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Effect of wheat and faba bean intercropping on root exudation of low molecular weight organic acids.


通过盆栽试验收集了不同生育期单作和间作小麦、蚕豆的根系分泌物,用HPLC分析了根系分泌物中低分子量有机酸的含量和种类.结果表明: 小麦-蚕豆间作显著提高了有机酸的分泌量,在小麦分蘖期(57 d)、孕穗期(120 d)和灌浆期(142 d),间作使小麦根系有机酸分泌量分别提高155%、35.6%和92.6%;在蚕豆分枝期(57 d)和籽粒膨大期(142 d),间作使蚕豆根系有机酸分泌量提高87.4%和38.7%.小麦-蚕豆间作改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的种类,与单作小麦相比,在分蘖期,间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了乳酸;在拔节期(98 d),间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了柠檬酸,但未检测到乙酸;在蚕豆分枝期,间作蚕豆根系分泌物中增加了乙酸,但未检测到乳酸;在蚕豆籽粒膨大期,间作蚕豆根系分泌物中增加了乳酸.小麦-蚕豆间作提高了小麦根系有机酸的分泌速率,在小麦孕穗期,间作小麦分泌柠檬酸、富马酸的速率是单作小麦的179和184倍;在小麦灌浆期,间作小麦分泌乳酸的速率是单作的2.53倍.总之,小麦-蚕豆间作增加了有机酸的分泌量,改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的种类,提高了小麦根系有机酸的分泌速率.

Pot experiment of wheat and faba bean intercropping was conducted and exudates from wheat and faba bean roots were collected at different growth stages. Low molecular weight organic acids (OA) in root exudates were examined by HPLC. The results showed that wheat and faba bean intercropping significantly increased the total amounts of OA exuded by roots. At tillering (57 d), booting (120 d) and filling stages (142 d), intercropping increased the total amounts of OA in wheat root exudates by 155%, 35.6% and 92.6% respectively, in comparison with that of monoculture wheat (MW). At branching (57 d) and filling stages (142 d), intercropping increased the total amounts of OA in faba bean root exudates by 87.4% and 38.7%, respectively, in comparison with that of monoculture faba bean (MF). Wheat and faba bean intercropping changed the types of OA exuded by roots. At tillering stage, lactic acid was identified in root exudates of intercropping wheat (IW), but not in that of MW. At jointing stage (98 d), citric acid was identified in root exudates of IW, but not in that of MW, and acetic acid was vice versa. At branching stage, acetic acid was identified in root exudates of intercropping faba bean (IF), but not in that of MF, and lactic acid was vice versa. At filling stage, lactic acid was identified in root exudates of IF, but not in that of MF. Wheat and faba bean intercropping increased the OA exudation rate of wheat. At booting stage, the exudation rates of citric and fumaric acid from IW were 179 and 184times as that of from MW, respectively. At filling stage, the exudation rate of lactic acid from IW was 2.53times as that from MW. In conclusion, wheat and faba bean intercropping increased the rate and total amount, and changed the types of OA exuded by roots.

全 文 :小麦鄄蚕豆间作对根系分泌低分子量有机酸的影响*
肖靖秀1 摇 郑摇 毅1,2**摇 汤摇 利1
( 1云南农业大学资源与环境学院, 昆明 650201; 2西南林业大学, 昆明 650224)
摘摇 要摇 通过盆栽试验收集了不同生育期单作和间作小麦、蚕豆的根系分泌物,用 HPLC 分
析了根系分泌物中低分子量有机酸的含量和种类.结果表明: 小麦鄄蚕豆间作显著提高了有机
酸的分泌量,在小麦分蘖期(57 d)、孕穗期(120 d)和灌浆期(142 d),间作使小麦根系有机酸
分泌量分别提高 155% 、35. 6%和 92. 6% ;在蚕豆分枝期(57 d)和籽粒膨大期(142 d),间作使
蚕豆根系有机酸分泌量提高 87. 4%和 38. 7% .小麦鄄蚕豆间作改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的
种类,与单作小麦相比,在分蘖期,间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了乳酸;在拔节期(98 d),间作
率是单作小麦的 179 和 184 倍;在小麦灌浆期,间作小麦分泌乳酸的速率是单作的 2. 53 倍.总
关键词摇 小麦鄄蚕豆间作摇 根系分泌物摇 有机酸数量摇 有机酸种类摇 分泌速率
**通讯作者. E鄄mail: yzheng@ ynau. edu. cn
2013鄄09鄄06 收稿,2014鄄03鄄27 接受.
文章编号摇 1001-9332(2014)06-1739-06摇 中图分类号摇 S312摇 文献标识码摇 A
Effect of wheat and faba bean intercropping on root exudation of low molecular weight or鄄
ganic acids. XIAO Jing鄄xiu1, ZHENG Yi1,2, TANG Li1 ( 1College of Resources and Environmental
Science, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China;2 Southwest Forestry University,
Kunming 650224, China) . 鄄Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. , 2014, 25(6): 1739-1744.
Abstract: Pot experiment of wheat and faba bean intercropping was conducted and exudates from
wheat and faba bean roots were collected at different growth stages. Low molecular weight organic
acids (OA) in root exudates were examined by HPLC. The results showed that wheat and faba bean
intercropping significantly increased the total amounts of OA exuded by roots. At tillering (57 d),
booting (120 d) and filling stages (142 d), intercropping increased the total amounts of OA in
wheat root exudates by 155% , 35. 6% and 92. 6% respectively, in comparison with that of mono鄄
culture wheat (MW). At branching (57 d) and filling stages (142 d), intercropping increased the
total amounts of OA in faba bean root exudates by 87. 4% and 38. 7% , respectively, in comparison
with that of monoculture faba bean (MF). Wheat and faba bean intercropping changed the types of
OA exuded by roots. At tillering stage, lactic acid was identified in root exudates of intercropping
wheat (IW), but not in that of MW. At jointing stage (98 d), citric acid was identified in root
exudates of IW, but not in that of MW, and acetic acid was vice versa. At branching stage, acetic
acid was identified in root exudates of intercropping faba bean ( IF), but not in that of MF, and
lactic acid was vice versa. At filling stage, lactic acid was identified in root exudates of IF, but not
in that of MF. Wheat and faba bean intercropping increased the OA exudation rate of wheat. At
booting stage, the exudation rates of citric and fumaric acid from IW were 179 and 184鄄times as that
of from MW, respectively. At filling stage, the exudation rate of lactic acid from IW was 2. 53鄄times
as that from MW. In conclusion, wheat and faba bean intercropping increased the rate and total
amount, and changed the types of OA exuded by roots.
应 用 生 态 学 报摇 2014 年 6 月摇 第 25 卷摇 第 6 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, Jun. 2014, 25(6): 1739-1744
Key words: wheat and faba bean intercropping; root exudates; amounts of organic acids; types of
organic acids; exudation rate.
摇 摇 植物一生中固定的碳有25% ~40%通过根系分
泌物进入到根际中,其中低分子量有机酸占 2%左
右[1] .目前已知的植物根系分泌的低分子量有机酸
丙酸、丁酸、琥珀酸、延胡索酸、戊酸等[2] . 它们在植
物的根际营养中具有重要作用[3] . 因此,低分子量
方面具有显著的间作优势[8-9] . 已有研究表明,小
势的形成密切相关[10-12] .根系低分子量有机酸的分
泌直接影响根际过程[3] .但是小麦鄄蚕豆间作对根系
1摇 材料与方法
1郾 1摇 供试土壤和作物品种
盆栽试验于 2011 年 10 月—2012 年 4 月在云南
农业大学植物营养系温室内完成. 供试土壤采自云
南农业大学后山农场(25毅7忆51. 9义 N,102毅45忆10. 2义
E),土壤基本性状:有机质 21. 36 g·kg-1,pH 值
6郾 73,碱解氮 123 mg·kg-1,速效磷 24 mg·kg-1,速
效钾 135 mg·kg-1 .前茬作物为水稻.
供试小麦品种为‘云麦 42爷,蚕豆品种为‘云豆
1郾 2摇 试验设计
试验设小麦单作、小麦鄄蚕豆间作、蚕豆单作 3
个处理,每处理 3 次重复,其中全生育期共计采样 4
次,共计 3 伊3 伊4 = 36 盆. 试验所用盆钵大小为 238
mm伊320 mm,每盆装土 10 kg. 试验用肥料:氮肥为
尿素,含氮量 46% ;磷肥为过磷酸钙,含 P2O5 15% .
氮、磷肥的施用比例为 2 颐 1,施用量为 N 150
mg·kg-1土,P2O5 75 mg·kg-1土.其中,氮肥 1 / 2 作
基肥,1 / 2 于拔节期追施.氮肥追施时只施在单作小
磷肥全部作为基肥一次性施入. 在整个生长过程中
小麦、蚕豆种植密度:单作小麦每盆播种 28 粒,
单作蚕豆每盆播种 6 粒,间作处理小麦、蚕豆播种密
度分别是单作的 1 / 2. 分别于小麦分蘖期、拔节期、
膨大期,即播种后 57、98、120、142 d,分别收集单、间
1郾 3摇 根系分泌物收集方法
的、未受损伤的小麦蚕豆整株迅速带回实验室. 1)
后用蒸馏水清洗根系 5 遍,清洗根系的过程中尽量
开. 2)收集根系分泌物:将清洗好的植株整株转入
盛有 200 mL 5 mg·L-1的百里酚溶液中浸泡 3 min,
然后再将整株植株转入盛有 200 mL 0. 005 mol·L-1
CaCl2溶液的收集瓶中. 用锡箔纸将收集瓶包裹,在
补光灯照射下,通气收集根系分泌物 2 h. 3)浓缩根
系分泌物:将收集液在 40 益条件下旋转蒸发、浓缩
至 10 mL,过 0. 45 滋m 滤膜,-20 益冷冻保存、备
用[13-14] .
1郾 4摇 样品分析
有机酸的测定采用 HPLC 法,所用仪器型号为
Agilent1200 高效液相色谱仪(四元泵,可变波长检
谱柱为 Synergi 4u Hydro鄄RP 80A 色谱柱(250 mm伊
4. 6 mm ID),流动相为 10 mmol·L-1的磷酸二氢钾
溶液(pH 2. 45),柱温 35 益,流速 1. 0 mL·min-1,
进样量 10 滋L,检测波长 214 nm,分析时间 10 min.
在选定的色谱条件下,得到 8 种有机酸(草酸、酒石
0471 应摇 用摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 25 卷
图 1摇 8 个有机酸标准品混合物的 HPLC色谱图
Fig. 1摇 HPLC profile of mixture of eight organic acids.
a)草酸 Oxalic acid; b)酒石酸 Tartaric acid; c)苹果酸 Malic acid; d)
乳酸 Lactic acid; e)乙酸 Acetic acid; f)马来酸 Maleic acid; g)柠檬
酸 Citric acid; h)富马酸 Fumaric acid. 下同 The same below.
混合标准品的色谱图(图 1).
1郾 5摇 数据处理
(g)分泌的有机酸含量.使用 Microsoft Excel 2003 软
件进行数据处理,采用 SPSS 17. 0 软件进行多重比
较分析和 t检验(琢=0. 05).
2摇 结果与分析
2郾 1摇 小麦鄄蚕豆间作对根系有机酸分泌量的影响
图 2摇 单作与间作条件下小麦和蚕豆根系有机酸分泌量
Fig. 2摇 Amounts of organic acids exuded by roots of wheat and
faba bean in systems of intercropping and monoculture.
I: 间作 Intercropping; M:单作Monoculture; W:小麦Wheat; F:蚕豆
Faba bean. 下同 The same below.
有机酸含量均不同. 根系有机酸分泌量随生育期推
移而升高,在播种后 142 d 达到最大值、单、间作条
98 d)外,间作使小麦根系有机酸总分泌量在分蘖期
(57 d)、孕穗期(120 d)和灌浆期(142 d)分别提高
155% 、35. 6%和 92. 6% . 与单作蚕豆相比,间作使
蚕豆根系有机酸总分泌量在分枝期(57 d)、籽粒膨
大期(142 d)分别提高 87. 4% 、38. 7% .
2郾 2摇 小麦鄄蚕豆间作对根系有机酸分泌种类和分泌
2郾 2郾 1 小麦根系有机酸分泌种类和分泌速率摇 从图 3
图 3摇 单作与间作条件下小麦根系分泌的有机酸种类和分泌速率
Fig. 3摇 Types of organic acids exuded by wheat roots and exudation rate in systems of intercropping and monoculture.
nd: 未检测到 Not detected. 不同字母表示单、间作处理间差异显著(P<0. 05) Different letters meant significant difference between treatments at
0郾 05 level. 下同 The same below.
14716 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 肖靖秀等: 小麦鄄蚕豆间作对根系分泌低分子量有机酸的影响摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
图 4摇 单作与间作条件下蚕豆根系分泌的有机酸种类和分泌速率
Fig. 4摇 Types of organic acids exuded by faba bean roots and exudation rate in systems of intercropping and monoculture.
可以看出,单鄄间作小麦根系分泌物中共检测到 4 种
泌速率显著低于其他 3 种有机酸.在不同生育期单、
浆期,单、间作小麦根系分泌物种类没有差异. 但是
单作的 179 和 184 倍;在灌浆期,间作小麦乳酸的分
泌速率是单作的 2. 53 倍. 说明小麦鄄蚕豆间作在小
2郾 2郾 2 蚕豆根系有机酸分泌种类和分泌速率 摇 单、
间作蚕豆根系有机酸分泌物中共检测到 4 种有机
酸:乳酸、乙酸、柠檬酸和富马酸(图 4).在不同生育
在蚕豆分枝期(57 d),单、间作蚕豆根系分泌物中仅
检测到 1 种有机酸;在蚕豆开花期(98 d),根系分泌
中有机酸的种类. 在蚕豆分枝期(播种后 57 d),间
分泌物中检测到乳酸;在蚕豆籽粒膨大期(142 d),
酸.在蚕豆结荚期(120 d),间作主要改变了有机酸
的分泌速率,间作乙酸的分泌速率是单作的 100 倍,
而单作乳酸的分泌速率是间作的 3. 64 倍.
3摇 讨摇 摇 论
期等均影响根系的分泌能力[15-16] .本研究结果也表
有机酸分泌量来看,蚕豆>小麦. 此外,不同生育期
根系有机酸的分泌数量和种类均有较大差异. 有机
机酸种类则在小麦孕穗期和蚕豆结荚期最丰富. 这
改变根系的分泌特性[17] . 本研究进一步证实,间作
种类. 这可能是由于小麦鄄蚕豆间作促进了氮、磷的
率[19-20] .前人在小麦鄄蚕豆间作系统中的研究证实,
2471 应摇 用摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 25 卷
源[22] .因此本研究结果也为解释小麦鄄蚕豆间作提
机酸分泌的影响并不相同. 这可能是由于种间的竞
争和补偿作用在不同生育期的表现不同所致. 在本
柠檬酸能够有效活化土壤中 2 价或 3 价阳离子,促
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作者简介 摇 肖靖秀,女,1980 年生,博士,讲师. 主要从事养
分资源高效利用与病害控制研究. E鄄mail: xiaojingxiuxjx@
126. com
责任编辑摇 张凤丽
4471 应摇 用摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 25 卷