全 文 :2001年 7月 内蒙古大学学报 (自然科学版 ) Jul. 2001第 32卷第 4期 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Univ ersi tati s NeiM ongol Vol. 32 No. 4
Article ID: 1000- 1638( 2001) 04-0427-04
Key to Genera of th e Family Umbelliferae Juss. in Mongolia
( Institute of Botany , Mongol ian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar , Mongolia )
Abstract: Key to g enera o f the family Umbelliferae in Mongo lia w as complied.
Key words: umbellifera e; g enera; key; M ongolia
CLC number: Q949. 763. 3 Ducoment code: A
1. Flow ers in dense heads surrounded by spiny bracteoles. Leaves rigid, dentate, spiny on
margins. Petals violet 22. Eryngium L.…………………………………………………………………
+ Flow ers in compound umbels. Leaves, bracts and bracteo les all not spiny. 2.……………
2. Leaves enti re, wi th curv inerva te v enation, ova te to linear. Petals yellow …………………
8. Bupleurum L.……………………………………………………………………………………………
+ Leaves pinnately-sected or par ted. Petals white, y ellow , g reenish o r pink 3.……………
3. Bracts and bracteoles absent 4.…………………………………………………………………
+ Bracts and bracteoles present , or ei ther only bracts o r only bracteoles absent , ea rly
deciduous 10.………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Petals yellow 5.……………………………………………………………………………………
+ Petals w hi te 7.……………………………………………………………………………………
5. Umbels sessi le and si t ting, placed one over other, many-sected. Rays o f cent ra l umbels 1-
4. Roo ts tuberfo rm and perennials. Secreto ry vi ttae in g ro oves of f rui t solitary. …………………
30. Ferula L. [F. dubjanskyi Korov. ex Pavl. ]…………………………………………………………
+ Umbels a t apexes o f stem and ax illary branches. Rays of umbels ( 8) 10-60. Roo ts no t
tuberform and binnuals. 6.………………………………………………………………………………
6. Umbels up to 15 cm diameter , w ith 30-60 ray s, unequal in leng th. Leaves many times
pinnately-sected, terminal lobes of leaf fi lifo rm. Stems slight ly pubescent. Plant annuals. Frui ts 3-
5 mm long. 32. Anethum L. [A. graveolens L. ]…………………………………………………………
+ Umbels up to 6 cm diameter , with 8-20 ( 35) rays, equal in leng th. Leaves 9 pai r and simple
pinnately-sected, terminal lobes of leaf ova te or ov al-ovate. Stems glabrous. Plant dinnuals. Frui ts
6-8 mm long. 33. Pastinaca L. [P. sativa L. ]…………………………………………………………
7 /4. Stems w ith t ransverse walls, numerous. Umbels at apexes o f stem and axi llary branches.
Roo ts not rachis-like. Annuals and binnuals cul tiv ated plant. Frui ts rounded. ……………………
9. Apium L. [A. graveolens L. ]………………………………………………………………………
+ Stems no t wi th t ransverse w alls, simple. Umbels only at apexes o f stem. Roo ts rachis-like.
Annuals and binnuals or perennials plant. Frui ts ov al-ovate. 8.………………………………………
8. Leaves three pa rted o r simple and tw o pinnate, thei r terminal lobes linear or almost
fi li fo rm. Plant g labrous. Secretory vi ttae in grooves of f ruit solitary and larg e ……………………
11. Carum L. [C .carv i L. ]………………………………………………………………………………
+ Leaves many times pinnately-sected, their terminal lobes oval-ova te. Plant pubescent or
g labrous. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves of f rui t soli tary o r numerous. 9.………………………………
9. Radical leaves 3~ 5 pair, simple pinna te and pubescent. Stems at dow n pubescent. Rays of
Received date: 2000-06-06
Biography: Mag sar U RGAM AL ( 1974~ ) , Ma le , A nativ e of U laanbaa ta r o f Mongo lia , Institute of Bo tany,
Mongo lian Academy o f Sciences, Master o f Science.
umbels glabrous. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves o f f rui t 3~ 4. 13. P impinella L.………………………
+ Radical leaves tw o-th ree times pinna te and g labrous. Stems g labrous. Rays of umbels
pubescent o r g labrous. Secreto ry vi ttae in g ro oves of f rui t soli tary. 14. Aegopodium L.…………
10 /3. Bracts and bracteoles pinnately-sected o r divided, either only bracts o r only bracteoles.
+ Bracts and bracteoles entire. 15.…………………………………………………………………
11. Bracts and bracteo les pinnately-sected o r divided. 12.………………………………………
+ Bracts sected only or only bracteoles. 14.………………………………………………………
12. Bracts and bracteoles membranaceous at margin, sected a t apexes. Stems up to 2. 5 cm
diameter. Umbels ( 8) 10~ 25 cm diameter, rays 20~ 40, thei r pubescent. Fruits 6~ 8 mm long ,
ov al-ovate. 5. Pleurospermum Hoffm.……………………………………………………………………
+ Bracts and bracteoles not membranaceous at margin, three sected o r simple and tw o times
pinnately-sected at apexes. Stems up to 1 cm diameter. Umbels 4~ 10 cm diameter, ra ys 15~ 30.
Frui ts up to 6 mm long , ov al. 13.………………………………………………………………………
13. Stems 40~ 120 cm tall. Leaves tw o and th ree times pinnately-sected, terminal lobes
lanceola te or linea r. Ma rginal petals in umbels enlarged, white or y ellowish, in centre of umbels
dark-red f low er. Frui ts elliptic, mericarps w ith 5 primary and 4 secondary ribs. Secretory vit tae in
g rooves o f f riut soli ta ry and binnuals cul tiv ated plant. 35. Daucus L.………………………………
+ Stems 15~ 40 cm ta ll. Leaves th ree times pinnately-sected, termina l lobes fi lifo rm.
Marginal petals in umbels no t enlarg ed, w hi te. Fruits 5 ribs. Secreto ry vi ttae in g ro oves of f riut 3
~ 4. Roo ts rachis-like and perennials plant. 20. Schultzia Spreng.…………………………………
14 /11. Umbels 3~ 4 cm diameter. Stems simple, 15~ 30 ( 40) cm tall. Peta ls up to 1 mm
long. Bracts o f 8~ 10, linear-lanceolate, 2~ 3 sected at apexes and denta te on ma rgins. Frui ts
ov ate, secreto ry vi t tae in g ro oves of f rui t 3~ 4. 24. Pachypleurum Ledeb.…………………………
+ Umbels 8~ 16 cm diameter. Stems numerous, 30~ 70 cm tall. Petals 1. 5~ 1. 8 mm long.
Bracts of 6~ 10, lanceola te and 2~ 3 sected, entire on ma rgins. Frui ts ov ale, secreto ry vi ttae in
g rooves o f f ruit 1 or 3. 6. Aulacospermum Ledeb.………………………………………………………
15 /10. Petals bright ly yellow. 16.…………………………………………………………………
+ Petals w hi te, greenish-yellow o r pinkish-violet. 17.…………………………………………
16. Bracts o f 5~ 8. Umbels corymbifo rm-paniculate. Fruits small , up to 1. 5 mm long. ……
7. Prangos Lindl.…………………………………………………………………………………………
+ Bracts absent, or few , early deciduous. Umbels at apexes of stem and axilla ry branches or
placed one over other , sessile, many-stored. Frui ts la rg e, 5~ 12 mm long. 30. Ferula L.………
17. Plants li ttoral-aquatic, with rhizome. Leaves simple and tw o-three times pinnate, dentate
on margins, o r absent. 18.………………………………………………………………………………
+ Plants terrestrial, wi thout rhizomes. Leaves simple or many times pinnately-sected, no t
dentate on ma rgins. 20.……………………………………………………………………………………
18. Rhizome rounded o r oblong , ho llow inside, wi th t ransverse w alls, wi th spicy odo r and
sw eetish taste, pronous. Umbels 5~ 15 cm diameter. Frui ts rounded, mericarps wi th 5 thick
obtuse ribs. 10. Cicuta L. [C.virosa L. ]………………………………………………………………
+ Rhizome sho rt , creeping , no t wi th t ransverse w alls, w ith fi li fo rm roots. Umbels 2~ 5 ( 8)
cm diameter. Frui ts oval-ovate, wi th thin ribs. 19.……………………………………………………
19. Leaves pinnate, terminal lobes ovate or broadly lanceo late, denta te on margin. Umbels
terminal, 4~ 6 ( 8) cm diameter. Bracts numerous. Secretory v it tae in g rooves o f f ruit 1~ 3.……
15. Sium L.…………………………………………………………………………………………………
+ Leaves two-th ree times pinnate, terminal lobes linear. Umbels lateral, 2~ 3 cm diameter.
Bracts absent, or 3, smal l. Secretory vi ttae in grooves of f rui t solitary. 19. Oenanthe L.…………
20 /17. Petals of margina l f low ers in umbels enlarg ed. Caly x teeth poorly noticeable o r small.
428 内蒙古大学学报 (自然科学版 ) 2001年
+ Petals of margina l f low ers in umbels not enla rg ed. Calyx teeth w ell noticeable or absent.
21. Terminal lobes o f leaf broadly ova te. Bracts absent , o r small. Stems pubescent , 150~ 200
cm tall and w ith w ell ribs. Secretory v it tae in g rooves o f f ruit solitary. 34. Heracleum L.………
+ Terminal lobes o f lea f linear, 2~ 5 cm long. Bracts 1~ 5, early deciduous. Stems g labrous,
30~ 100 cm ta ll and wi th poo rly ribs. Secretory v it ta e in g rooves o f f ruit 1~ 4. …………………
26. Conioselinum Hoffm.…………………………………………………………………………………
22. Rays o f umbels 3~ 5. Bracts absent , o r one. Bracteoles 3, fi li fo rm. Annuals cul tivated
plant. Fruits glabrous. 4. Coriandrum L. [C . sativum L. ]……………………………………………
+ Rays of umbels 5 or numerous. Bracts 1 and numerous, o r absent. Bracteo les numerous.
Annuals and perennials plant. Frui ts pubescent o r glabrous. 23.……………………………………
23. Root tuberfo rm. Leaves three times pinnately-sected o r parted, terminal lobes narrow
fi li fo rm. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves of f rui t so li tary. 12. Bunium L.………………………………
+ Roo t not tuberfo rm. Leaves other. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves o f f rui t so li ta ry or numerous.
24. Umbels dense almost capitulums o r panicula te. Bracts absent. 25.………………………
+ Umbels simple and complicated. Bracts numerous, ea rly deciduous, o r absent. 26.………
25. Rays of umbels 15~ 20, unequal in leng th. Umbels dense almost capi tulums. Leaves 3~ 6
cm long , tw o and three times pinna tely-sected. Petals g reenish or w hi te. Stems glabrous, rounded.
Frui ts almost rounded, up to 6 mm long , up to 5 mm wide and wi th shallow ribs. Root rachis-like
perennials plant. 1. Ligust icum L.………………………………………………………………………
+ Rays o f umbels 7~ 12 ( 15) , equal in leng th. Umbels paniculate. Leaves 10~ 30 cm long ,
three times pinna tely-sected. Petals w hi te. Stems pubescent o r g labrous, w ell ribs. Fruits oblong ,
up to 7 mm long , up to 2 mm wide and w ith poorly ribs. Root not rachis-like perennials plant.
3. Anthriscus Pers. [A. sylvestris ( L. ) Hof fm. ]………………………………………………………
26. Petals v iolet and pinkish. Frui ts up to 3 mm long and wi th 7 prima ry ribs. Stems
g labrous, rounded. 17. Sajanella So jak.…………………………………………………………………
+ Petals whi te or pinkish and g reenish. Fruits up from 3 mm long and w ith 5 prima ry ribs.
Stems pubescent or glabrous, wi th w ell ribs o r rounded. 27.…………………………………………
27. Merica rps do rsally compressed and la teral ribs winged. 28.…………………………………
+ Mericarps no t compressed do rsally and la teral ribs winged o r not. 32.……………………
28. Caly x teeth poorly noticeable o r small. Bracts absent , o r few , early deciduous. 29.……
+ Calyx teeth w ell no ticeable. Bracts of ( 3) 5~ 12 ( 20) . 31.…………………………………
29. Sheathes o f leaves large and ovate. Leaves 30~ 50 ( 80) cm long , 7~ 40 cm w ide, terminal
lobes oval-ovate. Stems with t ransverse wal ls, 70~ 200 ( 300) cm tall, ( 2) 2. 5~ 8 cm diameter.
27. Angel ica L.……………………………………………………………………………………………
+ Shea thes o f leaves simple. Leaves 3~ 12 cm long , ( 5) 2~ 7 cm w ide, terminal lobes oval-
lanceola te and linear or filiform. Stems w ith transverse w alls o r not , 10~ 120 cm tall, up to 1 cm
diameter. 30.………………………………………………………………………………………………
30. Leaf blade genicula te def lexed, terminal lobes fi lifo rm and 2~ 5 cm long , 0. 5~ 1 mm
w ide. Sheathes of leaves and stems o ften in upper pa rt of purple-vio let. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves
o f f ruit soli ta ry. 31. Peucedanum L. [P . sal inum Pall. ex Spreng. ]…………………………………
+ Leaf blade st raigh t, terminal lobes linea r and lanceolate, up to 3 cm long. Sheathes of
leaves and stems non-co loured. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves of f rui t soli tary o r numerous. ………
31. Peucedanum L.…………………………………………………………………………………………
31 /28. Frui ts 6~ 9 mm long , lateral ribs of f rui t broadly-winged, slight ly sw ollen. Secreto ry
vi t tae in g ro oves of f rui t soli tary. 28. Phlojodicarpus Turcz. ex Ledeb.……………………………
+ Frui ts 3~ 6 mm long , lateral ribs o f f rui t prominent or narrow w inged, no t sw ollen.
Secreto ry vi ttae in g ro oves of f rui t solitary or numerous. 18. Sesel i L.………………………………
429第 4期 Magsar U RGAMAL Key to Gen era of th e Family Umbellif erae Juss. in M ongolia
32 /27. Stems 25~ 30 cm tall. Bracts and bracteoles o f 8~ 12. Umbels v ery dense, rays 25~ 30
and unequal in leng th. Radical leaves dense. Petals w hi te, sometimes violet. ……………………
16. Stenoceol ium Ledeb.…………………………………………………………………………………
+ Stems up from taller 30 cm. Bracts absent , o r numerous, early deciduous. Umbels ra rified,
5~ 40 rays. Radical leaves rari fied. Petals white, sometimes g reenish. 33.…………………………
33. Bracts absent. All plant glabrous. Plants wi th w ell pronounced stem because central stem
poo rly no ticeable. Ray s of umbels 6~ 8. Fruits glabrous. 29. Saposhnikovia Schischk.……………
+ Bracts numerous, or absent and ea rly deciduous. Plant pubescent or glabrous. Stems few ,
central stem w ell no ticeable. Ray s of umbels 5~ 40. Frui ts pubescent o r glabrous. 34.…………
34. All ribs of f rui t winged. Bracts and bracteo les numerous, broadly-membranaceous a t
margin. Rays of umbel 5~ 40, equa l in leng th. 21. Cnidium L.………………………………………
+ Only lateral ribs o f f rui t poo rly-winged. Bracts absent , o r numerous, ea rly deciduous.
Bracteoles numerous, membranaceous at margin or no t. 35.…………………………………………
35. Leaves tw o and three times pinna tely-sected, terminal lobes narrow fili fo rm. Rays of
umbels 10~ 16, almost equal in leng th. Binnuals plant. Secretory vi t tae in g ro oves o f f rui t
11. Carum L. [C. buriaticum Turcz. ]……………………………………………………………………
+ Leaves tw o and many times pinnately-sected, terminal lobes oval-ova te o r lanceolate. Ray s
o f umbels 5~ 35. Annuals and binnuals o r perennials plant. Secretory v it tae in g rooves of f rui t
solitary or numerous. 36.…………………………………………………………………………………
36. Ray s of umbels 5~ 10, unequal in leng th. Leaves tw o and three, many times pinnately-
sected and near sheathes o f leaf long pubescent. Calyx teeth subulate. Secretory vi t tae in g ro oves of
f rui t 2~ 3. 2. Sphal lerocarpus Bess. ex DC.……………………………………………………………
+ Rays o f umbels 10~ 35. Leaves th ree pinnately-sected and nea r sheathes o f leaf g labrous.
Calyx teeth w ell v isible o r absent. Secreto ry vi t tae in g rooves of f rui t so li tary o r numerous ……
37. Bracts of 5~ 10. Umbel 10~ 15 cm diameter, 20~ 35 ray s, unequal in leng th. Calyx teeth
w ell no ticeable. Terminal lobes of leaf ov al-ovate o r lanceo late and larg e dentate on ma rgins. Stems
w ith t ransverse wal ls, 100~ 150 cm tall. 23. Paral igust icum V. Tichom.……………………………
+ Bracts absent , or of 3~ 5. Umbel 4~ 10 cm diameter, 10~ 22 ( 30) ray s, equal in leng th.
Calyx teeth absent. Termina l lobes of leaf lanceo late and not dentate on ma rgins. Stems g reenish,
50~ 100 ( 120) cm tall. 25. Cenolophium Koch.…………………………………………………………
[ 1] ГрубовВИ.ОпределительсосудцстыхрэстенийМонголии(сатласом) -Л. : Наука, 1982. -442c.
(蒙古科学院植物研究所 ,乌兰巴托 )
摘要:对蒙古国境内分布的伞形科 35属植物 ,提出了一个新的属检索系统 .
关键词: 伞形科 ;属 ;检索表 ;蒙古国
中图分类号: Q949. 763. 3 文献标识码: A
430 内蒙古大学学报 (自然科学版 ) 2001年
收稿日期: 2000-06-06
作者简介: Mag sa r URGAM AL ( 1974~ ) ,男 (蒙古族 ) ,蒙古国乌兰巴托人 ,蒙古科学院植物研究所 ,硕士 .