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全 文 :小头端菱形藻生长的最适光照
晏妮 1,胡晓红 2,陈椽 1* (1.贵州师范大学生
命科学学院,贵州贵阳 550001;2.贵州师范大
学地理与环境科学学院,贵州贵阳 55001)
摘 要 [目的] 为进一步探索小头端菱形藻
(Nitzschia capitellata Hust.) 作为优质饵料、生
研究。 [方法]设定不同光照度梯度,在相同营
养、温度 (25±1)℃以及光周期 (12 h/12 d)下进
比设置为 5∶1、6∶1、7∶1 和 8∶1,置于相同条件进
行培养。 [结果] 在 3 000 lx 的光照度下,小
为 0.51 d-1 和 7.97×104 cells/ml。 在氮磷比为
6∶1 条件下,小头端菱形藻生长最佳。[结论]小
头端菱形藻的最适光照度为 3 000 lx,最适氮
磷比为 6∶1。
关键词 小头端菱形藻;光照强度;比增殖率;
基金项目 贵州省科学技术基金(黔科合 J 字
(2010)2067 号)。
作者简介 晏妮 (1981- ),女,贵州贵阳人,
E-mail:yandy600@sohu.com。 * 通讯作者 ,教
授, 从事植物学、 水域生态学方面的研究,E-
收稿日期 2014-02-10
修回日期 2014-03-14
Optimal Light Intensity and Nitrogen-to-
Phosphorus Ratio for Growth of Nitzschia
capitellata Hust.
Ni YAN1, Xiaohong HU2, Chuan CHEN1*
1. Institute of Life Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China;
2. Institute of Geography and Environmental Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
Supported by Guizhou Provincial Science&Technology Fund ((2010)2067).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: yandy600@sohu.com
Received: February 10, 2014 Accepted: March 14, 2014A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2014, 15(3): 453-456
Copyright訫 2014, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Animal Science and Feeds
I t is well known that light is key forplant growth and development.Besides as source of photosyn-
thesis, light has a control on plant de-
velopment, including algae, namely
photomorphogenesis [1]. The develop-
ment of algae is frequently affected by
light, involving nutrient and reproduc-
tive structure. Among multiple influen-
tial factors, nitrogen and phosphorus
are widely accepted as important fac-
tors influencing alga growth, besides
sunlight. On the other hand, nitrogen
interplays with phosphorus and the
demands on nitrogen and phosphorus
are diversified upon alga species.
Currently, many researches are avail-
able on unicellular algae, such as
chlorella, and dinoflagellate, but less
attention is paid to diatom in fresh
water and ocean[2]. Planktonic diatoms
are a major group of algae easily be
digested, with abundant nutrients and
a major natural bait for filter feeders [3],
especially for Nitzschia which contains
lots of excellent and highly-valued al-
gae[4-5], whilst Bacillariophyta contains
higher fats and are believed one of al-
gae with promising potential for indus-
Currently, Nitzschia has totaling
350 species in the world and over 76
species can be found in China. Never-
theless, researches available only
concentrate on few species in our
country, including Nitzschia alexan-
dria, Nitzchiaceae closterium, and
Nitzschia plea, et al. [7 -11]. Nitzschia
capitellata is a unicellular alga in fresh
water, in Bacillariophyta. It is re-
searched that total lipids of Nitzschia
capitellata reach 9.25% and fatty acid
consists of myristic acid (C14∶0), palmitic
acid (C16∶0), palmitoleic acid (C16∶1), oleic
acid (C18 ∶1), linoleic acid (C18 ∶2) and
therapic acid (C18 ∶4). The unsaturated
fatty acid takes up over 63% [12]. Al-
though lower compared with diatom
average (22.7%) in ocean[13], total lipid
content in Nitzschia capitellata is high-
er than measured values of diatoms in
the test conducted by Lin et al. [14].
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to explore the potential of Nitzschia capitellata as
excellent baits and bioenergy, and the optimal light intensity and nitrogen-to-phos-
phorus (N/P) ratio suitable for its growth were researched as well. [Method] With
light intensity gradient set, Nitzschia capitellata was cultured with the same nutrients
at (25 ±1) ℃ and light cycle at 12 h/d to select optimal light intensity. Then,
Nitzschia capitellata was cultured with the same condition, and nitrogen-to-phospho-
rus ratios at 5∶1, 6∶1, 7∶1 and 8∶1. [Result] With light intensity at 3 000 lx, specific growth
rate and standing stock achieved the highest at 0.51 d-1 and 7.97×104 cells/ml. The
growth condition with nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio at 6 ∶1 was the most suitable for
Nitzschia capitellata growth. [Conclusion] The optimal light intensity and nitrogen-to-
phosphorus ratio were 3 000 lx and 6∶1, respectively, for Nitzschia capitellata.
Key words Nitzschia capitellata Hust.; Light intensity; Specific growth rate; Standing
stock; Nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio
Agricultural Science & Technology 2014
What’s more, the life circle of
Nitzschia capitellata is short and
biomass is high. Therefore, it is of
great significance for fish farming de-
velopment in fresh water with energy
shortage to research of cultivation con-
ditions for Nitzschia capitellata in order
to further explore highly-qualified baits
and development of application value
of biological energy source.
Materials and Methods
Cultivation of Nitzschia capitellata
Culture medium used in the test
was D1 medium, and glass wares
were all strictly washed and sterile with
a high pressure sterilization pot at 1
kg/cm at 120 ℃ for 30 min. Light was
provided by fluorescent lamp; test
bottle was a conical flask (250 ml)
where 100 culture solutions were
Design of light gradient
According to documents avail-
able, the suitable light range of diatom
is in 1 000-5 000 lx[15] and the light gra-
dient , therefore , was set at 1 000,
2 000, 2 500, 3 000, 4 000 and 5 000
lx, respectively. The same glass pane
was lighted from two sides and light
intensity was adjusted with a modula-
tor tube. Among different treatments, a
black paper was made into conical-
flask shape room in case of influence
of nearby lights. Practical light intensity
was measured in every test bottle with
an illuminometer provided from JIB IA
Shanghai Jiading Xuelian Equipment
Industry. The initial alga density was at
103 cells/ml for inoculation. Every illu-
mination series included three repeti-
tions with cultivation temperature at
(25±1) ℃ , and light-shading circle at
12 h/12 h. The test bottle sites were-
moved and the bottle shaken for every
3 h.
Design of N/P ratio
Parent solution in the test was
mixed well and added to culture solu-
tion as per N/P ratios at 5 ∶1, 6 ∶1, 7 ∶1,
and 8∶1, according to Survey Standard
of Fishery and Natural resources in
Inland Water Area. Meanwhile, a con-
trol group was prepared with N/P ratio
at 0∶0. The culture solution was at 100
ml and every treatment was set with
three repetitions.
Measurement methods
Population increase was mea-
sured with Cell Counting Method. For
example, since the following day of
inoculation, materials were sampled at
10:00 in the morning and algal solution
in a conical flask was well shaken.
Then, the culture solution was suck up
at 1 ml with a sterile pipette and added
into a test tube. After shaking, 0.1 ml of
solution was suck into a counting
pane. It is notable that the whole sam-
pling process was conducted in a ster-
ile condition. Cells were counted with a
binocular microscope in multiple times
to get averages, and the diagram of
algal cell growth was drawn.
It can be concluded that the in-
crease rate of algal cell is as follows:
μ=ln(Xn /Xn-1)/(tn-tn-1)
where Xn represents the number
of cell on that very day; Xn-1 represents
the number of cell in the day before; tn
refers to culture time (d) corresponding
to Xn ; tn-1 refers to the culture time (d)
corresponding to Xn-1. The average of
specific growth rate of algae was then
computed (d-1)[16] to be an estimate of
algae in a specific condition.
In addition, standing stock was as
where X is the number of phyto-
plankton or cells per milliliter in cul-
ture solution; A refers to the area of
counting frame (mm2); Ac is a view-
ing area (mm2); V represents volume
of counting frame; n refers to phy-
toplankton or cell numbers; m repre-
sents viewing frequency. The aver-
age of maximal standing stock would
be calculated and data in every
group were analyzed.
Results and Analysis
Specific growth rate of Nitzschia
capitellata with different light inten-
As shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2,
light has effects on growth of
Nitzschia capitellata. Within light inten-
sity in 1 000-3 000 lx, specific growth
rate of Nitzschia capitellata was in-
creasing upon light intensity. With light
intensity at 3 000 lx, in particular,
Nitzschia capitellata grew well and
rapidly. When the value of μgrew to
maximum at 0.51 d -1, cell density
achieved peak at 7.97 ×104 cells/ml,
which was significantly higher com-
pared with other treatments. When
light intensity exceeded 3 000 lx, how-
ever, the value of μ was declining.
In culture of Nitzschia capitellata,
both of cell concentration and matrix
concentration tended to be volatile and
cell growth experienced lag phase, log
phase, stationary phase and death
phase. With lower light intensity (1 000
lx), Nitzschia capitellata entered log
Fig.1 Growth curve of Nitzschia capitellata with different light intensities
Fig.2 Specific growth rate of Nitzschia capitellata with different light intensities
Agricultural Science & Technology2014
Table 1 Changes of Nitzschia capitellata cell concentrations with different N/P ratios
0∶0 5∶1 6∶1 7∶1 8∶1
1 0.10 0.23 0.40 0.40 0.40
2 0.40 0.44 0.50 0.60 0.70
3 0.90 0.95 1.10 0.70 1.20
4 1.70 1.82 2.00 2.30 2.60
5 2.20 3.20 6.20 4.50 5.10
6 3.40 6.80 8.80 7.20 8.00
7 5.10 9.40 13.40 11.60 11.90
8 6.70 11.50 16.70 14.50 13.60
9 8.80 13.70 18.80 16.30 15.50
10 10.20 14.20 21.10 18.10 16.30
11 8.10 12.30 20.10 16.10 14.60
12 6.60 9.90 17.90 15.50 13.20
phase through 2 d adaptation, be-
cause of light shortage, and in the
phase, the alga grew slowly and log
phase last long. As a result, algal cell
density was only 3.75×104 cells/ml af-
ter 4 d cultivation. When light intensity
was adjusted at 3 000 lx, log phase re-
duced and Nitzschia capitellata en-
tered stationary phase when algal
density was 2.1 times of that with light
density at 1 000 lx and growth rate was
3 times. Generally speaking, in the
range of 1 000-3 000 lx, the absorbed
light by unit cells increased upon light
intensity, and both of photosynthesis
and cell division sped up. When light
intensity was adjusted in 3 000-6 000
lx, in contrast, the harvested quantity
of algae were declining upon light in-
tensity. It is clear that there is a light
saturation point for algae. Within the
range, alga growth speeds up with the
increase of light intensity. When light
intensity exceeds the point, however,
photosynthetic rate would be weaker
or even stop. Yan et al. [20] researched
that Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus
obliquus grew the fastest with light in-
tensity at 5 000 lx when light cycle was
at 12 h ∶12 h, with light intensity gradi-
ent set at 500, 1 000, 3 000, 5 000,
and 7 000 lx. Liu et al.[21] pointed out that
the optimal light intensity of chlorella,
Isochrysis zhanjiangensis, Platymonas
helgolandica and Dunaliella viridis was
5 000 lx at 25 ℃. The test also demon-
strated that there is a light saturation
point for algae, and alga growth would
be inhibited if light intensity breaks the
point. Nitzschia capitellata grew slowly
with light intensity at 1 000 lx, but the
phenomena, such as decoloring or
death, were not found, indicating that
light intensity at 1 000 lx is not the low-
er limit of light intensity required by
algae. With light intensity at 5 000 lx,
photosynthesis of Nitzschia capitellata
dropped and growth rate declined, but
still growing, which indicated that light
intensity at 5 000 lx is not the upper
limit of Nitzschia capitellata, either, and
light intensity from 1 000 to 5 000 lx is
just a middle interval of corresponding
light intensity range. Hence, Nitzschia
capitellata is of high adaptability to light
intensity, but 3 000 lx constitutes an
optimal light intensity.
Optimal N/P ratio of Nitzschia
capitellata with light intensity at
3 000 lx
Some researches suggested that
N/P ratio in plant body is about 7∶1 and
even exceeds 8∶1 in natural water with
high productivity. Still, based on ab-
sorption characteristics of diatom, the
ratio of N to P should be controlled
at (6-7)∶1[22]. Hence, the test set tem-
perature at (25±1)℃, light cycle at 12
h∶12 h, light intensity at 3 000 lx, inoc-
ulation density at 1×103 cells/ml, and
N/Pratios at 5∶1, 6∶1, 7∶1 and 8∶1.
It can be concluded from Table 1
that Nitzschia capitellata grew in cul-
ture solutions with N/P ratio gradients
from 5 ∶1 to 8 ∶1 and the growth per-
formed better compared with control
group, showing significant differences
with control group (P<0.01). Specifi-
cally, 3 d before cultivation, algae in
different groups kept stable growth
and entered log phase from the 4th d.
In the end of log phase, cell number
achieved peak with N/P at 6 ∶1 at 2.9×
105 cells/ml and the number was the
lowest at 1.42×105 cells/ml with N/P at
5 ∶1. The number tended to be in the
range between the maximum and
minimum with N/P at 7 ∶1 and 8 ∶1. Ac-
cording to paired sample t-test (N/P at
7∶1 and 8∶1), the value of t was 1.308,
of df was 11 and of P was 0.217, sug-
gesting that none of significant differ-
ences existed in the two groups (P>
0.05). In terms of the whole growth
term, however, algal cell density was
higher with N/P at 7 ∶1, compared with
the condition with N/P at 8 ∶1. The re-
search results are in consistent with
researches available, in terms of N/P
ratio from 6 ∶1 to 7 ∶1. On the other
hand, based on comparisons of treat-
ment with N/P at 6 ∶1, with other treat-
ments, the values of t, df, and P were
4.003, 11 and 0.001 in the treatment
with N/P at 5∶1, 4.102, 11 and 0.002 in
the treatment with N/P at 7 ∶1, and
4.297, 11 and 0.001 in the treatment
with N/P at 8∶1 by paired sample t-test.
The results incorporated that signifi-
cant differences were found of the
treatment with N/P at 6 ∶1 with other
treatments (P<0.01), and the ratio at
6 ∶1 is the most suitable for Nitzschia
capitellata, when the use efficiency of
N and P achieves the peak.
Light is a crucial ecological factor
for algae growth and development, as
well as major energy source. With the
value of pH and temperature fixed,
light intensity and duration play a key
role in algal growth rate[23-24]. Still, light
effects differ on alga growth upon algal
species. In a proper range, photosyn-
thesis would be sped upby increase of
light intensity, but inhibited if light in-
tensity exceeds a saturation point [25]
causing slow growth and even death
of algae. The research also demon-
strated that the most suitable light in-
tensity for Nitzschia capitellata growth
is 3 000 lx with which growth rate is the
highest and the number of the alga
achieves the peak, laying foundation
for large-scale cultivation of the alga
and obtaining baits or bioenergy.
Nitrogen and phosphorus are
both nutritional factors limiting primary
productivity and N/P ratio has effects
Agricultural Science & Technology 2014
Responsible editor: Xiaoxue WANG Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
on alga growth. The research proved
that the most suitable N/P ratio for
Nitzschia capitellata is 6 ∶1 with light
intensity at 3 000 lx, which would
control alga growth in a rational and
effective way to promote fishing in-
dustry development.
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