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以济南市1989、1996和2004年SPOT遥感卫星影像数据解译的城市绿地分类图、道路图和水系图为基础数据资料,在遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术支持下,运用景观可达性的概念与原理,采用费用加权距离方法,对济南市整体绿地系统和公园与广场绿地可达性的时空动态变化及其原因进行了分析。研究结果表明:1)济南市城市绿地的可达性不断提高与改善;2)济南市城市绿地可达性的空间格局变化明显,但仍不均衡、不太合理;3 )城市绿地面积和斑块数量的不断增加、绿地分布格局的日益均衡和道路网的日臻完善是可达性不断提高的主要原因;4)城市绿地可达性分析是衡量城市绿地服务功能社会公平性的有力手段,充分体现城市建设“以人为本”的理念,是目前生态城市评价指标体系的必要补充。因此,城市绿地可达性分析结果可为合理调整与设计城市绿地系统提供科学依据。

Urban green space is viewed as the last remnant of the nature in urban areas, and usually performs important ecological and socio_economic functions. In addition to protecting biodiversity, absorbing pollutants, and mitigating urban heat island, green spaces also can provide many social benefits such as amenity_recreation venues. Urban green spaces can usually play an important integrative social role if adequately designed and enhance urban livability from a social development perspective. There has been a surge in the concept of “eco_city", “garden city" and “sustainable city", and urban green spaces have become an important indicator of a city‘s character. Concomitantly, a series of evaluation systems were applied. However, most of these indictor systems lacked any social indicators about societal equity of urban green space. In this research, a quantitative method based on landscape accessibility of green space was put forward to improve the indictor systems. Jinan was chosen as our case study. The basic landscape data were obtained from SPOT satellite images in the years of 1989, 1996 and 2004, and an urban green space map, aroad network map and a watershed map were produced using remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS). Based on the concept and pri nciple of landscape accessibility, a cost weighted distance analysis (in “Spati al Analyst" module of ARCMAP) was conducted to analyze the accessibility of urban green spaces, public parks and plaza_green space. Finally, the influencing factors for the spatio_temporal change of accessibility were explained in detail. The results showed: 1) The methods used in this research were able to evalua te the distribution pattern and rationality of urban green space. 2) A comparison of urban green space accessibility across the three years indicated a significant overall increase. 3) The spatial pattern of accessibility also changed but still had high degrees of un_equilibrium and un_rationalization. 4) The main reas ons for improved accessibility were increased urban green space area and patch numbers, a more balanced distribution pattern, and the gradually perfected road network. 5) Accessibility was an important indicator to weight the social equity of urban green space, which is an indicator of the satisfaction to all inhabitants. Accessibility is a necessary supplement to the indictor system presently used to evaluate eco_city. Recommendations for urban green space planning were put forth for government officials and planners to help optimize urban green space patterns in Jinan.