
彬ꎬ姚淦) 80004ꎬ80987 (NAS)ꎻJinzhai (金寨)ꎬAnhui
Exped.(安徽队) 59 ̄252 (NASꎬPE)ꎬM. B. Deng 81702
(NAS)ꎻJiuhua Shan (九华山)ꎬAnhui Exped. 59 ̄5841
(NASꎬPE)ꎻShe Xian (歙县)ꎬAnhui Exped. 59 ̄1072
(NAS)ꎻYuexi (岳西)ꎬAnhui Exped. 59 ̄252a (NASꎬ
PE)ꎬX. L. Liu (刘晓龙) 485 (PE). Henan (河南):
Huangbai Shan (黄柏山)ꎬAnonymous 163(NAS)ꎻJigong
Shan (鸡公山)ꎬY. R. Pei (裴元蓉) 1060 (NAS)ꎻ
Luoshan (罗山)ꎬPl. Res. Exped.(植物资源队) D116
(PE)ꎻShangcheng (商城)ꎬHenan Exped.(河南队) 59 ̄
276 (PE)ꎻXin Xian (新县)ꎬHenan Exped. 59 ̄8773
(PE). Hubei (湖北):Luotian (罗田)ꎬW. J. Li &
H. J. Zheng (李文杰ꎬ郑宏钧) 110(HIB)ꎻTongshan (通
山)ꎬAnonymous 2864(NAS). Hunan (湖南):Qiyang
(祁阳)ꎬY. Tsiang & S. C. Chen (蒋英ꎬ陈少卿) 331
(NAS). Jiangsu (江苏): without precise localityꎬ F.
X. Liu (刘昉勋) 615(NAS). Zhejiang (浙江):Anji
(安吉)ꎬZ. X. Zhang (张紫绪) 80 (NAS)ꎻFuyang (富
阳)ꎬC. Z. Zheng (郑朝宗) 5217(PE)ꎻJiande (建德)ꎬ
L. Hong (洪林) s. n. (HHBG)ꎻTianmu Shan (天目
山)ꎬK. K. Tsoong (钟观光) 369 (PE)ꎬX. Y. He (贺贤
育) 21590ꎬ21837ꎬ22328(NASꎬPE)ꎻXiaofeng (孝丰)ꎬ
X. Y. He 24194 (NASꎬPE)ꎻYuqian (于潜)ꎬ K. K.
Tsoong 370 (PE)ꎬ Y. L. Keng (耿以礼) 534 (NAS)ꎻ
Zhuji (诸暨)ꎬS. Chen (陈诗) 231 (NAS.).
4. Clematis inciso ̄denticulata W. T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.
Type: China. Zhejiang (浙江)ꎬwithout precise locality
and other field notesꎬS.P.Barchet s.n. (holotypeꎬUS).
Fig. 4: A ̄C
    Affinis C. longistylae Hand. ̄Mazz. et C. courtosii
Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬa quibus foliolis omnibus margine inciso ̄
denticulatis vel dentatisꎬfloribus minoribusꎬsepalis extus
ad margines dilatatos velutinisꎬfilamentis antheris angusti ̄
oribusꎬet ab illa stylis tota longitudine piliferis differt.
Liana sublignosa. Rami hornotini gracilesꎬcirc. 1. 2
mm diametroꎬvadose 4 ̄sulcatiꎬcum pedunculis crispule
adpresseque puberuliꎬ in foliorum nonnuliorum axillis
foliis parvis breviter petiolatis ternatis praediti.Folia op ̄
positaꎬ1 - 2 ̄pinnataꎬ pinnis 2 ̄jugatisꎻ foliola chartaceaꎬ
ovata vel rhombico ̄ovataꎬ1-2.3 cm longaꎬ0.6-1.2 cm
lataꎬapice obtusiusculaꎬapiculataꎬbasi rotundata vel late
cuneataꎬmargine inciso ̄denticulata vel dentataꎬ indivisa
vel 2 - 3 ̄lobataꎬ interdum 3 ̄partitaꎬ utrinque sparse
puberula vel supra subglabraꎬ nervis basalibus subtus
prominentibusꎻpetioli gracilesꎬ2-2.6 cm longiꎬsparse pu ̄
beruli. Cymae axillaresꎬ1 ̄floraeꎻpedunculi gracilesꎬ2-3.2
cm longiꎻbracteae subsessilesꎬovataeꎬ1.2-1.8 cm longaeꎬ
2-3 ̄sectaeꎬsegmentis ovatis.Flos 3.4-4.2 cm diametroꎻ
pedicellus gracilisꎬ6-6.4 cm longusꎬvadose 4-6 ̄sulcatusꎬ
puberulus. Sepala 6ꎬ patentiaꎬ albaꎬ cum marginibus
dilatatis anguste rhombicaꎬ1.7-2.2 cm longaꎬ6-9 mm
lataꎬ apice apiculataꎬ intus glabraꎬ extus adpresse
puberulaꎬ ad margines dilatatos velutina. Stamina
numerosaꎬ6-10 mm longaꎬglabraꎬfilamentis linearibus 3-
5 mm longis antheris angustioribusꎬantheris linearibus vel
anguste oblongis 3 - 4 mm longis apice minute
apiculatis. Carpella numerosaꎬ circ. 6 mm longaꎬ ovariis
dense puberulisꎬstylis circ. 4.6 mm longis inferne dense
villosis superne pubescentibusꎬ stigmatibus clavatis
circ. 0.3 mm longis.
    China (Zhejiang).
5. Clematis florida Thunb. ex Murray in L.ꎬSyst.Veg.ꎬ
1287.1799ꎻAndr.in Bot.Repos.6:440ꎬpl.402.1804ꎻSims in
CurtisꎬBot.Mag.22:t.834.1825ꎻDC. ꎬSyst.1:160.1818ꎻet
Prodr.1:8. 1824ꎻSieb. & ZucC.ꎬFl. Jap. Fam. Nat. 1:176.
1849ꎻMiq.ꎬAnn.Mus.Bot. Lugd. ̄Bat.3:1.1867ꎻFranch.&
Sav.ꎬEnum.Pl. Jap.1:2.1875ꎻMaxim. in Mél. Biol.9:599.
1877 et in Bull.Acad.Sci.St.Petersb.22:221.1877ꎻLavall.ꎬ
Clemat.16ꎬt.5.1884ꎻKuntze in Verh. Bot.Ver. Brand.26:
148.1885ꎬp. p.ꎻMakino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 8:330. 1897ꎻ
Huth in Bull.Herb.Boiss.5:1064.1897ꎻFinet & Gagnep.in
Bull.Soc. Bot.France 50:553ꎬt.16ꎬfig. k.1903ꎬp. p. excl.
pl.Hubei et Vietnam.ꎻSchneid.ꎬIll.Handb.Laubh.1:286ꎬ
fig.188:d ̄f.1906ꎻNakai in J.Coll. Sci.Univ.Tokyo 26:5.
1909ꎻMatsum.ꎬ Ind. Pl. Jap. 2:110. 1912ꎻMerr. in J. Arn.
Arb.19: 338. 1938ꎻ L. H. Baileyꎬ Man. Cult. Pl.ꎬ rev. ed.ꎬ
393.1949ꎻRehd.ꎬMan. Cult. Trees & Shrubsꎬ ed. 2ꎬ213.
1951ꎻMakinoꎬ Ill. Fl. Jap.ꎬ rev. ed.ꎬ 553ꎬ fig. 1657. 1953ꎻ
OhwiꎬFl. Jap. 442. 1965ꎻT. B. Leeꎬ Ill. Fl. Korea 344ꎬ fig.
1373. 1979ꎻ Kitam. & Murataꎬ Colour. Ill. Herb. Pl. Jap.ꎬ
rev.ed.ꎬ2:226.1980ꎻOhwi & Kitag.ꎬNew Fl.Jap.681.1992ꎻ
Y.N.LeeꎬFl.Korea 104ꎬfig.478.1996ꎻ M.JohnsonꎬKlematis
677.1997ꎬp.p.excl.distr. Sinic. et syn. C. leptomera Hanceꎻ
14增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
Fig. 4  A ̄C. Clematis inciso ̄denticulata W. T. Wang  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. Stamenꎻ C. Carpel (from S. P. Barchet s.n.). D ̄
G. C. cadmia Buch. ̄Ham.ex Hook.f.& Thoms.var. cadmia  D. Flowering branchꎻ E. Stamenꎻ F. Carpel (from Y.L.KENG 2164)ꎻ
G. Achene (from S.J.Shen 381). H. C. cadmia var.leptomera (Hance) W. T. Wang carpel (from G. L. Shi 13249). (Drawn by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
Grey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 121.2000ꎬp.p.excl.distr. Sinic. et
syn.C. leptomera Hanceꎻ Toomey & Leedsꎬ Ill. Encycl.
Clematis 191ꎬ cum photogr. 2001.———Atragene florida
(Thunb. ex Murray) Pers.ꎬ Synop. Pl. 2: 98. 1807.———
Viticella florida ( Thunb. ex Murray) Bercht. & Preslꎬ
Rost.i.Ranunc. 10.1820.———Viticella florida (Thunb. ex
Murray) Spachꎬ Hist. Nat. Veg. Phan. 7: 264. 1839.———
Sieboldia florida (Thunb.ex Murray) Hoffmgg. ex Hynh.ꎬ
Nom. 2: 666. 1841. Type: Japanꎬ UPS no. 13017
    Anemone japonica Houtt.ꎬNat.Hist. IIꎬ9:191ꎬt.55ꎬ
fig. 1. 1778.———Clematis japonica (Houtt.) Makino in
Bot.Mag.Tokyo 26:81.1912ꎬnon Clematis japonica Thunb.ꎬ
1784. Type:JapanꎬThunberg s.n. (holotypeꎬG).
24 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Sieboldia bicolor Hoffmgg. ex Heynh.ꎬNom. 2:666.
1841.Type unknown.
Clematis hakonensis Franch.& Sav.ꎬEnum. Pl. Jap.2:
263.1879ꎻLavall.ꎬClemat.t.4.1884.———C. florida var. ha ̄
konensis (Franch. & Sav.) Huth in Bull. Herb. Boiss.5:
1065. 1897. Type: Japan. Odawaraꎬ 1867 ̄05ꎬ Savatier s.
n. (holotypeꎬP!).
C. florida var. normalis Kuntze in Verh. Bot. Ver.
Brand. 26: 149.1885. No type specimen designated.
5a. var. florida  Fig. 2: F ̄K (p. 7)
Perennial herbaceous vine. Branches shallowly 4-6 ̄
sulcateꎬ appressed ̄puberulous. Leaves 1 - 2 ̄pinnateꎻ
leaflets thinly or thickly paperyꎬovateꎬnarrowly ovateꎬor
ellipticꎬ2.4-5 cm × 1.2-2.8 cmꎬapex acuteꎬbase broadly
cuneate or roundedꎬmargin entireꎬundivided or unequally
2 ̄lobedꎬboth surfaces on veins sparsely puberulousꎬbasal
veins abaxially slightly prominentꎻpetioles 2.8 - 5.5 cm
longꎬsparsely pubescent. Cymes axillaryꎬ1 ̄floweredꎻpe ̄
duncles 2.5-6.5 cm longꎬpuberulousꎻbracts very shortly
petiolateꎬovate or broadly ovateꎬ1.5-3.8 cm longꎬmargin
entire or 1 - 2 ̄dentateꎬ undivided or unequally 2 - 3 ̄
lobed. Flower 4.5-7 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel 8-11 cm longꎬ
puberulous. Sepals 5 - 6ꎬ whiteꎬ plus dilated margins
rhombic ̄ovate or broadly rhombicꎬ2-3.5 × 1.1-2.3 cmꎬ
inside glabrousꎬoutside appressed ̄puberulousꎬon dilated
margins velutinousꎬapex mucronate. Stamens 7-13 mm
longꎬglabrousꎻfilaments linearꎻanthers linearꎬ2 - 4 mm
longꎬ apex minutely apiculate. Ovaries densely
puberulousꎻstyles ca. 2.5 mm longꎬdensely appressed ̄pu ̄
berulousꎬ with hairs ca. 0. 6 mm long. Achenes
compressedꎬ suborbicularꎬ puberulousꎻ persistent styles
slightly elongateꎬtail ̄likeꎬwith appressed short hairs.
A cultigen raised long ago in Japan with unknown
Additional specimens examined. Japan. Kuroishiꎬ
1886 ̄05 ̄30ꎬ Faurie 479 ( G )ꎻ Nagasakiꎬ 1863ꎬ
Maximowicz s.n.(P)ꎻ Sendaiꎬ 1897 ̄07 ̄06ꎬ Faurie 4250
(WU)ꎻ Tokyo Bot.Gardenꎬ 1898 ̄06ꎬ Faurie 1372 (Pꎬ
On the same type sheetꎬUPS no.13017ꎬdeposited in
UPSꎬtwo flowering branches were mountedꎬand in themꎬ
each flower bears several small narrowly oblanceolate sta ̄
minodes about 8 mm long outside the numerous fertile sta ̄
mens up to 13 mm long.In the specimens cited aboveꎬthe
stamens of each flower are all fertileꎬnormally developed.
Before its publication in 1784ꎬC. florida was intro ̄
duced from Japan into Sweden in 1776 by the Swedish
botanist C. P. Thunbergꎬ and afterwardz played an
important role in the breeding of new Clematis cultivars
(Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ 2000ꎻ Toomey & Leedsꎬ 2001).
Since the beginning of last century up to recentlyꎬ
Henry (1902)ꎬRehder & Wilson (1913)ꎬRehder (1923ꎬ
1927)ꎬCourtois (1925)ꎬHandel ̄Mazzetti (1931ꎬ1939)ꎬ
Chun ( 1934 )ꎬ Pei ( 1940 )ꎬ Fang ( 1980 )ꎬ Johnson
(1997)ꎬGrey ̄Wilson (2000)ꎬand Wang & Bartholomew
(2001) successively reported the occurrence of C. florida
from various provinces of CentralꎬSouthꎬand East China
respectively. After examining the herbarium material of all
species belonging to subsect. Floridae available to meꎬ
howeverꎬI failed to find out any specimen collected from
China representing C. floridaꎬand bilieveꎬnowꎬthat the
reports given by the botanists mentioned above were all
based on misidentifications or incorrect informationꎬ
C. florida does notꎬin factꎬoccur in the wild in Chinaꎬand
is actually a cultigen raised long ago in Japan with un ̄
5b. var. flore ̄pleno G. DonꎬGen. Hist. Dichlam. Pl. 1:
9. 1831. Type unknown.
C. florida var. plena D. Don in Sweetꎬ Brit. Fl.
Gard.ꎬser. 2ꎬ 7: sub t. 396. 1837ꎻM. Y. Fang in Fl.
Reip. Pop. Sin. 28:209ꎬ pl. 68. 1980ꎻC. Y. Wuꎬ Ind.
Fl. Yunnan. 1:109. 1984ꎻS. R. Lin & Z. Zhao in Fl.
Fujian. 2:30. 1985ꎻX. H. Lin in Fl. Zhejiang 2:296.
1992ꎻGrey ̄Wilsonꎬ Clematis 122ꎬ fig. 89. 2000ꎻ W. T.
Wang in Fl. Yunnan. 11: 228. 2000ꎻ W. T. Wang &
Barth. in Fl. China 6:373. 2001. No type specimen desig ̄
C. florida flore pleno Lavall.ꎬ Clemat. 17. 1884. No
type specimen designated.
C. cadmia flore pleno Hand. ̄Mazz. ex M. JohnsonꎬKl ̄
ematis 676. 1997ꎬ nom. nud.ꎻ Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ Clematis
115. 2000.
C. ‘Plena’. Toomey & Leedsꎬ Ill. Encycl. Clem ̄
atis 322ꎬ cum photogr. 2001.
C. florida var. fortunei auct. non Moore: How et al.ꎬ
34增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
Fig. 5  A ̄B. Clematis patens Morr.& Decne. ssp. tientaiensis M. Y. Fang  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. Two stamens( from
X.Y.He 1). C ̄E. C. florida Thunb. ex Murray var. flore ̄pleno G. Don  C. flowering branchꎻ D. Outer staminodeꎻ E. Inner sta ̄
minode (from Y. Y. Hu & R. L. Xiong s. n.) . (Drawn by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
Fl. Guangzhou. 95ꎬfig. 30. 1959.
Fig. 5: C ̄E (p. 14)
Stamens all transformed into petaloid staminodesꎬ
which are white or greenish in colourꎬnarrowly oblong or
narrowly lanceolateꎬ5-12 × 0.5-3 mmꎬattenuate at apexꎬ
inside glabrousꎬ outside densely appressed ̄puberulous.
Fl. May ̄Jun.
44 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
China (wild in Yunnan and Zhejiangꎬcultivated in S
GuangdongꎬN FujianꎬE Sichuan) and Japan. On grassy
slopesꎬ in thicketsꎬ or by streamsꎻ 125-2 990 m.
Specimens examined. China. Guangdong (广东):
Guangzhou (广州)ꎬ W. Y. Chun (陈焕镛) 5498
(NAS)ꎬLevine 720 (GHꎬPE). Sichuan(四川):without
precise localityꎬS. S. Chien (钱崇澍) 5342 (NAS).
Yunnan (云南):Dongchuan (东川)ꎬMaire 447 (GHꎬ
P)ꎻFengqing (凤庆)ꎬT. T. Yu (俞德浚) 16066 (GHꎬ
PE)ꎻTonghai (通海)ꎬY. Y. Hu & R. L. Xiong (胡月
英ꎬ熊若莉) s. n.(PE). Zhejiang (浙江): Huangyan
(黄岩)ꎬ D. X. Zuo (左大勋) 363 (NAS)ꎻPing Yungꎬ
R. C. Ching (秦仁昌) 1976 (GH)ꎻQingyuan (庆元)ꎬ
S. Chen (陈诗)3294 (NASꎬPE).Japan. Mirosakiꎬ1894 ̄
07 ̄03ꎬFaurie 13305(GꎬWU).
    Var. flore ̄pleno was initially a sport from Clematis
‘Sieboldiana’ (see below)ꎬand has been known in culti ̄
vation in Europe since 1835 (Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ2000ꎻToomey
& Leedsꎬ2001). It is very strange and difficult to interpret
that this cultivar occurs also in the wild disjunctively in
Yunnan ProvinceꎬSouthwest China and in Zhejiang Prov ̄
inceꎬ East China.
    Two other cultivarsꎬall raised long ago in Japanꎬare
often treated as varieties of C. florida:Clematis‘Sieboldi ̄
ana’ ( C. florida var. sieboldiana Morrenꎬ C. florida
var. sieboldii G. Donꎬ C. florida var. bicolor Lindl.) is
similar to C. florida var.flore ̄plenoꎬdiffering mainly in its
flowers with numerous deep purple petaloid staminodesꎬ
and was introduced by the Netherlandish botanist P.von
Siebold from Japan to LeidenꎬNetherlandꎬarriving in Brit ̄
ain in 1837ꎻand Clematis ‘Fortunei’ (C. florida var.for ̄
tunei Moore) is characterized by its large double white
flowersꎬand was introduced from Japan to Europe by the
English plant collector R.Fortune about in 1863 (Grey ̄
Wilsonꎬ 2000ꎻ Toomey & Leedsꎬ 2001).
6. Clematis xiangguiensis W. T. Wangꎬ sp. nov. Type:
China. Guangxi (广西): Lingui (临桂)ꎬErtang (二塘)ꎬ
roadsideꎬfl.whiteꎬ1953 ̄10ꎬGuangxi Exped (广西队) 53 ̄
3954(holotypeꎬPE)ꎻLinguiꎬHuixian (会仙)ꎬ1958 ̄04 ̄
20ꎬS.Q.Zhong (钟树权) 61696 (IBK)ꎻGuilin (桂林)ꎬ
Yanshan (雁山)ꎬfield marginꎬ175 mꎬfl.whiteꎬ1948 ̄06 ̄
19ꎬZ.N.Deng (邓志农) 13531 (IBSC)ꎻsame localityꎬ
fr.greenishꎬ1950 ̄06 ̄12ꎬC. H.Tsoong (钟济新) 808241
(IBK)ꎻGuilinꎬDabu (大埠)ꎬ fl. whiteꎬ1982 ̄05 ̄09ꎬH.
G.Ye (叶 华 谷) 549 ( IBSC ). Hunan (湖 南):
‘Djützitjian’ꎬalt. 350 mꎬin thicketsꎬfl.whiteꎬ1918 ̄02 ̄04ꎬ
Handel ̄Mazzetti 11997 (GHꎬWU)ꎻLengshuijiang (冷水
江)ꎬalt. 200 mꎬin bushes by riverꎬfl.whiteꎬanthers black ̄
blueꎬ1918 ̄05 ̄29ꎬ Handel ̄Mazzetti 11957 ( GHꎬ WU)ꎻ
Yuanjiang (沅江)ꎬ 1947 ̄05 ̄05ꎬ Dahlström 39 (S).
C. florida auct. non Thunb. ex Murray: Rehd. in
J. Arn. Arb. 4:183. 1923ꎬp. p. quoad Handel ̄Mazzetti
11957 et 11997ꎻHand. ̄Mazz.ꎬSymb. Sin. 7:319. 1931ꎻet
in Acta Hort. Gotob. 13:199. 1939ꎬp. p. quoad Handel ̄
Mazzetti 11957 et 11997ꎻ M. Y. Fang in Fl. Reip.
Pop. Sin. 28:309ꎬpl. 67. 1980ꎻW. T. Wang in Fl. Guangxi
1:290. 1991ꎻet in High. Pl. China 3ꎻ514ꎬfig. 816. 2000ꎻ
K. M. Liu in Fl. Hunan. 2:680. 2000ꎻ W. T. Wang &
Barth. in Fl. China 6: 372. 2001.
Fig. 6 (p. 16)
Affinis C. courtoisii Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬ a qua foliolis et
floribus minoribusꎬ stylis persistentibus leviter elongatis
usque ad 8 mm longis inferne pilis brevibus tectis superne
glabrisꎬstigmatibus depresse capitatis differt.
Liana sublignosa. Caulis circ. 1 m longusꎬgracilisꎬ
vadose 4 - 6 ̄sulcatusꎬ adpresse puberulusꎬ nodis
tumidis. Folia oppositaꎬ1 - 2 ̄pinnata vel 1 - 2 ̄ternataꎻ
foliola papyraceaꎬovataꎬanguste ovata vel lanceolataꎬ1-5
cm longaꎬ0.4-2 cm lataꎬapice acutaꎬbasi rotundataꎬsub ̄
truncata vel late cuneataꎬ margine integraꎬ indivisaꎬ
interdum 2-3 ̄partitaꎬutrinque ad nervos sparsissime pu ̄
berulaꎬ nervis basalibus subtus prominulis vel planisꎻ
petioli 1. 8 - 4 cm longi. Cymae axillaresꎬ 1 ̄floraeꎻ
pedunculi 1 - 4. 5 cm longiꎻ bracteae sessiles vel
subsessilesꎬlate ovatae vel ovato ̄triangularesꎬ1.5-3 cm
longaeꎬindivisaeꎬraro inaequaliter 2 ̄partitae.Flos 3-5.5
cm diametroꎻ pedicellus 3. 2 - 6 cm longusꎬ puberulus.
Sepala 6ꎬpatentiaꎬalbaꎬcum marginibus dilatatis obovata
vel rhombico ̄obovataꎬ2-3 cm longaꎬ1-1.5 cm lataꎬapice
acuta et apiculataꎬintus glabraꎬextus secus nervos basales
laterales velutinaꎬad margines dilatatos glabra. Stamina
numerosaꎬ5-9.5 mm longaꎬglabraꎬfilamentis linearibus
2.5-5 mm longisꎬantheris linearibus vel oblongis 2.5-4
mm longis apice obtusis vel leviter acutis. Carpella 15-
40ꎬcirc. 5 mm longaꎬovariis pubescentibusꎬstylis 3-4 mm
54增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
Fig. 6  Clematis xiangguiensis W. T. Wang  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. A pinnate leafꎻ C. Stamenꎻ
D. Carpel (from Guangxi Exped. 3984)ꎻ E. Achene (from Z. S. Chung 808241). (Drawn by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
longis inferne dense pubescentibus superne glabrisꎬstig ̄
matibus depresse capitatis persistentibus. Achenia com ̄
pressaꎬlate obovata vel rhombico ̄orbiculariaꎬcirc. 3.5 mm
longaꎬ3 mm lataꎬpuberulaꎬstylis persistentibus circ. 8 mm
longis inferne pilis patentibus 0. 5 - 0. 8 mm longis
puberulis superne glabris.
China (NE GuangxiꎬC & SW Hunan). In bushes or
thicketsꎬ or at field edges or roadsideꎻ175-350 m.
7. Clematis cadmia Buch. ̄Ham ( ex Wall.ꎬ Cat. n.
4669.1828ꎬnom.nud.) ex Hook.f.& Thoms.ꎬFl.Ind.5.1855ꎻ
et in Hook. f.ꎬFl. Brit. Ind. 1:2. 1875ꎻKurzꎬFor. Fl. Brit.
Burma 1:16.1877ꎻFinet & Gagnep.in Bull.Soc. Bot.France
64 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
50:554.1903ꎻet in LecomteꎬFl.Gén Indo ̄Chin.1:7.1907ꎻ
Kanjilal et al.ꎬFl. Assam 1(1):2.1933ꎻHand. ̄Mazz. in
Acta Hort. Gotob. 13: 198. 1939ꎻMukerjee in Bull. Bot.
Surv. Ind. 1: 178.1959ꎻGupta in Bull. Nat.Bot.Gard.Luc ̄
know 54:pl. 7. 1961ꎻKapoor in 1. C. 78:3. 1962 et 78:
124.1966ꎻ Anonymous in Iconogr. Corm. Sin. 1: 742ꎬ fig.
1484.1972ꎻM.Y.Fang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:212ꎬpl.69.
1980ꎻAnonymous in Fl. Jiangsu. 2:168ꎬ fig. 992. 1982ꎻX.
W.Wang in Fl. Anhui 2:333.1986ꎻP.HoꎬIll.Fl.Vietnam 1:
392ꎬfig.1098.1991ꎻZ.H.Lin in Fl.Zhejiang 2:297.1992ꎻ
Rau in Sharma et al.ꎬ Fl. Ind. 1: 60. 1993ꎻM. Johnsonꎬ
Klematis 675. 1997ꎻ Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ Clematis 114. 2000ꎻ
W. T. Wang & Barth. in Fl.China 6:373.2001ꎬp.p.ꎻW.
T. Wang in Fl.Jiangxi 2:170.2004. Type:India. Khasiaꎬ
Wallich 4669 (holotypeꎬK).
    C. sulcata Wall.ꎬ Cat. no. 4667. 1828ꎬ nom. nud.
Thalictrum bracteatum Roxb.ꎬ Fl. Ind.ꎬ ed. 2ꎬ 2:
671. 1832.———Climatis bracteata ( Roxb.) Kurz in J.
As.Soc. 43(2):1874ꎬnon C. bracteata DC.ꎬ1818ꎻKuntze
in Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 26:139. 1885ꎻPrantl in Bot.
Jahrb.9:259.1888.Type:India.Assam:SylhetꎬWallich 4667
(holotypeꎬ K!ꎻ isotypesꎬ BM!ꎬ G!).
C. stronachii Hance in J.Bot.16:103.1880ꎻForb.&
Hemsl.in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23:7. 1886ꎻCourtois in Bull.
Soc. Bot.France 72:441.1925.———C. bracteata (Roxb.)
Kurz var. stronachii (Hance) Kuntze in Verh. Bot. Ver.
Brand.26:140.1885.Type:China.Circ. Chin Kiangꎬ 1876ꎬ
Stronach s.n. (holotypeꎬ BM!).
C. florida auct. non Thunb. ex Murray: Finet &
Gagnep.in Bull.Soc. Bot.France 50:553.1903ꎬp.p.quoad
Balansa 3372ꎻRehd.in J.Arn.Arb.8:106.1927ꎬp.p.quoad
R.C. Ching 2707ꎻAnonymous in Fl.Hupeh.1:367.1976ꎬ
p. p. excl. fig. 511ꎻ Z. H. Peng et al.ꎬ Encycl. P1. Three
Gorg.Yangtze RiverꎬChina 195.2005ꎬp.p.excl.fig.228.
7a. var. cadmia  Fig. 4: D ̄G (p.11)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Branches shallowly 5 ̄sul ̄
cateꎬsparsely puberulous or glabrous.Leaves 1-2 ̄pinnateꎻ
leaflets paperyꎬnarrowly ovateꎬovateꎬor lanceolateꎬ1.5-
5 × 0.6-2 cmꎬapex attenuateꎬacuminateꎬor acuteꎬbase
broadly cuneate or roundedꎬmargin entireꎬundivided or
2-3 ̄lobedꎬboth surfaces only on midrib sparsely puberu ̄
lousꎬelsewhere glabrousꎬbasal veins nearly flat on both
surfacesꎻ petioles 2 - 5. 5 cm longꎬ puberulous or
subglabrous. Cymes axillaryꎬ1 ̄flowerwdꎻpeduncles 1.2-
1.8 cm longꎬabove puberulousꎻbracts ovate or broadly
ovateꎬ0.7-4.5 cm long.Flower 3-7 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel
3.5-7 cm longꎬsparsely puberulous or subglabrous.Sepals
(4 -) 5 - 6ꎬ spreadingꎬ white or pinkishꎬ plus dilated
margins obovate or oblanceolateꎬ1.4-3.7 × 0.5-2 cmꎬ
inside glabrousꎬ outside puberulousꎬ on dilated margins
glabrousꎬapex acute.Stamens 5-10 mm longꎬglabrousꎻfil ̄
aments usually shorter than anthersꎬ2 - 3. 5 mm longꎻ
anthers linear or narrowly oblongꎬ4-6 mm longꎬapex min ̄
utely apiculate.Ovaries appresed ̄puberulousꎻstyles subu ̄
lateꎬ1-2 mm longꎬbelow appresed ̄puberulousꎬapex ta ̄
peringꎬstright or recurved.Achenes compressedꎬrhombic
or narrowly ellipticꎬ5-8 × 3-4.8 mmꎬsparsely appressed ̄
puberulousꎬbroadly rimmedꎻpersistent styles subulateꎬ1-
5 mm long.Fl.Mar. ̄May.
BangladeshꎬChina (S AnhuiꎬHubeiꎬHunanꎬS Jiang ̄
suꎬN JiangxiꎬYunnanꎬZhejiang)ꎬNE IndiaꎬN Myanmarꎬ
N Viet Nam. In grassy places or by streamsꎻ 100 -
1 600 m.
Additional specimens examined. Bangladesh. Carag ̄
hola GhatꎬKurz s.n.(K). China. Anhui (安徽):Anqing
(安庆)ꎬMigo s. n. (NAS)ꎻJiuhua Shan (九华山)ꎬR.
C. Ching (秦仁昌) 2707 (GHꎬIBSCꎬK)ꎻTongling(铜
陵).Datong (大通)ꎬK.K.Tsoong (钟观光) 3366 (PE)ꎬ
Steward 5247 ( NASꎬ K)ꎻ Wuhu (芜湖)ꎬ Migo s. n.
(NAS). Hubei (湖北):Xianning (咸宁)ꎬC. H.Qian
(钱重海) 106 (HIB)ꎻWuchang (武昌)ꎬC. H.Qian 232
(HIBꎬ NAS). Hunan (湖南): Changsha (长沙)ꎬ
Grubb134 (BM). Jiangsu(江苏):Jurong (句荣)ꎬChen
& Teng 209 (NASꎬPE)ꎬC. C. Chang (张肇骞) 1243
(NAS)ꎻNanjing (南京)ꎬW.P.Fang (方文培) 122ꎬY.
C. Wang 269 (K)ꎬY.L.Keng (耿以礼)2164 (PE)ꎬL.
F. Tsu 278 (Gꎬ GH)ꎻ Zhenjiang (镇江)ꎬ Carles 422
(K). Jiangxi(江西):Jiujiang (九江)ꎬBullock 106(K)ꎻ
Lu Shan (庐山)ꎬ S. J. Shen (沈绍金) 381 ( PE)ꎻ
Nanchang (南昌)ꎬX.X.Yang (杨祥学) 10458 (PE)ꎻ
Pengze (彭泽)ꎬH.D.Zhang (张海道) 4822 (PE). Yun ̄
nan (云南): without precise localityꎬ 1868ꎬ Anderson
s.n.(K). Zhejiang (浙江):KaotzeꎬC. L.Tso (左景烈)
329 ( NAS )ꎻ Meichiꎬ 1881 ̄04 ̄16ꎬ Forbes 8B ( LE ).
India. Assam: Barapanarꎬ Tessier ̄Yandell 308 ( K )ꎻ
74增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
SylhetꎬC. B.Clarke 42738 (K)ꎬ43182D (G)ꎬ43182E (G ̄
Boiss.)ꎻwithout precise localityꎬ Fischer s. n. ( UPS)ꎬ
Masters s. n. (EꎬKꎬ P)ꎬ Prain s. n. (US). Manipur: F.
Kingdon Ward 7734 (K)ꎬ11299 (BM)ꎬWatt 6241 (Kꎬ
P). Myanmar.KathaꎬLace 5720 (K)ꎻKooakdweng of the
IrrawaddiꎬGriffith 3(K)ꎻMogoung ValleyꎬBayfield s. n.
(K)ꎻ Myitkyinaꎬ Lace 5158 ( K)ꎻ Sviboꎬ Kyeiw s. n.
(E).Viet Nam. Tonkin:Hai ̄phongꎬBalansa 1575 (P)ꎻ
Mt.BaviꎬBalansa 3372 (P)ꎻPhan MeꎬPetelot 4826 (Pꎬ
US)ꎻSai Wong Mo ShanꎬW.T.Tsang 30012 (P).
7b. var. leptomera (Hance) W. T. Wangꎬst.nov. ———
C. leptomera Hance in J. Bot. 18: 257. 1880ꎻ Forb. &
Hemsl. in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23:5. 1886.———C. bracteata
(Roxb.) Kurz var. leptomera ( Hance ) Kuntze in
Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 26: 140. 1885. Type: China.
Guangxi(广西): Wuzhou (梧州)ꎬ 1879 ̄03ꎬ Mesny
20799 (holotypeꎬ BM!).
C. flarida auct.non Thunb.ex Murray:Hand. ̄Mazz.in
Acta Hort.Gotob.13:200.1939ꎬp.p.quoad syn.C. leptomera
Hanceꎻ Chun in Sunyatsenia 1: 228. 1934ꎻ Pei in
Sunyatsenia 4:165. 1940ꎻHow et al.ꎬ Fl. Guangzhou. 95.
1956ꎻM.Y. Fang in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 28:209. 1980ꎬp. p.
quoad syn. C. leptomera Hanceꎻ M. Johnsonꎬ Klematis
678. 1997ꎬ p. p. quoad syn. C. leptomera Hanceꎻ Grey ̄
WilsonꎬClematis 121. 2000ꎬp. p. quoad syn. C. leptomera
Hanceꎻ R.J.Wang in Fl.Guangdong 5:15.2003.
Fig. 4: H (p. 11)
This variety differs from var. cadmia in its styles be ̄
ing oblong or broadly oblong in outline and with truncate ̄
rounded apexes. Fl.Nov. ̄Jun.of next year.
China ( Guangdong and E Guangxi ). In grassy
placesꎬin sparse forestsꎬor by streams.
Additional specimens examined: Guangdong (广
东):Dinghu Shan (鼎湖山)ꎬ N. Y. Liang (梁向日)
60017 (IBSC)ꎬ G.L.Shi (石国良) 13249 (IBSCꎬ PE)ꎻ
Gaoyao (高要)ꎬ C. Wang (黄志) 62703(IBSC)ꎻ Luofu
Shan (罗浮山)ꎬ McClure 13176 (Pꎬ PE)ꎻ Nam Kong
Hauꎬ McClure 1352 (BMꎬ Gꎬ Kꎬ NASꎬ PE)ꎻ Nanhai
(南海)ꎬ S. P. Kao (高锡朋) 50007ꎬ 52024 (IBSC)ꎻ
Qingyuan (清远)ꎬ C. Wang 30488 (IBSC)ꎻ Zijin (紫
金)ꎬ C. L.Tso (左景烈) 21492 (IBSC). Guangxi (广
西):Wuzhou (梧州)ꎬ Z.R.Wang (汪振儒) 302ꎬ S.
T.Huang (黄山涛) 1006(NAS).
Ser. 2. Patentes (Tamura) W. T. Wang in Acta
Phytotax. Sin. 43: 475. 2005.———sect. Viticella
subsect. Patentes Tamura in Sci. Rep. Osaka Univ. 4:
50. 1955ꎻin Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 38:43.1987 ꎻet in Hi ̄
epkoꎬNat. Pflanzenfam.ꎬZwei. Aufl.ꎬ17a(4):385. 1995ꎻ
M. Johnsonꎬ Klematis 682. 1997ꎻ Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ Clematis
123. 2000.———Clematis sect. Patemtes (Tamura) Tamura
in Sci. Rep. Osaka Univ. 16 ( 2 ): 34. 1967.———
subgen. Viticella sect. Patentes Snoeijer in Clematis 1992:
19.1992. Type: C. patens Morr. & Decne.
Sect. Viticella subsect. Lanuginosae M. Johnsonꎬ
1. C. 681ꎻ Grey ̄wilsonꎬ1. C. 124. Type: C. lanuginosa
Leaves simple or ternateꎬrarely pinnate.Flowers ter ̄
minalꎬsolitary.Sepals 5-8ꎬwhite or purple. Achenes not
tumidly rimmedꎻ persistent styles strongly elongateꎬplu ̄
Two speciesꎬ occurring in E & NE Chinaꎬ Koreaꎬ
and Japan.
8. Clematis patens Morr. & Decne. in Bull. Acad.
Roy. Sci. Brux. 3:173. 1836ꎻFranch. & Sav. ꎬ Enum.
Pl. Jap. 2:262. 1875ꎻMaxim. in Mel. Biol. 9:599. 1877ꎻet
in Bull. Acad Sci. St. Petersb. 22:222. 1877ꎻLavall. ꎬ
Clemat. t. 2 ̄3. 1884ꎻ Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 8:
330. 1897ꎻPalibin in Acta Hort. Petrop. 17:12. 1898ꎻ
Finet & Gagnep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 50:552. 1903ꎻ
Nakai in J. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 26:5. 1909ꎻLoesn. in
Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37:122. 1919ꎻMatsum. ꎬ Ind. Pl.
Jap. 2:112. 1912ꎻSpring. in Nat. Hort. Mag. 1935:88ꎬ
pl. 67. 1935ꎻKitag. ꎬLineam. Fl. Mansh. 218. 1939ꎻL.
H. BaileyꎬMan. Cult. Pl. ꎬrev. ed. ꎬ393. 1949ꎻRehd. ꎬ
Man. Cult. Trees & Shrubsꎬ ed. 2ꎬ213. 1951ꎻMakinoꎬ
Ill. Fl. Jap. ꎬrev. ed. ꎬ553ꎬfig. 1658. 1953ꎻLiou et al. ꎬ
Keys Pl. NE China 78. 1959ꎻOhwiꎬFl. Jap. 442. 1965ꎻNo ̄
daꎬPI. N ̄E Prov. China 525. 1970ꎻAnonymous in FI.
PI. Herb. Chin. Bor.  ̄Or. 3:177ꎬp1. 77ꎬfigꎬ7 ̄10. 1975ꎻ
T. B. LeeꎬIll. Fl. Korea 344ꎬfig. 1373. 1979ꎻM. Y. Fang
in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 28:200ꎬp1. 63. 1980ꎻKitamura &
MurataꎬColour. Ill. Herb. Pl. Jap. ꎬrev. ed. ꎬ2:226ꎬpl 51:
442 1980ꎻTamura in Satake et al. ꎬWild Flow. Jap. 2:73ꎬ
pl. 70:3. 1982ꎻOhwi & Kitag. ꎬNew Fl. Jap. 681. 1992ꎻ
Y. N. LeeꎬFl. Korea 167ꎬfig. 493. 1996ꎻY. J. Zheng in
84 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Fl. Shandong 2:24. 1997ꎻM. JohnsonꎬKlematis 682. 1997ꎻ
Grey ̄wilsonꎬClematis 123ꎬfig. 91. 2000ꎻW. T. Wang &
Barth. in Fl. China 6:371. 2001ꎻS. J. Fan et al. ꎬFl. Laos ̄
han. 1:241. 2003. Described from Japanꎬno type specimen
C. caerulea Lindl. in Bot. Reg.ꎬ new ser.ꎬ 10: t.
1953. 1837. Type unknown.
C. azurea Sieb. ex Steud.ꎬ Nom. Bot.ꎬ edꎬ 2ꎬ 1:
378.1841ꎬnom. nud.
C. azurea var. grandiflora Sieb. ex Loudonꎬ Encyclꎬ
Trees & Shrubs 11. 1842. Type unknown.
C. caerulea var. grandiflora Hook. in Curtisꎬ
Bot. Mag. 69: t. 3983. 1843. No type specimen
C. patens var. sophia Houtteꎬ FI. Serres et Jard. Eu ̄
ropꎬ 8: 279ꎬ pl. 852. 1852 ̄53. Type unknown.
C. luloni Hort. ex Kochꎬ Deut. Dendr. 1: 435.
1869. Type unknown.
C. kasugunuma Sieb. & Vriese ex M. Johnsonꎬ Kl ̄
ematis 682. 1997ꎬ pro syn.
C. florida auct. non Thunb. ex Murray: Loesn. in
Centralbl. 37: 123. 1919ꎻ Rehd. in J. Arn. Arb. 4:
183. 1923ꎬ p. p. quoad pl. Shandong.
8a. ssp. patens  Fig. 7: A ̄C (p. 20)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 5-6 ̄sul ̄
cateꎬsparsely pubescent.Leaves usually ternateꎬsometimes
pinnateꎬ 5 ̄foliolateꎻ leaflets paperyꎬ ovate or narrowly
ovateꎬ3-7 × 1.5-5 cmꎬapex acuminate or acuteꎬbase
roundedꎬtruncateꎬbroadly cuneateꎬor subcordateꎬmargin
entireꎬboth surfaces on veins sparsely pubescentꎬbasal
veins abaxially slightly prominentꎻ petioles 4 - 8 cm
long.Flower solitaryꎬterminalꎬ7-12 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel
4.6-10 cm longꎬpubescent.Sepals 7-8ꎬwhiteꎬrarely pur ̄
plishꎬplus dilated margins obovate or narrowly obovateꎬ
3.5-6 × 1.5-3 cmꎬinside glabrousꎬoutside along central
basal vein appressed ̄pubescentꎬalong lateral basal veins
velutionsꎬon dilated margins glabrous.Stamens 12-20 mm
longꎬglabrousꎻanthersꎬlinearꎬ6-8 mm longꎬapex obtuse
or apiculate.Ovaries pubescentꎻstyles ca.9 mm longꎬbelow
the middle densely villous.Achenes compressedꎬbroadly
ellipticꎬ3.5-5 × 3-4􀆰 5 mmꎬ appressed ̄pubescentꎻ per ̄
sistent styles 3 - 3􀆰 8 cm longꎬ yellowish ̄plumose. Fl.
May ̄Jun.
China (SE LiaoningꎬE Shandong)ꎬJapanꎬKorea.On
grassy slopesꎬ in bushesꎬor by riverꎻ 200-1 000 m.
Specimens examined. China. Liaoning (辽宁): Ca ̄
ohekou (草河口)ꎬW.Z.Gong (龚维忠) 10 (PE)ꎻFeng ̄
huang Shan (凤凰山)ꎬD.C. Zhao et al. (赵大昌等)
326ꎬYabe s. n. ( PE)ꎻ Zhuanghe (庄河)ꎬW. Wang et
al.(王薇等) 129 (PE). Shandong (山东):Lao Shan
(崂山)ꎬSino ̄Germany Exped. (中德队) 56 ̄757ꎬT.Y.
Chou et al. (周太炎等) 1086 (NASꎬ PE). Japan.
Honshu:Gifuꎬ Sato 19420 (GHꎬP)ꎻ Ibarakiꎬ Furuse s.
n. (S)ꎻKaza KurumaꎬTschonoski 2348 (LE)ꎻKurochiꎬ
Faurie 479 (P)ꎻMiyagiꎬYokota s.n.(GH)ꎻNikkoꎬMat ̄
sumura s. n. ( US)ꎻ Senanoꎬ Tschonoski s. n. ( GH)ꎻ
SendaiꎬFaurie 2229 (K)ꎬIisiba s.n. (GH)ꎻShimotoukeꎬ
E.H.Wilson s.n. (GH)ꎻTachigiꎬYamazaki 10351 (GH)ꎬ
Tateishi 1608 (PE)ꎻYokoskaꎬSavatier 3631 (P). Hok ̄
kaido:HakodakeꎬAlbrecht s.n. (KꎬLE)ꎻSapporoꎬArimoto
s. n. (GH). Korea. Huki: Poulp Han SanꎬMills s. n.
(GH)ꎻ Kyonggi ̄doꎬ Kwangnungꎬ Yongsok 7483 ( S )ꎻ
Pouk ̄hanꎬFaurie 3 (GꎬP)ꎬ9 (G)ꎻPyul HaiꎬMills 263
(K)ꎻSeoulꎬKalmowsky s.n. (LE)ꎬSontag s.n. (K)ꎻTok ̄
chongꎬMcClatchie 34 (US)ꎻ Tusanꎬ Faurie 138 (P).
C. patens ssp. patens has long been cultivated in Ja ̄
panꎬand is often assumed to be naturalized there (Spin ̄
garnꎬ1936ꎻ Baileyꎬ 1949ꎻ Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ 2000ꎻ Toomey &
Leedsꎬ2001). It was introduced into Europe from Japan
by the Netherlandish botanist P.von Siebold in 1836ꎬand
soonꎬlike C. lanuginosaꎬwas proved to be of particular
importance for the hybridization of new Clematis
cultivars. For exampleꎬ the two large ̄flowered cultivarsꎬ
Clematis ‘Miss Crawshay’ and C. ‘Edouard Desfosse’
were produced through the crosses between C. patens
ssp.patens and C. lanuginosa in 1873 and in 1880 respec ̄
tively (Toomey & Leedsꎬ 2001).
8b. ssp. tientaiensis M. Y. Fang in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.28:
303ꎬ358. 1980ꎻZ. H. Lin in Fl. Zhejiang 2:297ꎬ Fig. 2 ̄
397. 1992.———C. patens var. tientaiensis (M. Y. Fang)
W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36:163. 1998ꎻGrey ̄
Wilson Clematis 123.2000ꎻW. T. Wang & Barth. in Fl.
China 6:372.2001. Type:China.Zhejiang (浙江):Tiantai
Shan (天台山)ꎬalt. 1 000 mꎬ1927 ̄06 ̄08ꎬY.L.Keng (耿
以礼) 999 (holotypeꎬPE!)ꎻSame localityꎬ fl. whiteꎬ
94增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
1958 ̄06 ̄13ꎬX. Y. He (贺贤育) 1109 (paratypesꎬ PE!).
Fig. 5: A ̄B (p. 14)
Leaves simple or ternateꎻ leaflets narrowly ovate or
ovateꎬ4.5-7 × 2-4 cm.Flower ca.10 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel
3.5-4 cm long. Sepals 5-6ꎬwhiteꎬplus dilated margins el ̄
liptic or narrowly ellipticꎬ5 × 2-3.5 cmꎬoutside densely
appressed ̄puberulousꎬon dilated margins glabrous.Fl.Jun.
China (E Zhejiang).In forests or bushesꎻ1 000 m.
Additional specimens examined. Zhejiang (浙江):
Beiyandang Shan (北雁荡山)ꎬ Zhejiang Agr. Coll.
Exped. (浙江农学院队) 610 (NAS)ꎻFenghua (奉化)ꎬ
X. Y. He 1485 (NAS)ꎻLinhai (临海)ꎬY. Y. Fang &
C. Z. Zheng (方云仪ꎬ郑朝宗) 6397 (HZU)ꎻTiantai (天
台)ꎬS. Chen (陈诗) 441 (NAS)ꎬEcon. PI. Exped. (经
济植物队) 58 ̄28031 (NAS)ꎬC. F. Zhang (张朝芳)
3537 (HZU).
9. Clematis lanuginosa Lindl. in Paxt.ꎬFlow. Gard. 3:
107ꎬpl. 94.1853ꎻPlanch. Fl. Serres 8:165ꎬpl.811.1853ꎬet
ser. 2(1):207ꎬpl.1176.1855 ̄56ꎻLamaireꎬIll.Hort.1:pl.
14.1854ꎻKochꎬDendr.1:436.1869ꎻMaxim. in Mél.Biol.9:
600.1876ꎻet in Bull.Soc. Nat.MosC. 54:2.1879ꎻLavall.ꎬ
Clemat.t.l.1884ꎻForb.& Hemsl. in J.Linn.Soc. Bot.23:5.
1886ꎻ Schneid.ꎬ Ill. Handb. Laubh. 1: 286ꎬ fig. 188a ̄C.
1906ꎻHand. ̄Mazz. in Acta Hort. Gotob. 13:202. 1939ꎻ L.
H.BaileyꎬMan. Cult. P1.ꎬ rev. ed.ꎬ393. 1949ꎻRehd.ꎬMan.
Cult.Trees & Shrubsꎬed. 2ꎬ219. 1951ꎻM. Y. Fang in Fl.
Reip.Pop.Sin.28:200ꎬpl.62.1980ꎻZ.H.Lin in Fl.Zhejiang
2:291.1992ꎻM.JohnsonꎬKlematis 681.1997ꎻGrey ̄Wilsonꎬ
Clematis 124.2000ꎻW. T. Wang & Barth. in Fl.China 6:
371.2001.———C. florida ssp. lanuginosa (Lindl.) Kuntze
in Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 26: 149. 1885. Type: China.
Zhejiang (浙江):Ningbo (宁波)ꎬTein ̄tungꎬon hillsideꎬ
1850 ̄07ꎬFortune 62 (isotypesꎬG!ꎬLE!ꎬP!).
Fig. 7: D ̄F (p. 20)
Woody vine. Branches indistinctly 6 ̄angulateꎬ ap ̄
pressed ̄puberulous.Leaves usually simpleꎬrarely ternateꎻ
leaf blades paperyꎬnarrowly ovate or cordateꎬ6-12 × 3-
7.5 cmꎬapex acuminateꎬbase cordate or roundedꎬmargin
entireꎬadaxial surface sparsely pubescentꎬabaxial surface
densely greyish ̄pubescentꎬ basal veins abaxially
prominentꎻ petioles 4 - 8 cm long. Flowers solitaryꎬ
terminalꎬ7 - 15 cm in diam.ꎻpedicels 5 - 10 cm longꎬ
densely pubescent. Sepals 5 - 6ꎬ purplishꎬ plus dilated
margins rhombic ̄elliptic or obovate ̄ellipticꎬ4-7 × 2-3.5
(- 4. 5) cmꎬ inside glabrousꎬ outside along the central
basal vein densely appressed ̄pubescentꎬ on dilated
margins usually glabrousꎬapex acuminate.Stamens 10-32
mm longꎬglabrousꎻanthers linearꎬ6-10 mm longꎬapex
minutely apiculate. Ovaries pubescentꎻ styles 7 - 10 mm
longꎬdensely villous belowꎬglabrous above.Achenes com ̄
pressedꎬobdeltoid or broadly rhombicꎬ4-5(-8) × 4(-6)
mmꎬappressed ̄pubescentꎻpersistent styles 4-6 cm longꎬ
yellow ̄plumose.Fl.Jun. ̄Jul.
China (E & W Zhejiang). In bushes or by streamsꎻ
100-400 m.
Additional specimens examined. Zhejiang (浙江):
Jiande (建德)ꎬ L. Hong (洪林) s. n. (HHBG)ꎻ Ningbo
(宁波)ꎬ Hancock 20 (LE)ꎬ S. Y. Zhang (章绍尧) 993ꎬ
Migo s. n. ( NASꎬ PE)ꎻ Siming Shan (四明山)ꎬ
Econ. PI. Exped. (经济植物队) 58 ̄737 (PE)ꎻ Zhenhai
(镇海)ꎬ K. K. Tsoong (钟观光) s. n.(PE)ꎬ X. Y. He
(贺贤育) 27286 (NASꎬ PE).
C. lanuginosa was first found by the English
collector R. Fortune near the city of Ningboꎬ Zhejiang
Province in 1850ꎬand soon introduced into cultivation in
Britain by him. Afterwardsꎬin the crosses of Clematis spe ̄
ciesꎬC. lanuginosa was quickly proved to play a particu ̄
larly important roleꎬand along with the previously intro ̄
duced C. patensꎬC. florida and C. viticella opened a new
era for the development of the garden plants of
Clematis. As a result of the crossesꎬnumerous beautiful
large ̄flowered cultivars were produced. Of themꎬthe most
famous and popular one is Clematis‘Jackmanii’ꎬwhich
was produced by the English horticulturist G. Jackman
through the cross among C. ‘ Hendersonii ’ꎬ C.
lanuginosaꎬand C. ‘Atrorubens’ in 1858 ( Toomey &
Leedsꎬ 2001).
Subsect. 3. Viticellae Tamura in Sci. Rep. Osaka
Univ. 16(2):34. 1967ꎻM. JohnsonꎬKlematis 670. 1997ꎻ
Grey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 114. 2000ꎻW. T. Wang in Acta. Phy ̄
totax. Sin. 43:475. 2005. ̄Subgen. Viticella sect. Viticella
Snoeijer in Clematis 1992: 18. 1992ꎬ p. p. excl. C.
cadmia. Type:C. viticella L.
Sect. Viticella subsect. Euviticellae Pramtl in Bot.
05 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Fig. 7  A ̄C. Clematis patens Morr. & Decne. ssp. patens  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. Stamen (from W.Z.Gong 10)ꎻ C. Achene (from
Yabe s. n.). D ̄F. C. lanuginosa Lindl.  D. Flowering branchꎻ E. Stamen (from Migo s. n.)ꎻ F. Achene (from X. Y. He 27286). (Drawn by
SUN Ying ̄Bao)
Jahrb.9:259.1888ꎻSchneid.ꎬ Ill.Handb.Laubh.1:285.1906.
Leaves 1-2 ̄pinnate. Flowers in axillaryꎬsometimes
also terminal 1 - 7 ̄flowered cymes. Sepals 4ꎬusually as ̄
cendingꎬnarrowly lanceolate or lanceolateꎬ3 ̄veinedꎬmore
15增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
or less strongly dilated after anthesisꎻlateral veins with
parallel veinlets. Stamen filaments glabrous or near apex
sparsely ciliate. Pollen tricolpate. Achenes flattenedꎬ
tumidly rimmedꎬwith slightly elongateꎬhardꎬsubulate per ̄
sistent styles.
Four speciesꎬone endemic in C & E Chinaꎬand the
other three occurring in SW Asia and S Europe.
Ser. I. Huchouenses W. T. Wang in Acta
Phytotax.Sin.43: 476.2005. Type: C. huchouensis Tamura.
Sepals whiteꎬafter anthesis slightly dilatedꎻdilated
margins 1.5-2 mm broad per side.Stamens glabrous.
One speciesꎬ endemic to C & E China.
10. Clematis huchouensis Tamura in Acta Phytotax.
Geobot. 23: 36ꎬ cum phototypo. 1968ꎻ M. Y. Fang in Fl.
Reip. Pop. Sin. 28: 207ꎬ pl. 66. 1980ꎻ Anonymous in Fl.
Jiangsu.2:170.1982ꎻW. T. Wang in Bull.Bot.Res.Harbin 9
(2):8.1989ꎻZ.H.Lin in Fl. Zhejiang 2:295ꎬfig. 2 ̄393.
1992ꎻM. C. Chang et al.ꎬ List Pl. E Chia 164. 1993ꎻ
M. JohnsonꎬKlematis 671. 1997ꎻK. M. Liu in Fl. Hunan
2:680.2000ꎻGrey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 116.2000ꎻW. T. Wang
in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38: 327. 2000ꎻW. T. Wang &
Barth.in Fl. China 6:373.2001ꎻW. T. Wang in Fl. Jiangxi
2:170.2004. Type:China. Zhejiang (浙江):Huzhou (湖
州 )ꎬ without field notes and collector unknown
(holotypeꎬ MADꎬ not seen).
C. cadmia auct. non Buch. ̄Ham. ex Hook. f. &
Thoms.:Hand. ̄Mazz. in Acta Hort. Gotob. 13:198. 1939ꎬ
p.p.quoad Morse 30ꎬHickin s.n.et Faber s.n.
Fig. 8: A ̄D (p. 23)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 5-6 ̄sul ̄
cateꎬ appressed ̄ puberulous or subglabrousꎬ branched.
Leaves pinnateꎬsometimes ternateꎻleaflets thinly papery
or herbaceousꎬovateꎬovate ̄ellipticꎬor elliptic ̄lanceolateꎬ
1-5 × 0.2-3 cmꎬapex obtuseꎬslightly acuteꎬor roundedꎬ
base broadly cuneateꎬ roundedꎬ or subcordateꎬ margin
entireꎬundivided or 2-3 ̄lobedꎬadaxially on veins sparsely
puberulousꎬ abaxial surface densely appressed ̄
puberulousꎬbasal veins abaxially nearly flatꎻpetioles 1.7-
3 cm long.Cymes axillaryꎬ1-3 ̄floweredꎻpeduncles 2-6.5
cm longꎻbracts ovate or broadly ovateꎬ2-3 cm longꎬundi ̄
vided or 2-3 ̄lobed.Flower 2-3 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel 1.2-
3 cm longꎬ puberulors. Sepals 4. whiteꎬ ascendingꎬ plus
dilated margins oblong or oblong ̄lanceolateꎬ1.4-2.2 ×
0.3-0.6 cmꎬinside glabrousꎬoutside densely appressed ̄
puberulousꎬdilated margins 1.5-2 mm broad per side.Sta ̄
mens 4. 5 - 5. 5 mm longꎬ glabrousꎻ anthers linear or
narrowly oblongꎬ2.5-3.2 mm longꎬapex apiculateꎬwith
apicula (0.1-) 0. 3 - 0. 5 mm long. Ovaries puberulousꎻ
styles 6 - 7 mm longꎬ densely appressed ̄puberulous.
Achenes flattenedꎬobovate ̄orbicular or deltoidꎬ5-6 × 4-
6 mmꎬappressed ̄puberulousꎬ tumidly rimmedꎻpersistent
styles subulateꎬ8 - 13 mm longꎬ appressed ̄puberulous.
Fl.Jun. ̄Aug.
China (AnhuiꎬN HunanꎬSE JiangsuꎬN JiangxiꎬN
Zhejiang). In grassy placesꎬby riverꎬor on lake banks.
Specimens examined. China. Anhui (安徽): Liuan
(六安)ꎬAnhui Exped. (安徽队) 59 ̄2371 (PE)ꎻwithout
precise localityꎬP.C. Tsoong (钟补求) 4424(NAS). Hu ̄
nan (湖南):Huarong (华容)ꎬVegetation Group (植被
组) 202 (HNNU)ꎻYo ̄chowꎬMorse 30 (K). Jiangsu(江
苏):Suzhou (苏州)ꎬC. T.Ting (丁志遵) 939(NAS)ꎻ
Wuxi (无锡)ꎬW.X.Wu (邬文祥) 4204ꎬ6087 (NAS)ꎬ
4351 (WUK). Jiangxi (江西):Xingzi (星子)ꎬ M.X.Nie
(聂敏祥) 7520ꎬ S. J. Shen (沈绍金) 565 ( PE).
Zhejiang (浙江):Anji (安吉)ꎬ Z.X.Zhang (张宗绪)
82 (PE):Haining (海宁)ꎬ K.K.Tsoong (钟观光) s.
n.(PE)ꎻ Hangzhou (杭州)ꎬ S.Y.Zhang (章绍尧) 1094ꎬ
W.J.Jin (金维坚) 605 (PE)ꎬHeude 513 (NAS)ꎬHickin
s.n. (K)ꎻ Ningbo (宁波)ꎬ 1855 ̄08ꎬ Faber s. n. (K)ꎻ
Zhuji (诸暨)ꎬ M.Chen (陈谋) 868 (NAS).
Ser. 2. Viticellae W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax.
Sin. 43:476. 2005. Type: C. viticella L.
Sepals blueꎬ purpleꎬ or redꎬ rarely whiteꎬ after
anthesis slightly or strongly dilatedꎻdilated margins 1.5-
10 mm broad per side.Stamen filaments often near apex
sparsely ciliate.
Three speciesꎬ widespread in SW Asia and S Eu ̄
11. Clematis campaniflora Brot.ꎬFl. Lusit. 2:359.1804ꎻ
Pers.ꎬSynop. 99.1807ꎻBrot. in Phytogr. Lusit. Select. 1:
198ꎬt. 81.1816ꎻDC. ꎬSyst. 1:161. 1818ꎻet Prodr. 1:9.
1824ꎻ Lodd. in Bot. Cabin. 10: t. 987. 1824ꎻ Kochꎬ
Dendr. 1: 432. 1869ꎻ Moraꎬ Fl. Funer. Penin. Iber. 6:
678.1878ꎻLavall.ꎬClemat. t. 8. 1884ꎻSchneid.ꎬ Ill. Handb.
Laubh. 1:225.1906ꎻTutinꎬFl.Europ.1:221.1964ꎻValdes et
25 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
al.ꎬFl.Vas.Andal.OcC. 1:119.1987ꎻM.JohnsonꎬKlematis
670. 1997ꎻ Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ Clematis 116ꎬ fig. 81. 2000.———
Viticella campaniflora (Brot.) Bercht.& PreslꎬRostl.i.Ra ̄
nunC. 11.1823.———Viticella campaniflora (Brot.) Spachꎬ
Hist. Nat. Veg. Phan. 7: 266. 1839.———Clematis viticella
L. var. campaniflora (Brot.) Willk. in Willk. & Langeꎬ
Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 3: 954. 1880ꎻ Cout.ꎬ Fl. Portug. 227.
1913.———C. viticella ssp. campaniflora (Brot.) Kuntze in
Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:137.1885———C. viticella ssp.cam ̄
paniflora (Brot.) Font Quer ex Bolos & VigoꎬFl. Pais.
Catal.1:222.1984ꎻBrandenb.et al.in Bot.J.Linn.Soc. 135:
23. 2001. Type: Poutugal. Coimbraꎬ type specimen not
    C. parviflora DC. ꎬProdr.1:9.1824. No type specimen
C. revoluta Desf. in Hort. Paris 7: 266. 1839.———
C. viticella ssp. revoluta (Desf.) Kuntze in 1. C. Type un ̄
known. Fig. 9: C ̄E
    Perennial herbaceous vine. Branches slenderꎬ
shallowly 4 - 12 ̄sulcateꎬ sparsely appressed ̄puberulous.
Leaves 1-2 ̄pinnateꎻleaflets thinly papery or herbaceousꎬ
narrowly ovate or ovateꎬ1-7 × 0.6-4 cmꎬapex acute or
obtuseꎬoften mucronateꎬbase rounded or broadly cuneateꎬ
margin entireꎬ undivided or unequally 2 ̄lobedꎬ both
surfaces subglabrous or on veins very sparsely
puberulousꎬbasal veins abaxially slightly prominent or
nearly flatꎻpetioles 1-6 cm long. Cymes axillary and ter ̄
minalꎬ1-7 ̄floweredꎻpeduncles 1.7-9 cm longꎬsparsely
puberulousꎻbracts pinnate or simpleꎬ3 ̄sectꎬ0.8-4.5 cm
long. Flower 1.3-2.4 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel 1􀆰 2-4.5 cm
longꎬmore or less densely puberulous.Sepals 4ꎬascendingꎬ
purplishꎬplus dilated margins oblong or narrowly oblongꎬ1
-1.5 × 0.4-0.6 cmꎬinside glabrousꎬoutside on dilated
margins velutinousꎬelsewhere sparsely appressed ̄puberu ̄
lousꎬapex flabellate ̄roundedꎬdilated margins 1.5-2.5 mm
broad per sicle. Stamens 4-5.5 mm longꎻfilaments near a ̄
pex sparsely ciliate or glabrousꎻ anthers narrowly
oblong. 2 - 2. 8 mm longꎬ glabrousꎬ apex minutely
apiculate. Ovaries densely puberulousꎻ styles ca. 5 mm
longꎬnot groovedꎬbelow densely pubescentꎬabove or near
apex glabrous. Achenes flattenedꎬsuborbicular or broadly
ovateꎬ6-7 × 5􀆰 5-7 mmꎬappressed ̄puberulousꎬtumidly
rimmedꎻpersistent styles subulateꎬ7-8 mm longꎬdensely
puberulous on lower 2 / 3-1/ 2 part.Fl.Jun. ̄Jul.
Portugal and SW Spain. In bushes or by streamsꎻ25-
375 m.
    Specimens examined. Portugal. Alta Duoraꎬ Erik
Wall s.n.(S)ꎻBeiraꎬ Davean 1135 (LE)ꎬ Lihra & Rainha
5856 (Gꎬ S)ꎬ Rothmaler 13874 (Gꎬ SꎬUS)ꎻ Costello
Brancoꎬ Cunha 862 ( US)ꎻ Ciudad Realꎬ Velasco &
Molina s.n.(G)ꎻConimbricaꎬ Moller 1507 (GꎬSꎬUS)ꎬ
Welw s. n. ( G)ꎻ Estremaduraꎬ Oliveira 9679 ( G)ꎻ
Ribatejo: Entroncamcutoꎬ Lihra 5755 ( Gꎬ S)ꎻ Tras ̄os ̄
Montesꎬ Silva & Teles 8344 (G)ꎬ Teles & Ramha 89
(US). Spain. Huelva:Sierra de AracenaꎬRivora 2549
(G)ꎻ Salamancaꎬ Sanchez 115 (G).
12. Clematis rigoi W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38:
327ꎬfig.3:5 ̄8.2000. Type:Italy.Calabria:Sibariꎬ1898 ̄06 ̄
19ꎬRigo 397 (holotypeꎬS!ꎻisotypeꎬG!)ꎻsame localityꎬ
1907 ̄06 ̄28ꎬ Rigo s.n. (paratypeꎬ S!).
C. scandens Huterꎬ Porta & Rigo in Nuov. Giorn.
Bot. Ital. 11:272. 1879ꎬnom. nud.ꎬnon Clematis scandens
Borkh.ꎬ1803ꎻPrantl in Bot.Jahrb.9:259.1888ꎻM.Johnsonꎬ
Klematis 672. 1997. Type: Italy: Calabriaꎬ 1877 ̄06 ̄16ꎬ
HuterꎬPortaꎬRigo 398 (G).
C. viticella L. ssp. revoluta (Desf.) Kuntze var. scan ̄
dens Kuntze in Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 26:137. 1885.———
C. viticella var. scandens (Kuntze) FioriꎬFl.Analit.Ital.1:
491.1896ꎻet Nuov.Fl.Analit.Ital.648.1924.———C. viticella
var. revoluta f. scandens (Kuntze) Pamp.ꎬFl.Rep.San Ma ̄
rino 115.1930.———C. viticella f. scandens (Kuntze) Zang ̄
heriꎬ Fl. Ital. 1: 154. 1976. Type: Italy. Calabriaꎬ type
specimen deposited in Bꎬnot seen.
C. calabrica Grey ̄WilsonꎬClematis 116.2000ꎬsine di ̄
agn.Latina.No type specimen designated.
C. campaniflora auct. non Brot: Cavara in Nuov.
C. viticella var. campaniflora auct. non ( Brot.)
Willk.:FioriꎬIconogr. Fl. Ital. 188ꎬfig. 1625.1921.
C. viticella auct. non L.:Brandenb. et al. in Bot. J.
Linn.Soc. 135:19.2001ꎬp.p.quoad syn. Clematis viticella
ssp.revoluta var. scandens Kuntze.
Fig. 8: E ̄H (p.23)
Subwoody vine.Branches 4-6 ̄angulateꎬshallowly 4-
6  ̄ sulcate ꎬ densely appressed  ̄ puberulous . Leaves 2 ̄
pinnateꎻ leaflets herbaceous or thinly paperyꎬ ovateꎬ
35增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
Fig. 8  A ̄D. Clematis huchouensis Tamura.  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. Sepal outsideꎻ C. Stamen (from S. J. Shen 565)ꎻ D. achene (from
W. J. King s. n.). E ̄H. C. rigoi W. T. Wang  E. Flowering branchꎻ F. Sepal outsideꎻ G. Stamenꎻ H. Gynoecium (from Rigo 397). (Drawn
by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
narrowly ovateꎬor narrowly rhombicꎬ0.8-4.2 × 0.4-2.6
cmꎬapex obtuse or slightly acuteꎬsometimes attenuateꎬ
base roundedꎬbroadly cuneateꎬor cuneateꎬmargin entireꎬ
seldom 2 ̄denticulateꎬundivided or 2-3 ̄lobedꎬadaxial sur ̄
45 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Fig. 9  A ̄B. Clematis viticella L.  A. Flowering branchꎻ B. stamen (from Sintenis 4236). C ̄E. C. campaniflora
Brot.   C. Flowering branchꎻ D. Stamen (from Moller 1501)ꎻ E. Achene (from Rothmaler 13874). (Drawn by SUN Ying ̄Bao)
face on veins sparsely puberulousꎬabaxial surface densely
appressed ̄puberulousꎬbasal veins abaxially nearly flatꎻ
petioles 0.4-4.8 cm long. Cymes axillary and terminalꎬ2-
7 ̄floweredꎻpeduncles 2.5-4.8 cm longꎬpuberulousꎻbracts
shortly petiolateꎬ1. 2 - 2. 5 cm longꎬ3 ̄sect or 3 ̄parted.
Flower 2.5-3.6 cm in diam.ꎻpedicel 1.6-3.8 cm longꎬpu ̄
55增刊 1                          王文采: 铁线莲属铁线莲组修订
berulous or subglabrous. Sepals 4ꎬascendingꎬred (Grey ̄
Wilsonꎬ2000)ꎬplus dilated margins obovate ̄oblongꎬ1􀆰 5-
2.4 × 0.6-0.9 cmꎬinside glabrousꎬoutside sparsely puber ̄
ulousꎬon dilated margins densely appressed ̄puberulousꎬ
apex flabellate ̄roundedꎬmucronateꎬdilated margins 3-4.5
mm broad per side.Stamens 5-6 mm longꎻfilaments cune ̄
ate ̄linearꎬ1.8-2.8 mm longꎬnear apex sparsely ciliateꎻ
anthers linearꎬ3􀆰 2-3.5 mm longꎬglabrousꎬapex with con ̄
nective apicula 0. 3 - 0. 6 mm long. Ovaries pubescentꎻ
styles ca. 5 mm longꎬ groovedꎬ glabrous or at base
pubescent. Achenes flattenedꎬ broadly ovate or broadly
rhombicꎬ6 - 7 × 0. 5 - 0. 52 cmꎬ appressed ̄puberulousꎬ
tumidly rimmedꎻpersistent styles subulateꎬca.4 mm longꎬ
S Italy.In bushes or in rocky places (Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ
2000)ꎻ300 m.
Additional specimens examined. Italy. Calabria:
Sibariꎬ Rigo 4401 ( Gꎬ LE)ꎻ Lucania: Tolveꎬ Fiori &
Beguinot 2873 (GꎬUS).
13. Clematis viticella L.ꎬSp. Pl. 1:543. 1753ꎻScop.ꎬFl.
Carn.388ꎬn.670.1760ꎻSims in CurtisꎬBot.Mag.16:t.565.
DC. ꎬSyst.1:160.1818ꎻet Prodr.1:9.1824ꎻSibth.& Smithꎬ
Fl.Graeca 6ꎬt.516.1827ꎻG.DonꎬGen.Hist.Dichlam.Pl.1:
9.1831ꎻReichb.ꎬIC. Fl. Germ. et Helv. 3:30ꎬno. 4668ꎬ t.
61.1839ꎻ SpachꎬHist. Nat. Veg. Phan. 7:65. 1839ꎻ Baill.ꎬ
Hist.Pl.1:54.1867 ̄69ꎻBoiss.ꎬFl. Orient.1:2.1867ꎻKochꎬ
Dendr.1:430. 1869ꎻWillk. in Willk. & Langeꎬ Prodr. Fl.
Hispan.3:954. 1880ꎻLavall.ꎬClemat. t. 7. 1884ꎻKuntze in
108.1903ꎻSchneid.ꎬIll.Handb.Laubh.1:285ꎬfig.187:a ̄f.
1906ꎻHegiꎬIll.Fl.Mitt. ̄Europ.3:516ꎬfig.668:a ̄C. 1909ꎻ
HayekꎬProdr. Fl. Penn. Balcan. 1:322. 1927ꎻL. H. Baileyꎬ
Man.Cult. Pl.ꎬ rev. ed.ꎬ393. 1949ꎻTutinꎬFl. Europ. 1:221.
1964ꎬp. p.ꎻM. JohnsonꎬKlematis 673.1997ꎻGrey ̄Wilsonꎬ
Clematis 117ꎬ fig. 82 ̄83. 2000ꎻBrandenb. et al. in Bot. J.
Linn. Soc. 135:19. 2001ꎬp. p. exclꎬ syn. Clematis viticella
ssp. revoluta var. scandens Kuntze.———Viticella deltoidea
MoenchꎬMeth.296.1794.———Viticella viticella(L.)Smallꎬ
Fl. Southeast. U. S. 437. 1903. Type: Herb. Clifford: 225ꎬ
Clematis 5 (sheet labeled‘7’) (lectotypeꎬBM———Bran ̄
denburg et al.ꎬ 2001).
C. lugubris Salisb.ꎬ Prodr. Stirp. Hort. Chap. Allert.
371.1796. Type unknown.
C. baccata Pers.ꎬSynop.99.1807. Type unknown.
C. viticella ssp. normalis Kuntze var. leiostylis Kuntze
f. gigantiflora Kuntze in Verh. Bot Ver. Brand. 26:136.
1885. Type: Turkey. Troy: Mt. Idaꎬ Sintenis s. n.
(holotypeꎬ? B).
C. viticella ssp. sibthorpii Kuntze in 1.C. 137.Type:
t.517 in Sibth.& SmithꎬFl.Graeca 6.1827.
Fig. 9: A ̄B (p.24)
Subwoody vine.Branches shallowly 6-10 ̄sulcateꎬap ̄
pressed ̄puberulous. Leaves 2 ̄pinnateꎻ leaflets paperyꎬ
ovate or ellipticꎬ1.5 - 6 × 0.8 - 3. 5 cmꎬapex acute or
obtuseꎬbase truncate or broaclly cuneateꎬmargin entireꎬ
undivided or 2-3 ̄lobedꎬboth surfaces on veins sparsely
puberulous or abaxial surface densely puberulousꎬbasal
veins abaxially nearly flat or prominentꎻpetioles 1.4-5 cm
long. Cymes axillary and terminalꎬ 1 - 5 ̄floweredꎻ
peduncles 2-10 cm longꎻbracts ovateꎬ2-4 cm longꎬundi ̄
vided or 3 ̄parted or 3 ̄sect. Flower 3-5(-7)cm in diam.ꎻ
pedicel 3. 5 - 11 cm longꎬ sparsely puberulous or
glabrous.Sepals 4ꎬblue or purpleꎬplus dilated margins
broadly rhombic ̄obovateꎬ1.7-3.6 × (1-)1.5-2.4 cmꎬ
inside glabrousꎬoutside glabrous or sparsely puberulousꎬ
on dilated margins densely appressed ̄puberulousꎬapex a ̄
cuteꎬmucronateꎬ dilated margins 4 - 10 mm broad per
side. Stamens 3. 5 - 8 mm longꎻ filaments oblanceolate ̄
linearꎬglabrous or near apex sparsely ciliateꎻanthers nar ̄
rowly oblong or linearꎬ1.5-2.8 mm longꎬapex obtuse or
with small apicula less than 0.1 mm long. Ovaries densely
puberulousꎻ styles 4 - 6 mm longꎬ groovedꎬ glabrous.
Achenes flattenedꎬsuborbicularꎬ5 - 7 mm in diam.ꎬap ̄
pressed ̄puberulousꎬtumidly rimmedꎻpersistent styles su ̄
bulateꎬca.4.5 mm longꎬglabrous. Fl. May ̄Jul.
SW Asia (ArmaniaꎬAzerbaijanꎬGeorgiaꎬNW Iranꎬ
SyriaꎬW & N Turkey) and S Europe (AustriaꎬBosnia and
Italyꎬ Serbia and Montenegroꎬ Sloveniaꎬ W Spainꎬ
Switzerland). In bushes or on river banksꎻup to 700 m.
Specimens examined. Iran:without precice localityꎬ
Szovits 114(LEꎬP). Syria:Djebel SemenꎬHaradjian 2101
(G). Turkey. AnatoliaꎬWiedemann 174 (LE)ꎻAnkar:
NallihamꎬDavis 37028(K)ꎻBilecikꎬDavis 36446 (K)ꎻ
Bithyniaꎬ Bornmüller 4001ꎬ 13669 ( Gꎬ S )ꎻ Buissonsꎬ
65 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Aznavour 2 (G)ꎻBursa:KelesꎬNyolegger 15164 (G)ꎻKu ̄
tahya:EskisehirꎬDudley 36106(K)ꎻPhrygiaꎬBalansa 1130
(UPS)ꎻ Troyꎬ Sintenis 423 (Kꎬ P)ꎻ Zonguldak: Yenieꎬ
Davis 37915 (K). Austria: TergestemꎬEngelhardt 2401
(Gꎬ LE)ꎬ Justin s. n. (G). Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosniaꎬ Kosanin s. n. ( S )ꎻ Mestarꎬ Lager s. n. ( G).
Bulgaria. Mt. Phodopeꎬ Stojanov s. n. ( NAS )ꎻ Slivenꎬ
Cerneva 912 ( Gꎬ S ). Croatia. Dalmatia: Cattaroꎬ
Poscharsky s.n.(S)ꎻKninꎬLager s.n.(G)ꎻSpalatoꎬLager
s. n. ( G ). France: Argeles Gazostꎬ Mouillara 4044
(P ). Germany: Braunschweigꎬ Krummel s. n. ( S ).
Greece.DramasꎬStrid 30197 (G)ꎻFlorinisꎬ Strid 24766
(G)ꎻ Mt. Corthiatiꎬ Orphanides 673 ( S )ꎻ Thessaliaꎬ
Heldrich s.n.(G ̄Boiss). Italy.CastrocaroꎬSommier 3558
(S)ꎻFriuliꎬprope San DanieleꎬMoggi 52(G)ꎻTriestꎬEn ̄
gelhardt s.n.(S)ꎬKouierer s.n.(UPS)ꎬSchlyters s.n.(S)ꎬ
Steurez s.n.(S)ꎬTommasini 1982(GꎬUPS). Serbia and
Montenegro. Montenegro: Virpazarꎬ Lundqvist 14941
(S)ꎻSerbia:ResavaꎬCernjavnie s.n.(S). Slovenia:Piranꎬ
Ulvinen s. n. (UPS). Switzerland:GenevaꎬAyasse s. n.
(G)ꎬBernet s.n.(G ̄ Boiss).
C. viticella is the first species coming into cultivation
in the genus Clematis. In 1659ꎬit was introduced from
southeastern Europe to Britain.In its long cultivation his ̄
toryꎬmore than twenty ̄five cultivars have been raised
through the crosses between it and other species or culti ̄
vars (Grey ̄Wilsonꎬ2000ꎻToomey & Leedsꎬ2001).
Acknowledgements  I am most grateful to the
directors and curators of BMꎬEꎬGꎬGHꎬHHBGꎬHIBꎬHN ̄
and WU for kindly inviting me to visit their herbariaꎬ
and / or sending specimens on loanꎻto D.E.Boufford and
ZHU Guang ̄Hua for the gift of the new book entitled “An
illustrated encyclopedia of Clematis”ꎻto LI Liang ̄Qianꎬ
ZHANG Zhi ̄YunꎬZHU Xiang ̄Yunꎬand BAN Qin for vari ̄
ous kinds of help during the preparation of the present re ̄
visionꎻand to SUN Ying ̄Bao for making the drawings.
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