Adaptation strategies of seed dormancy and germination of Psammochloa villosa , a sand dune grass inhabiting Ordos Plateau, China Role of clonal growth of the rehizomatous grass Psammochloa villosa in patch dynamics of Mu Us sandy land Genet Features and Ramet Population Features in the Rhizomatous Grass Species Psammochloa villosa Responses of desert soil factors and dark septate endophytes colonization to clonal plants invasion EFFECTS OF SAND BURIAL AND SEED SIZE ON SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING EMERGENCE OF PSAMMOCHLOA VILLOSA Effects of Severing Rhizome on Clonal Growth in Rhizomatous Grass Species Psammochloa villosa and Leymus secalinus Allozyme Variance and Clonal Diversity in the Rhizomatous Grass Psammochloa villosa(Gramineae) Strategies of seed germination on sand dune and seedling desiccation tolerance, of Psammochloa villosa (Poaceae) Relation of Wind-induced Sand Displacement to Plant Biomass and Plant Sand-binding Capacity Effects of the growth of clonal plant Psammochloa villosa Trin. bor on ecological distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Mu Us Sandland