作 者 :陈小莉, 李世清, 任小龙, 强虹, 吉春容, 闫登明
期 刊 :植物生态学报 2008年 32卷 1期 页码:204-211
Keywords:Zeamays, NH3concentrationenrichment, Nefficiency, genotypes, physiologyindexes,
摘 要 :该试验采用开顶式气室(Open top chambers)装置,在两种大气NH3浓度水平(大气背景浓度值为10 nl•L-1和高NH3浓度1 000 nl•L-1)和两种
供氮介质水平(高供氮介质和低供氮介质)下,对两种氮效率玉米(Zea mays)基因型(‘氮高效5号’(NE5)和‘氮低效四单19’(SD19))的叶绿素
指标值(SPAD值)、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs )、生物量和根冠比等生物学和生理学指标进行了测定。结果表明,大气NH3浓度升高对两种
氮效率玉米基因型各生理指标有显著影响(p<0.05)。与大气背景NH3浓度相比,当大气NH3浓度为1 000 nl•L-1 时,生长在高供氮介质中‘氮
的对应指标分别增加7.0%、11.0%和22.0%。高供氮介质中NH3浓度升高对氮低效基因型玉米冠层生物 量抑制作用小于对氮高效基因型玉米的抑
Abstract:Aims The main aim of this study was to investigate the response of various physiology indexes, e.g., chlorophyll index value
(stand for the relative content of chlorophyll, SPAD value), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), and
root shoot ratio (R/S) in two genotypes of maize (Zea mays) to NH3 concentration enrichment.
Methods We grew maize on Hoagland solution in PVC pots in open top chambers (OTCs). The experiment was a split-split plot
design, which main treatments were two NH3 concentrations (10 and 1 000 nl•L-1). The sub-plot treatments of the experiment
were two levels of nitrogen (high and low), and sub-sub-plot treatments were two N efficiency genotypes (high N efficiency,
‘NE5’, and low N efficiency, ‘SD19’). Air flow in OTCs was controlled by small fans and atmospheric NH3 concentration was
measured accurately by two methods (NH3 determination tubes and GTL_C atmosphere detecting apparatus).
Important findings Under elevated atmospheric NH3, there were significant differences (p<0. 05) for physiology indexes
between the two varieties, ‘NE5’ and ‘SD19’. Under high N medium, compared with 10 nl•L-1 atmospheric NH3 concentration,
the SPAD value, Pn and Gs of ‘NE5’ treated with 1 000 nl•L-1 decreased 7.0%, 14.0% and 6 .5%, respectively, and the
corresponding targets of ‘SD19’ decreased 9.0%, 11.0% and 6.9%, respectively. Under low N medium, various physiology
indexes of the two varieties significantly increased, i.e., the SPAD value, Pn and Gs of ‘NE5’ increased 5.7%, 7.1% and
17%, respectively, and the relative value of ‘SD19’ increased 7.0%, 11.0% and 22.0%, respectively. The results also
demonstrated that under high N medium, the inhibition effect of increased atmospheric NH3 on ‘SD19’ shoot biomass was
obviously lower than that of ‘NE5’, while under low N medium, NH3 concentration enrichment had more positive influence on
‘NE5’ (p<0. 05) than ‘SD19’. Moreover, the ratio of roots to shoots of ‘NE5’ and ‘SD19’ in the two atmospheric NH3
concentrations was related to maize growth periods, i.e., there were different changes for their root and shoot biomass in
three sampling time, but still obeying certain laws. All these results indicated that the absorbed atmospheric NH3 by plants
can improve crop nitrogen nutrition growing in low N medium, and there may be m ore significantly positive effect on low
nitrogen efficiency genotypes.