Spatial variability of soil organic matter in small scale across a cropland Temporal-spatial varibility of soil fertility and its affecting factors of varability in Karst region: a case study of Xiaojiang watershed,Yunnan Province Spatial variability of soil salinity and sodicity and its correlation with the succession of Phragmites Australis community in degraded salt marsh Spatial characteristics and impact factors of soil total nitrogen and soil organic matter in Taiyuan Temporal and spatial variability of surface soil moisture in a re-vegetation desert area in Shapotou Spatial variability in the content of caffeate and scutellarin of Erigeron breviscapus Study on spatial variability of soil nutrients for Moso bamboo forest in Fengxin Spatial variability of soil nutrients in wetland of Liangzi Lake Temporal and spatial variability of sward N yield patterns Soil potassium spatial variability and comparison of several interpolation methods Spatial variability of soil N, P, and K in main production area of Castanea mollissima. Spatial Variance Characteristics of Solar Radiation during Tobacco Growth in Henan Province Spatial Variability of Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen in Panxi Tobacco Growing Soil STUDIES ON SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF CONTENTS OF PETROLEUM ETHER EXTRACTS FROM FLUE-CURED TOBACCO LEAVES AND SOIL FERTILITY FACTORS IN TOBACCO PLANNING FIELDS IN CENTRAL HENAN PROVINCE Study on climate regionalization of Artemisia annuua in Guangxi

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