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a new species of Celastraceae from Fujian


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 28(4):458— 459 2008年 7月
福建假卫矛属 (卫矛科)一新种
(1.戴云山国家级 自然保护区,福建 德化 362500;2.泉州市林业局 ,福建 泉州 362000)
摘 要:对新种德化假卫矛进行描述,该种仅见福建德化九仙山。
中图分类号:Q949.754.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号 :1000—3142(2008)04—0458-02
HUANG Zhi—SenI,LIN Yan-Yun2
(1.Fujian Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve,Dehua 362500,China;
2.ForestryBureau ofQuanzhou City,Quanzhou 362000,China)
Abstract:A new species of the genus Microtropis,M dehuaensis Z.S.Huang& Y.Y.Lin,is described from Jiux-
Key words:Microtropis;Microtropis dehuaensis Z.s.Huang& Y.Y.Lin;Celastraceae;new species;China
德化假卫矛 新种 图版
M icrotropis dehuaensis Z.
sp.nov.Plate I:A,B.
S.Huang 8L Y.Y.Lin,
Species proxima M.fok ienensis Dunn,sed foli—
is oblongo—lanceolatis vel elliptico—lanceolatis,apice
acuminatis vel abrupte caudatis,interdum caudato
ipso saepe falcatis,inflorescentiis vulgo 3— 4-di—
chotomis,pedunculis 1.8——2.8 cm longis,gracili—
bus,floribus 5一meris differt。
Frutex usque 3 m a|tus,omnis glaber,ramulis
fusco—purpureis,hornotinis subgracilibus paulo an—
gularibus annotinis vetustisque teretibus atropur—
pureis,lenticellis minutis pallidis,internodiis 1.5—
2.5 cm longis.Folia opposita,chartacea oblongo-
lanceolata vel elliptico—lanceolata,5— 9 cm longa,
1.5— 2.8 cm lata,apice acuminata vel abrupte cau—
data interdum caudato ipso saepe falcata,basi late
cuneata vel cuneata,margine integra paulo revolu—
ta,supra saturate viridia,subtus griseo~viridia,COS—
ta utrinque conspicue elevata,nervis lateralibus
utrinsecus 6— 9.tenuibus indistinctis;petioli 5— 8
mm longi.Inflorescentia axillaris thyrsoidea vulgo
3— 4-dichotoma 3— 3.5 cm longa,1.5— 2.5 cm la-
ta。pedunculis 1.8— 2.8 cm longis,gracilibus,ramis
primis C。4 mm longis,secundis C.3 mm longis,ter—
tiis necnon quartis sensim brevibus,pedicellis C.2
mm longis,floribus albis 5-meris,sepalis semior—
biculatis C.2 mm latis,petalis oblongo—ellipticis C.
2.5 mm longis,staminibus pistillo longioribus,an—
theris oblongo—cordatis,ovario anguste conoideo.
Capsulae ellipsoideae atro—nigrescentes C.1.2 cm
longae.prope media crassior 2— 3 mm diam.a me—
dio sursum ad apicem sensim tenues,apice rostri—
formes,semine elliptico C。7.5 mm longo fulvo.
han(九仙山),alt.1 000—1 200 m,in mixed forest,
2006—11—22,Z。S.Huang 8L Y.Y.Lin(黄志森、林彦
云 )0624(IBK);the some locality,2007—08—14,Z。S.
收稿日期:2007-10—09 修回日期 :2007—12—29
作者简介:i~ (19ss一),男,福建德化县人,高级工程师,从事福建戴云山国家级自然保护区保护管理工作,E-mail:dysbhq@dhea-net
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4期 黄志森等:福建假卫矛属(卫矛科)一新种——德化假卫矛 459
Huang& Y.Y.Lin 0778(fr.)(holotype,IBK;iso—
type,Fujian Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve;
isotype,Forestry Bureau of Quanzhou City)。
灌木,高可达 3 13.,全部无毛;小枝暗紫色,当年
图版 I 德化假卫矛果期生境照片 植物外形;B.果枝。
Plate I Microtropis dehuaensis Z.S Huang& Y.Y.Lin. habitl E fruiting branch.
生细小灰白色皮孔,节间长 1.5~2.5 cm。叶对生,纸
质,长圆状披针形或椭圆状披针形,长 5~9 cm,宽
1.5~2.8 cm,先端渐尖或尾尖,有时镰状弯向一侧,
面灰绿色,中脉在两面明显凸起,侧脉每边 6~9条,
纤细,不明显;叶柄长 5~8 mm。花序腋生,聚伞花序
通常 3~4次二岐分枝,长 3~3.5 cm,宽 1.5~2.5
cm,花序梗长 l-8~2.8 cm,纤细,第一次分枝长约 4
mm,第二次分枝长约 3 mm,第三、第四次分枝逐次渐
短,小花梗长约 2 mm,花白色,5数,萼片半圆形,宽
约 2 mm,花瓣长圆状椭圆形,长约 2.5 mm,雄蕊比雌
(下转第 538页 Continue on page 538)
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538 广 西 植 物 28卷
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