Abstract:1. Jiulianshan Nature Sanctuary is located on Nan Mt., South China, near the boundary of South Jiangxi and North Kwangtung Provinces. N. latitude 24˚31′—24˚39′, E. longitude 114˚27′—114˚29′. The area is more than 2000 hectares.2. Plant and animal species in this Nature Sanctuary are very rich. The higher plants include about 206 families; Mosses about 30, Ferns about 62, Seed plants over 1100 species. And Vertebrates over 100 species.3. The origin of flora and fauna in this Nature Sanctuary are very ancient. There are many ancient families and genera as well as many relic species and rare species. There are also home of monotypic genera: Tsoongiodendron and Semiliquidamber. And many rare species of animals: Neofelis nebulosa, Felis temminoki, Panthera pardus, P. tigris amyensis, Hydropotes inermis, Cervus unicolor, Capricornis sumatraensis, Viverra zibetha, Manis pentadactyla, Lutra lutra, Lophura nycthemera, Platysternon megacephalum etc. The fauna in this Nature Sanctuary belongs to the Central China Subregion of Oriental Region.4. There are 4 main Formation Classes of vegetation: Ⅰ. Laurilignosa, Ⅱ. Aciculignosa, Ⅲ. Pratoherbosa, Ⅳ. Mossy Elfin Forest; 14 Formations and about 19 Associations. The Climax Vegetation in this Nature Sanctuary was Laurilignosa.