SOC spatial distribution at small Wangdonggou watershed in gully region of the Loess Plateau Community Diversity of Arthropod in Forest-Steppe Ecotone in Southeast Edge of Inner Mongolia Tableland Analysis of stable isotopic composition and vapor source of precipitation at the Changwu Loess Tableland Water Storage, Sediment Reduction and Hydraulic Parameters as Affected by Vegetation on Earth Roads in the Gully Area of the Loess Tableland Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in apple orchards on Loess Tableland Spatial distribution of soil microorganisms in apple orchards of different ages on the Weibei rainfed tableland of the Loess Plateau, China Soil water in deep layers under different land use patterns on the Loess Tableland Soil organic carbon under different planting structures on the tablelands of Loess Plateau Soil carbon fractions under different land use types in the tablelands of the Loess Plateau Distribution of the fine roots of different aged apple trees in Weibei rainfed tableland of the Loess Plateau Distribution features and environmental risk assessment of heavy metals in apple tree plantations in Luochuan tableland Effects of organic fertilization on soil nutrient availability and enzyme activity in arid areas Evapotranspiration Characteristics of Apple Orchard at Peak Period of Fruiting in Loess Tableland