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全 文 :农业环境保护 1999 , 18(1):34 ~ 35
Agro_environmental P rotect ion
王旭明 匡 晶
(淮北煤炭师范学院生物系 , 安徽淮北 235000)
摘 要 通过静态实验研究了水芹菜对污水的净化能力 。结果表明 ,水芹菜对污水中
的 N 、P 、COD 具有明显的去除效果 ,能明显改善污水水质 。
关键词 水芹菜 污水 净化
以太阳能为能源 , 利用水生经济维管植
物治理污水 ,可以在污水治理的同时 ,产生一
定的经济效应 , 而且投资少 、运转费用低 , 还
可以克服传统环保工程中的不少弊端 , 这方
面的研究已有不少成功的经验 [ 1 ~ 4] , 但利用
水芹为材料尚未见报道 , 本文对此作一探
讨 。
1 材料和方法
水芹(Oenanthe javanica DC.)。水芹对
环境条件的适应性较广 , 抗逆性强 , 喜冷凉 ,
较耐寒 , 适于冷凉 、短日照季节生长 , 生长适
温 20 ℃左右 , 10 ℃停止生长 。0 ℃时 ,只要加
深水位 , 茎叶仍不至冻死 。适生的 pH 为
6.5 ~ 7.0[ 5] 。
将水芹种子经 0.1%HgCl 2 消毒后 , 用
蒸馏水冲洗干净 。然后置培养皿中在 25 ℃恒
温培养箱中促萌 , 用 Hoag land 培养液培养
成幼苗 ,移栽至飘浮载体上进行水培 ,待苗重
约 40 g/株时用于实验。
载体为聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 , 其上按一定
的行距打孔用于插苗 。
培养箱为塑料箱 ,每箱盛水 20 kg , 投放
植物 0.5 kg 。另设不投放植物的作为对照 。
每试验重复 2次 ,取平均值计算结果 。
污水取自藕塘 ,pH6.5。
实验时平均温度为 15 ℃和 20 ℃。
总氮的测定采用凯氏氮法 [ 6] ;氨氮的测
定采用纳氏比色法 [6 ] ;总磷和水溶性磷的测
定采用过硫酸盐氧化法 [6 ] ;化学需氧量
(COD)的测定采用酸性高锰酸钾氧化法[7] 。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 水芹对总氮 、氨氮的去除效果
从表 1 可以看出 ,在不同的温度情况下 ,
水芹对污水中的总氮 、氨氮均有明显高于对
照的吸收和去除效果 , 分别达到 66.7%、
72.98%和 95%、 100%, 表明在水芹适生温
度下对污水中的 N 具有明显的净化效果 ,且
水芹在适生温度下 , 净化率随温度的升高而
2.2 水芹对污水中的总磷 、 水溶性磷的去除
从表 1 可以看出 ,水芹对污水中的总磷 、
水溶性磷的去除效果明显高于对照 , 吸收率
分别高达 73.7%、86.3%和 93.85%、100%
果 ,净化率随温度的升高而增加 。
2.3 水芹对污水中 COD的去除效果
表 2显示 , 水芹可以明显降低污水中的
还原性物质含量 ,吸收率达到 53%。
3518卷 1期 农 业 环 境 保 护
2.4污水中 pH 的变化
原污水中的 pH6.5经 4 d 的作用后 , 降
至 pH5.9(对照 pH6.3), 这可能与氨氮的去
除有关 。
从作用后的水质观感来看 ,水质变清 ,悬
浮物减少 ,透明度增加 。
3 讨 论
3.1 水芹的营养价值丰富 ,每 100 g 含蛋白质
1.5 ~ 2.0 g , 碳水化合物 2.5 ~ 3.0 g ,粗纤维
1.0 ~ 1.5 g ,以及一些维生素和矿物质 。
3.2 水芹的产量高 ,一般可达 75 t/hm2 ,经济
3.3 在医学上 , 水芹具有退热解毒 、清洁血液
的功效 ,是深受人们喜爱的一种水生蔬菜 。
3.4 水芹的虫害主要为蚜虫 , 可用 40%
1 000 ~ 1 500倍液喷治[ 5] 。
3.5 水芹可以作为夏季水生植物之后的轮作
植物 ,延长生物氧化塘的利用周期。
3.6 水芹是净化效率较高的植物之一。
参 考 文 献
1 丁树荣等 .利用人工基质无土栽培多花黑麦草净化
缫丝废水的研究 .中国环境科学 , 1992;12(1):9~ 15
2 区尹正等 .对几种水生植物净化污水的初步研究.环
境污染与防治 .1983;(3):8~ 12
3 水葫芦在污水生态处理系统中的作用及其利用途径 .
生态学杂志 , 1984;(5):36~ 40
4 程树培 ,丁树荣 ,胡忠明 .利用人工基质无土栽培水
雍菜净化缫丝废水研究.环境科学 .1992;12(4):
47~ 51
5 农业部全国农业技术推广总站主编 .水生蔬菜生产
200问 .北京:农业出版社 , 1995:103~ 109
6 金相灿等 .湖泊富营养化调查规范.北京:中国环境
科学出版社 , 1990:159~ 160, 165~ 166, 162~ 164
7 孙铁珩等译 .水的分析 .日本分析化学学会北海道支
部编 .北京:中国建筑工业出版社 , 1979:220~ 223
表 1 水芹对污水中的总氮 、氨氮、总磷 、水性溶磷的去除情况 (浓度单位 mg/L)
表 2 水芹对污水中 COD 的去除情况
试验天数 1 2 3 4 最终去除率
COD浓度 对照 146 130 124 115 21%
(mg/ L) 水芹 146 108 85 62 63%
项目 时间月.日
水芹 对照 温度
水芹 对照
浓度 去除率(%) 浓度 去除率(%) 浓度 去除率(%) 浓度 去除率(%)
总氮 4.12 15 15.68 15.68 20 15.68 15.68
4.13 10.08 35.7 13.44 14.3 8.96 42.9 12.32 21.4
4.14 6.72 57.1 11.2 28.6 5.15 67.2 9.86 37.1
4.15 3.36 78.6 10.08 35.7 2.24 85.7 8.29 47.1
吸收率 66.67% 72.98%
氨氮 4.12 15 9.2 9.2 20 9.2 9.2
4.13 5.14 44.1 7.28 20.87 3.89 57.7 7.17 22
4.14 3.35 63.6 6.1 33.2 1.44 84.3 5.84 36.5
4.15 0.28 96.96 5.6 39.13 0 100 5.08 44.8
吸收率 95% 100%
总磷 4.12 15 4.54 4.54 20 4.54 4.54
4.13 3.16 30.4 4.08 10.13 2.5 44.9 4.23
4.14 2.29 49.6 4.34 4.4 1.7 62.6 4.16 8.4
4.15 1.11 75.6 4.22 7.05 0.56 87.7 4.08 10.1
吸收率 73.7% 86.3%
水溶性磷 4.12 15 3.92 3.92 20 3.92 3.92
4.13 2.63 32.9 3.71 5.4 2.17 44.6 3.63 7.4
4.14 1.34 65.8 3.63 7.4 0.73 81.4 3.59 8.4
4.15 0.22 94.5 3.58 8.7 0 100 3.42 12.8
吸收率 93.85% 100%
4718卷 1期 农 业 环 境 保 护
Study on Cytogenetic Tox ic Effect of Cd
2 + , Al3+ on Vicia Faba Root Tip Cells in Vivo.Chang Xuexiu et al .(Biology
Departmen t , Yunnan U niversity , Kunm ing 650091), Agro_env ironmenta l P rotect ion , 1999;18(1):1~ 3
The experimen ts of the ef fects of dif feren t concen trat ion of metal ions(Cd2+ and Al3+)on the cytogenet ic to xici ty in
Vicia faba root t ip w ere under taken in laboratory: T he results can be concluded as fol low s:T he low concentrat ion of
and Al
3 +
obvious ly p romoted the cell m itosis in Vicia faba.Cd2+ and Al3+ , however , inhibi ted the cell mitosis when
their concen trat ion reached a h igh level;both Cd2 + and Al3+ induced micronuclei and ch romosomal aberrat ions in Vicia
faba root tip , no matter what level of concentrat ion was.With in cer tain range of concen trat ion , MCN F was found to in-
crease system atically w ith m etal ions concen trat io n.After the metal concentration reached a hig her level , th e MCNF de-
creased , while the ch romosomal aberrations was alw ays found to increase sys tematical ly with metal concen tratio n.
Key words:M etal ion , Vicia faba , Cytogenet ic tox ici ty .
Experimental Study on Application of Plant Fiber Film in Cropland.Shan X iuzh i et al.(Soi l and Fert i lizer Ins ti tute ,
CAAS , Beijing , 100081), Agro_environmen tal P rotect ion , 1999;18(1):8~ 10, 13
T he plan t fiber f ilm is a k ind of new fi lm made from reed o r crop s traw.The results of field experim ent using th is fi lm
to cover the spring m aize and indoo r experim en t of i ts deg radat ion showed that i t had many characterist ics of plast ic fi lm
such as , increasing the soil tem peratu re , main taining the soil mois ture , promo ting the crop to ripen earlier and increasing
the yield , etc.In addit ion , the f iber f ilm also had i ts own advantages that i t could increase the vent ilat ion and part icularly
degraded completely.
Key word:Plant fiber f ilm , crop land , Degradation
Detergent for Pesticide Res idues on Vegetables and Fruits.Zhang J un ting et al.(Agro-Environmen t Protect ion In-
st i tu te of MOA , 300191, T ianjin), Agro_env ironmen ta l Protection , 1999;18(1):11~ 13
A detergen t fo r pesticide residues on vegetab les and frui ts w as developed using alkyl polyglucoside as the main sur-
factant , alcohol as the co -solvent , potassium citrate as the builder and chelat ing agent , I rgasan DP 300 as the bacteri-
cide.The composi t ion was non-to xic , inhib itory to the reproduct ion of bacteria , stab le under bo th cold and ho t condi-
t ions and up to the hygienic standards.
Key words:detergent , pest icide residues , vegetab les , f ruits
Study of Photo-catalyzed Oxidization Phenol Wastewater.Y ang Guodong et a l.(Dep.of Environm ental Sciences ,
Shanxi Universi ty , Taiyuan 030006), Agro_environmental P rotect ion , 1999;18(1):19~ 21
The experimen t w as carried ou t s tudy of the ef fect of photo-catalyzed oxidizat ion w ith TiO2 as a cataly st on phenol
w astew ater samp les.T he resul t indicated that the phenol removal rate of low concen trat ion pheno l w astew ater(10mg/L ,
pH=4)in 2hour could reach 100%.The factors af fected the phenol removal rates , such as TiO 2 contents and pH values ,
etc., were also ini t ially studied.
Key words:Phenol w astew ater , Photo-cataly zed o xidizatio n , Removal ef fects , I nf luence factors
Cr Residues in Soil with Leather Wastewater Irrigation and Sludge Uses Contained Chromium.Yang Guodong.
(Departmen t of Environmental Science , Shanxi U niversity.T aiy uan 030006), Agro_environmental P rotect ion , 1999;18
(1):28~ 30 , 37
T his paper sample analyzed ch rom ium(Cr)backg round value in soi l environment in sewage irrig at ion areas.It also
calculated C r environm ent capacity , Cr accumu lative quant i ties and C r residue quan ti t ies in soil w i th leather w astew ater
ir rigation and sludge uses con tained chromium.
Key words:Leather w astew ater , S ludge uses ,Wastewater ir rigation , C r residue quan ti ties
Purification of Wastewater by Oenanthe Javanica .Wang Xuming et al .(Dept.of Biology , Huaibei Coal Teachers
col lege , Huaibei 235000), Agro_environmental P rotect ion , 1999;18(1):34~ 35
This paper s tudied the purif ication ef ficiency of w as tew ater in the s tat ic experimen t by Oenan the javan ica.The results
1999年 2 月48 农 业 环 境 保 护
showed that the Oenan the javanica could reduce P , N , COD value in large am ount.I t could obvious improve quality of
w astew ater.
Key words:oenanthe javanica , wastew ater , pu ri ficat ion eff iciency
Investigation for Pollution on Vegetables in Shenyang Suburb.Fu Y uhua et a l.(The S tat ion of Agro -enviro nment
Monitoring in Shenyang , 110034), Agro_environmental P rotect ion , 1999;18(1):36~ 37
Soi l and various vegetables , which closed to the Sheny ang were taken to invest igate the pol lut ion by the heavy metals.
T he research resul ts showed:(1)Hg , Cd , Pb and C r , which were con tained in the soils all exceeded the background
values of Sheny ang except for As , (2)In the Chinese cabbage , th e rate of over-standard of Pb was 100%.Cd was
58.3%, Both NO 3- and benzene hexachloride were 25%.Furthermore , th e serious dist ricts pol luted by Pb and Cd were
poin t ou t , (3)Cd and Pb , which were contained in the tomato s w ere over-standard.Cd , Hg and Pb , which were
con tained in the cucumbers , French beans and Chinese cabbages were al l over-standard.And in the above m entioned
vegetables , Cd-pollut ion was m ore seriou s.
Key words:soils , vegetables , heavy m etal pollu tion
Study on the Development of Ecological Agriculture in Mounta in Area Case Study of Ecological Agriculture Develop-
ment of Wulian County.Ge En feng et a l. (Bureau o f Ag ricu lture , Wulian coun ty , Shandong P rovince , 262300),
Agro_env ironmen ta l Protect ion , 1999;18(1):38~ 41
The paper introduced the developm ent of ecological agricul tu re in Wulian coun ty , Shandong Province.T hree devel-
oping s tages of ecological ag ricul ture development w ere discussed.T he integ ratio n of economic , social and ecological
benefi ts showed that the ecological agriculture is the m ost im portant w ay to realize the sustainable development of
mountain area.
Key words:ecological agricul tu re , development stage , mountain area
The Problem of Ecological Environment and the Counter Measures of Ecological Agriculture Construction in the Major
Soil Eros ion Region of the Upper Reaches of Yantez River.Ma Zhil i.(T rade and Law College of Chongqing U niversi ty ,
400044), Agro_env ironmenta l P rotect ion , 1999;18(1):42~ 45
T he soi l erosion region of the upper reaches of Yan tez River , especially the m ajor soi l erosion region ofFou r partsis
in an ecological enviro nment deteriorat ion and i ts soi l is in a s tate of adverse replacement.Soil erosion is the serious
barrier of developing agricultural p roduction and is also the source of poverty in the vi llages of the major soi l erosio n region
in the upper reaches of Yantez River.It is no t only related to the safety of the hyd raul ic pivot project of the Th ree
Gorges , but also has a great inf luence on the con tinuous developmen t of the whole m ainstream of Yan tez River.This
art icle has pu t forw ard the coun ter measures of imp roving ecological environmen t and construct ing ecological agriculture
region on the basis of analyzing the p resen t situat ion and fo rmation of ecological enviro nment of the m ajo r soil erosion
region in the upper reaches of Yantez River.
Key words:The upper reaches of Yantez River , ecological environment , counter m easu re
主 任 委 员 兼 主 编 买永彬
副主任委员兼副主编 傅克文(常务) 郭士勤 薛澄泽 张耀民 王宏康
编 委(按姓氏笔画排列)
王宏康 王 彦 孙铁珩 孙鸿良 刘书楷 买永彬 朱荫湄 牟树森 江树人
张壬午 张耀民 张厚? 李治祥 金维续 赵振达 郭士勤 郭志凯 陶 战
钱传范 曹仁林 章家骐 屠家宝 彭守约 傅克文 樊德方 黎南华 薛澄泽
编辑部成员 傅克文 潘淑君 井 华 李无双