Structure of Embryo Sac Before and After Fertilization and Distribution of Transfer Cells in Ovules of Green Gram Ultrastructure of Transfer Cells in Endosperm of Coix lacryma-jobi VARIATIONS OF ROOT EPIDERMAL FORMS AND ULTRASTRUCTURES OF ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA AFTER INOCULATION WITH RHIZOBIA Proliferation of Root Hairs and Formation of Transfer Cells of Root Out-Layers in Albizia julibrissin Induced by Rhizobia Inducement of Root Hair and the Root Epidermal Transfer Cells during the Formation of Root Nodule in Leguminous Plants Ultrastructural Localization of Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the Phloem of Garlic Scape A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSFER CELLS OF THE COT/LEDONS DURING SEED GERMINATION OF EURYALE FEROX SALISB A putative plant organelle RNA recognition protein gene is essential for maize kernel development