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Compare on the Structural Characteristics of Village Roadside Treesin Fujian and Zhejiang Province
Effects of exogenous lead on the growth and lead accumulation characteristics of roadside dominant herbaceous plants in Shanxi Province.
Responses of the urban roadside trees to traffic environment
Ecological principles in greening and protection engineering of roadside and side side slope
Influences and protective effects of roadside tree-belt on heavy metal pollution of roadside soils: a case study of major roads in Shanxi
Model of Vegetation Restoration on the Roadside Slopes of Chengnan Expressway
Hyperspectral Approaches for Detecting the Roadside Tree Chlorophyll Content Changes at Branches Scale
A review on road ecology
Effects of different roadside urban vegetative models on airborneparticulate matter in Beijing, China
Sources and potential risk of heavy metals in roadside soils of Xi’an City.
Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Roadside Slope Vegetation in Sichuan Basin
Spatial distribution and variability of heavy metals contents in the topsoil along roadside in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region in Yunnan Province
The soil seed bank of
Eupatorium adenophorum
along roadsides in the south and middle area of Yunnan, China
Variation of heavy metal enrichment efficiency in roadside trees of
Sophora japonica
L. with different diameters at breast height