在1994~2001年7~8月期间,对内蒙古草原的15个草地群落类型进行了反射波谱与生物学参数的测量,在1996、2001年分别对其中的7个群落开展了反射波谱与生物学参数季节变化研究,利用Duncan方差分析、主分量分析方法在3个空间尺度上讨论了不同群落类型波谱特征的差异性与可区分性。在大尺度上,草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原的植被反射波谱特征之间存在显著的差异,它们之间的平均鉴别错误概率小于20%,在中小尺度上,典型草原中不同群落之间波谱特征差异程度较高,平均鉴别错误概率在15%左右,而在草甸草原和荒漠草原中,不同群落之间波谱特征的差异性较小。相关分析结果指出,空间尺度和群落类型决定了地上生物量与植被指数之间相关性的大小、相关形式以及植被指数的类型,随着尺度的增大,生物量与植被指数的相关性趋于下降,在盖度较高的草原群落中,直线型的估产模型相关性最高,估测精度大于90%,而在覆盖度低于30%~40%的荒漠草原群落中, 非线性估产模型相关性最高,估测精度只有85%。对典型草原和荒漠草原估产模型的季节动态分析表明, 在6月中旬至9月中旬期间的估产模型之间没有显著差异,可以利用一个共同的估产模型来监测草地生物量季节动态。
The spectral reflectance characteristics and biological parameters were measured for 15 grassland community types in Inner-Mongolia from 1994 to 2001. In addition, for seven community types, the seasonal variation of these parameters were measured in 1996 and 2001. At large spatial scales, the spectral reflectance was significantly different among meadow-steppe, typical-steppe and desert-steppe and could be distinguished by PCA with lower than 20% mean error. At medium to small scales, the ability to discriminate among community types in typical steppe was higher than at larger spatial scales (the mean error was about 15%) but lower in both the meadow-steppe and desert-steppe. The results of correlation analysis indicated that the spectral reflectance characteristics of biomass and vegetation indices showed strongly significant correlations with spatial scales and community types. The strength of the correlation tended to decrease from small spatial scales to large scales. Linear models were best able to predict biomass from the spectral reflectance characteristics of communities that had high vegetation cover or biomass with an estimated reliability greater than 90%. Non-linear models were the best predictors of communities with low vegetation cover (<40%) and had an estimated reliability of about 85%. From June to September, there were no remarkable differences among the estimated biomass models among different months which implied that we can utilize a common model to monitor the seasonal change of biomass for these grassland types.