Ecological Regionalization of Suitable Trees, Shrubs and Herbages for Vegetation Restoration in the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China Dynamic variation of water deficit of winter wheat and its possible climatic factors in Northern China Desertification Problem and Its Control Strategy in Northern China Organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in an aquatic soil as influenced by agricultural land uses in the Northern China Plain Radar observation of autumn migration of insects in Northern China Grassland response to drought in northern China Distribution and Dispersal of Alien Sweet Clover along Roadside in An Agro-pastoral Ecotone of Northern China Genetic Diversity of Traditional Famous Mungbean Landraces in China by SSR Markers Study on the Salt Resistance of Seven Species of Wild Perennial Flowers in Northern China Studies on quality characters of some commercial wheats from northern wheat-growing areas of China A review on the study of optimized eco-productive paradigm in the farming-pastoral zone of North China Impact of climate warming and drying on food crops in northern China and the countermeasures Land use changes and soil nutrient changes:a case study in Zunhua County,Hebei Province On baseline vegetation in Northern China The diversity of ground-dwelling beetles at cultivated land and restored habitats on the Bashang plateau Variations of winter wheat growth stages under climate changes in northern China Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen in Soil of Robinia pseudoacacia Forests and Near-Naturally Restored Vegetation in Northern China