Research Progress and Prospect of the Utilization Characteristics of Phosphorus and Its High-efficiency Management for Peanut Effects of Nutrient Management on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Direct Seeding Rice The characteristic of dry matter and nutrient accumulation and transportation in leaves in winter oilseedrape (Brassica napus L.) Change in farmland soil fertility and nutrient management strategy in the piedmont of Mount Taihang, North China Plain Research on the field-specific nutrient management
of flue-cured tobacco in condition of decentralized operation
Nitrogen flow in food chain among regions based on MFA and model: a case of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Effects of Different Cultivation Patterns on the Yield and Physiological Characteristics in Mid-Season Japonica Rrice Assessment of soil nutrient status in urban green space of main cities in Hubei Province, China. Building multi-scale EGLSN system and simulating cultivated land productivity Yield and N, P and K uptake and utilization of winter
wheat affected by straw return to soil

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