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全 文 :Journal of Forestry Research, 18(4): 309–312 (2007) 309
DOI: 10.1007/s11676-007-0062-4

Comparative study on three dynamic modulus of elasticity and static
modulus of elasticity for Lodgepole pine lumber

LIANG Shan-qing, FU feng
Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, P.R. China

Abstract: The dynamic and static modulus of elasticity (MOE) between bluestained and non-bluestained lumber of Lodgepole pine were
tested and analyzed by using three methods of Non-destructive testing (NDT), Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive Digital Indicating Test-
ing (Pundit), Metriguard and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the normal bending method. Results showed that the dynamic and static
MOE of bluestained wood were higher than those of non-bluestained wood. The significant differences in dynamic MOE and static MOE
were found between bulestained and non-bluestained wood, of which, the difference in each of three dynamic MOE (Ep , the ultrasonic wave
modulus of elasticity, Em, the stress wave modulus of elasticity and Ef, the longitudinal wave modulus of elasticity) between bulestained and
non-bluestained wood arrived at the 0.01 significance level, whereas that in the static MOE at the 0.05 significance level. The differences in
MOE between bulestained and non-bluestained wood were induced by the variation between sapwood and heartwood and the different den-
sities of bulestained and non-bluestained wood. The correlation between dynamic MOE and static MOE was statistically significant at the
0.01 significance level. Although the dynamic MOE values of Ep, Em, Ef were significantly different, there exists a close relationship be-
tween them (arriving at the 0.01 correlation level). Comparative analysis among the three techniques indicated that the accurateness of FFT
was higher than that of Pundit and Metriguard. Effect of tree knots on MOE was also investigated. Result showed that the dynamic and
static MOE gradually decreased with the increase of knot number, indicating that knot number had significant effect on MOE value.
Keywords: Lodgepole pine; Non-destructive testing; Dynamic modulus of elasticity; Static modulus of elasticity


Non-destructive testing (NDT) is an effective method for quickly
testing and evaluating the properties of materials, which does not
destroy the physical, chemical, mechanical properties of
materials and has no influence on future performance. The
exploitation and application of this technology have been quickly
developed in wood and wood-based panel fields for its evident
The modulus of elasticity (MOE), one of primary indexes in
evaluating mechanical properties of wood, indicates the degree
of wood resisting distortion. A higher value of MOE indicates
that the material is not easy to be distorted and has a high rigid-
ity., Many studies on testing and evaluating the wood MOE by
NDT technology have been conducted in developed countries,
and researchers’ efforts have paved the way for successful appli-
cation of NDT to various materials such as standing trees, lum-

Foundation project: This paper was supported by “Wood-inorganic Res-
toration Material” in “Technique Introduction and Innovation of
Bio-macromolecule New Material” of Introducing Overseas Advanced
Forest Technology Innovation Program of China (“948” Innovation Pro-
ject, Number: 2006-4-C03)
Received date: 2007-10-12; Accepted date: 2007-10-27
©Northeast Forestry University and Springer-Verlag 2007
The online version is available at http:// www.springerlink.com
Biography: LIANG Shan-qing (1977-), male, Ph.D. candidate, Research
Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing
100091, P.R. China. E-mail: liangsq@caf.ac.cn
*Corresponding author: FU Feng (Email: feng@caf.ac.cn)
Responsible editor: Hu Yanbo

bers, logs and wood-based panels and so forth (Wang et al. 2001;
Ayarkwa et al. 2001; Ross et al. 2005; Najafi et al. 2005)., Al-
though the research on application of NDT in wood field started
later in China compared to the developed countries, in recent ten
years, NDT has also been widely used in testing of lumber, ve-
neer, fiber board and particleboard, etc. in China, and the study
concerning NDT has being extended from original basic theories
to online testing (Liu et al. 2005; Hu et al. 2001a, b; Cui et al.
The primary objective of this study is to investigate the dy-
namic MOE of lumber obtained from bulestaine and
non-bulestained wood of Lodgepole pine by three NDT methods,
Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive Digital Indicating Testing
(Pundit), Metriguard, and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). In the
present study, the difference and relationship between dynamic
MOE and static MOE were analyzed and the accurateness and
reliability of MOE evaluated by the three NDT techniques were
discussed. The findings of this study can provide scientific ref-
erences for quickly testing wood and selecting appropriate means
of NDT.

Materials and methods


The specimens selected were lumbers of Lodgepole pine from
the British Columbia, Canada. The lumbers were divided into
two groups, bulestained wood and non-bulestained wood. After
cutting timbers, the lumbers were stored at room for air-dry, and
then the lumber with no crack were selected to process the test
samples. The density, moisture content, length, width and thick-
ness of testing samples were measured. The basic situation of the
test samples was presented in Table 1.
LIANG Shan-qing and FU Feng 310

Table 1. The basic situation of the test samples
Type Number Density
Bluestained wood 60 0.531 8.14 500 65 17
60 0.502 8.16 500 65 17

Testing of the dynamic modulus of elasticity

Metriguard, a stress wave timer, is developed on the basis of the
relationship among propagation time of longitudinal stress wave,
material density and MOE. Test theory: Instrument was fixed at
the highest level for the purpose of being unaffected by back-
ground vibration and maximizing sensitivity. Transducers were
clamped to each beams pith-side tangential face at constant pres-
sure. When a pendulum exerted on the clamp, a longitudinal stress
wave in each beam of one inch was induced and formed the “start”
transducer. Stress wave propagate in materials and propagation
time was measured, then the velocity of stress wave was calcu-
lated. The stress wave modulus was calculated by using the fol-
lowing equation.


where, Em is the stress wave modulus of elasticity (GPa), c the
velocity of stress wave (m⋅s-1), ρ the material density (kg⋅m-3),
and g the acceleration due to gravity (m⋅s-2).

Pundit is an ultrasonic testing instrument. Test theory: Two
transducers were fixed on each side of wood sample. The start
transducer excitated ultrasonic transmit in wood sample. Trans-
mission time of ultrasonic was measured by receive transducer,
and velocity of sound wave was calculated. The dynamic MOE
was evaluated through the relationship between sound wave
velocity, specimen density and ultrasonic modulus of elasticity.
The ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity (GPa) was calculated
by the following equation.

ρ2cE p = (2)

where, Ep is the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity (GPa), c
the velocity of ultrasonic wave (m⋅s-1), and ρ the material density

FFT technique mainly applies computer technology to analyze
quickly signal frequency. Test theory: Bending vibration was
induced by a hammer impacting the samples and the attenuate
sound wave was collected by microphone placed on the side of
specimen. Resonance frequency was measured by FFT and cal-
culated on the basis of the instant frequency analysis. Longitudi-
nal wave dynamic MOE was calculated by using the following

ρ224 fLE f = (3)

where, Ef is the longitudinal wave modulus of elasticity (GPa),
L the material length (mm), f the natural frequency of trans-
versely vibrating material (Hz), and ρ the material density

Testing of the static modulus of elasticity

The static MOE (Es) was performed primarily by mechanic test-
ing machine (Japan, AH-50KNB), based on China standard
(GB1936.2-91 1991). The experiment was adjusted properly by
using four-point loading test according to China standard. The
maximum values of loading and speed designed in the experi-
ment was 800 N and 2 mm/min for preventing excessive distor-

Results and analysis

Comparative analysis of bulestained and non-bluestained wood

Three dynamic MOE values and static MOE values of bul-
estained wood and non-bulestained wood were measured by the
above three testing methods. Test results were shown in Table 2.
The values of Ep, Em, Ef and Es of bulestained wood (ρ = 0.531
g⋅cm-3) were higher than those of non-bulestained wood (ρ =
0.502 g⋅cm-3). The differences of the above parameters between
the two kinds of wood were 0.8 GPa (Ep), 0.96 GPa (Em), 1.32
GPa (Ef ) and 0.68 GPa (Es).
Table 2. The dynamic and static modulus of elasticity between bluestained and non-bluestained wood
Ep Em Ef Es Type
Bluestained wood 15.54 1.92 12.38 14.12 1.59 11.25 13.97 2.11 15.14 12.07 1.42 11.77
Non- Bluestained wood 14.54 1.93 13.26 13.16 1.81 13.76 12.65 1.97 15.61 11.39 1.65 14.46
Mean 15.04 1.98 13.18 13.64 1.76 12.93 13.31 2.14 16.7 11.73 1.57 13.78
Note: S is the standard deviation, CV the variation coefficient, Ep the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity, Em the stress wave modulus of elasticity, Ef the longitu-
dinal wave modulus of elasticity, Es the static modulus of elasticity

The statistic analysis between bulestained and non-bulestained
wood showed that the F-values of Ep, Em, Ef and Es were 8.113,
9.615, 12.464 and 5.891, respectively. The results indicated the
significant difference in three dynamic MOE and static MOE
between bulestained and non-bluestained wood. The difference
in each of three dynamic MOE between bulestained and
Journal of Forestry Research, 18(4): 309–312 (2007) 311
non-bluestained wood arrived at the 0.01 significance level (F0.01
(1, 118) = 6.857) and that in static MOE arrived at the 0.05 sig-
nificance level (F0.05 (1, 118) = 3.921). A previous study (Byrne
and Uzunovic 2000) showed that the difference in MOE was not
significant between bulestained and non-bulestained wood of
Lodgepole pine. One reasonable explanation for our findings is
that the difference in MOE between bulestained and
non-bluestained wood was mainly caused by the properties of
sapwood and heartwood, because the bulestained wood mostly
consisted of sapwood and the non-bulestained wood consisted of
heartwood. The other possible explanation is that the density of
bulestained wood was higher than that of non-buliestained wood,
which may lead to the significant difference in MOE between
bulestained wood and non-buliestained wood.

Fig. 1 The correlation between three dynamic modulus of elasticity and static of modulus of elasticity.
Ep represents the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity, Em the stress wave modulus of elasticity, Ef the longitudinal wave modulus of elasticity, Es the static
modulus of elasticity

Fig. 2 The correlation among three dynamic modulus of elasticity
Ep represents stands for the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity, Em the stress wave modulus of elasticity, Ef the longitudinal wave modulus of elasticity

Analysis of relationship between dynamic MOE and static MOE

All samples of bulestained wood and non-bluestained wood were
combined as a collectivity to analyze the relationship between
dynamic MOE and static MOE. As shown in Fig. 1 A-C, correla-
tion coefficients were 0.8818 between Ep and Es, and 0.8884
between Em and Es both at the 0.01 significance level, and the
maximum correlation coefficient occurred between Ef and Es,
arriving at 0.9161. The correlation analysis demonstrated that
Pundit, Metriguard and FFT were feasible to predict MOE, and
FFT technique had a higher precision degree than Pundit and
Metriguard for the prediction, as indicated by the maximum R
value between Ef and Es.

Comparative analysis of three dynamic MOE

The average values of Ep, Em, Ef were 15.04 GPa, 13.64 GPa and
13.31 GPa, respectively (Table 2). The sequence of the three
dynamic MOE from high to low was pE > mE > fE . The re-
sults indicated that the dynamic MOE obtained from FFT tech-
nique was closer to the static MOE (11.73 GPa), and also vali-
dated the higher precision degree of FFT technique than Pundit
and Metriguard.
Comparative analysis of the relationship among three dynamic
MOE was presented in Fig. 2 A-C. Correlation coefficient was
y = 0.8672x + 0.5999
R= 0.9746
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Ep /GPa
y = 0.9313x - 0.6975
R = 0.8619
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Ep /GPa
E f
y = 1.0523x - 1.0482
R = 0.8666
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Em /GPa
E f
y = 0.7905x + 0.9499
R = 0.8884
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Em /GPa
y = 0.6713x + 2.8005
R = 0.9161
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Ef /GPa
y = 0.6981x + 1.2354
R = 0.8818
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Ep /GPa
LIANG Shan-qing and FU Feng 312
0.8619 for Ef and Ep , 0.8666 for Ef and Em (both at the 0.01 sig-
nificance level), and 0.9746 for Ep and Em. The testing means of
Pundit and Metriguard were both based on the relationship
among transmission speed, material density and MOE. Although
the wave sources of Pundit and Metriguard were induced by
different ways, they had similar wave type, transmission princi-
ple and testing manner.
Although the dynamic MOE values of Ep, Em, Ef were signifi-
cantly different, which is mainly caused by the anisotropy of
wood material and the difference in testing principles, there ex-
ists a close relationship between the three methods of
non-destructive testing.

Effect of tree knots on MOE

All the test samples were sorted according to knot number and
the values of dynamic MOE and static MOE were calculated to
analyze the effect of knots on MOE. Table 3 showed the results
of sorting and calculation. The average values of Ep, Em, Ef and
Es of samples without knot were 2.07%, 3.23%, 10.27% and
7.47%, respectively, higher than those of the samples with knot.

Table 3. The dynamic and static modulus of elasticity of different tree knots
Note: S is the standard deviation, CV the variation coefficient, Ep the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity, Em the stress wave modulus of elasticity, Ef the longitu-
dinal wave modulus of elasticity, Es the static modulus of elasticity

Three dynamic MOE values and static MOE value gradually
decreased with the increase in tree knot number (Fig. 3). It indi-
cated that knot number had significant effect on MOE. However,
the effects were quite complex, and possibly contributed by
many factors such as the number of tree knots, the size of mate-
rials, conjoint degree between knots and around wood as well as
stress distribution near the knots.

0 1 2
Knot number
Ep Em Ef Es

Fig. 3 The effect of knot number on modulus of elasticity


The dynamic and static MOE values of bulestained wood were
higher than those of non-bulestained wood in this study. Statistic
analysis indicated the significant difference in three dynamic
MOE and static MOE between bulestained wood and
non-bluestained wood. The difference among three dynamic
MOE was at the 0.01 significance level and the static MOE at the
0.05 significance level. The above differences were mainly in-
duced by the different properties between sapwood and heart-
wood. The Ep, Em, Ef and Es have close relationship one another,
all arriving at the 0.01 correlation level, and the most significant
correlation (R = 0.9161) was found between Ef and Es. Through
analyzing the relationship between three dynamic MOE and
static MOE and comparing among three dynamic MOE, the pre-
cision degree of FFT technique was significantly higher than that
of Pundit and Metriguard. The knot number had significant effect
on MOE value, namely, the dynamic MOE and static MOE
gradually decreased with the increase in tree knots number.


We thank Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd (FII) of British
Columbia, Canada for supplying the test specimens.


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Ep Em Ef Es Type Samples
number Mean
No knot 50 0 15.22 2.06 13.5 13.9 1.71 12.3 14.07 1.89 13.45 12.23 1.36 11.16
51 1 15.07 2.06 13.67 13.59 1.91 14.06 13.04 2.27 17.39 11.55 1.68 14.53
19 2 14.47 1.51 10.43 13.1 1.4 10.72 12.01 1.65 13.69 10.92 1.38 12.69

70 Mean 14.91 1.93 12.97 13.46 1.79 13.31 12.76 2.15 16.89 11.38 1.62 14.23
Chinese Abstracts 4

梁善庆,傅峰(中国林科院木材工业研究所,北京 100091)Journal
of Forestry Research.-2007, 18(4): 309−312.
采用 Pundit、Metriguard、FFT 等三种无损检测方法和常规
弯曲法对加拿大扭叶松(lodgepole pine)蓝变与非蓝变实木板材
其中动态弹性模量差异均达到 0.01 显著性水平,静态弹性模量
差异达到 0.05 显著性水平,并且心、边材及密度值不同是导致
间相关性达到 0.01 显著性水平;尽管三种无损检测方法测量结
果存在差异,但它们之间仍存在密切相关性,FFT 技术测量的
准确性高于 Pundit 和 Metriguard;板材中结子数影响木材动态
图 7 表 3 参 10。
关键词: 扭叶松;无损检测;动态弹性模量;静态弹性模量
CLC number: S781.29 Document code: A
Article ID: 1007−662X(2007)04-0309-04

不同环境温度条件下长春花生物碱代谢特点/郭晓瑞, 杨蕾, 于
景华, 唐中华, 祖元刚(东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重
点实验室,哈尔滨 150040) //Journal of Forestry Research.-2007,
18(4): 313-315.
度变化对长春花生物碱代谢的影响进行了试验研究。将 60d 龄
长春花放在温箱内在 30℃和 40℃下培养,测定短期(小时)温
度变化对长春花生物碱代谢的影响,在 20℃、25℃和 35℃温度
下培养,测定长期(天)温度变化的影响。在短期的 40℃胁迫
6h 处理后文朵灵和长春质碱恢复至 30℃培养条件下长春花的
水平。40℃高温处理 2 小时后,长春花根部的长春质碱含量提
高了近 40%。较长时间的高温胁迫可以持续促进文朵灵和长春
质碱的含量,且 20℃下含量高于 25℃条件下,35℃条件下积累
处理过程中持续获得积累,并在 35℃条件下积累的水平最高,
到 16 天时其含量达到了 0.027 mg·g-1。这些结果表明,高温有
密相关。图 3 参 11。
关键词:长春花; 温度; 处理时间; 生物碱
CLC number: Q946.88 Document code: A
Article ID: 1007−662X(2007)04-0313-03

林植物生态学教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨 150040) //Journal of
Forestry Research.-2007, 18(4): 316−318.
体在 OD600(0.5)的农杆菌菌液中侵染 10 分钟,外植体与农
选培养基,获得了最佳的转化效率。Southern 杂交结果证明
UGPase 基因已经整合到喜树的基因组中。在最佳的转化条件下
获得了 6%的转化效率。这个转化系统对于利用遗传转化对喜树
进行遗传改良是非常有意义的。图 5 参 15。
关键词:遗传转化;喜树;UGpase 基因
CLC number: Q943.1 Document code: A
Article ID: 1007−662X(2007)04-0316-03

哈尔滨 150040) //Journal of Forestry Research .-2007, 18(4):
2006 年 5 月在黑龙江省大兴安岭松岭地区发生高强度火
究对象,从 2006年 5月到 10月进行水样采集,检测八种离子(K+、
Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、Br-、NO3- 和 SO4

) 浓度的变化。结果
的溪流,而且大多数离子的最高浓度出现在 7 月。火烧后,增
加幅度最大的离子是 Ca2+。其平均浓度高出未火烧溪流 5.50
mg/L,各离子平均浓度增加从大到小为 Ca2+>SO42->Na+>
Mg2+>NO3-。K+、Cl-、Br- 平均浓度减小。火烧后,阴离子
中,损失最多是 SO42-,其次是 NO3-。总体上看,火后阳离子
增加的趋势大于阴离子。图 2 表 1 参 17。
关键词:林火; 火影响; 溪流,水质; 离子浓度
CLC number: S762.32 Document code: A
Article ID: 1007−662X(2007)04-0319-03

新纪录种记述 /王立志(陕西师范大学生命科学学院西安
710062;陕西教育学院生命科学系 陕西西安 710061);廉振
民(陕西师范大学生命科学学院西安 710062;延安大学生命科
学学院 延安 716000) //Journal of Forestry Research.-2007,
18(4): 322−324.
本文记述了我国高生熊虫属(缓步动物门, 真缓步纲,高
生熊虫科)两个新纪录种,分别是 Isohypsibius lunulatus Iharos,
1966 和 Isohypsibius prosostomus Thulin, 1928。Isohypsibius
lunulatus Iharos标本自太白山海拔2500米 (34º18N, 107º42E)
处采得,Isohypsibius prosostomus Thulin标本自太白山海拔2000
米(34º10N, 107º35E)处采得。所采标本全部存放在陕西师范大
CLC number: Q959.16 Document code: A
Article ID: 1007−662X(2007)04-0322-03