摘 要 :先锋种和非先锋种可能对林窗产生不同的反应。在广东南澳岛4个不同的森林群落样地里移植了大叶相思(Acacia auriculaeformis A. Cunn.)、尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake)和荷木(Schima superba Gardn. et Champ)3种树苗,其中大叶相思和尾叶桉是先锋种,而荷木是非先锋种,测定了林窗和非林窗生境中的透光率和幼苗生长高度。结果表明,林窗的透光率大于非林窗的;各群落的透光率有季节性的变化,变化幅度各不同。3种幼苗在林窗内比
Abstract:Tree seedlings of pioneer species and non-pioneers may respond differently to canopy gaps. We used a field experiment to test this in four forest communities in Nan‘ao Island, Guangdong, China. We measured the ratio of light penetration (RLP) in gaps and