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全 文 :昆 虫 学 报 Acta Entomologica Sinica , December 2008 , 51(12):1309-1312 ISSN 0454-6296
作者简介:蒋金炜 ,男 , 1956年生 ,副教授 ,研究方向为昆虫生态学和害虫综合治理
*通讯作者 Author for correspondence , E-mail:fmyan@pku.edu.cn
收稿日期 Received:2008-06-10;接受日期Accepted:2008-10-24
Attraction of face fly Musca autumnalis De Geer
(Diptera:Muscidae)to ornamental plants Euonymus
europaeus and E.kiautschovicus
JIANG Jin-Wei1 , HUNANG Cui-Hong2 , XUE Kun3 ,YAN Feng-Ming1 , *
(1.College of Plant Protection , HenanAgricultural University , Zhengzhou 450002 , China;
2.Department of Medical Sciences , Shunde College of Professional Technology , Foshan , Guangdong 528333 , China;
3.College of Life Sciences , Peking University , Beijing 100871 , China)
Abstract:Experiments in attraction of face fly Musca autumnalis De Geer females to ornamental plants Euonymus
europaeus and E.kiautschovicus were conducted in the laboratory with Y-shaped glass olfactometer.The two plant
species could attract face fly female adults , but E.europaeus was better in attraction of face flies than E.
kiautschovicus.Female face flies responded more actively to odors of flowers of Euonymus plants than to odors of
leaves , but leaves also played some roles in attraction when applied alone , and synergized the attraction of flowerswhen
used together.Flowers of E.europaeus were extracted with several solvents , and the results showed that water or
methanol extracts were better in attraction than hexane extracts.Frozen flowers showed similar attraction effects to fresh
Key words:Face fly;Musca autumnalis De Geer;Euonymus europaeus;E.kiautschovicus;attraction;bioassays;
volatiles;flower extracts
Face fly , Musca autumnalis De Geer (Diptera:
Muscidae), native to Europe and western Asia
(Cummings et al., 2005), was introduced into North
America in the early 1950 s(Depner , 1969)and has
become a very important veterinary pest in the temperate
regions of the northern hemisphere(Krafsur and Moon ,
1997).This pest feeds at the eyes and faces of cattle
and horses and plays roles as vectors of various
pathogens of cattle (e.g ., Geden and Stoffolano ,
1977), for example , pinkeye (infectious bovine
keratoconjunctivitis)(Cheng , 1967) and Thelazia
eyeworms (Ortanto et al., 2003).Heavy face fly
populations can cause cattle to stop feeding and move
into a shady location or cluster together to escape the
flies , resulting in reduced grazing time and animal
production (Schmidtmann et al., 1981;Arends et
al., 1982; Schmidtmann and Valla , 1982).
Insecticide applications , such as pray-on , impregnated
ear tags , mixture with syrup , etc , are primary remedial
control tactics , but provide only limited or temporary
control and may result in environmental pollution and
toxic effects on animals (Krafsur and Moon , 1997).
Classical biological control (Chirico , 1996;Sowig et
al., 1997), sterile insect technique (Pickens and
Miller ,1980), area-wide control(Miller et al., 1984;
Drummond et al., 1988)as well as other conventional
control measures(e.g ., Miller , 1989)were taken but
not very effective.Thus , other complimentary control
methods are necessarily available for safer and more
effective management of face flies.
Face flies were found to be attracted to volatiles of
two plant species Euonymus europaeus L.and E.
kiautschovicus Loes.(Celastraceae), which are
commonly grown as ornamental plants.Bioassays were
conducted in our present research in attempt to confirm
the attraction of the face flies to the volatiles of plants ,
to compare which of the two plant species and which
plant part were of potential for future use.Our goal is to
develop an attractant or attracticide from plant bioactive
chemicals or crude extracts for safe use in the control of
face flies.
DOI :10.16380/j.kcxb.2008.12.005
1.1 Plants
  The experiments were conducted in July and
August of 2003 when Euonymus flowers were blooming
on the campus of Kansas State University , Manhattan ,
KS , USA.Flowers and leaves of E .europaeus L.and
E .kiautschovicus Loes.were collected from plants
within 30 min just before experiments started.Weighed
flowers and leaves were used separately or in
combination as odor sources.Because Euonymus
f lowers were only available for 3 -4 weeks in July or
August , E.europaeus flowers , which were proven to
be the most attractive , were collected during blooming
period and stored at -20℃ in a refrigerator for further
use(see below).
1.2 Insects
  Face fly M.autumnalis De Geer mated female
adults(<1 week old)were used for experiments.The
face fly colony at Department of Entomology , Kansas
State University , were kept under conditions of ca.
25℃, 75% relative humidity (RH)and photoperiod
L16∶D8 , and fed with 10% sucrose solution.Mated
female adults were isolated from the colony around
9:00 p.m., kept in a vial and supplied with water ,
and used for experiments around 9:00 a.m.the next
1.3 Test arena  A Y-shaped glass olfactometer , with the main arm
(5 cm id)and two detachable branch arms (4.5 cm
id), were placed on a table in a laboratory under 25-
27℃, 65% RH and 650 lx illumination.Charcoal-
filtered clean air , passing through a 250 mL flask
containing distilled water , was introduced via a splitter
tube into each of two 250 mL flask containing filter
paper(control)or 15 g plant materials before entering
one of the two upwind arms of the olfactometer.Wind
speed inside the main tube was ca .20 cm s.A set of
clean glass olfactometer was used for each replicate.
1.4 Bioassays with fresh plant materials
  Three kinds of plant materials (flowers , leaves ,
f lowers + leaves)were used as odor sources.Face
flies kept in a jar were immobilized with compressed
CO2 or by placing them at -20℃ for ca.1 min , and
then introduced into downwind end (main arm , 5 cm
id)of the olfactometer.Flies were given ca .3 min for
recovery.Around 16 flies were released each time.
Their displacement , orientation and other behaviors
were observed and recorded within 15 min.Complete
randomized design was used for experiments.Each
treatment were repeated for >12 times.
1.5 Bioassays with frozen flowers
   E .europeaus flowers showed most attractive
effects among plant parts of two species , but were only
available for a short period during summer , so flowers
of this plant species were collected and stored at
-20℃.In order to test whether frozen flowers were
similar in attraction to fresh ones , olfactory bioassays
were done using the olfactometer and experimental
protocol mentioned above.
1.6 Bioassays with flower extracts
  Three hundred frozen flowers(ca .3 g)were kept
in 50 mL of hexane , methanol and water , respectively ,
for 10 min.The extracts were concentrated to ca.5 mL
using a rotatory evaporator (except water extract).50
μL of extract were applied onto 4 cm × 1 cm filter
paper strip , allowed solvents to evaporate for 3 min.
The filter paper was folded and inserted into a glass
pipette , covered with aluminum foil.
All glassware used in the experiments was
salinized with 5% dimethyl dichlorosilane in hexane or
acetone , and then heated at 260℃ overnight.
1.7 Statistics
  Differences between two odor sources were subject
to t test at P <0.05 level.
Volatiles from flowers and or leaves from either of
the two plant species trapped female face flies (Fig.
1), but when volatiles from flowers of these two plant
species were paired for comparison , E .europaeus
performed much better in attraction(63.5%±12.70%
face flies attracted)than E.kiautschovicus(35.8%±
8.52% face flies attracted).For both plant species ,
f lowers played primary parts in attraction.When used
alone , flowers gave more attraction than control or
leaves.Leaves alone just had little effect on the
response of insects.However , leaves , if used with
flowers , could increase , to some extent , the
Because volatiles from E.europaeus flowers was
better in attraction than any other plant parts of either
E .europaeus or E .kiautschovicus , further tests were
focused only on E . europaeus flowers.Solvent
extraction of flowers was done to confirm effects of
attraction.The results indicated that , among the
extracts with several solvents (water , methanol and
hexane), methanol extract was the best in face fly
attraction(Fig.2), which indicated that the chemicals
responsible for attraction were somewhat polar.Frozen
flowers showed similar attractiveness to fresh ones , so
frozen flowers could be used for collection of volatiles or
bioassays when fresh flowers are not available.
Face fly is a veterinary pest , so studies , either
basic or applied , have been focused on interactions of
1310 昆虫学报 Acta Entomologica Sinica 51 卷
face fly-cattle or face fly-manures.Our results present
the first report on interactions between face flies and
Fig.1 Attraction of face fly females to Euonymus europeaus(top)
and E.kiautschovicus(botton)in a Y-shaped olfactometer
Odor sources were paired to compare the numbers of face fly females
trapped(mean±SE).F=flowers;L=leaves;FL = flowers and
leaves;B=blank(tissue paper).Significant difference(markedwith
an asterisk “ *”)of paired odor sources was set at P<0.05 level
under t test.
Fig.2 Responses of face fly females to fresh flower
extracts of Euonymus europeaus in an olfactometer
Paired odor sources were compared in the numbers of face f ly females
trapped(mean±SE).Extractions of fresh flower were done with
methanol(M), water (W)or hexane (H).B = solvent only.
Significant dif ference(marked with an asterisk “ *”)of paired odor
sources was set at P<0.05 level under t test.
Actually all non-blood-sucking flies need to eat
sugars daily , for example , honeydew , extrafloral
nectarines or pollens , which indicate that plants , as
well as cattle and manure , can influence behaviors and
development of veterinary insects. Findings in
interactions of plant-veterinary insects could not only
widen the areas of veterinary pest ecology but also shed
a light on development and application of bio-
insecticides of plant origin in management of these
Like other dipterans , face flies are equipped with
very sensitive antennae.Face fly antenna funicular
sensilla were observed with electron microscope , and
male and female funiculi are similar in size , type and
distribution of sensilla(Bay and Pitts , 1976).Roles of
manure or cattle volatiles in mediating host location for
face flies were investigated (Birkett et al., 2004).
Face fly males stay and feed on plants(Lysyk , 2003),
and our present results showed that female face flies
find the locations of Euonymus spp.mediated by the
plant volatiles.Therefore , orientation of face fly
females to Euonymus spp.volatiles is to locate mates
and food sources.Volatiles of flowers play primary roles
in attraction of face fly females , indicating that
orientation of face fly females to the plants is to feed
nectar or pollen as well.
Bio-insecticides of plant origin can be developed
in two ways , either by use of pure chemical blends , or
by direct applications of plant crude extracts.Screening
of bioactive compounds from E.europaeus by using gas
chromatography-electro-antennographic detection (GC-
EAD)will help develop lures used in traps.Once the
bioactive compounds of E.europaeus flowers are
identified , blends of chemicals could potentially be
used in management of face fly populations.However ,
crude extracts are sometimes much better in biological
properties than a pure single chemical or blend of
chemicals.Further work is needed in development of
face fly control tactics from volatiles of E .europaeus
f lowers.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  Part of this work was conducted in
Department of Entomology , Kansas State University , Manhattan ,
Kansas , United States.We are grateful to Sonny Ramaswamy for
supporting the project , and to Alberto Broce for allowing use of
laboratory facilities.We are debt to Kent Hampton for maintenance of
insect colony , and Sam Ochieng for useful discussions.
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蒋金炜1 ,黄翠虹2 ,薛  3 ,闫凤鸣1 , *
(1.河南农业大学植物保护学院 ,郑州 450002;2.广东顺德职业技术学院医学系 ,广东佛山 528333;
3.北京大学生命科学学院,北京 100871)
摘要:卫矛是常见的绿化植物 , 而秋家蝇 Musca autumnalis De Geer是畜牧业的重要昆虫。在室内利用 Y 型嗅觉仪
对欧洲卫矛 Euonymus europaeus和胶东卫矛E.kiautschovicus气味对秋家蝇Musca autumnalis De Geer 的引诱效果进行
了研究。结果表明:两种植物都对秋家蝇的雌性成虫有引诱作用 , 而欧洲卫矛引诱效果更好。进一步对叶和花的
气味进行的观察表明 ,卫矛吸引秋家蝇主要依靠花的气味 ,但叶的气味也有一定的吸引作用;叶的气味对花的引诱
效果有增效作用。利用几种试剂(水 、乙醇和正己烷)对欧洲卫矛花的气味物质进行了抽提 , 测试结果表明水或乙
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1312 昆虫学报 Acta Entomologica Sinica 51 卷

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