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全 文 :A New Combination , A New Variety and Some Synonyms in Pentapanax
and Eleutherococcus of Chinese Araliaceae
SHANG Chih-bei1 ,P. LOWRY2 , HUANG Jing-yi3
(1. College of Fores t Resou rces and Environment Nanjing Forest ry Universi ty , Nanjing 210037 , China;
2. M issouri Botanical Garden , P. O. Box 299 , St . Louis , M O 63166 - 0299 , USA;
3.Government of the C hongyi County , Ganzhou , 341300 , C hina)
Abstract:While compiling Araliaceae fo r the Flora of China , the autho r exhaustively exam-
ined all of the specimens deposited in the main herbaria o f Chinese and foreign countries such
as BM. K. E. P. W. G. A. MO. PE. K UN … etc. The autho r also found some names of
the genus or species should be revised. This paper repo rts a new combination , a new rank
(status), a new variety and tw enty synonyms for the genera Pentapanax Seem . and E leuth-
erococcus Max im. such as:Pentapana x longipes (M irr. )Shang e t C. F . Ji , E leutherococcus
leucorrhizus var. setchuenensis (Harms) Shang & J. Y. Huang , E . tri foliatus va r. inte-
gerrimus Shang & P. Low ry and seve ral tax a that must be placed in synonymy w ere dis-
cussed and ci ted in this paper.
Key words:A raliaceae;Pentapana x;E leutherococcus;New combinat ion;New synonymy;
CLC number:S718. 49  Document Code:A Article ID:1000 - 2006(2007)03 - 0013 - 06
向其柏1 , P. LOWRY2 ,黄敬怡3
(1.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院 ,江苏 南京 210037;2. M is souri Botanical Garden , P. O. Box 299 ,
S t. Louis , MO 63166 - 0299 , U. S. A. 3.赣州市崇义县人民政府 ,江西赣州 341300)
摘 要:在编写《Flora o f China》五加科英文版时 ,查阅了当今国内 、外的主要植物标本室中的馆藏标本 , 包括
五加科的模式 、副模式及其他的大量标本 , 笔者得到一些新的认识和发现。在此主要报道羽叶参属和五加属
中新修订的一些分类群 ,其中有 1 个新组合 Pentapanax longipes Shang e t C. F . Ji;1 个新的等级 Eleuthero-
coccus leucorrhizus var . setchuenensis(Harms) Shang & J. Y. Huang;1 个新变种 E. tri f oliatus var. inte-
gerrimus Shang &P . Low ry。另外还对 20 个植物名称进行了分类讨论 , 将它们分别置于正确的种名之下 , 作
   Receive date:2007 - 03 - 24    Revised date:2007- 04- 08
Foundat ion Item:中美合作国家自然科学基金重大科技项目(3989400)
Biography:向其柏(1935 -),男 ,教授 ,博士生导师。
1 Pentapana x Seem.
(1)Pentapanax racemosus Seem. , J. Bot. 2:295 , 1864.
总序羽叶参 zong xu yu ye shen
Type:India , Sikkim , 4000 - 6000 f t. , J. D. Hooke r & T. Thomson s. n. (holo type:BM , iso-
ty pes:CA L , K)
———Aralia gigantea J. Wen in Bri t tonia 45:53 , 1993 e t in Cathaya vo l. 13-14 , 85-89 , syn. nov.
———Aralia lihengiana J. Wen , L. Deng &X. Shi , in Adansonia 24(2):218 , f. 36 ,2002 , Type:
 第 31卷第 3期
2007 年 5 月  
南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)
Journal of Nanjing Fo rest ry Unive rsity(Natural Science s Edi tion)  
Vo l. 31 , No. 3 
May , 2007 
Yunnan , Tengchong Xian , Jai tou Xiang , Datang Vi llag e , 2300 m , 24 Jun 2002 , f r. , J. Wen et al.
6515 (holo type ,F ;isotypes ,KUN , PE), syn. nov.
J. Wen conside rs that A. lihengiana was previously misidentified as Pentapanax racemosus
Seem. (Hoo and Tseng ;Feng and Li 1979;Shang 1985). She indicates her new species w ith 3 ~ 4 rare-
ly 5-locular ov aries (v s. 5 ~ ), connate sty les to the middle point (vs. distinct), lanceolate (v s. t rian-
gular) and smaller 0. 7 ~ 1. 2 mm (vs. 1 ~ 1. 8mm. long at anthesis) bracteoles and ovoid-globo se (vs.
globo se) f rui ts .
All systematic bo tanists know the plant individual isn’ t absolutely similar and they are alw ay s va-
rious. The characters of this species usually possess i ts range and variety , which is t rue. For example
I have recently examined many specimens of the P. racemosus in the Herbarium:BM . K. E. P . W.
G. A. MO. PE. KUN …etc , including holo type , isotypes and o thers. All of them show that the in-
f lo rescence pi lose o r g labrous , pedicels 0. 2 ~ 1. 5 mm long , pi lose or glabrecent at anthesis(2 ~ 3 mm
long at f ruit s), Sty les(3 ~)4 ~ 5 , conna te at the base o r to the middle , apex recurved. Thus it is ve ry
dif ficult to separate A. liheng iana f rom P. racemosus because these tw o species are not only morpho-
logically alike , w ithout any clear distinction , but also cont inual in geographic dist ribut ions. So w e can
conclude the species A. liheng iana J. Wen identi ties i tself w ith P . racemosus , and the former name is
as a synonym .
(2)Pentapanax yunnanensis Franch. , J. Bot. (Morot) 10:305 , 1896.
云南羽叶参 yun nan yu ye shen
———Aralia delavay i J. Wen , in Acta Yunnan. 24:564 , 2002 et in Cathaya 13-14 , 43-45 , 2002 ,
syn. nov.
Type:Yunnan , E ryuan , Ma-eul-chan , Delavay , s. n. (holo type ,P)
———Aralia shangiana J. Wen , in A cta Bo t. Yunnan , 24:563 , t. 4. 2002 et in Cathaya 13-14 ,
46-47 ,2002. syn. nov.
Type:Yunnan , Tali vic. Yidjiatschw ang ,1 700 m , 22 May 1915 , H. F. v. Handel-Mazzet ti 6424
(Diar. 1141)(holo type ,W;iso type ,WU)
Based on the specimens co llected by Delavay f rom Yunnan , Eryuan county , Ma-er M ountain ,
Franchet A. in 1896 published the species called Pentapanax yunnanensis which is mainly dist ributed
in several counties of Tali Autonomous Region of Bai Na tionali ty M ino rity in Tali , Eryuan , Bing-
chuan , Dengchuan , Jianchuan etc. From 1915 to 1917 , Handel-Mazze tt i had a tour to this region and
col le ted tw o specimens of this species:Handel-Mazzet ti 6424 (Talifu) and 13086 , which w ere ci ted in
his w orks《Symbo lae Sinicae》p. 700 ,1929. So I think that is very cor rect , but recently J. Wen pub-
li shed a new species:Aralia shang iana based on Handel-Mazzett i 6424 , (holo type W ). In her article
she doesn’ t compare her species to P . yunnanensis but to A. tomentella and A. caesia. J. Wen’ s de-
scription of the species is incor rect. She didn’ t see the specimens herself because it w as too young ,
and she also didn’ t see the specimens wi th mature f ruit s , so that the leaf lets are mo re thin and sty le s
connate. Furthermo re , all characteristics are similar to those of species P. yunnanensis. Thus the lat-
er new name A. shang iana should be degraded as a synonym.
(3)Pentapanax longi pes (Mirr. ) Shang et C. F. Ji , comb. nov.
独龙羽叶参 du long yu ye shen
———Gamblea longipes Merrill , Bri ttonia 4:128 , 1941 , Type:Myanmar. Ngaw chang valley ,nor th
of H taw faw , 1370 m , fo rest , in shady gullies , 30 Dec. 1938 , in f l. F . Kingdon-Ward 179 (Lecto-
ty pe ,NY)
———Aralia k ingdon-wardi i J. wen , P. Low ry &Esser , in Adansonia 23:308 , f. 1 , 2001 , (Type
base on F. Kingdon - Ward 179), syn. nov.
南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)      第 31 卷 第 3 期 
———Pentapanax tri f oliatus K. M . Feng , Fl. Yunnanica 2:506 ,1979. syn. nov.
This species po ssesses the follow ing characters:Plant unarmed , ex st ipulate , leaves wi th 3-leaf-
lets , inf lo rescence w ith numerous scales at it s base and developing f rom f lo ral buds , umbels arranged
in panicle , pedicels a rticulated and ovary 5-locular etc. Undoubtly all o f those features belong to genus
Pentapanax .
2 Eleutherococcus Maxim
(1)Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus Oliv. var. setchuenensis (Harms) Shang et J. Y. Huang , (新等
级) stat. nov.
蜀五加 shu wu jia
———Acanthopanax setchuenensis Harms ex Diels in Bo t. Jahrb. 29:488 , 1900.
———Eleutherococcus setchuenensis (Harms ex Diels)Nakai Fl. Sylv. Koreana 16:30 ,1927 , syn. nov.
Leaf lets usually 3 , rarely 4 ~ 5 , margin enti re or sparsely ir regular ser ra te , abaxially glaucous o r
glaucescent , g labrous on bo th surface s.
Brush-field , 1 000 ~ 3 200 m , Gansu , Guizhou , Henan , Hubei , Shaanxi , Sichuan.
图 1 全缘白勒新变种
 F ig . 1 Eleutherococcus tri foliatus var . integerrimus
Shang et P . Low ry
(H olotype:Guangxi province , Long Zh ou (龙州), Lu Kou-ba ,
Gao Cun , Su H ong-h an(苏宏汉) 68533(PE), 21 S ep. 1935)
Fo r long time E. setchuenensis(Harms ex Diels)N akai is a dist inct species by almost 3-folio late
leaves , the leaflets abaxially g laucous and coriaceous. But af ter the examination o f many mate rials ,
the characters are not constant and exist in a t ransi tional fo rm. For example:Sichuan , Li xian , He
De-ping , 46719(SZU), leaflets 3 ~ 5 , more coriaceous , abaxially greenish;Same locality , 45674
(three sheets), leaflets 3 ~ 5 , more coriaceous or membranous , abaxially g reenish;Sichuan , Bao xin
xian , Chu G ui-lin 3205 (PE), leaf lets 4 ~ 5 , more co riaceous , abaxially g laucous;Hubei , Ba Dong ,
Hubei Bo t. Exped. 2455 (HWW), leaf lets 3 , membranous , g laucous;Zhang Xiu-shi , 7361 (PE),
leaf lets 3 , coriaceous , abaxially greenish. Those specimens show that the characters are changeable
and no t constant , therefo re those characters are
of ten confusing to E. leucorrhizus Oliver , autho rs
favo r to put E. setchuenensis into a varie ty of E.
leucorrhizus Oliver.
(2)Eleutherococcus tri f oliatus var. integerri-
mus Shang et P. Lowry. var. nov.(新变种),Fig. 1.
全缘白勒 quan yuan bai lei
A typo recedit saepe 3-fo lio latis , margine inte-
gerrimis et rotundatis ad basin foliolio rum .
Scandent shrubs , leaf lets 3 , chartaceous ,
ovate o r ovate-ellipt ical , (5 ~ 11)cm ×(3 ~ 6. 5)
cm , apex acute , base rounded o r large cuneate ,
margin integ ri fo lious , asymmetrical , glabrous on
bo th surfaces. Inf lorescence terminal , solitary or
several toge ther , terminal one bigger , ca. 2 cm di-
am. ,pedicels 1 ~ 1. 5 cm , g labrous , with 20 ~ 30
flower s. F l. Sep. - Oct.
Guangxi:Long Zhou(龙州), Lu Kou-ba , Gao
Cun , Su Hong han(苏宏汉), 68533 (ho lotype des-
ig nated here  PE), 21 , Sep. 1935;w ithout co llec-
to r , 65931;Long jin xian(龙津县), Da qing shan ,
common , alt . 600 ~ 800 m . Zhang Zhao-qian
 2007 年 总第 129 期   SHANG Chih-bei et al:A new combina tion , a new variety and some synonyms
                 in Pentapana x and Eleutherococcus of Chine se A raliaceae
(张肈骞),11411 ,9 , Sep. 1958;Bing qiao xiang , Da qing shan , Zhang Zhao-qian , 11741(AA),11778 ,
6 Sep. 1958;
This new variety is distinguished by its 3-leaflets , w ith margins usual ly integ rated and mostly
rounded at the base of leaf le ts.
(3)Eleutherococcus setulosus (Franch.) S. Y. Hu in Journ. Arn. Arb. , 61(1):110. 1980.
细刺五加 xi ci wu jia
———Acanthopanax setulosus Franch. in Nouv. A rchic. Mus. Pa ris 2(8):249 ,1886;
———Eleutherococcus pseudosetulosus C. H . Kim &B. Y. Sun , in Novon vol. 10:3 , 213 , f. 2 ,
2000. syn. nov. Type:Sichuan , Dujiangyan , 1 750 m. 4 , Sep. 1988 , D. E. Bouf fo rd & Bartholomew ,
24546(holo type BM , i sotype PE).
The characteristics and distribution o f Kim’ s species are ve ry sim ilar to i ts relative E. setulosus ,
i t i s so diff icult to distinguish each o ther. Only one number of specimen has been ci ted in his article ,
the authors have not seen the f low ering specimens. The peduncles and pedicels of bo th species are g la-
brous in autumn. Their locali ty of types is ve ry near and geography is cont inuous. Thus these tw o u-
nits are ident ical.
(4)Eleutherococcus henryi Oliver var. f aberi Harms in Mitt. Dentsch. Dendr. Ges. 27:12 , 1918.
毛梗糙叶五加 mao geng cao ye wu jia
———Eleutherococcus huangshanensis C. H. Kim & B. Y. Sun , in Novon vol 10:3 , 210 , 2000.
Type:A nhui , Wangshan , W. C. Cheng , 4146 (holo type SING;i sotype , PE) syn. nov.
The type of E. henry i var. f abei Harms was collected f rom Ningpo , Zhejiang province. The
leaf lets abaxially and inflo rescence usually g labrous or glabrescent are distinguished from i ts typical
plants. In nearby mountain areas:Tianmu mountain , Zhejiang province and M ount Huang , Anhui
pro vince , this v ariety is commonly distributed , to w hich just belong s E. huangshanensis.
(5)Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus Oliv. in Hook. Icon. Pl. 18. t. 1711. 1887.
藤五加 teng wu jia
———Acanthopanax cuspidatus Hoo in Acta Phy to tax . Sin. A dd. 1:160 , 1965. syn. nov
———E. cuspidatus (Hoo)Ohashi in Journ. Jap. Bot . 62 (12):6 , 1987 , syn. nov.
———E. leucorrhiz us Oliver v ar. breviped unculatus R. Y. Ling in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 15(2):84 ,
1977. syn. nov .
In a prime look , the characteristics of E. cusp idatus(Hoo)Ohashi can dif fer f rom this species by
i ts type(S.G. Yang 3578 , PE) and leaf le ts are cuspidate at apex. But af ter the examination of many
specimens of E . leucorrhizusOliv. , including topo types and tho se in the dist ribution area , the leaf lets
at apex are various:cuspidate , acuminate o r long acuminate. Even the same numbe r specimen can see
tw o o r three situations , fo r example , Chinese & Russia Exp. 2239 (PE). So that w e can merge E.
cuspidatus Hoo to this species.
The peduncles o f this species are very changeable f rom 0. 6 ~ 10 cm long , and the peduncles o f E.
leucorrhizus Oliver var. breviped unculatus R. Y. Ling are wi thin this range. It also belong s to this
(6)Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus Oliver var. scaberulus (Harms &Rehd.) Nakai in Fl. Sylv. Ko-
reana 16:29 ,1927.
狭叶藤五加 xia ye teng wu jia
———Acanthopanax leucorrhizus (O liv. )Harms var. scaberulus Harms &Rehd. in Sargent , Pl.
Wils. 2:558 ,1916.
———A. simoni i Schneider Ill. Handb. Larbho zk 2:426. f . 290c. 1909. syn. nov.
———Eleutherococcus simonii (Simon-Louis ex M ouill. . ) Hesse in M it t. Deutseh. Dendr. Ges.
南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)      第 31 卷 第 3 期 
22:272 ,1913. syn. nov.
———E. simonii var. long ipedicel latus (G. . Hoo) Ohashi in Jour. Jap. Bo t. 62(12):8 , 1987.
syn. nov.
E. simonii (Simon-Louis ex M ouill. . ) Hesse and E. leucorrhiz uus Oliver are very close. The
bo th species alw ay s confuse each othe r. But the nex t one is dist ributed in a la rg e te rri to ry and the
mo rpholog y is very changeable too. So several varie ties o r fo rms exist :in one variety , the leaves are 3
~ 5-fo liolate , the leaf lets elliptic , more large or bro ad , margin sharply serrate or slightly double-ser-
rate , almost glabrous above , fulvous-pubescent beneath;in the o ther , the leaves are alw ay s 5-fo lio-
late , the leaf lets obovate-oblong to oblanceolate , of ten smaller than the fo rmer , distinctly doubly ser-
rate , scabrous above , more o r less pubescent beneath , w ith sparse or slight ly brist le s along the veins
in bo th surfaces. Fo r the length of peduncles o r pedicels is also very variable , it can’ t distinguish tw o
species. So the tw o species are considered to be ident ical. Based on the prio ri ty principle , the E. si-
moni i must be deg raded to E. leucorrhizus O live r , in fact i t belongs to E. leucorrhizus var. scaberu-
lus(Harms &Rehd. )Nakai.
(7)Eleutherococcus vertici llatus (Hoo)Ohashi in Jour. Jap. Bot 62 (12):7 ,1987
轮伞五加 lun san wu jia
Acanthopanax vert ici llatus Hoo in Acta Phyto tax. Sin. Add. 1:159 ,1965
E. x iz angensis(Y. R. Li)Ohashi in Jour. Jap. Bot . 62 (12):7 ,1987. Basionym:Acanthopanax
xiz angensis Y. R. Li in Res. Bo t. Yunnan. 2(1):106 , 1980. Type:Xizang , Gyirongxian alt.
2 900 m. Tibet Medic. Exp. 45 (ho lotype  PE). syn. nov.
Af ter the examination of the holo type , this specie s is found to be very similar to E. vert icil latus
(Hoo)Ohashi in all characters , only except L i’ s species usually wi th solitary umbel. but it i s also
found that in E. vert ici l latus the umbels are bo th so li tary and vertici llate (see Xizang , G. G. Tang
1434 , HNFU), somet imes only appear so li tarily , therefo re those tw o species are identical and their
distribution is the same.
(8)Eleutherococcus cissi f ol ius (Griff. ex Seem)Nakai , in Chosen- Shokubutsu 1:420 ,1914
乌蔹莓叶五加 wu lian mei ye wu jia
———Acanthopanax cissi folius (G rif f. Ex Seem) Harms var. glaber Y. R. Li in Res. Bo t. Yun-
nan 2(1):107 ,1980. Type:Tibet , Zayu , alt . 3100 m , 26 Jul. 1973 , Qinghai Xizang Exped. 73 - 389
(holo type  PE) syn. nov.
———Eleutherococcus cissi f olius (Grif f. ex Seem)N akai var. g laber (Y. R. Li) Hsu et S. L. Pan
in SIDA 15(4):594 ,1993. syn. nov.
The t richome situat ion of inf lorescence in this species is very changeable , gene rally y oung organ
wi th pubescent , then glabrous o r g labrescent ;the so li tary umbels or in the base have 1 ~ 3 small um-
bels. Examining the type of this v ariety , we didnt find the dif fe rence for the typical specie s.
(9)Eleutherococcus wi lsonii (Harms)Nakai in Jour. Arn. Arb. 5:9 ,1924.
狭叶五加 xia ye wu jia
———Acanthopanax wi lsonii Harms in Sargent P l. Wils. 2:560 , 1916. Type:Sichuan , west of
Kuan xian , Pan Lan Shan , alt . 2 400 ~ 2 700 m , Vei tch Exped. no. 1972 , June~ Aug. 1908.
———Eleutherococcus stenophy llus (Harms) Nakai l. c. 5:9 , 1924. Basionym :A. stenophy l lus
Harms Sargent Pl. Wils. 2:564 , 1916. Type:Shaanxi , Tai Bai Shan , 1910 ,W. Purdom no . 4. syn.
———E. stenophy l lus (Harms) Nakai f. angustissimus (Rehd. ) S. Y. Hu in Jour. Arnold Arb.
vol. 61. 110 , 1980. syn. nov. Type:Southeaste rn Gansu , Tebbu country , alt . 2 300 m. no. 14850.
———E. stenophy l lus (Harms)N akai f . di latatus (Rehd. ) S. Y. Hu in l. c. vo l. 61. 110 , 1980.
 2007 年 总第 129 期   SHANG Chih-bei et al:A new combina tion , a new variety and some synonyms
                 in Pentapana x and Eleutherococcus of Chine se A raliaceae
syn. nov. Type:Shanxi , Yuan chu xian. al t. 1 900 m. Harry Smith , 6563 , 21 July 1924.
———Acanthpana x nanpinensis X. P. Fang et C. K. Hsieh , in Bull. Bo t. Res. 7(4):87 ,1987. syn.
This species is dist ributed in South Shanxi , S. Shaanxi , W. Hubei , S. Gansu , Sichuan and Ti-
bet. It s geog raphy and dist ribution are very vast. The mo rpholog y of this species is variable in the
fo rm , the sizes and the margin of leaf lets , the t richome and prickles etc. A fter the examination of the
types mentioned above and many specimens o f dist ribution a reas , all o f the names cited are synonyms.
(10)Eleutherococcus wi lsonii (Harms) Nakai var. pilosulus (Rehd.)P. S. Hsu et S. L. Pan in SI-
DA , 15(4):594. 1993.
柔毛狭叶五加 Lumao xia ye wu jia
———Eleutherococcus pi losulus (Rehder) C. H. Kim & B. - Y. Sun , in Novon vol. 10:3 , 210 ,
2000. syn. nov. Basionym :Acantopanax giraldi i Harms var. p ilosulus Rehder , J. A rno ld A rbo r.
9:99 ,1928. Acanthopanax wi lsonii Harms var. pi losulus (Rehd.) X. P . Fang et C. K. Hsieh , Bul l.
Bo t. Res. 7(4):90 ,1987.
This variety belong s to E. wi lsonii Harms , which is co rrect. But C. H . Kim &B. Y. Sun con-
sidered that this variety could level up to a species. But there is no t any reason tha t w e can merge Kim
&Sun’ s species name into synonym .
[ References]
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南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)      第 31 卷 第 3 期