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沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)是西北荒漠地区珍稀常绿阔叶灌木,综合沙冬青分布区内气候、土壤和水分等因子,选取宁夏中卫县沙坡头、内蒙古磴口县、内蒙古阿拉善左旗、内蒙古乌拉特后旗作为样区,于2004年4月中下旬沙冬青的花期调查和收集根瘤 ,并结合地理环境对分离得到的根瘤菌进行抗逆性初步分析。调查发现根瘤的生成及其在宿主植物上的着生部位、大小、形状、颜色等因生境条件的不同而有所差异,水分是其主要的影响因子;分离得到根瘤菌17株,对其耐盐性、耐酸碱性、生长温度范围和抗生素抗性进行了研究。结果表明,64.7%的菌株可以在含3%NaCl的YMA培养基上生长;94.1%的菌株可以在pH 5~11的范围内生长;全部菌株在60 ℃处理10 min后仍能生长;不同菌株对不同抗生素表现出不同的抗性,ZW4和WH41对各抗生素表现出较强的抗性。分离自磴口县的根瘤菌普遍表现 出较强的抗酸碱和抗高温的能力,这是对其环境的适应。本研究证明沙冬青根瘤菌具有较强 的抗逆性,但菌株间存在差异,这可能是对沙冬青分布区多种景观生态类型的适应。同时测定了几种伴生植物中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)、猫头刺(Oxytropis aciphylla)和柠条(Caragana corshinskii)根瘤菌的抗逆性,与沙冬青根瘤菌表现出一定的相似性,具较强的抗逆性,说明生态环境对豆科植物_根瘤菌共生体有重要的影响。沙冬青的高抗性可能与沙冬青根瘤菌的高抗性有关。沙冬青与其根瘤菌的共生关系有利于其植物群落的发育和多样性的维系。

Ammopiptanthus mongolicus is an endangered evergreen broad_leaf species in the northwest desert zone of China. Shapotou, Alashanzuoqi, Dengkou and Wulatehouqi were defined as research regions based on soil, water and other ecological factors. Nodules of A. mongolicus were collected during the last twenty_ days of April, which was the flowering period of the host, and their characteristics were studied. The resistance of rhizobia isolated from A. mongolicus also was studied in relation to environmental factors of the distribution areas. Seventeen rhizobia strains were isolated from A. mongolicus. It was found that nodules had various attachment modes, sizes, shapes and colors, which were related to differences of their environment, of which water may be the most important determinant. Several biochemical characteristics were determined, including resistance to salt, acid_alkali, temperature variation and intrinsic antibiotics. The results indicated that 64.7% strains could tolerate NaCl stress at 3% concentration , 94.1% strains could grow at a range of pH from 5-11, and all strains could grow after being exposed to 60 ℃ for 10 min. Differences in resistance to different intrinsic antibiotics existed among strain ZW4, and Wh41 had high a resistance to different intrinsic antibiotics. Rhizobia strains from Dengkou had higher resis tance to acid_alkali conditions and temperature. These results indicated that rhizobia strains isolated from A. mongolicus were highly resistant to stresses . However, there were differences among strains in their resistance to stresses, which might be related to adaptations of rhizobia to the diverse landscapes indiff erent regions. Resistances of rhizobia strains isolated from accompanying plants , for example, Caragana corshinskii, Caragana intermedia and Oxytropis aci phylla, also were studied, and the results indicated that they also were highly resistant to stresses similar to the rhizobia strains isolated from A. mongolicus. These results indicated that the symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes was influenced by their environment. The high resistance of A. mongolicus may be relate d to the high resistance of its rhizobia, and that the symbiotic relation was beneficial to the development and maintenance of its community in diverse landscapes.